MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
At the end of every year, MIM(Prisons) does an assessment of our work
and finances and we plan for the new year. We also solicit reports,
criticisms and self-criticisms from USW comrades. We were a little late
on that this year, so perhaps we will have more for next issue of
While most are finding it hard to predict what the next Trump regime
will bring, it is clear from this choice that imperialism is in crisis.
The uncertainty and threat of instability from things like tariffs,
deportations and defunding important social programs do not bode well
for the future of U.$. imperialism or stability of the current world
order of U.$. domination. There are clear cracks in the latter, despite
2024 being a series of short-term victories for the U.$. empire in the
The coming upheaval of the current system requires preparation and
organization. Since the dissolution of the original MIM in 2008, we
cannot say that the MIM has seen significant growth. The prison ministry
did accomplish a lot in the decade from 2008 to 2018, reaching new
heights in MIM’s prisoner support work. In U.$. prisons we saw
significant growth and some amazing actions of mass solidarity. As
long-time readers know, MIM(Prisons) took some major setbacks in 2020
and we’ve been regrouping since. In that period we’ve successfully
expanded our online recruitment. We’ve also seen a significant growth in
MIM line in online communities that MIM(Prisons) has never or no longer
participates in (meaning promotion of MIM’s 3 cardinal principles). This
has come along with a general growth in “Maoist” groups popping up,
evolving and dissolving, though most of these groups do not uphold the 3
cardinals. All of this indicates change in favor of the growth of our
forces here on occupied Turtle Island.
Assessing 2024
In the last few years we have revamped and relaunched all of our
educational programs for prisoners, which were all non-operational by
2020. We’ve also begun running them online. In 2024, we saw another
significant expansion of our educational engagement with prisoners with
the relaunching of our study group for USW leaders through the
University of Maoist Thought (UMT). Meanwhile, every year, comrades
inside and outside continue to complete our intro study courses. These
education programs are the first step to building the leaders we need to
grow our movement.
Beyond just education, 2024 marked the beginning of the intentional
building of the MIM-led united front. By MIM-led we mean ideologically,
not a centralized organization. While still in its early stages, these
discussions have been fruitful, involving people in cadre orgs and mass
orgs that are doing real work in the anti-imperialist movement outside
of prisons.
To be prepared for the changes to come, we must continue on these
fronts. We must educate more allies into leaders, through both study
groups and pushing them to engage in practical work. And we must
continue to develop our networks and infrastructure to support real
fighting forces in the future.
In 2024, our readership in prisons has continued its steady decline
dating back to 2016 now. We didn’t receive a lot of feedback last year
on the possible causes of this, but some factors include: drugs,
tablets, digital mail, more long-term isolation, and a general decline
in the prison movement.
We had less prisoners write us in 2024 than any other year in our
existence. This translated to another decrease in donations. A few years
ago we accomplished our longstanding goal of having prisoners fund 10%
of ULK costs. This seemed to be a result of Covid money. Since
then donations have returned to the more normal rate, but with less
people writing us that’s an overall decrease in donations. The percent
of ULK costs covered by prisoner donations dropped to about
4.2% in 2024, down from 11.5% in 2022.
On the other hand, this summer we distributed far more copies of
ULK on the streets than ever before as part of our effort to
link the prison movement to the student movement for Palestine. We got
close to our goal of matching distribution inside prisons. And our
donations from outside supporters (outside of MIM(Prisons)) reached an
all time high as well to help pay for those papers.
Overall, our budget was very stable between 2023 and 2024, and much
of the small increase was due to us expanding our operations in other
Other than continuing our regular publication of ULK each
season, we also put the finishing touches on our paper “Why the
International Communist Movement (ICM) Must Break with the Legacy of the
Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM)”. This paper is an
important summary of the MIM struggle against the Revolutionary
Communist Party(U$A) in the realm of the ICM, pointing out key
differences between us and the various revisionists claiming Maoism to
this day.
New for 2025
We have a number of things planned for this year already.
As whitehouse.gov removes all Spanish-language content, we are
excited to announce the relaunch of our Spanish page (or section) that
will start in ULK 89. We already have a Spanish version of our
current letter introducing United Struggle from Within and MIM(Prisons),
and will have a Spanish version of the intro study course level 1 soon.
So if you know people who are interested in studying with us in Spanish
have them write in for that. We are also looking for incarcerated
translators to help contribute to this important project.
We are already making progress in 2025 towards our unachieved goal of
establishing local AIPS chapters with local outreach, regular meetings,
educational events, and campaign support for comrades inside. This
should continue to expand our ability to correspond with prisoners and
attempt to rebuild interest in U.$. prisons around our work.
We will be pushing the September 9th Day of Peace and Solidarity, on
the anniversary of Attica, on the streets in the forms of fasting,
political work and study, and possibly larger events as we have promoted
inside prisons for a decade now. We have not seen much activity around
this inside prisons in recent years, so we hope this will inspire that
again and that we can reinforce each others’ efforts around 9/9.
The relaunch of our study group for USW leaders has been very
successful overall. Specifically, it has brought together some of our
most enthusiastic and advanced thinkers within the New Afrikan
Independence Movement, creating momentum around more proactive work in
that realm. We will be continuing this study and looking to produce work
from it for the broader movement.
Join Us
Imperialism will keep providing opportunities for resistance as its
internal contradictions only continue to heighten. It has been some time
since we’ve seen real opportunities within the United $tates, and it
remains one of the most stable places in the world. Yet, now is the time
to build. Opportunities are close enough that people are getting
interested in real change, but we must build before real crisis ensues
and the existing dominant forces sweep away our efforts because we were
not prepared.
Since 2020 we’ve seen a persistent slow and steady growth. We need
your help to sustain that growth into the future.
Damascus, the capital of Syria, fell to militia forces on 8 December
2024. The collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s Ba’ath government in Syria is
another setback for the resistance to U.$.-I$rael aggression in the
region. The last half century has also demonstrated the limitations of
bourgeois nationalism in the Levant. While Syria has been the center of
meddling by the imperialists and regional powers for decades, the Ba’ath
government’s failure is due to the bourgeois class’ nature as a
self-interested minority that cannot fully represent the interests of
the nation.
The current civil war started during the so-called “Arab
Spring” in 2011. Popular protests that year led to state suppression
of many of the more progressive forces. Meanwhile funding via U.$.
proxies (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) helped prop up
extremist Sunni-affiliated militias. In the chaos that ensued, the
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria(ISIS) arose to control most of Syria, in
terms of area, and parts of Iraq by 2014. At this point, the United
$tates teamed up with the Kurdish nationalist movement in Syria to form
the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to prevent ISIS from completely
taking over Syria, while Hezbollah and Iran fought ISIS on other fronts.
A decade ago, it was clear the Assad government could not sustain
Map of fighting forces in Syria in December 2024.
By 2024, the former al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, Al-Nusra Front, had
evolved into Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). HTS led a coalition of militias
from the Idlib region to take Homs and then the capital of Damascus soon
after. At the same time, the United $tates rallied the Revolutionary
Commando Army from al Tanf region near the Syrian-Jordan-Iraq border.
Many of the 2000 U.$. troops currently in Syria are in al Tanf.
Meanwhile, the Turkey-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) continues a war
against the SDF in the North of Syria. The Syrian National Army has
incorporated many former ISIS soldiers, and threatens to wipe out Kurds
in regions bordering Turkey to serve Turkey’s
interests in suppressing the Kurdish independence movement. But the
U.$. sees SDF territory as theirs, so Turkey is limited by its NATO
master on that front.
In coordination with the taking of the capital by HTS, I$rael
immediately seized strategic territory in the Golan Heights and
destroyed Syria’s military installments (reportedly 90% of their
capacity). I$rael has seized the highest point in Syria and territory
that was granted to Syria as a buffer zone in a previous war. I$rael is
now closer than ever to Damascus, with no Syrian military to stop them.
This means the ability of Syria to stand as an independent military
force against the U.$./I$rael has been eliminated. This has led HTS to
say they will not allow Palestinian militants to train in Syria
Over the last decade plus, hundreds of armed organizations have
operated across Syria; a condition that is hard for us in the United
$tates to imagine. The situation continues to be chaotic in Syria, and
those much more familiar than us have a hard time knowing what is going
on on the ground. It is clear that U.$. intelligence had a good sense of
the balance of forces and was able to foster this takeover by HTS and
others in very short time.
Short-term Impacts
Despite the reactionary nature of the Assad regime, which led to its
quick collapse in December, Syria has served as a base of resistance for
the region for over half a century. This is why, in the short-term, we
see the fall of Assad as a bad thing for the anti-imperialist movement,
despite being inevitable.
Syria was a transit corridor for resources from Iran to Hezbollah
in Lebanon, this has been disrupted. Syria can now serve as corridor for
I$rael to reach and attack Iran. The overthrow of Assad is another
short-term setback in the resistance to U.$. imperialism in the region
following I$rael’s successes in decapitating Hezbollah in Lebanon and
Hamas in Palestine. The recent peace deal between Hezbollah and I$rael
also indicated a victory for the U.$. camp.
Five days after taking power, HTS declared that all Palestinian
resistance forces must demilitarize. Palestinian factions, including
Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC),
the Saiqa, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Martyr Ali Aswad Brigade,
have had a presence in Syria as guests of the government for decades.
The refugee camp “Yarmouk”, near Damascus, is the center of the
Palestinian diaspora. Beginning with the Nakba in 1948, most
Palestinians have been forced off of their land by I$raeli settlers, and
therefore live in what are now separate countries like Lebanon, Jordan
and Syria. With the peace deal in Lebanon, I$rael is trying to
demilitarize Arabs there next. By cutting off the bases of operation of
the Palestinian movement and the flow of supplies, I$rael is remaking
the region for a complete suppression of the liberation movement.
After more than two years without a president, Lebanon’s parliament
chose Joseph Aoun on 9 January 2025. This U.$.-backed candidate clinched
the vote after the Hezbollah-favored candidate withdrew. Aoun, like HTS,
has pledged to demilitarize any groups outside the Lebanese army.
Hezbollah has long been the strongest military force in Lebanon, while
participating in a multi-party government. According to the peace deal
between I$rael and Hezbollah, I$rael had 60 days to withdraw from
southern Lebanon. They have not done so as Hezbollah has also not
demilitarized from the south as agreed to in the deal.
Sanction Wars
While the December events were swift, the overthrow of Assad was a
U.$. operation dating back decades, through low intensity military and
economic warfare. In 2002 Undersecretary of State John Bolton added
Syria to the list of President Bush Jr’s “Axis of Evil” countries,
justifying economic sanctions, which the Amerikans get their allies to
enforce as well.
Sanctions are economic warfare. Just like when you drop bombs on a
country, sanctions often result in suffering and death of the civilian
population. The fear-mongering around Russian election interference is a
joke compared to what the Amerikans have been doing for decades,
starving people to force them to change their political allegiances.
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Syria’s oil sales
in 2010 would have been around $3.2 billion or 25% of the state’s
revenue. But war and sanctions put an end to that within a year. Oil
extraction in Syria was first done by an Amerikan beginning in 1956. By
1958, Syria was part of Nasser’s United Arab Republic (UAR), which
seized the oil fields and machinery from the Amerikan company. When the
Ba’ath Party took over a couple years later, with the dissolution of the
UAR, they kept the oil fields nationalized. By 2013, ISIS controlled
most of the oil fields and were using them to raise money. Assad stated
that ISIS had two partners in stealing the Syrian oil since 2014, Recep
Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey and the Amerikans. China has echoed Assad on
this point. In November 2019 Trump said to the press that “We’re keeping
the oil, we have the oil, the oil is secure, we left troops behind only
for the oil,” referring to the SDF-controlled region of northern
The U$ imperialists want to monopolize the global oil supply as much
as possible and ensure that all major oil producing economies are
selling their oil in U.$. dollars. This allows the U.$. dollar to
maintain an inflated value in global commodity exchange (by forcing
countries that need to buy oil from OPEC countries to have a stash of U$
currency on hand). A secondary effect is that it makes it harder for
countries sanctioned by the U.$. to buy oil (forcing the use of proxies
to access U$ currency and do business with OPEC). This allows the
Amerikans to artificially control inflation of U$D, while currencies in
other countries like Syria, or Nigeria,
take on that burden.
The Revolutionary Commando Army, paid by the Amerikans, was making 12
times what the Syrian Army was paying, thanks to inflation crippling the
value of the lira, or Syrian pound. This inflation can be blamed on the
U.$.-imposed sanctions. However, it is also a characteristic of a
capitalist economy. There is a reason why socialist China did not have
inflation despite U.$. sanctions on the Communist Party of China.New
China’s First Quarter-Century, Foreign Languages Press, Peking 1975
And there is a reason why inflationary forces and financial markets
threaten the Chinese economy today, after 50 years of capitalism.
Similarly, the Ba’ath economy was susceptible to these problems and
more. Nationalist policies can slow the effects of capitalism, but
cannot eliminate them like socialism does.
The Limits of Bourgeois
The weakness of the bourgeois Syrian state is also reflected in
Russia’s unwillingness to get involved and Assad’s sudden fleeing of the
country leaving his army with no clear leadership for resistance. If
there was a way to maintain Ba’ath rule, Russia would have wanted that.
Contrast Assad to Sadaam Hussein in Iraq who faced a trial, and was
executed by hanging while calling for a united Arab resistance to U.$.
imperialism and a free Arab Palestine. The Ba’ath parties in both
countries come from a nominally pan-Arab and nationalist background. But
we see how circumstance exposes them as inconsistent allies against
When the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party emerged, about a third of the
world’s population was living under socialism, most of them in the
Soviet Union or China. The Syrian Communist Party was the other party
with broad mass support. These influences pushed a pan-Arab line with
pro-social economic policies in the early Ba’ath Party. Ba’ath was the
radical alternative to Nasserism and originally mobilized the peasantry
in Syria via land redistribution. The father of Bashar al-Assad led a
coup that abandoned this path, and focused on serving the urban
capitalist class. Today the national and regional economic projects of
the 1960s are impossible as war and divisions have become dominant under
imperialist influence.
