Texas Food, Medical and Sexual Abuse
I would like to respond to an article on page 8 of ULK33: Rats Undermine United Front. The brother who sent that in to you should be on something other than what he spoke about. I feel he should’ve been informing you about how these pigs down here continue to bring us cold food in lockup. How they mistreat Muslims during Ramadan and all throughout their stay here as far as how they are fed. It is so ridiculous how they so blatantly give you cold half-cooked, sometimes spoiled beans and a funky crusty peanut butter sandwich in place of a “pork-free” meal. There’s a sign posted in all the chow halls that says “drink at your own risk” when it comes to the juice. They put this poison out on the tables knowing that the majority of the offender population is more than likely going to drink it. We are not getting the proper portions, or enough to eat.
When you write a grievance and a step 2 followup, you get some type of frivolous disposition back on it. I have several grievances from different offices, all with the same disposition on them. It is as if the employees are trained with what to write on the back on the grievances. And they always side with the guilty officer.
Also, a female guard or nurse has power. Especially in these little hick and country-ass towns, where they wish a muthafucka would get out of line. Don’t matter what color you are. When they get thru beatin’ you half to death, behind something some female said, you’ll more than likely be beat blue. I’ve seen it at least fifty times. I even had a woman lie on me and say that I had threatened her physically, from behind two closed and locked doors. The warden looked at her like she was crazy and let me make it. I was just blessed to be in the presence of a warden who knows the game.
The article should have also talked about how we get charged $100 every year for medical, but they don’t pay us for working or provide a way for us to work the $100 off. Also, we only get $50 when we leave, and $50 when we go report. If you discharge they give you a whole hundred. Wow! And the windbreakers they make us wear during the winter months, and have the nerve to call it a coat. They work you in winter weather with no thermal clothing, even though they have more than enough to issue out.
Damn man, talk about the shit that’s really going on. The real shit. How muthafukas came in gangsta-and-guerrilla, but leaving out like ginger bread dolls. Yeah. And you all know who you are. You boys outta control down here in the great state of Texas.
MIM(Prisons) responds: There are a few points in this letter that need a response. First, we’re not sure exactly what issue the author is taking with the original article in ULK where another prisoner wrote about how rats working for the prison were undermining his United Front work. It sounds like this prisoner thinks that’s not important, but if we are going to fight these terrible conditions we need some unity, and building a United Front across organizations is critical to this battle. We can’t just write about the problems without also talking about the solutions, or organizing successes and failures, and how to build from there.
The point this writer raises about female prison staff is a good
demonstration of the gender oppression that happens in prison, that is
very different from what goes on on the streets. While biological men
generally have gender privilege relative to biological wimmin in
Amerika, there are some differences by nationality and also within
prison. In the prison situation, where most prisoners are men, female
prison workers can accuse those men of sexual misconduct and get them
beat or punished, without having to provide any proof. Further, numbers
from the Bureau of Justice Statistics demonstrate this power difference:
“Significantly, most perpetrators of staff sexual misconduct were female
and most victims were male: among male victims of staff sexual
misconduct, 69% of prisoners and 64% of jail inmates reported sexual
activity with female staff.”(1) Overall MIM(Prisons) sees gender
privilege as the norm for both men and wimmin in the First World,
relative to both men and wimmin in the Third World. But the abuse in
prisons should not be ignored.
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