No Way As The Way
My way might not be your way
But it’s okay
It’s alright, your way might not be my way
But it’s okay
It’s alright
Yea, I used to go to church
But the church didn’t quench my thirst
Mama taught me to put god first
But she never tried to block my search
I was curious, young but serious
Why's religion so mysterious
Why is black life so hard?
They say you’re not supposed to question God
Well is it okay to question the pastor?
Was it passed down from the slave-master?
It was only the truth I was after
But I never could get a straight answer
So I couldn’t relate to the sermon
Put down the bible, then I start learning
About life, didn’t know where the path would lead
But I had to get off my knees
I build with the Five Percenters
On the God within us, it’s no limits
Study the Metu Neter from Kemet
All saw, I remembered
Smoke herb with the Rastafarians
Grew my locks became a vegetarian
Following the Tao, building with the Baba Laos
Jewels being handed to a innocent child
My mind is a Buddhist temple, the truth is simple
I try to be principled
Walking with a warrior spirit
Ain’t nothing like learning from first hand life experience
I’m a realist, that’s all I deal with
Respect the truth, that’s all I build with
A child of the universe
My religion is life and it’s just as valid
I strive for balance
I gotta admit, I don’t know
In the end which way it’s gonna go
Why we sit by the project window,
Instead of living off the land with my kin folk?
Is there even a master plan?
An unseen hand? Is God a man?
Some say that’s sacrilegious
Same folks selling us lies about Christmas
Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny
Just so the capitalists can make money
They say God will take care of it
But you a terrorist if you say the same thing in Arabic
It’s so hypocritical
It’s a miracle, listen to the message in the spirituals
Wade in the water, I’m following Ms. Tubman and Nat Turner
I'm praying for my freedom
and heading for the border
[Hook: x3]
- More Debate on Saddam Hussein
- Barack Obama the movement: a race issue
- Problems with new BHU for mentally ill
- Understanding Solitary Confinement
- Amerikanos: Oprimiendo para una vida
- Mental Health Programs Just Expanded SHU
- Retaliation for Fighting for Legal Rights
- Build Unity and Non-violence
- Kkklinton breaks in its youngsters
- Gay man targetted for rape
- Repression at RJD
- Dixon's Disabled done wrong
- Control units used to torture mentally ill prisoners
- Black life is cheap in white amerikkka
- Abolish Prison Slavery
- Psychological Torture in Iowa
- War on Drugs - Democracy Style
- Fight legalized police murder of oppressed nations
- Grieving Leads to Brutality, but Staying Strong
- Healthcare in a Nightmare World
- Fighting Parole System in Texas
- The Cause
- Criticism of SNY Prisoners
- Debating Stalin
- Organizing Strikes for Lasting Change
- Grievances in Arkansas
- Weak Verdict, Stronger Movement
- Victim of Injustice System
- El cuidado de salud en un mundo de pesadilla
- Corrupt Grievance System in Private Colorado Prison
- Social Networking, Smartphones and Reliance on the Masses
- Reiterating our Position on Snitches
- Language and Revolutionary Struggle
- DOJ Likes to Pick Bad Apples
- Slavery in the Lone Star State
- Texas Grievance Petition Updated
- Forced Labor a Part of Daily Abuse
- Ely State Prison: Depravity, Despair and Death
- Prisoners Paid Nothing for Work in Oklahoma
- Release 4800 CA Prisoners: a Concession or a Scheme?
- Restrictions and Struggle in Texas
- Continuing to Fight ULK Denials
- MPMM signs on to United Front for Peace
- Texas Grievance Petition Updated
- Grievance Petition for California Updated
- Pigs Cannot Make Revolution, but the Third World Masses Can Smash U$ Imperialism!