The way the Assad regime folded was a sign of its own internal
weakness. Of course, this came after 13 years of more or less constant
imperialist meddling and instigating of civil war. But the resistance in
Gaza has not folded after 75+ years, while the once stable and
relatively powerful Syrian government folded in a matter of days. This
speaks to the internal contradictions. While parties like Ba’ath and
Hezbollah have served to suppress communist organizations, the
conditions in Palestine have united the nation to the extent that
communists and bourgeois nationalists are waging guerrilla warfare in
conjunction against the occupiers just days before a cease
fire is expected to begin. Now that Assad’s government has fallen,
Syria faces greater chaos, allowing the imperialists to play forces off
against each other.
Neo-colony of U.$. or
Jihadist Caliphate?
While the general media propaganda in the United $tates has been to
celebrate the takeover in Syria, the more thoughtful Amerikans are
concerned that HTS is “former al Qaeda.” They see conservative religious
views of such groups and lump them in with Christians in the U.$.
government who are fighting against abortion rights and diversity. On
top of that is the racialized view of Muslims as foreign, other, and
dangerous. But for the proletariat “al Qaeda” is not necessarily a
negative, and the network continues to capitalize on the perception that
they are fighting U.$. (and allied) imperialism.
Some real red flags for the proletariat to look out for are things
like doing your first interview on CNN within hours of taking power,
moving to neutralize threats to I$rael, letting I$rael seize territories
of the former state, and the number 1 red flag to look out for: courting
positive business relations with U.$. imperialism. These are all things
HTS leaders have already done.
Osama bin Laden is rolling over in his watery grave as these
rebranded al Qaeda leaders of HTS have become the tip of the U.$.
imperialist spear in Syria. But what appears to be the rise of a clear
U.$. puppet, emerged from the anti-imperialist bourgeois nationalism
that dominates the Muslim resistance today. Their bourgeois character
ultimately comes into contradiction with their nationalist claims.
As Marxists we look at class interests, and class interests in the
form of national interests, to determine who are our friends and who are
our enemies. And the majority of people in the Levant are proletariat
and peasantry. Palestine is clearly included in the proletarian camp,
despite their economic structure limiting class development and perhaps
being dominated by a lumpen-proletariat or semi-proletariat.
Much has been made of the foreign nature of HTS, that it is a
transnational group of ragtag extremists. But this too just feeds into
neo-colonial thinking. Expelling the foreigners is progressive when
aimed at the imperialists. But this is a specific brand of foreigner.
And the imperialists can easily pull together a group of born-and-bred
Syrians that will be happy to run the country for their Amerikan
sponsors. So the oppressed must guard against this form of narrow
Syrian nationalism may turn against HTS, but it is not clear who will
take their place and how they will be any better. The national question
is not clear in a country whose borders were created by the U.$. and
French imperialists in 1948. Like many political forces in the region,
the Ba’ath Party came from pan-Arab roots, that see one Arab nation that
is destined to dissolve the imperialist imposed boundaries. Syria even
briefly formed the United Arab Republic by merging with Egypt towards
this goal. More recently, ISIS united broad regions of Iraq and Syria
for a short period, though against the will of many in the region. What
is clear is that the Arab people of the region share a common interest,
and should be working together to meet that common interest. Currently
I$rael is crushing the attempts at doing so.
The New “President” of Syria
Abu Mohammad al-Julani is the leader of HTS, who united the various
forces that fought to overthrow Assad. He has returned to using his
birth name of Ahmed Hussein al-Sharaa. While he indicated it would be up
to four years before elections would occur again in Syria, National
Public Radio quickly began referring to em as the “President of Syria.”
The U.$. State Department also lifted the $10 million reward it had long
offered for al-Sharaa’s capture on 20 December 2024, another indication
of how the Amerikans are viewing the take over.
In 2021, al-Sharaa did an interview with Frontline where ey
said ey was radicalized by the Palestinian Second Intifada, stating, “I
started thinking about how I could fulfill my duties, defending a people
who are oppressed by occupiers and invaders.” Then al-Qaeda’s attacks on
9/11 inspired em to travel to Iraq to fight the U.$. invasion in 2003 as
a soldier with al-Qaeda. Ey was arrested by the Amerikans in 2006 and
imprisoned for 5 years. Ey was released, coincidentally during the start
of the Syrian revolution in 2011 and began immediately working to build
al-Qaeda in Syria, which ey called Jabahat al-Nusra, or in the U.$.
media referred to as Al-Nusra Front. Al-Nusra eventually emerged at the
center of power plays between the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. The
differences between these groups may be mostly about power struggles and
not ideology. However, ISIS was initiated by al-Qaeda affiliated people
who thought they weren’t moving fast enough to liberate the land.
Al-Nusra seemed to have a similar strategy, which is what led to
confrontation with ISIS. In the end, HTS was militarily fighting both
ISIS and al-Qaeda to govern Idlib province in the years prior to seizing
Damascus, while benefiting from Turkish economic support.
U.$. State Department aide Jake Sullivan told Hillary Clinton that
“AQ [Al-Qaeda] is on our side in Syria” in 2012, referring to the
Al-Nusra Front.
State of Imperialist Forces
Russia’s lack of action in Syria, compared to years past, is a sign
of their military over-extension with the war in Ukraine. They lost a
strategic naval base in the Mediterranean Sea without a fight with the
fall of the Assad regime. Like the United $tates, they seemed aware of
the Syrian government’s inability to sustain itself and cut its losses,
which were significant.
Recently a comrade wrote us asking about what are we waiting for to
start the revolution here in occupied Turtle Island. Well a lot of
things. From the Russian Revolution, Lenin taught us that a
revolutionary situation is defined by the masses and the ruling class
realizing the impossibility of continuing in the old way. In addition,
an actual end to U.$. imperialism becomes possible when it finds itself
over-extended militarily. This is clearly not the case as it is
effectively exerting its interests on the other side of the world via
proxies like I$rael, Ukraine, and militias in Syria. While the U.$. is
footing the bill, they are doing very little in terms of providing their
own military support and are not putting Amerikan lives in jeopardy to
do so. This could be to avoid open conflict with Russian troops, but
also avoids much of the backlash they faced while occupying Iraq.
The overthrow of Assad with only 2000 U.$. troops in the country is a
victory for the imperialists, but we’ll see whether this is enough for
them to establish a new client state in Syria. Syria has also been a
success for the Amerikans in terms of global public opinion. Following
the escalated genocide in Gaza over the last 15 months, U.$. public
opinion has grown significantly to condemn I$rael, but less so
Amerikkka, despite the recognition by most that I$rael is U.$.-funded.
In Syria the connection is much less apparent, but the predominant
sentiment is that the overthrow of Assad was a good thing. This is a big
difference from the Amerikan
regime change project that overthrew the Ba’ath regime in neighboring
Iraq. During the invasion of Iraq, the U.$. was in the position
I$rael is today. Today I$rael could fall, and the imperialist superpower
lives on.
Axis of
Evil - 25 years of Reshaping the Middle East
Following al Qaeda’s attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon in 2001, U.$. President George Bush coined the term “Axis of
Evil” to refer to Iran, Iraq and North Korea in 2002. While these
countries were not united in any way, Bush claimed they were all
sponsors of terrorism and manufacturers of “weapons of mass
destruction.” In reality their commonality was in their resistance to
U.$. imperialism.
This “Axis of Evil” was coined while the “Great Satan” U.$.
imperialists were invading Afghanistan, ostensibly for their harboring
of al Qaeda, including Osama bin Laden. That invasion lasted until 2021,
when the former governing Taliban finally returned to power. In those
two decades, hundreds of thousands were killed and millions were
displaced in Afghanistan. In 2011, the United $tates assassinated bin
Laden in neighboring Pakistan. The 9/11 attacks also triggered the
United $tates to launch an international prison network made up of CIA
“black sites”, in which the Bush regime okayed the CIA to ignore Geneva
Convention rules against torture.
After George Bush’s speech, Undersecretary of State John Bolton gave
eir own 2002 speech entitled “Beyond the Axis of Evil” that included
Cuba, Libya and Syria. In response to the “Axis of Evil” talk, people
from these countries began talking about the “Axis of Resistance”, since
resisting U.$. imperialist interests was the thing these countries had
in common. Iran eventually took up this term around its informal
alliance in opposition to the U.$. imperialist outpost of I$rael.
Before Syria’s takeover this month, Syria was the only state power,
other than Iran, to serve as a training ground and supply source for the
other members of the Axis of Resistance. Ansar Allah in Yemen, Hezbollah
in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine all participate in state power or at
least dual power. Other members of this alliance include Shia militias
in Iraq, other national liberation forces in Palestine, and now emerging
militias in Syria that oppose the recent takeover.
In addition to opposing I$rael and the United $tates, the Axis of
Resistance has generally opposed Salafist groups like al-Qaeda and the
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Salafism is a revival of Sunni Islam
that attempts to connect to its “authentic” traditions by opposing
things that didn’t exist in the times of the prophet Mohammed; a truly
reactionary ideology that wants to take society backwards.
Despite Syria’s important role in supplying Hezbollah in Lebanon and
resistance forces in Palestine and being on the U.$. “Axis of Evil”
list, Syria actually served the U.$. imperialists in their “War on
Terror” in Afghanistan and Iraq. The imperialists invaded Iraq (again)
in 2003 under the pretense of weapons of mass destruction, which was
later proved to be a complete lie. During this period CIA black sites
were operating in countries across the world, including Syria. These
“black sites” were a secretive international prison system focused on
torture, interrogation and disappearances.
While some recent U.$. media coverage of the freeing of prisoners in
Syria was proven to be fabricated, there were many people who suffered
under the Assad regime who are understandably celebrating or at least
relieved. While we criticized imperialist
meddling against Assad and recognized the Ba’ath government as
useful to the resistance in the region, its failure to serve the people
led to its demise. As always, we join in the call of the resistance
forces in recognizing the right to self-determination of the Syrian
people and opposing all imperialist occupation of portions of Syria and
imperialist meddling in the economy and resources of the region. Much
struggle will be needed to make that a reality.
Note: Our citations for this article are not up to our usual
standards, but we believe most of the facts here to be uncontroversial
and easily verifiable.
A local news station went viral when they started a live mass
interview with prisoners held in State Correctional Institution -
Huntingdon in Pennsylvania as part of their coverage of Luigi Mangione’s
imprisonment. The innovative reporter asked questions on live TV and had
prisoners respond by yelling answers and flashing lights to their local
correspondent on the ground. What follows are a couple of on the ground
reports to verify that event and the conditions exposed in that
$prayer wrote on 3 January 2025: The area where our
brother Luigi was/is held is called: D-Max, D-Rear, D-Obs. It is where
they (Huntingdon) puts people when they want to grind them up. It is
atrocious back there, dirty and disgusting. You probably seen the
pictures from the news of it.
The media was camped out here for a couple of weeks after Luigi was
caught here in Blair County. This jail is the worst jail in the state of
Pennsylvania as for living conditions. Light/night lights in the cells
in the RHU are constantly on 24/7/365. In D-Max, you might as well be
sleeping outside.
Back here in the RHU if you don’t cover up your air vent you get
freezing cold because it’s all cold air coming out, no heat even in the
Just the other day multiple C/Os (Correctional Officers) and a
Sergeant took a prisoner to the property room in the Restricted Housing
Unit (RHU) where there are no cameras and beat the comrade because he
wrote a nurse that works here a letter and sent it to her at her place
of residence.
I’ve also enclosed documents of an assault I received here. [The
grievance response confirms the comrade’s report that CO1 N. Metzgar
assaulted em with OC spray in September for no reason at all.]
A Pennsylvania prisoner wrote on 14 January 2025: The
part of the prison that was featured on NewsNation (The
Bandfield Show); providing the “Lights Show” that went viral, is an old
add-on to the “Older” prison structure that extends beyond the original
structure. Whereas, there are 2 extended Blocks: E-Block, which is the
Block that went viral with the light show, and F-Block, which is the
so-called “honor block”. Both E and F-Blocks assume perks. However, the
perks are minuscule in that such entails being in a cell with a window
and radiator. The rest of the prison is Shawshank Redemption style with
cells stacked by tiers and its steel bars and levelers to latch close
and to release cell gates. The cells are the size of a small bathroom at
best, and they are mostly occupied by 2 persons. However, the top 3 and
4 tiers (depending on the Blocks) are single cells only to relieve some
of the weight as a solution to the structural damages. Prisoners are
essentially housed on Blocks that should have been condemned decades
ago. The Blocks that are indicated as condemned online are in fact
fully occupied. Thus, prisoners are essentially
threatened by structurally hazardous living conditions. Although
SCI-Huntingdon isn’t up to code or PREA compliance, its cost efficiency
to operate due to its outdated mechanics rather offsets payment for
The compound is not only structurally hazardous, but black mold
continues to persist due to an old leaky plumbing system and mold
breeding conditions such as constant moisture, lack of ventilation and
inadequate lighting. There is no central air conditioning units on any
of the cell blocks. For the exception of the aforementioned E and F
Blocks, there are radiators situated on the ground floor of the prison
Blocks, and it’s only the few that works that provide the only source of
heating. And since there is no air conditioning, summers are
insufferable, and attributable to many heat-related illnesses, along
with many bouts of psychotic episodes. The brick cells hold heat like an
oven, which consequently exacerbates the health conditions of our
geriatric population. To add insult to injury, SCI-Huntingdon has a rat
and pest infestation. Currently, there are cell blocks riddled with
bedbugs, while enduring spider bites is common.
The showers contemporarily violate PREA standards, in that the
showers consist of an open area without privacy stalls, and therefore,
the only means of privacy while showering is wearing boxers or shorts.
Since the pandemic ravished Huntingdon’s prison population the
justification to close the dining hall and relegate food trays which are
barely room temperature to be eating in our cells is the new norm.
Meanwhile, recreation is limited due to implementations of said “new
norm” policies. These conditions are agitated by an administration that
has a culture that’s attitudinally antagonistic, indifferent,
incompetent, and explicitly racist. The majority of SCI-Huntingdon’s
prison population are people serving extraordinary lengths or death by
incarceration sentences. And this population is situated in a small
rural district that’s otherwise economically depleted due to the
industrialization of its farming and agricultural economy.
Thus, Huntingdon’s prison population essentially compensates for its
depressed economy by counting its prison population in the census to
meet requirements for federal funding and political representation for
its district. As an additional point of reference, SCI-Huntingdon makes
up for a bulk of the production for PA Corrections Industries.