- Abuse at Private Prison in Colorado
- Two Weeks on Food Strike: Seeking Update
- Hunger Strike Report from Kern Valley
- PBSP Hunger Strike Update - Education Needed
- U.S. Prisoners Build Imperialism thru Military Industries
- Medical Malpractice in the PSUs
- Calipatria Strikers Continue, Some Succumb to Medical Conditions
- 100 Prisoners Holding Out Over Unjust Validations
- Hunger Strike Report from PBSP
- Support the Statewide Mobilization
- Pennsylvania DOC Oppression by the Numbers
- In Time: Proletarian Premise with Focoist Mistakes
- Censorship and Grievance Denials in Indiana
- Obama's False Promise to Raza
- Arizona Grievance Petition Updated
- CDCR Delivers Only Tokens on Hunger Strike Promises
- PA Tries to Divide Prisoners with False Rat Label
- Abolish the SHU, Create Leaders Throughout the Prisons
- Political Activist Locked in SHU on Falsified Evidence
- GP and SNY Prisoners Guilty of Playing Prison Politics
- Review: Monkey Smashes Heaven 1 & 2
- Colorado DOC's New Tool
- SNY Debate: Everyone Must Prove Themselves Through Actions
- Book Review: The Essential Stalin
- Parole Denials, Solutions, Winning Cases
- Oregon Mirrors Country in National Oppression Statistics
- World Bank serves United Snakes of Imperialism
- Five Percenter Shows Unity with United Front for Peace in Prisons
- Lockdown in North Carolina Needs Organized Response
- Punished for Writing Protest of Shortened Visits
- Response to: A Peaceful Revolution
- Fighting Trickery and Abuse by Texas Prison Industries
- Pick Your Hand: Oppression or Liberation
- Colorado Grievance Battle Leads to Punishment
- Bringing Grievances to Higher Level Wins Again
- Angola Louisiana Warden Making Money on Prisons
- Florida Organizations Come Together in Peace for September 9th
- Grievance System Protects Abuses by PERT Team in North Carolina
- Exposing the Clique of Oppressors at Estelle
- Organize Against Imperialist Elections
- Separating the Strands: Comments on Bromma's "Exodus and Reconstruction"
- Unprovoked Beatings of Prisoners in Texas Must be Stopped
- Fighting Special Needs Prisoner Abuses in New York
- Stanford Prison Experiment, and Just Doing My Job
- Grievances Denied in Texas
- Prisoners Struggle with Lack of Education Programs in NY
- Parole Programs Hinder Re-Integration
- Retaliation for Exposing Vicious Beating
- Pigs Attack Mentally Ill Man on Estelle High Security Unit
- Building a Vanguard in Prison
- Debating National Oppression and SNY Status
- Ideas for Uniting in Washington for July 8
- Loved Ones Fight Santa Barbara Ban on Letters to Prisoners
- Fabricated Protests and Repression
- Texas Grievance Retaliation and Successful Tactics
- Building Healthier Revolutionary Lives in Prison
- Book Review: The Economics of Integrity
- British Conservative on UK Prison System
- Nevada Prisons Repression, Call for Resistance
- Control Unit Torture at San Quentin
- Pennsylvania Prison System Promotes Social Ills
- Division or Cohesion
- Guanswaneemo Bay Continues
- California Government Evade Legal Orders; Prisoner Unity is our Answer
- Hunger Striker Dies in Corcoran
- Day 15 Hunger Strike Report from San Quentin
- Hunger Strike Day 23 Report from San Quentin
- Texas Food, Medical and Sexual Abuse
- STG Kickouts are a Sham
- Herman Wallace Was Free
- Florida Censorship, Brutality, and Disgusting Living Conditions
- Retaliation for Grieving Sexual Harassment at KVSP
- United Action in NC Leads to Victory for Prisoners
- MIM(Prisons) Practices Deception by Leaving Out Other Side of Debate
- Health Hazard in Arizona
- Ride or Die in Florida
- Censorship Victories and Banned Lists in Illinois
- Legal Pressure Wins Some Censorship Victories in Illinois
- Fighting for Care of Disabled in Texas
- I am in Charge of your Destruction
- Pennsylvania Prisoners Petition to End Torture and Abuse
- New Virginia Organization Embraces United Front for Peace
- Lavabit Court Case Over FBI Right to Demand Encryption Keys
- Ohio State Penitentiary Conditions Decline
- Texas Evades Reducing Ad-Seg
- A Lonely Struggle
- HCON Abuses Fall on Deaf Ears, NC Prisoners Demand Grievances Addressed
- Global struggle requires global unification!