Wherefore, there’s no wonder that in spite of the conditions, which
warrants its closing and demolition, the corporate/private socioeconomic
interest politically outweighs the civil rights and fundamental safety
of its prisoners. This dynamic is not far removed from what the Mangione
case represents. Although his alleged act represents a revolt against
the exploitations of corporate healthcare insurance industries, there’s
a message that’s also fitting to a corporate America that’s allowed to
exploit the people’s labor and basic needs on every level of society.
Indeed we live in a society where corporate America is the pimp, the
Government is the whore, the people are the tricks and the police
enforce, protect and serve this dynamic.
While the Magione case is made specific to the basic need and right
to adequate health care, such should represent to the people the primary
contradiction of capitalism, which exposes a common enemy vested in a
political system that panders and facilitates the corporate
exploitations attributed to mass death, mass incarceration, mass
inflation, and the mass affect of imperialism. However, individual acts
of revolution which can serve as effective propaganda are often hijacked
and trivialized by reactionaries, which are undermined by the corporate
media apparatus. Although, it’s my hope that such a message would
galvanize the common sense of the people, and assume a superstructure
concentrated on power to the people, rather than a cult of individualism
where our grief is isolated and our passions to transform the world is
reduced to alienation.
MIM(Prisons) responds: The class dynamics around health
care are described in the article
we put out on the Mangione case. While people in this country suffer
from the health care system, the wealth exploitation is happening in the
Third World and bringing wealth to the whole population in the United
$tates and other imperialist countries.
MIM(Prisons) regularly publishes articles speaking on the
reprehensible conditions in U.$. prisons. Why do oppressed nationalities
suffer these life conditions disproportionately, and what is the
The United $tates has been the largest economy in the world for some
time. How is that possible? It is made possible because the United
$tates reaps this profit out of the Third World. Many people know this
subconsciously, but do not put all the pieces together. There is a
common joke about Asian children making smartphones, but we do not
question why this is the case. It is the case because it is profitable
for the United $tates, because the company makes more profit when they
pay lower wages, then these commodities are brought to the United $tates
and sold for cheap, and everyone here benefits. The company makes a
profit and the Amerikans get cheap goods. That much is clear from a
cursory look, and proved by the recent literature on “unequal
It is obvious why the Third World is placed into poverty by this
system, but why the oppressed nationalities within the United $tates?
Historically, the internal semi-colonies were sources of wealth as well,
but today it is a question of distributing that wealth from the Third
World. The Amerikan nation recognizes, consciously or unconsciously,
that they have an interest in keeping their plunder to themselves. For
that reason, Black and Brown people are excluded from employment,
education, housing, and all the benefits of Amerikan empire. Racism,
therefore, is the way that Amerikans assert their economic interest in
keeping others from getting a hold of their money.
The movement against racism stems mostly from the desire of the
oppressed nationalities to integrate into the empire; the desire here is
for an empire free of national bigotry, wherein the currently oppressed
nations have equal access to the wealth which is pulled out of the Third
World, the globally oppressed nations. Anyone with two eyes, however,
can see that this struggle has been raging for decades without an end in
sight. The oppressed nationalities within the United $tates cannot leave
behind the Third World on the low chance that they may succeed in
becoming one with the beast; they must ally with the Third World in the
struggle against imperialism. Only by overthrowing this system of class
and national divisions can the oppressed within this country live to see
a day where oppression in general is dying out, and prisons in
particular become based on rehabilitation instead of “punishment,” and
where people are not restricted from life opportunities in the interest
of protecting the wealth of the privileged nation.
Does anyone today believe that true integration, true “equality”
between nationalities in this country is possible through the ballot or
any other means? The response to this question will be “if not, what
hope is there?” The choice seems to be between the gradual struggle for
equality on the one hand or nothing on the other, since the only method
of achieving liberation without reform is revolution, and most cannot
imagine the oppressed nations in this country winning any real fight
against the empire. But why are we imagining this fight as only between
these two competitors? The oppressed nations within the United $tates
are only one component part of the oppressed nations of the whole world.
The struggle for the revolutionary overthrow of imperialism is a global
one, uniting all who can be united. Yes, none of the oppressed nations
in this country can liberate themselves: neither the Black nation, nor
the indigenous nations, nor the Chicano nation. But the struggle of all
these nations, by themselves too weak to overthrow imperialism, together
form a mass which vastly outweighs the strength of the United $tates,
and this is where our strength lies. This is where our strategic
confidence in success comes from. Through the international struggle
imperialism will overextend itself, and it will open inroads for success
in national liberation struggles. These successes will weaken
imperialism further, eventually setting the scene for the truly
anti-imperialist force, the socialist working class, to make its
In just 8 months these people have increased their wealth by hundreds of
billions of dollars.
A group called Americans For Tax Fairness posted an announcement
online that:
“The wealth of the four richest Americans hit $1 TRILLION
“It’s the first time in history the net worth of just four men –
Musk, Bezos, Ellison, Zuckerberg – has hit the trillions.
“These four men were worth $74 billion twelve short years ago.
“Tax billionaires.”
A startling increase in wealth for sure. And who could possibly use
so much wealth? Have their lives even changed with this increase of
wealth of two orders of magnitude? Did they even notice? In related news
people are up in arms about one of the 4, Jeff Bezos, putting on a $600
million wedding.
Later this month, the wealth at Trump’s inauguration also topped $1
trillion, with three of the above attending with many other tech CEOs.
One of them, Musk, ended a speech with a powerful seig heil (Nazi
salute). Ellison also met with Trump within days of his presidency
It is true that any of these individuals could take a chunk of that
wealth and ride off into the sunset, never to be heard from again. But
like any one of us, we can only operate within the laws of the world we
were born into. And the laws of capitalism would just fill that slot
with another individual.
We’ll let Engels explain this in more depth:
“The capitalistic mode of production moves in these two forms of the
antagonism immanent to it from its very origin. It is never able to get
out of that”vicious circle” which Fourier had already discovered. What
Fourier could not, indeed, see in his time is that this circle is
gradually narrowing; that the movement becomes more and more a spiral,
and must come to an end, like the movement of the planets, by collision
with the centre. It is the compelling force of anarchy in the production
of society at large that more and more completely turns the great
majority of men into proletarians; and it is the masses of the
proletariat again who will finally put an end to anarchy in production.
It is the compelling force of anarchy in social production that turns
the limitless perfectibility of machinery under modern industry into a
compulsory law by which every individual industrial capitalist must
perfect his machinery more and more, under penalty of ruin. But the
perfecting of machinery is making human labour superfluous. If the
introduction and increase of machinery means the displacement of
millions of manual by a few machine-workers, improvement in machinery
means the displacement of more and more of the machine-workers
themselves. It means, in the last instance, the production of a number
of available wage-workers in excess of the average needs of capital, the
formation of a complete industrial reserve army, as I called it in 1845,
available at the times when industry is working at high pressure, to be
cast out upon the street when the inevitable crash comes, a constant
dead-weight upon the limbs of the working class in its struggle for
existence with capital, a regulator for the keeping of wages down to the
low level that suits the interests of capital. Thus it comes about, to
quote Marx, that machinery becomes the most powerful weapon in the war
of capital against the working class; that the instruments of labour
constantly tear the means of subsistence out of the hands of the
labourer; that the very product of the worker is turned into an
instrument for his subjugation. Thus it comes about that the economising
of the instruments of labour becomes at the same time, from the outset,
the most reckless waste of labour-power, and robbery based upon the
normal conditions under which labour functions; that machinery, the most
powerful instrument for shortening labour-time, becomes the most
unfailing means for placing every moment of the labourer’s time and that
of his family at the disposal of the capitalist for the purpose of
expanding the value of his capital.” - Frederick Engels,
For those four people to keep increasing their wealth, is to fulfill
their destiny in the system of capitalism. It is not a question of
persynal greed, nor of humyn nature, rather it is the natural law of the
current economic structure.
The call to tax billionaires is ultimately a futile act in opposition
to the laws of the capitalist machine. It is possible to do, and could
change the balance of wealth among those living in the most wealthy
country in the world. But the tendency of the laws of capitalism is to
go back to this point, and surpass it, in terms of the concentration of
wealth. This tendency to concentrate wealth, to maintain profitability
by out-competing others, is one of the inherent contradictions in the
capitalist system that require its end.
In his last speech as president, Joe Biden pandered to the labor
aristocracy with a hypocritical condemnation of a rising oligarchy.
People want to pretend that U.$. imperialism wasn’t always run in the
interests of the largest corporations. This growing concentration of
wealth is a law of capitalism that Marx exposed 170 years ago.
Marx & Engels also wrote about how the inherent contradictions of
capitalism build a “reserve army” of labor, excluding more and more from
participating in the wage system. Even in the richest country of the
world, where there is virtually no proletariat like that described by
Engels above, these laws of capitalism apply and we have a class we call
the First World lumpen. A class that is excluded by capitalism – the
only economic system that has ever had a thing called “unemployment.”
The idea that there is no work for some people to do is unheard of in
most of humyn history, as well as in socialist countries of the past
like the USSR and China.
In 2024, homelessness increased 18%, following a 12% increase in
2023. The official count is over 770,000 people, meaning real numbers
are approaching a million.(1) That is still less than half the people we
have locked in prisons and jails in this country. And both numbers may
continue to surge with proposed plans under the second Trump regime.
However, mass deportations could also contribute to a decline in
homelessness, as migrant raza make up a significant portion of those
without houses.(2)
Most of the people in the United $tates raise their pitchforks at
these billionaires in hopes of raising their taxes to maintain the
standard of living here. These people believe in the system, just think
it needs to change a bit. The First World lumpen are at least torn, in
that they benefit from operating against the rules of the system, while
also receiving some benefits from it. As contradictions spiral up, as
Engels describes, the lumpen will be some of the first to see
opportunity in the destruction of the old and the creation of something
new, in particular the oppressed nation lumpen, who we identify in our
analysis, “Who
is Lumpen in the United $tates?”
I actually did many years in the Arizona Department of Corrections.
The last six of those years was spent in the max (Brickeys/Cummins), cuz
I ‘bucked’ on em repeatedly. I’ve personally been through years
of what this Arkansas prisoner is describing. I filed hundreds of
grievances and they always responded with a denial of allegations and
found the grievance without merit, as this Arkansas prisoner said. I’ve
also had similar experiences with the disciplining hearings, with
disciplinary hearing officers, like ‘no-socks’, cutting the hearing
camera off on me mid hearing and automatically finding me guilty, etc.
For the longest time I held yards/showers down, barricaded cells with
spears, stabbed people, flooded toilets, busted sprinklers, slipped cuff
and attacked pigs to get justice, but I learned several things towards
the end of my set that helped a lot.
So when you – this Arkansas prisoner – ask what to do I decided to
give you a few answers in the long/short term; it’s inspiring to see
fellow Arkansas comrades goin’ down the same path as me, while “fighting
and spreading the word” in chains.
Okay, so in the short-term, request the prisoner’s self-help
litigation manual (4th edition) from the law library, they usually keep
several torn-up copies of them on hand, go to the exhaustion of remedies
section and pull up the case law at the bottom of the pages to
“shepherdize”. In 2016, while I was at Brickeys, Prison Legal
News sent me a free copy of their magazine and it had a case in
there from the Supreme Court that says that when a remedy (grievance) is
unavailable, then it is a “dead-end” process and doesn’t have to be
What I’m getting at is that there are certain circumstances (such as
when you’re being retaliated against as a result of exhausting your
remedies) that enable you to file the 42 U.S.C. §1983 lawsuit, without
completing the grievance process. You just gotta explain to the courts
in the §1983 complaint package why you had “no available remedy to
exhaust”, which sucks, cuz then you gotta survive a “summary judgement
motion” – it’s not easy either – once you file the lawsuit. The Arkansas
pigs are aware of this, which is why they don’t mind not signing
grievances or doin’ anything about your grievances once signed. Plus
they’re aware that the chances of them gettin’ sued are low.
Successfully sue them a couple times and watch their attitude adjust. I
personally went through this and didn’t get to finish the lawsuits cuz
the pigs where I am now trashed all my files.
Don’t just take my word for it though. Study into the case law on
grievance exhaustion and go from there (there’s no way to cover all the
case law inside of one article). If you don’t know how to shepherdize
cases, the book I told you about will instruct you on all that. On the
bright side it’ll give you something to do in the max. Get in the law
library, cuz while grievances don’t work in Arkansas, lawsuits do.
In the long term, I plan on collaborating with MIM(Prisons) to get a
campaign going against the PLRA (Prison Litigation Reform Act §1997) –
we’ll call it the “PLRA campaign”. The PLRA is what demands that
prisoners exhaust all available remedies, prior to filing any Bivens/42
U.S.C. §1983 lawsuits (Bivens are filed against the federal government,
while §1983 is for the state/local level). According to the 1st
Amendment of the U.$. Constitution we have the right to “petition the
government for redress of grievances.” And according to the 14th
Amendment of the U.$. Constitution we have a right to equal protection.
The PLRA violates both the 1st and 14th Amendments and I intend to
organize a class action challenging the constitutionality of the PLRA,
through the PLRA campaign.
In theory, our ability to “petition the government for redress of
grievances” is life-threatening and often injurious, cuz we’re forced to
exhaust dangerous grievances, prior to filing §1983’s. The fact is that
prisoners can and do get killed and fucked off – injured – for filing
grievances nation-wide. Filing grievances is dangerous in an infinite
amount of ways. They can’t legally force us to participate in a
grievance process that’s going to get us stabbed in the neck or jumped
on by fuck-boys, who are often in collaboration with the pigs. We are
unable to petition the government if doin’ so is going to get
us hurt in any kind of way. We can prove in a trial that it’s common
knowledge that guards, nation-wide, are capable of silencing and do
silence prisoner litigants’ petitions through retaliation which
intimidates many prisoners from initiating grievances or lawsuits. The
feds spent decades tryin’ to take down the five Italian mafia families,
in part for silencing litigants, so why not help us take down the pigs’
PLRA, which is essentially a technical loophole that they use to evade
justice or trials and silence litigants with mafia-like tactics.
The whole “deliberate indifference” standard that applies to 8th
Amendment (cruel and unusual punishment) lawsuits wouldn’t apply in a
1st Amendment claim. We’d be arguing that the PLRA exhaustion
requirement is “abridgement”, which doesn’t necessarily have to be
deliberately indifferent.
The PLRA violates the 14th Amendment cuz the prison class
can’t seek redress for mental injuries without there being a
physical injury, and the non-prisoner class can seek redress
for mental injuries even if there isn’t any physical injuries involved,
which is unequal protection. Shutting the doors of the courts in
prisoners’ faces so that we can’t seek redress for mental injuries
doesn’t allow us equal access to the courts, which also violates the 1st
Amendment. An injury is an injury. Take it from me, a severely mentally
ill prisoner, when I say that many mental injuries are just as bad, if
not worse than, physical injuries. Suffering from mental injuries is
also a “grievance” that we should be able to “petition the government
for redress” for, under the 1st Amendment. We have to ask ourselves what
the aim of the PLRA is when it comes to barring us from the courts for
redress of mental or psychological grievances? I think that the answer
to the question is obvious and speaks volumes.
How would the prison system look without the PLRA? The PLRA is an
obstacle standing in our way of combating the number one form of
psychological torture of the Amerikan nation’s prison system – control
units. And this is due to the fact that we can’t sue anyone for the
mental injuries involved with doing hole time if it doesn’t cause
physical injuries, and doing hole time, by itself, doesn’t cause
physical injuries. If we can successfully take down the PLRA, then we
can sue to receive compensation when we suffer mental injuries as a
result of doing long-term hole or max time, without there being any
physical injuries. If they have to compensate prisoners every time
somebody suffers a mental injury as a result of living long-term in
control units, they may lean more towards changing living conditions in
the hole (such as giving one access to books, radios, phones, jobs,
fixing temperature issues, etc.), flat out abolishing the control units,
or reducing length of control unit sentences.
Anything mentally injurious going on inside of the prison that is
simply for revenge-based punishments and not for security purposes could
then lead to mass amounts of compensation. The compensation will deter
psychological torture and amplify mental-health treatments.
The last aspect of taking down the PLRA is that prisoners would no
longer have to exhaust remedies in order to file Bivens/§1983s. If we
can end the PLRA in the long term, then this would end the grievance
campaign altogether.
With that I’ll close. I hope my response was helpful.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We’ve published a paper
by the Dawnland Group discussing the organizations that were behind
the now defunct magazine Kites. As summarized in that essay,
these organizations reject the labor aristocracy thesis and the
importance of national liberation struggles (see What is MIM(Prisons)?
for more on our positions).
In addition, this month we are publishing on our website the final
version of our paper, “Why the International Communist Movement (ICM)
Must Break with the Legacy of the Revolutionary Internationalist
Movement (RIM).” This paper is a critique of the RCP-U$A, and the RIM
that it helped lead, on the grounds that they put First Worldist and
revisionist ideology at the forefront of the ICM. This paper was
inspired in part by the work of the OCR and the ideas and papers (by Bob
Avakian) that they promote. Part 2 of this review by ROA addresses the
section of Kites #8 on the RCP-U$A.]
“The CP, The Sixties, The RCP and the Crying
need for a Communist Vanguard Party Today: Summing up a century of
communist leadership organization, strategy and practice in the United
States so that we can rise to the challenges before us”
by the Organization of Communist Revolutionaries Kites Journal #8
13 March 2023
In this piece put out by the Organization of Communist
Revolutionaries (OCR) they attempt to shed light on two organizations –
the Communist Party-USA (CP) and the Revolutionary Communist Party USA
(RCP-USA). This paper further delves into the 1960’s and the communist
movement in general, particularly within these false U.$. borders.
As the writers point out little has been written about the RCP-USA so
not much is known for the newer generation of revolutionaries. Some of
the members of our organization however have experience with the RCP-USA
and have debated and struggled with them for a couple of decades over
their neo-colonial line toward Aztlán to no avail. Their failure to
recognize the existence of the Chican@ Nation has led us to label them
as a revisionist party to say the least. So this paper was welcoming and
a way for our comrades to sum up this relic of a distorted past called
the RCP-USA.
The writers list the Socialist Party of America (SP) and the
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) as the forerunners to communist
organization in the United $tates. It should also be noted that white
supremacy and language barriers hindered the recruitment of Chican@s, or
other raza, into these organizations. It is interesting that 100 years
later white supremacy continues to affect the line of many
multi-national organizations like the IWW, especially when they attempt
to put our national interests on the back burner while accusing us of
wanting to put our nation first. It is not that we simply want to put
the national struggle to the forefront for some subjective reward, we do
so as revolutionary nationalists because we have determined that the
principle contradiction is between the oppressed nations and the
oppressor nation. A people cannot be free to determine their future if
they are suffering from oppression.
As noted in this paper, the early days of the communist movement in
the United $tates had a proletariat that was “substantially immigrant”,
today we see the same with the proletariat being mainly migrant workers,
particularly those from Mexico. This seems to make the vanguard’s job
easier organizationally. Back then there was a proletariat of various
migrants from various countries, including many from Europe, so a
communist vanguard role would have been to create agit/prop material in
these various languages in an attempt to raise consciousness in these
populations. We see the Chican@ nations role as key in today’s
environment where the proletariat is largely Mexican@ and from Central
and South America making Aztlán’s job of uniting the Brown exploited
workers under the Chican@ leadership much easier than any other national
organization. The trail of liberation on these shores is Brown.
At one point the issue of Black oppression was addressed in this
paper, noting that the communist movement of this time essentially
dropped the ball and:
“Subjectively, the failure of US communists to prioritize making an
analysis of the Black national question – the oppression of Black People
and how that oppression can be ended through communist revolution and
begin making political interventions in struggles over the oppression of
Black people was a serious, strategic blunder that only compounded the
objective problem.”(1)
Another “strategic blunder” of the time was in not prioritizing an
analysis of Chican@ national oppression – not only back in the early
1900’s but the continued blundering of today when many political
organizations within these false U.$. borders continue to ignore the
very essential Chican@ struggle in their analysis. This also highlights
the continued necessity of single-nation building for Aztlán. After all
if the Chicano nation does not organize for the liberation of Aztlán who
The early 1900’s was prime time for the Chican@ nation in terms of
rebellion, it was just about 50 years since colonization at the hands of
U.$. imperialism but it was also a time of the Plan de San Diego. As our
Chicano Red Book put it:
“During the first decade of the 1900’s a group of unidentified
Mexican@s or Chican@s put out a document calling for armed resistance by
Chican@s. The Plan de San Diego called for Armed Struggle against
Amerika and proclaimed that upon victory the”South West United States”
would become a Chican@ state, New Afrikans would form their own state
and First Nations their own state. This was the first united front of
the oppressed nations on these shores that sought independence for all
oppressed nations upon victory: the Plan demonstrated true
So although Chican@s have been resisting and organizing for
independence even before U.$. communists began to organize in the SP,
IWW, CP or Communist Labor Party (CLP), none of these so-called
revolutionary orgs developed an analysis on raza or our colonization
during the early 20th century. The RCP-USA still has not supported
Chican@ independence. Marxism taught us historical materialism which we
use to learn from hystory. Hystory has taught us that anytime we have
lifted the boot of the white oppressor nation off our necks it has been
by Chicanos coming together and struggling. Whether it was against white
terror that las Goras Blancas (the white caps) fought or against
Amerikkka which compelled the Plan de San Diego to develop, we have, as
a people, always struggled against national oppression from the
factories to the field. The most significant labor strike in U.$.
hystory, which was a Chican@ strike but which white labor has hijacked
and renamed “The Ludlow Massacre”.
During the time that the SP, CP, IWW and CLP were committing the
blunder on the Black nation, they likewise committed a great blunder on
the Chican@ nation who was also struggling against national oppression.
Because of this hystory we set out to create the Republic of Aztlán, the
government in waiting for the Chican@ nation. The writers note the CP’s
“foreign language workers clubs” and their role in organizing
non-English speakers. Taking into account the almost non-existent
analysis of the Chican@ struggle by the movement in U.$. borders, it
highlights the need for Raza workers org’s and clubs to help organize
and develop immigrants who suffer from exploitation.
This piece sums up the trials and tribulations of the CP. Their
factionalism and devotion to the unions seemed to drown out the
suffering of the internal semi-colonies of the time. The Comintern and,
in particular, Stalin’s guidance, led the CP to finally give the Black
nation and their struggles against national oppression some attention.
Aztlán was ripe for development during this time when white labor denied
Chican@s as well as many other oppressed at the time.
An interesting mention in this piece was on the development of a
“guerilla military force.” In discussing the communist activities of the
1920’s the writers state:
“There is a question of whether Communists could have developed some
type of guerrilla military force to supplement the mass labor struggles
that erupted and to contend with the repression by way of organized
armed defense of strikers where appropriate (some of that happened
spontaneously) and selective assassinations of agents of repression!!”
Although we do not promote People’s War today, the fact remains that
a vanguard’s role is to be prepared to defend the people, especially
when the capitalist state unleashes the most vile forms of repression.
One has to be prepared for the inevitable, this includes the
understanding that a strike force is a very necessary vehicle for
defense of an oppressed peoples. No nation will ever acquire liberation
without such a mechanism in place. Cadre should grasp this, teach this
and prepare for the time when such a force is necessary. Fanon was clear
in that colonial violence can only be overcome by a greater violence,
the oppressor nation understands no other language. At the same time,
the cadre should accept that such a dialogue is a great sacrifice of the
highest form. Indeed, we cannot study revolution without studying what
such warfare would deliver society to such a transformation. The Black
Liberation Army sliced to the heart of it when they said:
“Bombings, kidnappings, sniping, revolutionary executions, surprise
raids, bank robbery: all of these are rightfully weapons of urban
guerrilla warfare. As we use them we must take care to maintain high
principles and keep in mind that power to the people is more than
just”campaign rhetoric”.” (4)
Although campaign rhetoric may be leading much of the public
discourse, a realistic view of national liberation leads us to develop
plans of attack and self defense even if the plans do not become
operational until after our demise. The future of any socialist
revolution demands this.
Subjectively, the part of this writing that hit the hardest to those
of us who organize within the U.$. concentration kamps was the portion
describing the story of the young womyn named Marian Morna, the 18 year
old member of the CP’s Young Communist League who describes integrating
with the masses to organize strikes in the fields of California’s
Imperial Valley. Her description was incredibly moving, in her
“The years with the fruit pickers became a world within the world, a
microcosm of feelings that never left me, not even when I left them. I
lived with the pickers, ate, slept, and got drunk with them. I helped
bury their men and deliver their babies. We laughed, cried, and talked
endlessly into the night together. And, slowly, some extraordinary
interchange began to take place between us. I taught them how to read,
and they taught me how to think. I taught them how to organize, and they
taught me how to lead. I saw things happening to people I’d never seen
before. I saw them becoming as they never dreamed they could become. Day
by day people were developing, transforming, communicating inarticulate
dreams, discovering a force of being in themselves. Desires, skills,
capacities they didn’t know they had blossomed under the pressure of
active struggle. And the sweetness, the generosity, the pure comradeship
that came flowing out of them as they began to feel themselves! They
were—there’s no other word for it—noble. Powerful in struggle, no longer
sluggish with depression, they became inventive, alive, democratic,
filled with an instinctive sense of responsibility for each other. And
we were all like that, all of us, the spirit touched all of us. It was
my dream of socialism come to life. I saw then what I could be like,
what people could always be like, how good the earth and all things upon
it could be, how sweet to be alive and to feel yourself in everyone
If one were to replace the words “fruit pickers” with “lumpen” or
“prisoners” it would be spot on to an organizer’s experiences in the
concentration kamps. I feel it. The connections that develop with the
masses in any environment cannot be manufactured insincerely. Oppressed
people, wherever they may be struggling against an oppressor, at some
point develop relations that give us a glimmer of what social
interaction and struggle will feel like as society transforms to a
higher level, we taste it and this sampler compels us forward for
Another glimmer of hope we learn about in this piece was in the
lesson of the Yokinen Show trial in 1931. August Yokinen was a member of
the CP who refused to allow Black folks to enter the Finnish Workers
Club in Harlem and went on to say their place was in Black Harlem. The
reaction to this was the CP having a show trial charging Yokinen with
white chauvinism. It was public and even got coverage in the bourgeois
press with The New York Times putting it on the front page. The
trial provided good agit prop for the masses and highlighted the
inability of the capitalist state to address white supremacy and hold
white chauvinism accountable and the CP did. This educated the masses
and put Amerika on blast. This reminded me of our org’s action around a
gun buy-back program by the pigs. We had a comrade announce on the radio
live that there was going to be a gun buy back, where the pigs can turn
in the stolen “hot” guns they had in their trunks that they regularly
planted on people. We announced they can remain anonymous and that we
will not ask for a badge number. Our goal was simply to keep our streets
safe from pig terror. We did this to raise consciousness and, although
in our case we did not get coverage in the bourgeois press, we addressed
a real form of repression in a very audacious way which, to our
knowledge, had not been previously done.
Raising consciousness is our job as communists however because of the
brainwashing that the state does on a mass scale we have to be bold,
creative and audacious in our efforts, all without crossing the line
where the state has ammunition to lock us up. In the end sometimes
they’ll make shit up and lock us up anyways. The Republic of Aztlán has
taken up its responsibility to serve the people by all means necessary
and we overstand the dangers that come with this role!
This piece has many lessons within it, too many to address in our
writing here. The case of the Scottsboro boys is worth a mention though.
It was of course a sad case of injustice and imprisonment but the lesson
was definitely on how communists of the time responded and struggled
with bourgeois liberals on which way that struggle developed. This
struggle reminded me in a small way to the prisoner hunger strike of
2011/2013 in Califas and how a variety of orgs entered the arena of
It is always a struggle to at once unite with the masses in struggle
while resisting the pull towards reformism which often engulfs mass
struggles. This first part of our review framed the CP and its good and
bad characteristics that we can learn from today. Soviet revisionism
ultimately sank the CP ship. Despite all of its efforts, it continues to
be anchored in the graveyard of bourgeois elections today. This first
part of the review was successful in “burying” the CP for our
Notes: 1. “The CP, the Sixties, the RCP and the Crying
Need for a Communist Vanguard Party today: Summing up a century of
Communist leadership , organization, strategy and practice in the United
States so that we can rise to the challenges before us.” By Organization
of Communist Revolutionaries 2. Chican@ Power and the Struggle for
Aztlán by a MIM Prisons Study Group, 2nd Edition 2021, Aztlán Press,
Page 40. 3. Organization of Communist Revolutionaries IBID. 4.