- Segregation is Torture, Unite to Fight Common Enemies
- Patsy Chavis: The Willie Lynch of Tabor CI
- Fight First World Chauvanism, Support the Palestinian Struggle
- Building on Legal Counsel Struggle in Arizona
- Oregon Long Term Program Expanded
- Book Review: Captive Genders
- SNY Warrior Down for Revolution
- Unity with SNY Threatens Credibility
- Support the Palestine Petition
- Case Law and Strengthening Spontaneous Action
- MIM(Prisons) Pwned by Sexual Liberalism?
- CALPIA - Building Better Lives for a Safer California
- It's Phase Two, We're All Goin' to the SHU
- Outbreak of Rashes from Contaminated Water at Tracy DVI
- Psychiatry Tortures Prisoners
- Know Thy Enemy
- United We Stand
- Loyalty to an Organization vs. Loyalty to the Oppressed
- Pennsylvania Censorship Victory
- The Call
- PBSP Food Strike Flyer (updated) and Example Letter
- Pontiac on Hunger Strike Again! Strikers join United Front for Peace in Prisons
- What is Culture
- Chicano Rap & Language against Assimilation
- Oscar Grant: organization, line and strategy
- Staying strong is our obligation
- Special Needs Yard debate continues
- NAMP response to MIM(Prisons) criticism
- Peltier Case Part of Long History of Amerikkkan Tricks and Oppression
- Response to People Against Racist Terror
- United Front and First Nation struggles
- SNY or Violence: Making Choices for the Revolution
- Conditions in California are Problems in Prisons Everywhere in Amerika
- Relating to ULK Articles on False Validation
- United Front Needed to Fight Texas Prison Abuses
- CDCR Memos Demonstrate Power of Strike, Fear of Prisoncrats
- Pelican Bay Hunger Strikers Hold Out for Real Change
- Calipatria Prisoners Staying Strong in Hunger Strike in Face of Harassment and Abuse
- PBSP ASU Hunger Strike and Retaliations
- Strikers Continue until Debriefing Stops
- PBSP Strike Update - CDCR Still Breaking Laws
- USW Study Cell Signs onto UF for Peace
- Connecting Struggles Across the Country
- CA Prisoners, Know Your Rights
- New Mexico Pre-Trial Facility Food Strike Against Cruel Conditions
- We Must Advance the United Front for Peace!
- Security Precaution Codes for Dealing with Our Conditions
- Inspired to Overcome Release Challenges
- SNY Debate Continues: Don't Let the Prison Divide Us
- Debunking Amerika's False Claim to Support Freedom & Justice
- Entering SNY to Give Up Gang Banging
- Enforcers Elite Society joins United Front
- Release Plans and Politics with Friends
- Psychology: A Battle for My Mind
- Commemorating California Hunger Strike, Continuing Fight Against Control Units
- North Carolina in for Solidarity Demo
- Burning Chicano Books
- Building for September 9 Across the Country
- SHU Term for Possession of Under Lock & Key
- Reprisals for Grieving Lack of Heat in North Carolina
- CA Gov. Brown Threatens to Further Curb Prisoner Lawsuits
- Imperialist Multinational Corporations: Our Most Formidable Enemy
- Texas Prisoners Win Victory by Filing Mass Grievances
- Opposing Turning the Tide Attacks on MIM(Prisons)
- Crime Pays for the Capitalists
- SNY Prisoner Finds Unity in CA Goals
- 30,000 Spark California Hunger Strike
- Support Florida Prisoners Against Keefe Snack Sneak Attacks
- Security Risk Group in CT is Arbitrary Punishment for Beliefs
- San Quentin Hunger Strike Suspended
- Government Uses Mental Health Labels to Define Victims
- Second Support Strike in Calipatria
- California's Most Dangerous Security Threat Group
- The Voice of Liberty Joins United Front for Peace in Prisons
- Countering Reactionary Aggression
- Health Hazards in South Carolina
- More Reasons for Georgia Hunger Strike
- Reconciling Stalin with the Conditions of New Afrika Today
- Texas Responds to Campaign to End Restrictions on Indigent Correspondence
- Wake up, Stand up and Speak up Against Control Units
- More Restrictions on Correspondence in Texas
- More on the Labor Aristocracy
- Supreme Court Upholds National Oppression in Education
- Inadequate Water in Texas Oven
- Building Unity Against Militarized Guards
- Palestine Petition Gains Much Support in California Prison
- Officers Boast About Death of Prisoner
- Colorado Mourns the Killing of a Chicano by a Cop
- Georgia Targets Goodfellas for Permanent Lockdown
- Stats Show National Oppression in Maryland Prisons
- Extortion in California Prisons
- Righteous Anger is Not the Same as Hatred
- Following Policies or Following Whims?
- AFW Joins UFPP, Plans Demo for Sept. 9
- Fighting STG Status Using Courts and Elections
- To a FL Comrade: Promote Peace, Fight Censorship
- Amerikans: Oppressing for a Living
- Economic Investigation of Washington State Penitentiary
- Psycho-Sexual Warfare vs. Political Prisoners
- Immortal Technique - The 3rd World drops
- Obama's world tour - international news roundup
- Some Ammo for China v. Bush
- Black prez in white amerika
- Victim in Clinton Brutality Needs Legal Help
- Peace in the Streets
- Texas Prisoner Forced to Work for No Pay
- MIM(Prisons) on U.S. Prison Economy
- Slavery Without Capitalist Exploitation
- Direct Appropriation of Labor by Staff
- LOs Must Organize for the People
- Fighting the Real Gangs with Paperwork
- Step up to expose and fight brutality
- Unite to work with MIM(Prisons)
- Inspired to join the struggle in Maryland
- FBI Arrests Peacemaker
- Save Hip Hop
- Talk of Early Releases with Economic Crisis
- The Hate U Gave Lil' Infants Fucks Everyone
- Kkklinton Continues Persecution of New Afrikans
- Hip Hop: Living Culture or Commodity?
- Pulse of the People Sounds Like Revolution
- Eminem = Emeny
- The Pigs Feed at the Lockdown Trough
- National Oppression as Migrant Detention
- Third World Muslim Prisoners of Amerika
- Detenciones de Migrantes como Opresión Nacional
- Gender Oppression and Health Care
- Forced drugging in prison
- Revisiting RCP Revisionism
- Climate Reparations? You and what army?
- U.S. bombing of Yemen brings attack on Amerika
- RIP Amare Selton
- California Ban on MIM Over... Sort of
- Internationalist Solidarity with Haiti from Behind Bars
- On the Importance of Political Line
- Haiti Update & Correction
- Ra'd Lives On in Our Struggle
- CO undermines hunger strike, causes death
- Our Unity vs. their Crisis
- Regarding security in prisons
- Address Our Grievances! Campaign Spreads
- The situational ethics of snitching
- Nation trumps class around Arizona law
- Abuse in High Desert hits mainstream, ban lifted
- Intentional deterioration of mental health in Arizona DOC
- All eyes on Us for Black August
- Appeals Denied on Mass Validation
- Gulf oil spill: It's capitalism, stupid!
- Boycotting work is unrealistic
- Response to my critic in SNY debate
- Uniting to fight denied food
- Mental Health: a Maoist Perspective
- Pig Gets Off for Murder
- Stand Up for Real Causes
- Legal Tips to Fight Gang Validation in California
- Let's Clean Up Our House
- Wyclef: Hip Hop President for Imperialism?