Collected Works of the Black Liberation Army, Rookery Press, Page
Yesterday, U.$. Presidents Trump and Biden announced a cease fire
deal between their military
outpost called I$rael and the Palestinian resistance, primarily
represented by Hamas. Palestinians are celebrating in the streets for
this potential respite from the 15 month onslaught that has turned Gaza
to rubble and murdered 47,000 Palestinians officially and closer to
double that in reality. Despite these heavy losses, the cease fire is a
victory for the Palestinian resistance that has not folded after 15
months of fighting a much more heavily funded occupier. The United
$tates says that the fighting forces in Palestine have increased in
numbers since 7 October 2023.
At this writing, the peace deal has not begun and has not officially
been signed by I$rael. I$rael has continued to murder Palestinians in
recent days, including one reporter who had just announced the planned
peace deal to the world. And the imperialists continue to spread lies
about Hamas holding up the deal. Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill
says ey saw a deal signed by all of the Palestinian resistance
representatives days before the deal was announced, when Biden was
claiming they were waiting on Hamas.
The deal is a victory for the Palestinian resistance, in meeting
their immediate demands, including a prisoner exchange that is supposed
to release some who were sentenced to prison for life by the I$raelis.
The deal will also involve I$rael’s withdrawal from and the rebuilding
of Gaza. At this time no details are public.
I$raeli press has credited Trump with forcing the deal that has been
drafted during the Biden presidency and is scheduled to begin the day
before Trump’s inauguration. Trump had demanded a deal happen before he
gets into office. The Trump administration has continued to call for the
total elimination of Hamas, and the deal seems to also force a
demilitarization of all Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip. While
the majority of Amerikans opposed the bombing campaign of the last 15
months, they do not support a liberated Palestine. Trump seems to be
willing to at least pause the slaughter that Biden supported and to
appease the minimal demands of many Amerikans, but he is no friend of
the Palestinian people. Those who demanded “Ceasefire Now!” may have
their demand met, but this is not the first time Palestinians have
celebrated in the streets after a deal is struck with I$rael. There is
an antagonistic contradiction between the I$raeli settlers and the
Palestinians of the land that is far from resolved. And indications have
already been made that I$rael does not intend to see the deal through
past the first phase. Only time will tell how the imperialists will
behave in Palestine in the coming weeks and months. But the struggle for
the national liberation of Palestine lives!
UPDATE: As ULK 88 goes to press, prisoner
exchanges have begun, with the release of 90 Palestinian prisoners and 3
settlers, followed by 200 Palestinians and 4 settlers. Many Palestinians
had been held without charges, and some were already freed by the
resistance on 7 October 2023, but recaptured. The second group included
many with life sentences.. Meanwhile, I$rael has launched a major
military operation in Jenin in the West Bank, killing at least 10 people
so far. I$rael has also issued administrative detention orders to
imprison 85 more Palsestinians and has been targeting the families of
released prisoners for harassment and repression.
Nigeria, Africa’s most populace nation and one of its most productive
economies is currently facing an economic crisis. The masses of
Nigerians cannot afford groceries or other essential products. The
country’s government has failed to remedy the situation with minuscule
economic reforms. These reforms were controversial and many working
class people and groups protested and resisted them for sometime prior
to their eventual implementation. Despite recent periods of economic
growth, inflation in Nigeria has soared to 34% rendering one of the
government’s reforms (raised minimum wage) obsolete.
In December 2024 local police in Ibadan say that at least sixty
people have died in stampedes. These stampedes occurred at three
different charity events where organizations were giving out food and
cash donations. In Ibadan, a charity event for children was held and
thousands of people showed up with their kids, a lot of them were days
early in order to receive the much needed essential products. Tempers
flared as people became desperate for these donations and the stampede
ignited. In the end at least thirty-five children died in Ibadan that
day. It is safe to say that capitalist imperialism was party to their
These stampedes merely demonstrate the struggles and desperation
people of Nigeria are facing. The underlying causes of the economic
situation in Nigeria is that the imperialist controlled General Bank
placed inflation at 34%, and in order to minimize the effects of that
high inflation rate the Nigerian government began to implement the
reforms I have already mentioned. Western imperialist institutions and
countries largely praised these reforms before and at the outset of
their implementation. These institutions include the International
Monetary Fund, as well as the United States government. Meawnwhile, U.$.
officials are working hard to get inflation back to around 3% for
Amerikans, in a country where most people are in the top 10% income-wise
in the world. The proletariat and lumpen proletariat in Nigeria as well
as the small peasantry are suffering greatly compared to Amerikans
complaining about gas prices for their 15 mile per gallon trucks they
drive to Costco and load up on bulk foods.
As part of the reforms the Nigerian government devalued their
national currency (Naira) making themselves more dependent upon the
whims of foreign international economic interests and activities. These
activities rarely favor African or other Third World countries. The
Nigerian government also cut their electricity subsidies, and probably
the most important reform being the ending of their fuel subsidy which
is one of the benefits that Nigerians receive. While gasoline was
slightly cheaper in Nigeria in December 2024 ($0.67/Liter) than in the
United $tates ($0.80/Liter), minimum wages in Nigeria were around $42
per month. That’s less than an Amerikan making minimum wage earns in an
8-hour day!
Previous governments have attempted to end the fuel subsidy but
backed down repeatedly as a result of huge protests from the Nigerian
people. The current and former governments set their sights on this
particular subsidy because it was a very expensive one for the
government, adding to government budget issues. The effects of cutting
the subsidy for fuel saw the price of fuel, and subsequently
transportation have soared. The latter makes it more expensive for
corporations and businesses to perform their logistical duties, and they
therefore raise their prices for consumers. Also because of power cuts
people in Nigeria rely heavily on power generators and the cost of these
have gone up as well.
The Nigerian people are angry at the failure of the Nigerian
government to put comprehensive economic measures in place to soften the
blow of the removal of the fuel subsidy, their inability to do so
showcases their incompetence. The government has asked for the people’s
patience, and have expressed that they are aware of the economic pain
this is causing, but that is is necessary and temporary. As I have
mentioned they have risen the minimum wage and made it almost double
what it was previously. However, inflation has made such measures void.
The government has also done small cash grants to the poorest
socioeconomic sectors of Nigerians. The people have a general feeling
that the political class in Nigeria do not really comprehend the effects
these economic policies are having on their day to day lives.
The writer believes that the government comprehends perfectly well,
however they are more concerned with maintaining exploitative relations
with the United States and its corporations along with those of other
Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, where the Palestinian resistance factions
(of which the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, was the largest)
united in response to the continued occupation of their homeland by the
Zionist entity, was launched on 7 October 2023. Since then, the brutal
daily oppression by the occupation forces, and the continued desecration
and assaults on Al-Aqsa Mosque atop al-Haram al-Sharif in occupied
Al-Quds continues.(1) In the last 15 months, there have been many
occasions to have political discussions and pass out literature
regarding Palestine in the hopes of bolstering the support for Palestine
among the imprisoned lumpen here in the South Bay. I would never assume
this to be an easy task, and it hasn’t been, but slowly but surely more
people are breaking from the miasma of post-9/11 anti-Arab/Islamophobic
sentiments (which itself is an accomplishment as this has been deeply
ingrained in the Amerikan consciousness since the beginning of the
so-called “War on Terror”).
Here in the majority liberal South Bay, the main sources that
prisoners get their news from is the San Jose Mercury News
newspaper and the local news channel, Fox 2 News. Like all
bourgeois media, both have been reporting on the genocidal Zionist war
on Palestine from the general viewpoint of the Democratic Party, that
is, a pro-U.$., pro-i$rael view (with some small exceptions, most coming
in the form of re-prints of articles by New York Times columnist
Nicholas Kristof and the occasional pro-Palestinian letter to the
editor, though they have never printed any that I persynally have
sent).(2) So on that note, it has been of paramount importance to combat
the repetitive assertions of the usual incessant line, “the war began
when Hamas terrorists (sic) launched a surprise attack on southern
Israel (sic) …”, which is taken as unquestionable truth in line with the
discourse of post-9/11 hysteria plaguing the psyches of those here on
Occupied Turtle Island.
Being that the events of 11 September 2001 (9/11) are the main source
of today’s generalized sentiments in a large portion of Amerika’s
collective psyche, I believed it to be fitting to begin my organizing
work by passing out and making available copies of Ward Churchill’s
wonderfully insightful 2001 essay “On the Justice of Roosting Chickens
(Some People Push Back),” which echoes a quote made by Malcolm X shortly
after the assassination of John F. Kennedy on 22 November 1963. I chose
this essay because it, more than any other short and concise work on the
subject, blows out of the water the commonly accepted reasons,
propagated by the U.$. government, on the causes of 9/11. Churchill
centers the reasons firmly on the shoulders of Amerikan imperialism and
neocolonial exploitation and oppression of the Arab world.
I paired this essay with copies I made of AIPS comrade Lila’s equally
insightful and engaging article “What is
Hamas?” (see Under Lock & Key No. 85). USW comrade Da
Pale One’s October 2023 article “A
Brief History on Palestine” from ULK No. 84 was also very
helpful for laying a basis for those willing to challenge their
preconceived notions on Palestine, and those who had no previous opinion
on the region and its indigenous inhabitants and wanted to learn
The conversations I had regarding the above writings led to much more
interest into what the actual truth is behind the Palestinian people’s
valiant struggle against the ideology of Zionism and its
settler-colonial project, and why it seems that Amerikan media has over
the decades either been completely silent or ambivalently acquiescing to
the will of the Zionist entity, protecting its blatant aggression and
genocidal mentality towards the Palestinian people and its denial of
their legitimate claims to the hystoric land of Palestine.
Who Supports Palestine
vs. I$rael?
Though it is probably obvious, those who are most against Palestine
in this jail are most of the Euro-Amerikans, as well as the
bible-thumping Christians. On the flip side, the people I have been
working with and who I have persynally found to be most interested are:
the Vietnamese prisoners and the Samoans/Pacific Islanders. There are
large communities of both in San Jose and, just like the New Afrikan
neighborhoods and the Chican@ varrios, they are also subject to brutal
occupation and surveillance by SJPD pigs and at times also catch the
ever-watching gaze of the FBI, which has a main field office in the
largely gentrified town of Campbell, west of downtown.
I have had many interesting conversations with Vietnamese prisoners,
not just on Palestine, but also on the the genocidal Amerikan war
against the people of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. I get a general
feeling from these discussions that, though they are fiercely proud of
their peoples’ decisive victory against the world’s #1 bully,
imperialist Amerika, they are also troubled by the largely unanswered
and undiscussed questions of, “What went wrong? What happened to our
peoples’ beautiful vision of a future communist nation?” I am glad to
see them attempting to answer these questions, decades after many of
their family members fled the atrocities of the Amerikan military and
their South Vietnamese puppets.
On a final note, both the people of Vietnam and the people of Samoa
have had firsthand experience with European colonialism and Amerikan
hegemony. The fact that they are able to connect their peoples’
struggles to the relatable struggles of the people of Palestine is a
success that I am willing to celebrate.
Prison Tablet
Propaganda Continues, With a Victory
A barrier that those organizing for Palestine behind the walls, have
had to deal with since Al-Aqsa Flood is the Christian Zionist prison
ministries whom, as comrade Firewater noted in ULK No. 87,
“have a monopoly on [the] tablets … [that] needs to be broken up!”(3) I
want to thank both comrade Firewater and comrade Triumphant very much
for their insights on this topic in the Texas Department of Criminal
Justice (TDCJ). Before writing my original article on it, comrades in
California began submitting multiple complaints related to the education
app on Our tablets, “Edovo”, which allows ministries like the right-wing
evangelists who produce the “Real Vida TV” podcast from their studio in
Tyler, TX, to continue to upload content that radiates conservative
Christian or Christian Zionist rhetoric and beliefs. Much of this
messaging is equal parts antisemitic, anti-Arab, Islamophobic, queer and
transphobic and anti-immigrant. Thankfully, in apparent response to this
deluge of complaints, Edovo removed all of Real Vida’s content from
their platform, which is as much of a win as We could have hoped. A more
long-term goal would be to get MIM content on our tablets for a
refreshing counterpoint to Our enemies’ propaganda.
This removal of Real Vida from Edovo does not account for the fact
that on other tablets and apps in other states’ jails and prison
systems, Real Vida continues to be available as Triumphant and Firewater
have noted from the Texas prison system. In research I conducted after
reading both comrades’ responses, I found out several things. Firstly,
the tablet app called “Pando” is indeed, as Firewater suspected, created
and maintained by “right-wing evangelist kooks” as I was able to
ascertain from watching a podcast interview with the main creator of the
app, Isaac Holt.(4) I further learned that the apparent go-to excuse for
Pando refusing content from providers is because “they only want to
upload high-quality Christian content”(4), which apparently means
refusing content from Christian organizations and denominations with a
more liberal/progressive worldview like Unitarian Universalists.
I also heard a radio show/podcast that our TX comrades are likely
familiar with called “The Prison Show” (which airs every Friday night
from 9-11 PM central on KPFT 90.1 FM out of Houston). They recently
uploaded about 50 of their previous episodes to Edovo, from December
2023 to November 2024. In several episodes they discuss the ridiculous
game of stringing along and avoidance that both TDCJ and Securus
Technologies played with David Collingsworth (the current producer of
the show) for over four years in the shows quest to get on the tablets
so everyone across TDCJ and in other states could tune in. He also spoke
about their meetings with Pando executives who asked them to sign a
mandatory contract, that states that in order to be allowed to upload
content, you must agree that all content will emphatically “preach the
word of Jesus”.(5) This ridiculous prerequisite should tell you all you
need to know about Pando, its CEO Jake Bodine and what they and the TDCJ
are trying to promote: an endless cycle of brainwashed evangelic “field
ministers”, of which I’m told TDCJ already has a great deal of.
Origins of Zionism and
Christian Zionism
Central to the understanding of the land of Palestine and the
Palestinian liberation struggle is understanding the twin ideologies of
Zionism and its mostly Amerikan cousin, Christian Zionism.
Both ideologies are antisemitic in nature and began that way from
their respective origins. Zionism, like any other settler colonial
project, is based in the genocidal erasure of the indigenous inhabitants
of a land, in this case the Palestinian Arab people, and the
self-indigenizing of the settlers. The strange thing about Zionism is
that far from being helpful to the Jews, both ideologies are grounded in
antisemitism. This can be hard to grasp for people, as one would think
that something supposedly in favor of the Jews couldn’t possibly be
antisemitic. The truth however, as with most things, lies in its
Zionism, began as a political ideology, grounded in the antisemitic
belief that the Jews did not belong in Europe and therefore should be
removed from Europe to some other locale. The land of Palestine was also
not the first place that Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, proposed
to remove all of the Jews to, as Herzl considered locations in Uganda in
East Afrika and South America before landing on Palestine.(6)
This removal to Palestine was of course fully backed by Britain,
culminating in the oft-cited Balfour Declaration of 1917 written by Lord
Arthur Balfour, himself an antisemite, with strong backing from other
British and Amerikan antisemites like Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, and
Harry Truman. Britain was the major imperialist power vying for control
of the region at the time, with France a close second.(7) This is the
same Arthur Balfour who was quoted as writing in an August 1919
memorandum, “The four great powers are committed to Zionism, and Zionism
be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in
age-long tradition, in present needs, in future hopes, of far
profounder import than the desire or prejudices of the 700,000
Arabs [the actual number at the time was at least several hundred
thousand more] who now inhabit that ancient land. In my opinion
that is right.”(8)
Having an ostensibly European outpost in the Arab world was also
thought by the Amerikans and Western Europe to be a strong tool for
holding the spread of both Islam and communism at bay.(9)
As the horrors of the Nazi genocide became apparent and as European
Jewish refugees continued to flood out of German-occupied Europe aside
other groups singled out by the Nazi regime, instead of accepting these
refugees into U.$.-allied countries, they were vehemently refused and
forwarded on to seek refuge in the New Yishuv (in Hebrew:
settlement/community) created by the Zionists in the land of
The Old Yishuv of Jews had been living in Palestine long before the
creation of Zionism and the First and Second Aliya (Zionist-sponsored
immigration waves of Jews to Palestine beginning in 1882). It bears
mentioning that the Old Yishuv was, until the end of 1945 and WWII,
majorly against Zionism and the hopes of the Zionists of creating a
Jewish state on top of and instead of Palestine. However, this mostly
changed after the world was made fully aware of just what the Nazi
regime planned and carried out in regards to their so-called “Final
Solution” to the so-called “Jewish problem”.
Finally, after the initial 1948 Nakba (“the catastrophe”, or ethnic
cleansing of Arabs) and into the present day, the Zionist entity has
supported, partnered with, trained the military forces and death squads
of, and aligned themselves with some of the most genocidal and
virulently antisemitic regimes and individuals in recent decades. These
range from Somoza and the Salvadoran and Guatemalan generals and Central
American dictators (11) to recent interactions in late 2023 and 2024
between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other i$raeli leaders and
Elon Musk, a purveyor of antisemitic and white supremacist rhetoric and
conspiracy theories, all in the name of Zionism apparently.(12)
The ideas behind Christian Zionism were around long before Herzl’s
ideology in Christian Europe. Christian Zionism, like its cousin
Zionism, is predicated on antisemitic tropes about the Jews which date
back to the Christian belief that the Jews (in the biblical form of the
Pharisees, an ancient Jewish sect) are responsible and to blame (and to
be hated for eternity) for the death of Jesus. As I’ve discussed
previously in ULK, Christian
Zionism is led in Amerika primarily by sections of the Christian
Right, mostly consisting of right-wing evangelists.(13) These
evangelists descend from the Protestant sect of Christianity that
seceded from the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation and
adhered to the doctrine of Martin Luther, a staunch antisemite who
authored the antisemitic work, “On the Jews and their Lies”, in
1543.(14) Hitler and the Nazis were admirers of Martin Luther, as
exemplified by a 1933 Nazi propaganda poster that read, “Hitler’s fight
and [Martin] Luther’s teaching are the best defense for the German
people.”(15) Today the Trump administration supports Netanyahu, includes
Evangelical Christians and the richest man in the world Elon Musk who
gave a Nazi salute at the inauguration.
Christian Zionists see the Jewish people as simply a pawn in their
deranged so-called “End-Times prophecies”, believing that the only Jews
who are “redeemable” in their eyes are those who accepted Jesus as the
“messiah” and their “lord and savior”, thus converting to Christianity
and leaving their own religious beliefs behind. They call these converts
“Messianic Jews”. According to these “prophecies”, those who do not
convert will burn in hell with the rest of the non-believers, as the
true believers ascend in “glorious rapture” with their “messiah” Jesus
Christ to the pearly gates of Lala Land. In short, those “washed in the
blood of Jesus” are worthy and all others are the scum of the Earth.
The largest specific grouping of those who hold these hateful and
outrageous beliefs in the United $tates are known as the New Apostolic
Reformation (NAR), a right-wing Christian nationalist movement of around
3 million Pentecostal and evangelical Christians whose ideology also
commands adherents to capture the so-called “Seven Mountains” of
societal influence – education, religion, family, business, the
government and military, the arts and entertainment, and the media.(16)
They are an organization that we, as revolutionaries, should keep an eye
on, especially in lieu of the “Oompa-Loompa Man” and his MAGA fanatics
taking control of the presidency and both houses of Congress this
Groups like the Proud Boys have been relatively inactive since the
Capital riot on 6 January 2021, mostly due to fracturing after their
leadership was locked up. In addition, other white
supremacist/nationalist formations, like the “White Lives Matter” crowd,
the virulently antisemitic Goyim Defense League, Identity Evropa,
Patriot Prayer, Blood Tribe, Nick Fuentes and the “Groypers”, the
so-called “Active Clubs” and many others (some of which have been
reported as trying to worm their way into the Palestine solidarity
movement with antisemitic signage, chants and pseudo anti-Zionist
discourse, i.e. anti-Jewish rhetoric masquerading as being
pro-Palestinian or anti-i$rael) may feel they have some wiggle room to
recruit and organize after Genocide Joe leaves office and MAGA becomes
the “law of the land”. These concerns stem from discussions I’ve had
with some of my outside comrades that have been active in the Palestine
solidarity movement recently in college campus “Liberated Zones” and in
the streets.
Concluding Thoughts
As the Palestinian resistance continues on, steadfast in their
struggle for liberation and return and in fierce opposition to the
genocidal logic of Zionism and settler-colonialism; as the Lebanese
resistance takes time to restructure their leadership apparatus in lieu
of the aggressive Zionist
assassination operation of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the majority of
the political and military leadership of Hezbollah; as the brave
members of the Yemeni Ansar Allah party continue their assault on the
Zionist entity and their widely successful operation to throw
innumerable monkey wrenches into the gears of the imperialist war
machine and a global capitalism in unshakable support of the Palestinian
people and their resistance; and as uncertain possibilities
open up in Syria, all of Our eyes should continue to be firmly
focused on Palestine and the Levant. The Christian Right’s “stand-in
messiah”, Trump 2.0, is threatening there will be “hell to pay” if the
Palestinian resistance doesn’t return the i$raeli citizens taken during
Al-Aqsa Flood. Trump may also take revenge against the Islamic Republic
of Iran for allegedly plotting to assassinate him before the
May we all continue to learn from the steadfast courage of the
Palestinian people, and may they find swift victory against the Zionist
entity in the coming year.
Glory to the Marytrs
Freedom to the Prisoners
Healing to the Wounded
Revolution until Victory
Notes: 1. Hamas Media Office, January 21 2024, “Our
Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”,
www.palestinechronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/PDF.pdf 2.
Nicholas Kristof, November 24 2024, “Warrant for Netanyahu’s arrest also
implicates United States”, San Jose Mercury News 3. Firewater and
Triumphant, October 2024, “Christian Zionism Tablet Propaganda Helps
Keep Support for Palestine Small”, Under Lock & Key 87 (Fall
2024) 4. Inside Out Podcast, Season 1 Episode 7, “The International
GPT Version” 5. The Prison Show, September 27 2024, KPFT 90.1 FM
6. Edward W. Said, 1992, “The Question of Palestine”, Vintage Books, pg.
23; and Ilan Pappé, 2022, “A History of Modern Palestine” (3rd Edition),
Cambridge University Press, p.47-48 7. Noam Chomsky, 2014, “The
Fateful Triangle - The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians”,
Haymarket Books, p.96-97 8. Said, op. cit., p.16-17 9. Ibid,
p.29 10. See generally, David S. Wyman, 1984, “The Abandonment of
the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945”, Pantheon Books 11.
Chomsky, op. cit., p.29-31 12. Shane Burley and Ben Lorber, 2024,
“Safety Through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism”,
Melville House, p.219-220 13. Grim, July 2024, “On Christian Zionism
and the Prison Tablet Propaganda Machine”, Under Lock & Key 86
(Summer 2024) 14. Burley and Lorber, op. cit., p.82 15. Facing
History and Ourselves, June 2022, “Nazi propaganda depicting Martin
16. Burley and Lorber, op. cit., p.160 and p.163-164
Greetings Revolutionaries, activists, thugs, radical students, pimps,
hustlers, players, strippers, sex workers, and all the thoroughbred
Runaway Slaves in the First World; this is strictly addressed to the
First World Lumpen. Marxism has taught us how to operate and harness the
laws of the universe in the interests of those systematically locked out
of the production process, those who finance-monopoly capitalism
continue to dehumanize in its relentless, dogged, determined pursuit of
endless profits.
Fascism is the word of the current movement. Trump’s election
represents a certain heightening of contradictions. This is a sign of
the imperialists recognizing their need for that strong persyn to move
this space into its more authoritarian direction, into its more
authoritarian disposition.
We have to be vigilantly on the prowl for the emergence of fascism.
Social commentary should center primarily on building public opinion in
this direction. Even in its embryonic stages, fascism doesn’t miss out
on any opportunities to undermine the working-class revolution and smash
working class organizations; First World and Third World.
It is time to crack open the history books and practically apply the
dialectical-materialist analysis of history. There is nothing else at
the moment that warrants any more attention. Period. 2020, though a
moment, a flash point in social development, like I said previously in
some past article was not in any way contradictory to the U.$. empire;
nor was there any easing of tensions between law enforcement and those
of us trapped in the ghettos that pockmark this landscape.
In 2022, actual U.$. military expenditure exceeded $1.52 trillion –
more than twice the officially acknowledged level of $766 billion.
Overall military spending are not included in the empire’s “defense
budget” strategically. To estimate actual U.$. military spending,
dialectical materialist methodological approaches must be utilized. I
recommend publications like Monthly Review.
Nothing will be gained at the expense of the Third World because of
our lack of genuine effort to combat our First Worldist dispositions. We
in the ameriKKKan heartland must sit down and focus on studying fascism.
We most definitely have the leisure time because of the labor
aristocratic essence of the working class demographic in these parts.
The class of people in the First World who are excluded from the
productive process, by virtue of living in the First World, on average
receive more material benefits from imperialism than the global
proletariat. This is the First World lumpen. But the radical student
movement is now with us, thanks to the gunshots let off on 7 October
2023 in Palestine and its people’s struggle to free their land from
i$raeli and ameriKKKan aggression.
We have to have a completely scientific understanding of the concrete
reality of our situation. George Jackson once spoke of this. I believe
his classic work Blood In My Eye must be resurfaced and
consulted for the best, most in-depth theoretical analysis of the
current moment. Fascism and its historical significance was the point of
his whole philosophy on politics, and its extension, war.
George posited how corporate-fascism’s nature advanced world-wide
socialist consciousness after WW2. U.$. imperialism emerged after the
Western powers had already divided up most of the most important markets
in the world. The aftermath of WW2 left those same Western powers
severely weakened, the U.$. became head honcho.
Social development continues to march ahead towards its logical
conclusion – via stages of course. All the forces of reaction and
counterrevolution have localized themselves and continue to radiate
their oppressive energy in the now emerging ameriKKKan corporate-fascist
state. Despite the presence of political parties, corporate politics is
all that truly matters here. Corporate personhood command all state
We hear about the corporate political maneuvering of entities like
Amazon, IBM, Facebook, Samsung, Apple, and many more. The modern chip
industry speaks to the authority large private corporations have over
state bodies. Just as steel a century ago was the essential commodity
for economic development, the chip is the 21st century repeat. Chips are
central to the technology pivotal to the present order. I say that to
say that possibly by 2030, China’s chip industry could rival Silicon
Valley’s influence; so this means something, the implications are beyond
disruption of U.$. tech firms and trade flows, we are talking about a
reset of the balance of military power.
Huawei has been at the center of all sorts of geopolitics in recent
years. I think it’s time USW comrades study Huawei, and learn what makes
this entity’s political maneuvering such a nightmare for Western
imperialists, and sidestep amerikkka’s “Russian threat” distraction with
the whole bogus fabricated Uhuru 3 persecution.
The African People’s Socialist Party are posing a very serious
question that all revolutionaries active at the moment should sit down
and reflect and ponder over: Did the FBI conspire with Russian
intelligence to frame up Black activists in the United $tates?
The Uhuru 3 free speech trial has positioned me as an historical
singularity, as that historical singularity who sees all angles, all
sides, who sees the furthest ahead and who more than anyone at the
moment understands the line of march the New Afrikan liberation movement
should be taking, as fascism continues to kick its boots at our doors in
the First World.
I will be waiting to hear your thoughts soon. In the meantime, all
efforts on our boycott campaign should center on Securus. No
opportunities to vilify Securus between December 6 and December 13
should be missed.
We agree with the author that the re-election of Trump indicates that
the imperialists are looking to reshape things. In 2019, we wrote about
how the absence of a real proletarian threat makes fascism unnecessary
and unlikely. The threat that has emerged since then is the Palestine
heightening it’s war of national liberation, which has forced all
parties involved in the region to make their positions clear. In
addition to this shakeup in the Middle East, there has been the Russian
invasion of Ukraine and its affects across Europe. What seems likely is
the imperialists are seeing cracks in the previous world order and signs
of economic crisis that require a shift in strategy.