- Congress Report 2010
- Wrongful Validation in California Leads to Support for Grievance Campaign
- Self-Criticism on Relations with New Afrikan Ujamaa Dynasty
- Torture in SHU for Being a Crip
- Building United Front, Surrounded by Enemies: Case Study of the U.$. Housing Market Decline
- Lumpen United Front: Its Basis and Development
- Political Activism Killed by Religion in Louisiana
- Independent Leaders
- Keep Fighting Gang Validation
- Fighting Back Works
- Private Prison Scandal in AZ Legislature
- Professional Sports = Passion of Decadence
- Isolation for Symbolic Drawing
- Punished for Observing Black August
- Fighting Injustice is Uphill Battle
- ULK 18: Editor's Note on Political Repression
- Book Review: Defying the Tomb
- Special Needs Yards Revolutionary Fighting Fascism
- Call for More Gender Struggles in USW Work
- Edificando Fronteras Unidas, rodeado por el enemigo: caso estudiado de la caída del mercado domiciliario en EEUU
- The Subjection of the Incarcerated
- Battle at HDSP Gains Official Attention
- Middle East and North Africa: People's Just Struggles Lead to Cosmetic Changes Without Revolutionary Leadership
- Announcing the United Front for Peace in Prisons
- Murders at Klinton
- Segregation for Observing Black August Continues
- Ex-Capo Joins Peace Agreement
- Jasiri X, Choose a Side
- Purism Divides the Struggle
- Forced into SNY for Political Organizing
- Statement of Unity from the Makavelian People's Party (MPP)
- SMU Used to Prevent Activism
- Da Revolutionary Transformation
- MIM(Prisons) Puts Theory into Practice in Education
- Education of the Nation
- Thousands of California Prisoners & Supporters Rally for Weeks
- BORO Calls on Leaders of Lumpen Orgs to Step Up
- MIM(Prisons) 2011 Congress Summary and Resolutions
- Support Freedom of Association in Prisons!
- We Must Fight ULK Denials (Part 2)
- Inhuman Living
- July 2011 Censorship Report
- Response to "Time for Peaceful Revolution"
- Georgia Probationers Are No Third World Workers
- No Real Change, Hunger Strike Continues
- Lessons from an Imprisoned Panther
- UF for Peace in Prisons Statement from USW cell
- Debating the Violent Nature of the Lumpen
- Henry Park Obituary: MIM Comrade and Devoted Revolutionary
- Another Black Man Murdered by California Police
- Remember Attica and What We Need Today
- Soulja Boy Dissed by Amerikan Rappers
- CDCR Responds with More Group Punishment, Isolation, and Gang Charges
- Not All SNY Prisoners Debrief
- Hunger Strike Strategy: Tactical Retreat or Advance?
- Fighting False Validations for Colors and Tattoos
- NY Bar Association Report: Supermax Isolation = Torture
- Learn from the Hunger Strike and Build
- Corcoran Represses Strikers: Denies Salts, Sugars, Liquids
- The System Fails Us, but We Stay Committed
- Book Review: The New Jim Crow
- Validation Leads to Longer Sentences for Oppressed Nations
- Lost in Translation: Obama on Migrant "Problem"
- Imperialist Warmongers Target Iran
- Advance the California Hunger Strike through Strategic Unity and Criticism
- Correction on SNY Debate
- Criticism and Good Communication Helps Us Grow and Develop
- New Hunger Strike in California Segregation
- Peaceful Protest in Connally Yard
- Build the United Front to Address LO Contradictions
- Internal Unity Should Precede United Front
- U.$. Still #1 in Imprisonment and Criminal Injustice
- Security, Lumpen Organizations and names in ULK
- Learning from History of Struggles at YTS Chino
- Organizing to Target Prisons Financially
- Grieve, Grieve, Grieve; a Growing Movement for Democracy
- Correction to "Assassination Nation" from ULK 21
- Organization vs. Validation: Oppose CDCR's "New" Proposal
- Hatred from ADC and Grievance Campaign Update
- South Carolina Struggles and Lumpen Organizing
- Oregon Grievance and Discrimination Remedies
- Debating the Need for New Organizations: Cell Structure and United Fronts
- Relevance of Nationalism to the Prison Movement
- A Critique of Rashid's Black Liberation in the 21st Century
- Trayvon Martin National Oppression Debate
- Institutionalized Mind: The Breaking Process
- MIM(Prisons) Too Dismissive of Rebellions
- More Orgs Labeled "Security Threat" for Raising Consciousness
- Prisoners Take Over Adams Correctional Center in Protest of Conditions
- Ohio State Penitentiary Hunger Strike Ends
- Prisons Create New Tools to Validate, Prisoners Seek New Methods of Protest
- The Myth of the "Prison Industrial Complex"
- Improving USW to Accommodate Emerging Prison Movement
- Prisoners Study for Early Release in Brazil
- Call for Solidarity Demonstration September 9
- Palestinian Prisoners Still Striking Too
- Continuing the Debate on the Need for New Organizations
- CIA Front Organization or Revolutionary Group?