Trump remains erratic in eir speeches, and we have no great
predictions for how this next term will go at this time. What is clear
is that the need to build a strong movement against imperialism and
fascism is now. There are opportunities on the horizon, and we hope you
will join us in preparing for them.
Notes: 1. MIM(Prisons), April 2019, “Fascism,
Imperialism, and Amerika in 2019”, Under Lock & Key 67. 2.
Wiawimawo of MIM(Prisons), November 2016, The Strategic Significance of
Defining Fascism, Under Lock & Key 53.
Bilal Sunni-Ali (13 July 1948 – 30 December 2024) was a revolutionary
and dedicated citizen of the Republic of New Afrika (RNA). That
dedication took various forms, from eir clandestine organizing to eir
contributions to revolutionary culture via eir jazz, blues, and spoken
word performances aimed at challenging the status quo and building up a
revolutionary nationalist consciousness among the people.
From eir youth, Bilal partook in pro-people activities from eir time
as a musician in the Youth Division of the North East Bronx NAACP, to
eir later activities as a founding member of the New York City Black
Panther Party fighting housing issues, police brutality, and recruiting
street L.O.s into the movement. Dedicated to the self-determination of
New Afrika, Bilal Sunni-Ali went underground in 1968 with the Black
Liberation Army. In 1982, ey would be charged and acquitted in RICO
charges related to the freeing of Assata Shakur and a bank robbery by
the Revolutionary Armed Task Force (RATF) for which Sekou
Odinga (who died 12 January 2024) and Silvia Baraldini were
convicted. Bilal was successfully defended by the late
Chokwe Lumumba in the politically charged trial, where they charged
the U.$. government with conspiracy on behalf of the RNA. The RATF is
described in detail in the book False Nationalism, False
Internationalism as the last attempt at the radical militancy of
the 1960s by members of the RNA and the Euro-Amerikan May 19th Communist
Organization. Prior to this, Bilal was locked up in Soledad prison from
1970-1972, where ey struggled to develop both the general and political
education of prisoners. Bilal’s support for prisoners continued
throughout eir life, as before eir recent death, ey was involved in the
Jericho Movement and the Imam Jamil Action Network – organizations
dedicated to the struggle of political prisoners.
Bilal was a devout Muslim who truly lived in accordance to eir faith
– not only by embodying the Islamic practice of standing up for the
oppressed, but by raising their consciousness at the same time; drawing
the connections between imperialism and white supremacy to the oppressed
Sifting through Bilal’s tenor saxophone performances online, one will
come across em performing at many events centered around prisoners. The
usual song of choice that ey perform is entitled “Look For Me In The
Whirlwind” (a title inspired by Marcus Garvey). The lyrics are as
War is never easy
its bound to bring to bring on hardship
its bound to make you weary
reach out for me
and war will have us parting
our paths are getting distant
we might not ever see each other again
until we win
until we win
so until then
until we win
look for me in the whirlwind
try try to see my face
in the whirlwind
try try to grab my hand
in the whirlwind
do all you can
to help your brotherman
through the whirlwind
reach out for me
reach out for me
reach out for me
for victory.
It is said that Bilal also went by the name “Spirit” and I believe
that to be an apt name for an individual who epitomizes the spirit of
eir people in all that ey do.
The methods of oppression are ever evolving to suppress the masses.
The people must realize that revolution and resistance is a science, not
rooted in emotion. Being a prisoner of war, enslaved by the state of
Illinois, I have learned that resistance to my oppression must be
calculated and strategic.
To all comrades held by the beast, learn the law! Stop allowing the
State to offer you meaningless distractions that prevent you from
fighting against this system. We must learn to use the weapons we got.
Understand, comrades, the pigs are trained and equipped to handle any
form of physical resistance, but they lack any true method to handle a
revolutionary mind.
Resist by challenging all conditions of your enslavement, use their
laws against them. Utilize every tool available to you. All peer
advocates/jailhouse lawyers must unite to teach all that they know.
Don’t let false titles keep us from uniting. Don’t let organizational
ties, race, ideological stance, or religion stop us from coming together
to fight against this system.
We must be organized and disciplined in our approach. Educate
yourselves, train your mind & bodies, read every day! Write every
day! Fuck that TV or tablet, get in the law library! All corporate media
is a lie! Unburden yourself from that illusion. A pig’s nature is to
consume uncontrollably, don’t be a pig or a pig sympathizer by allowing
their oppression of you to go unchecked! Master everything you commit
yourself to studying, revolutionize your mind. If the system doesn’t
fear your physicality, it fears your mind, or should I say, the
potential of what your mind can become!
“The heart of a soldier with the brain to teach a whole nation…”
2pac/No More Pain
My intentions here isn’t to give a dialectical and historical context
of the relationship between today’s Lumpen Organizations (gangs) and
past revolutionary movements, although there is an inextricable link
between the two. The origins of today’s Lumpen Organizations (L.O.s)
were strongly influenced by the original Black Panther Party (BPP) and
other similar organizations. They were formed to uplift and protect
their communities from outside threats, threats that were typically
imposed by law enforcement and the U.S. government.
With the destruction of the BPP, combined with the influx of drugs
and firearms within their already oppressed communities, members of
these organizations were lured into “gang-bangin’” against each other
and a fratricidal and suicidal criminal lifestyle that resulted in the
abandonment of the ideals and principles that were brought forth and
established by the organizations’ founders. Ideals and principles that
were often influenced by those of the BPP and the Black Liberation Army
(BLA). Today there are a limited few who diligently impress upon their
“homies” the importance of espousing the organizations founding ideals
and principles. Overall, a majority have been derailed from the
organizations initial revolutionary path, which has been detrimental to
the youth who romanticize today’s “gang” culture and their communities.
Moreover, the absence of these ideals and principles has engendered a
culture of disunity, violent competition, and the romanticizing of the
“gang-banging” mentality, which renders us incapable of redressing the
conditions we find ourselves subjected to within these razor-wire
There is no silver bullet or magic wand that can be used to magically
expedite the transformation that must be made. Transforming the criminal
mentality into a revolutionary mentality is a protracted process that
demands accountability and rigorous educating.
i am dedicated to assisting with this transformation any way that i
can. One way is to shed some light on the draconian policies and
procedures that governs those of us who have been labeled “gang
members,” labels known as Security Risk Group (SRG) or Security Threat
Group (STG), so we can begin to seek redress to said policies and
Gang Validation Process
Those of us who have been validated as SRG/STG often suffer
significant unfair prejudices due to the officers who are responsible
for the validating opinions often basing these opinions on sweeping
generalizations and stereotypes about “gang members” generally,
unreliable methodology, and/or the officer’s racial bias.
Here in North Carolina the Department of Adult Corrections (DAC) has
“certified” twenty-one alleged prison gangs as Security Risk Groups.
Prisoners are validated as members of SRG’s by Prison Intelligence
Officers (PIO) who are usually white, whose discretion reigns supreme in
determining who is validated as SRG members and who isn’t. These
subjective decisions lead to disproportionate validations of New Afrikan
prisoners and those from other oppressed nations. A stark example of the
racially uneven application of SRG validations is evident in the
percentage of “white” prisoners who have been validated compared to New
Afrikan prisoners. White prisoners make up 1.9% of the prisoners
validated in NC prisons.
Around the world gangs are studied by those with specialized training
in areas such as ethnography, anthropology, and psychology. In these
fields, researchers are often subjected to ethical standards that warn
against manipulating data to advance their personal objectives and
required to employ social science field research best practices in
relation to data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The officers
responsible for validating prisoners are not held to any such ethical
standards and lack the fundamental knowledge to determine if a prisoner
is actually a SRG member or not.
The degree of specialized knowledge for these officers to be
qualified as “gang-experts” is particularly lacking. An officer can be
qualified as a “gang-expert” after having only a couple months on the
job, as long as they have some formalized training. You would think
these “gang officers” would be required to demonstrate a basic
overstanding of the complicated dynamics at issue where gang membership
and behavior are concerned beyond stereotypes and prototypes, being that
these validations subject prisoners to indefinite sanctions and
restrictions that not only affect the lives of the prisoners but also
the lives of the prisoners’ families.
These “gang officers” employ a worksheet which lists seventeen
criteria for determining gang involvement, each of which is assigned a
point value. Prisoners may be labeled as “suspects/associates” or
“members”. A qualifying score is not difficult to achieve: prisoners
bearing tattoos “thought” to signify gang affiliation and who socialize
with “confirmed” gang-members may be regarded as members themselves.
False positives are likely to arise under this criteria, because
while they may indicate a correlation with gang membership, they do not
establish causation. Because gang membership cannot be reliably inferred
from the factors aforementioned, these “gang officers” should not be
allowed to opine about gang membership based on these factors alone.
Completed validation worksheets are forwarded to the NCDAC’s Chief of
Special Operations, Daryll Vann, who reviews the worksheet, confirms
that “relevant” documentation is attached, and validates the
identifications. Prisoners who wish to contest the validation are not
afforded the opportunity to do so. Prisoners receive no notice of their
validation, no procedural due process, nor a periodic review that would
enable the prisoner to have the validation removed. Therefore, prisoners
who have been validated, remain validated for the duration of their
incarceration and irrevocably are subject to SRG policy
There are only two ways to have the SRG validation removed. There is
a SRG program that’s accessible to a limited number of prisoners. It is
a 9-month program at Foothills Correctional, a prison located in the
rural mountainous region of Western NC. The staff employed there are
exclusively white, live in race segregated communities and are out of
touch with the cultures of the prisoners they oversee.
When these “gang officers” walk through the doors of the prison, many
of them, knowingly or unknowingly, hold negative biases towards those
who have been validated and those who don’t look like them.
The media perpetuates inaccurate narratives of violence, criminality,
and dishonesty among racial minorities that many of these “gang
officers” unknowingly internalize. It shows in how they interact and
deal with the prisoners.
The DAC describes this program as being a program that “targets those
beliefs (cognitions) that support criminal behavior ….” and seeks to
shift the thinking that supports these beliefs. Prisoners who complete
this program must undergo a debriefing and renounce their affiliation,
if any, before the validation is removed. This program is not available
to prisoners who have been labeled problematic.
The other way to have the validation removed is to complete your
prison sentence and be discharged from NCDAC custody. Of the 1,343
prisoners released from NCDAC’s custody last year, 564 were alleged SRG
Draconian Gang Policies
& Procedures
The ostensible purpose of the DAC’s SRG policies and procedures is to
avoid prison disturbances supposedly fomented by gangs. Nonetheless it
is obvious these policies and procedures have the effect of
incapacitating significant numbers of prisoners and has cultivated an
environment opposite from what prison officials claim to be “safer”.
Those who have been validated find themselves subjected to draconian
sanctions and restrictions, such as being prohibited from receiving
visits from anyone beyond immediate family. This excludes aunts, uncles,
cousins, and the mother of your child(ren). If you have no immediate
family members to accompany your child(ren) to visitation you will not
be allowed to visit with them. Our childrens’ interests are not, as a
matter of right, factored into SRG validation determinations. The fact
that parent-child visitation can help children overcome the challenges
of parental separation and reduce recidivism rates is well-documented.
However, prison officials find it plausible to implement such a policy
that prevents parent-child visits.
As with the prisoners who have been validated, New Afrikan children
are the ones greatly affected by this policy. NCDAC has implemented this
policy without any cognizance that such a restriction may implicate the
parent-child relationship, which is typically subject to extraordinary
protection by the courts. But yet this policy goes unchecked.
During my incarceration i’ve been unable to visit with my daughter
due to me having no immediate family willing to accompany her. This has
prevented her and i from developing a meaningful relationship. This is
something that a majority of us are experiencing.
Moreover, this policy has an outsized impact on New Afrikan families
and other members of marginalized communities who bear the brunt of mass
Limiting a prisoner’s visitors to immediate family only effectively
cuts a prisoner off from family members who may have raised them. As we
know in marginalized communities there are an overwhelming amount of
fractured families, where grandparents and others play the mother-father
Then there are the prisoners who were raised in foster care, who have
never had the opportunity to meet their immediate family. There is no
exception for foster care parents.
Although these restrictions are sometimes justified, they are being
used indiscriminately without individual analysis.
On 19 February 2019, a policy was implemented that prohibited
validated prisoners from receiving monetary support from anyone who
wasn’t an approved visitor.
Prison officials claimed that this was done to curtail “Black Market”
activities and strong arming. It’s not difficult to see how such a
policy would increase said activities and, moreover, would create an
environment where those who do have means of receiving financial support
become victims of strong arming and other acts of violence.
This policy was implemented 8 months prior to now-retired Director of
Prisons Kenneth Lassiter requesting more funding for security and
control weapons. During these 8 months, violence amongst prisoners
drastically increased, i know because a majority of the close-custody
facilities were placed on lockdown due to the increased violence.
Validated prisoners are prohibited from attending all
educational/vocational programs, compelled to serve idle prison
sentences. They are locked in their cells virtually all of the time and
otherwise maintained in extremely harsh conditions. Unable to have their
custody level reduced to medium or minimum security. And job
opportunities are non-existent. Common sense would tell prison officials
that there are many reasons to believe that these policies and
restrictions will produce unfortunate results both inside and outside of
The Ramifications of these
Motivated by an inaccurate conception of gangs and how they operate,
the NCDAC has adopted policies that have enhanced group cohesiveness and
the identities of gang-affiliated prisoners. These policies have
promoted new gang connections for prisoners who, due to the difficulties
inherent in gang identification, inadequate procedures and racial
stereotyping, are misidentified. The validated prisoner tells emself
“they think i’m a gang member, i might as well be one”. Of course these
policies raise obvious moral and ethical questions. However, i would
like to focus on how these policies make no sense from a correctional
perspective. Even if these “gang officers” are creating or enhancing
gang identities, why does it matter? Validated prisoners maintained in
these locked down blocks, after all, are effectively disabled from
committing acts of misconduct when locked in their cells.
Validated prisoners are denied access to visitation, financial
support, transfers to medium or minimum custody, as well as parole. They
have nothing more to lose so they are not deterred by any threat of
punishment, what else can be taken from them? They have no incentive to
refrain from gang involvement?