- Olympics = Global Village = Globalization = Imperialism
- ULK 28: Editor's Note on Security and Correct Leadership
- Grievance Campaign Improving and Growing
- Step Up 4, Revolution or Spectacle
- Police Brutality in California, Again
- Lessons from Trayvon Martin Case Relevant to Fighting Oppression in Prison
- Black August and Bloody September, Rise Up and Remember on September 9
- Solidarity and Peace Demonstration Builds, Guards Retaliate
- Snitch-Jacketing Aoki
- A Victory for Prisoners' First Amendment Rights
- Dept. of Public Safety Opposes Efforts to Stop Fighting
- Texas Guards Encourage Oppressed Nation Fights
- California Hunger Strike Representatives Promote Peace Agreement
- Less Complaints, More Agitation and Perspective
- Reforming the Reforms
- Prison Officials Tighten the Screws at Estelle Unit
- Grievance Campaign Progress in California
- Voting is a Pro-Imperialism Strategy
- Making Prisons Safer with Revolutionary Education
- Psychiatric Matrix of Isolation as Social Control
- Delayed Report on September 9 Protest and Repression
- Review: The Anti-Exploits of Men Against Sexism
- Grievance Fight Assisted with Citizen Complaint Letters
- Rapper Beef Props Up Prison Spending and Isolation
- Affirmative Action Battle Fails Oppressed Nation Youth
- New Must-Read on the Labor Aristocracy
- Indigenous Group Takes Up Revolutionary Organizing on Death Row
- Maintaining Our Strategical Advantage: Study Maoism Seriously
- George Jackson Correction
- New Rules for California Security Threat Groups - Same Old Repression
- Censorship Victories are Possible
- Connecticut Youth Killings Underscore Unequal Response in Amerika
- Unity Can Win Battles for Prisoners Rights, and More
- Washington State Prison Contaminated with Dangerous Chemicals
- ULK30: Consolidating Forces for a New Year
- Debating Trans Rights
- Expanding the Debate over the Political Prisoner Label
- Response to Turning the Tide's Misrepresentation of MIM
- Setting Goals in California
- Hunger Strike to Resume: California Prisoners' Demands Must be Met by July 8
- One-Year Anniversary of Peace Treaty in El Salvador
- Education in Texas, a Scandalous Affair
- Movie Review: Zero Dark Thirty
- Amerikan Torture Culture Hits Migrants
- MIM(Prisons) Responds to Turning the Tide Continuing Misrepresentation
- MIM Investigated as STG in Florida
- Advance the Struggle for Humyn Rights in CA Prisons
- New STG Step Down Program is a Sham
- No Peace in Central America Under U.$. Imperialism
- Strategic Confidence in the International Balance of Forces
- Texas Murder Milestone: 500 People Executed
- Trans Debate: Combat All Forms of Gender Oppression
- Expanding the California SHU Struggle to Nevada
- Fighting for Food in Texas: Grievance Strategy Response to ULK 31
- NC Prisoners take 23 to Court over Assaults
- USW Health Campaign Brings STG Violations
- Death Row Prisoners Kick-Off California Hunger Strike July 1
- Unity in Texas Against Guard Brutality
- May Day Strike in Ohio Gained Small Reforms
- Rats Undermine United Front Unity
- MIM(Prisons) 2013 Congress Summary
- Egypt Protests Demonstrate Power and Perils of Mass Protests
- Global Telecom Monitoring for Global Domination
- Week 2: Reports from CA Activists on Strike
- Laying the Groundwork for Revolutionary Organizing in Texas
- Martinez Hunger Strike Ends with Partial Victory
- No More Secure Web Business in U.$. - MIM(Prisons) Email Shut Down
- Debating Mental Health Treatment in Ad-Seg
- Force-Feeding Approved for CA Hunger Strikers
- Rashid's Empty Rhetoric on the Labor Aristocracy
- Maryland Prisoners Commemorating September 9th
- New Jersey June Protest Prelude to October
- Subscribers Declining Because of Too Much Criticism?
- CA Strike Suspended: CDCR Will Not Meet 5 Core Demands
- 2013 Censorship Report
- Terminology Debate: Black vs. New Afrikan
- South Carolina Prisoners Coalesce to Join UFPP
- Fighting Gender Oppression in Nevada Builds Unity Among Prisoners
- NSA Hacking Google and Yahoo Data Centers Reveals Broad U.$. Government Spying
- Striker Still Seeking Justice After Brutal Claw Hammer Beating
- Report on United Front for Peace Work in Texas
- Utah Street Gang Injunction Demonstrates Parallels Between Prison and Street Battles for Oppressed Nations in the U.$.
- "New Policies" Being Implemented in MD to Quell Protests
- Connecticut Prisoners Lack Access to Legal Info
- Illinois Strike Ends Prematurely
- I'm Not Crazy for Identifying with My People
- Book Review: The Girl who Played with Fire
- ULK Reader Survey Summary (updated)
- Update on CA Grievance Lawsuits
- Long-Term Lock Down for Prisoners United in Peace Treaty
- California Strike Negotiations Update
- Raise the Minimum Wage to $2.50
- Release to Amerikkka Brings No Happiness
- Prisoners' Lawsuit Makes Progress in NC Struggle Against Abuse
- Fighting for Useful Legal Counsel in Arizona
- Leaked Document on CDCR Step Down Program Exposes Brainwash Techniques
- ULK37: Using Our Money Wisely
- Cap the Maximum Wage in the United $tates
- Elevate the Prison Struggle Beyond Day to Day Goals
- Georgia Prisoners on Hunger Strike Since February 9
- Documents Reveal Imperialist Spies' Online Attacks on Activists
- Texas Restrictions on Indigent Correspondence Campaign Update
- Russia Seizes Crimea in Inter-Imperialist Battle
- Mayor Chokwe Lumumba Dead - Demand An Autopsy!
- Organizing Against Apathy and Collusion in New York
- Georgia SMU Prisoners Fight to Maintain Peace
- North Carolina Prisoners' Preliminary Victory on Use of Force Lawsuit
- Solitary for Encouraging Prisoners to Refuse to Buy Commissary
- Planning for September 9 Solidarity Day
- Use Economics as a Weapon for Revolution
- Texas Indigent Mail Battle Victories and Set Backs
- Resolving Contradictions, Developing Cadre for a Protracted Struggle
- Lasting Impressions
- Georgia Prisoners Unite for Peace and Education
- September Solidarity Demonstration: Using Our Financial Power
- U.$. Meddling Behind Bloodshed in Ukraine
- Goodfellas Build UFPP, Promote Multinational Organizing
- MIM(Prisons) July 2014 Congress Report
- Hundreds of Environmental Activists Murdered
- Hunger Strikers in NC Protesting Basic Conditions
- Capitalists Can't Save the Planet
- Originator of NC Anti-Abuse Lawsuit Down for the Cause
- Colorado Organization Builds for Peace, Activists Locked up in Segregation
- Inspired by Prisoner Standing up Against Oppression
- Facebook Shuts Down South Carolina Prisoner Accounts
- Virginia Prisoner Punished for Organizing
- North Carolina Bans Legally Permitted Activities, Nominal Victory
- Response to Texas Petitions Falling on Deaf Ears
- Maoist Movie Review: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
- Bromma's Worker Elite and the Global Class Analysis
- PREA National Standards: Symbol or Sword?
- From Unity to Collective Liberation; Learning to Unite Against Gender Oppression
- Hailey Care: Heathcare Disaster in South Carolina
- United the Power of the People Can Defeat the CDCR
- Fighting Police Murders in Ferguson and Beyond
- Texas Prisoner Dies After Pleas for Help are Ignored
- Fighting Gender Oppression in Prison
- Pennsylvania STG: Acronym for Oppression
- Don't Loot, Organize!
- New Tennessee Control Units Modeled After Georgia System of Torture
- Beware of Gang Intelligence in New York
- A Scientific Definition of Rape and Why the Gender Aristocracy is Important
- Pigs Orchestrate Race Riots to Fill Control Units
- STG Validations to Justify Reopening of Tamms Supermax
- Prisoners from Atlanta Arbitrarily Labeled Gang Members
- USW Shows Solidarity with Palestine, but Face Resistance from U.S. Prisoners
- Gang Validation: Justification for Torture and Social Control
- (Un)Due Process of Validation and Step Down Programs
- Summing up September 9 Protests
- "Party People" Problems
- Building Unity Fighting National Divisions in Texas
- Sex Between Staff and Prisoners in California
- Pigs Kill in Oregon, Punish Prisoners while Pretending to Investigate
- Texas Hides Grievance Manual from Prisoners
- Right to Assist Others with Legal Work
- Amerikans Richer Than Ever
- Big Picture Behind Fighting Unjust Gang Validations
- Step Up and Start Learning for Attica Commemoration
- Building Peace with the United Front
- Agreement to End Hostilities is the Main Struggle in CA
- Fight in Mississippi Leads to United Front Peace and Unity
- Organizing South Carolina Prisoners in Solidarity with Palestine
- Delaware Prison System Exposed as Tool of Social Control
- Carry on the September 9 Day of Peace and Solidarity
- Targeted for Validation Because of Prison Activism
- Government Hypocrisy Over Freedom of Speech in France
- A Day of Solidarity, September 9th
- Amerikan Land Must Be Redistributed to First Nations
- Education is Critical to the United Front
- Peace and Solidarity Challenge September 9
- Ensuring Prisons are Populated
- Plan of Attack on Texas Hiding Grievance Manual
- How to Unite with White Lumpen
- How We Develop Campaigns
- Growth and Challenges: Summing Up MIM(Prisons) 2015 Congress
- Torture Continues: CDCR Settlement Screws Prisoners
- Initial Report from September 9 Day of Peace and Solidarity
- Attacking the Myth of Binary Biology: MIM(Prisons) Eliminates Gendered Language
- "New" Torture Tactics at Pelican Bay
- Celebrate Freedom Fighters by Becoming a Freedom Fighter
- Arkansas Study Group Responds to UFPP Discussion
- Support the Illinois Fight Against Solitary Confinement
- Two Sides of Garvey
- South Carolina Offers Prisoners Religion or Starvation
- Fables and Facts: Fighting Police Brutality
- ULK 44 is On Point with Revolutionary Science
- One More Doctor Replaced
- Sept 9 Solidarity As Survival Strategy
- Lumpen Organizations: Organizations of the Oppressed Feared by the Police
- Hip Hop Serving the Middle Class
- Secure Communications is Key to Organizing the Lumpen