Aside from prison concerns, the impact of these policies’
ramifications will be felt most profoundly on the streets and
communities to which these prisoners will return. As i pointed out, 564
of the 1,343 prisoners released from NCDAC’s custody last year were
alleged gang members. In general, 96% of all prisoners return to
society. There are recidivism studies focusing on gang affiliated prison
releases, that show that gang members may retain their gang identity
upon their release. (see: Salvador Buentello et. al, “Prison Gang
Development: A Theoretical Model”, The Prison Journal,
Fall-Winter 1991, at 3.8.) Thus, these policies not only fail to enhance
prison security, they also undermine public safety.
We Have A Responsibility
All across the United $tates, prisoners themselves are subjected to
similar sanctions and restrictions under the guide of enhancing prison
security. i’ve revealed how these policies target New Afrikan prisoners
and others of the oppressed nations and how they affect not only the
prison but their families and communities as well. We have the numbers,
we have the capability and we have the know how to bring about change.
But as Komrade George Jackson expressed:
“We all seem to be in the grip of some terrible quandary. Our enemies
have so confused us that we seem to have been rendered incapable of the
smallest responsibility. I see this irresponsibility, or mediocrity at
best[, as] disloyalty, self-hatred, cowardice, competition between
themselves, resentment of any who may have excelled in anything….”
Because of the inexorable nature of our overseers, nationwide
demonstrations on the outside and within these walls is presently
necessary if we are to correct the correctors.
We have united fronts such as the United Front For Peace in Prisons,
the United Struggle Within (USW) and Prison Lives Matter (PLM). PLM is a
united front for political prisoners, prisoners of war, politicized
individuals behind the walls of these razor-wire plantations and their
organizations, as well as any outside formations in union with the
struggles of prisoners, that has made it possible for us to address and
redress the inhumane living conditions we find ourselves subjected to.
It’s on us to initiate the process, it’s on us to communicate and
network with one another, to get on the same page, so we can unite a
page in the history books.
A Call to Action
As we grapple with an expanding and increasingly repressive prison
system here in North Carolina, any hope for change lays in perfecting
ourselves – our physical care, intellectual acumen, and cultural
proficiency – while simultaneously confronting our overseers. And as i
aforesaid, “There is no silver bullet or magic wand that can be used to
expedite the transformation that must be made.” We have a personal
responsibility to contribute to the confronting that must be done.
Some of us don’t seem to know what side we’re on. We’re obsessed with
near-sighted disputes based on race, gang affiliation and so on. We
expend our energies despising and distrusting each other. All of this is
helping the NCDAC. We permit them to keep us at each others throats. i
am calling for unity. We outnumber them. Wake up!!! Put your prejudices,
biases, and gang affiliation aside for the purpose of OUR fight with the
NCDAC. i’m asking we start by submitting a grievance concerning NCDAC’s
SRG policies and procedures (an example has been provided below).
Of course i’m not expecting any redress from submitting grievances.
NCDAC’s Administrative Remedy Procedure process is ineffective and
honestly a waste of time if you are seeking redress. However, i’ve not
asked you to submit said grievance with hopes that NCDAC officials will
correct their wrongs.
i’m currently in the middle of litigating a civil suit against NCDAC
on behalf of all prisoners who have been validated as a SRG member. By
submitting a grievance you will be supporting the claims i have made.
Thusly i entrust you take the time and submit the following grievance
(and send a copy to MIM(Prisons) if you can):
Some of the problems I have run into organizing are being targeted by
administration for conducting a study group. Some times there’s too many
people interested for the space available, then when you’ve got 15-20
people huddled up and no violence is occurring, it scared the C.O.’s
They are not used to that type of unity and they don’t encourage
anything that has to do with building a collective consciousness. I try
to do study groups in smaller circles and more discreetly because some
dudes are eyes and ears for the oppressor. Repression is not a good
thing at all and I must say that before I continue. However, when they
do crack down, that’s when I pay close attention because certain
responses help me inventory the caliber of men I’m studying with. The
ones who know and understand the full magnitude of what the consequences
can be for orchestrating a study group but are still willing to carry on
are my type of comrades. In other words, the targeting helps me see
who’s who.
As far as the question of being surrounded by enemies, we can list
the various forces inside prisons similar to classes/nations outside
because there are different types of people and not everybody is on the
same page. For example, if in the prison I am housed at I did a united
front for Palestine solidarity, certain people would not even consider
it because that’s not the level of struggle they are interested in. But
if I did one for, let’s say, advocating for more quality programming
inside the institution, you will see a different crowd. Even in this
crowd, you will have some who fully identify with capitalist principles
(even fascism) and their oppressor.
Different initiatives will attract different people. I feel like it’s
important to dichotomize because not everybody is qualified for
revolutionary work. You’ve got some people who are so broken and
battered they will utilize this as an opportunity to gain favor with the
oppressor. United fronts can be formed that resolve around us
understanding our personal experiences within the criminal injustice
system and putting it in a larger context of abolishing the prison
system and all other oppressive, capitalist-imperial systems. By us
connecting this link to the outside world, we will see how these systems
overlap and the need for a united front for all the oppressed. The fight
MIM(Prisons) responds: Last issue we asked for feedback
on what it was like to build support for Palestine in prisons. As this
comrade indicates, it can be a hard sell. Focusing on quality
programming can be a better place to start, but it is not inherently
going to build the movement. More programming can lead to more state
control over what prisoners are doing with their time, more
brainwashing. So such a campaign would need to have a component where
you were also building programs, or just space for discussion, that
serves the movement for it to be a progressive campaign. That is, a
campaign that serves the international proletariat rather than something
that just helps a small group of people get jobs when they’re released
or whatever. Campaigning for Palestine is much more inherently
internationalist in its content, and it does not present these
challenges – it presents the challenge of being harder to mobilize
people around instead as comrades in Texas and Florida have also
In the early hours of Wednesday, December 4th, a masked gunman shot
the CEO of United $tates insurance company UnitedHealthcare, Brian
Thompson, to death in the bustling streets of New York City. By midday,
CCTV footage of the act had gone viral across the internet and
traditional news media, spawning endless narratives and theories.
Simultaneously, the high-profile nature of the shooting prompted a
national manhunt to search for the suspect. The shooter evaded capture
for five days, but ey was eventually arrested after a tip was called in
by a McDonald’s employee in rural Pennsylvania.
As communists operating in the United $tates, how are we to
understand this event? What does the event itself and its resulting
fallout tell us about the political landscape we work within? If we wish
to live up to the title of being Marxists, the only answer to these
questions is that we must conduct a, as Lenin put it, “concrete analysis
of concrete conditions.” Let us begin with the facts of the case.
The Facts
The name of the alleged shooter is Luigi Mangione. As laid out in eir
so-called ‘manifesto’, Luigi’s motivation for the shooting is a disdain
for U.$. healthcare insurance companies in general and UnitedHealthcare
in particular. The origin of this disdain likely lies in a combination
of Luigi’s persynal interactions with health insurance companies through
eir struggles with back pain as well as the more widespread antagonism
between the U.$. population and health insurance companies.
Luigi comes from a well-connected family which has its roots in the
suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland. Eir grandfather ran several successful
business ventures which guaranteed employment and prosperity for the
next generations of the Mangione family as they have now taken the reins
on the family businesses. Luigi emself attended a private high school
before attending the Ivy League University of Pennsylvania where ey got
eir degree in computer science in 2020. According to Luigi’s family and
friends, ey ceased all communication with them in July 2024. Presumably,
Luigi spent the time between then and December planning the shooting,
which we will now focus on.
As mentioned, the shooting itself took place on the morning of 4
December 2024. Interestingly, Luigi employed a 3D-printed firearm to
commit the shooting, which marks the first time such a weapon has been
used in such a high-profile case. Immediately after, Luigi evaded the
swarms of police by traveling via foot, cab, and e-bike before boarding
a train towards Philadelphia. Not much else is known about Luigi’s
whereabouts and travels during the 5 days between the shooting and eir
arrest in Altoona, Pennsylvania.
The biggest takeaway here is how easily Luigi evaded both the NYPD
and the FBI for an extended period of time. If Luigi had continued
traveling, discarded the evidence ey carried on em, or put any effort
into changing eir appearance, it’s likely that ey would have never been
caught. But this is simply speculation on our parts. Let us now turn
from the objective facts of the case to the realm of ideology.
Luigi’s Ideology
To understand why Luigi Mangione shot Brian Thompson, we must first
understand eir ideology. The only clues we have towards this
understanding are scattered social media posts as well as the
aforementioned “manifesto” Luigi had on em when ey was arrested. While
we’ll primarily focus on the “manifesto”, we will first highlight one of
Luigi’s social media posts where ey reviews the writings of Ted
Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber. In this review, Luigi highlights
how Kaczynski was “rightfully imprisoned” because ey “maimed innocent
people” but that these were the actions of an “extreme political
revolutionary.” Luigi’s review finishes by quoting multiple paragraphs
from a Reddit comment expounding how violence is the only method we have
at our disposal to fight back against “our overlords.”
Now, turning to the “manifesto”, we wish to give our readers the
fullest picture possible, so we have included below a full copy of the
writing that was recovered when Luigi was arrested:
“To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do
for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly
that I wasn’t working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some
elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral
notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that
illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work
in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any
strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply
had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare
system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United
is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind
only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as [sic] our
life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply
gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense
profit because the American public has allwed [sic] them to get away
with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space,
and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out
the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed
(e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It
is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at
play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal
Let us take a closer look at this writing. Luigi begins with
“To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do
for our country.”
To those who proclaim Luigi is spreading “class consciousness” or
that ey is a revolutionary, this single sentence should shatter all
illusions. If an ally of yours said ey respects federal agents (of the
FBI, CIA, etc.) for what they “do for our country,” would you be on eir
side? Our answer to this question is a resounding Fuck
What else does Luigi write about? Ey brings up some rudimentary
statistics about life expectancy in the United $tates and market
capitalization before asserting that U.$. corporations have “gotten too
powerful” and “they continue to abuse our country for immense profit
because the American public has allwed [sic] them to get away with it.”
This strikes us as similar to the proposition that the Amerikkkan public
is “brainwashed” (how? by whom? why?) into merely passively accepting
the capitalist-imperialist world-system. This stands in opposition to
our political line which is that Euro-Amerikans actively embrace
imperialism (consciously or not) as the primary source of their wealth
via super-profits extracted from the Third World proletariat.
Luigi ends eir writing by admitting that ey is not “the most
qualified person to lay out the full argument” for the issues of the
U.$. health insurance system but assures us that ey is, “evidently […]
the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”
How high and mighty! Luigi is “evidently” the first to break through
the veil of ignorance which plagues the rest of us. Though we would
contend that there are perhaps a few people who have come before
Mr. Mangione who have faced the “corruption and greed” of the healthcare
industry (which is only a particular form of capitalist industry in
general) with “such brutal honesty.” Off the top of our heads, we can
think of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, or
Huey Newton, just to name a few. These are of course only the most
popular figureheads of past communist movements. In reality, there are
millions who have stood their ground against the imperialist-bourgeoisie
and lost their lives for it. But no matter their sacrifice, for we have
been blessed with the gift of the wealthy Euro-Amerikan from Maryland
showing us the path forward!
So where does all this leave us? Is Luigi really a Marxist
revolutionary who has been sent down from the Heavens to end the
oppression of the masses? Of course not. Luigi’s writings and musings
are nothing more than regurgitations of the same social fascist populism
that is reminiscent of the messaging around Bernie
Sander’s presidential campaigns combined with an impetus towards
political violence. Discontent with the healthcare insurance industry is
normal everyday politics for people living in the United $tates. All
Luigi did was elevate this discontent from the level of complaining on
the internet or attending protests to killing a CEO. An escalation of
force, to be sure, but not one that is qualitatively different in its
The Public’s Reaction
However critical we may be of Luigi Mangione, ey is only an
individual. It would be an error to narrowly focus on the individual
agents of hystory rather than the political trends and their material
causes which compel individuals to act the way they do. So what trend
underlies the actions of Luigi? And how has this been reflected in the
public’s reaction to the killing?
Broadly, reactions to the shooting can be grouped into one of two
camps: condemnations of Luigi’s actions or celebrations of them.
Those who condemn Luigi tend to do so from a position of superficial
pacifism wherein you must be totally against violence in all situations
– unless it benefits yourself or your nation. A vast majority of U.$.
politicians fall into this group as well as a sizable portion of the
U.$. citizenry. Typically hailing from the upper strata of U.$. society,
these individuals are largely hypocritical and uninteresting for our
purposes here. After all, even a child can identify the contradiction
that’s present when one mourns the death of a single CEO while
simultaneously advocating for imperialist armies to indiscriminately
murder the oppressed.
On the other side, there are large swaths of people who view Luigi as
a “folk hero” or a “savior” and exist somewhere on the spectrum between
sympathizing with or admiring Luigi. Typically viewed as part of the
Amerikan “left” (though we have observed both Democrats and Republicans
expressing these views), this group wishes for healthcare reform in
order to ease up on the contradictions intrinsic to the capitalist
system. More specifically, these individuals fall into the same category
of social fascist labor aristocrats as Luigi. Their class status as
labor aristocrats is being threatened by the “greedy” capitalists of the
health insurance corporations who want to take away their hard-earned
wealth (i.e. superprofits from the Third World) and Luigi’s actions are
simply one response to this threat. So long as their aim is narrowly
limited on what can be done to improve the lives of Amerikans rather
than taking a revolutionary approach to understand what can be done to
improve the lives of all humyns, they remain enemies of the
international proletariat.
This graph helps illustrate the demographics of either group as well
as the proportions of the U.$. population that fall into either side. We
also must wonder if the 20% support for Luigi Mangione among Amerikans
would translate to support for retribution for the killing of Robert
Brooks by New York prison guards and the slow genocide of New
Afrikan men in U.$. prisons? We probably all know the answer to this
Though there is a real ideological divide between the two
aforementioned groups, it would be wrong to overstate the width of this
divide. Both groups are merely two factions of the white supremacist
Amerikkkan establishment which exploits the Third World in order to
secure their own prosperity.
Our Thoughts
Where do we lie in this divide? You certainly won’t find us shedding
tears over a dead CEO, disavowing violence, or proclaiming pacifism, but
you also will not see us celebrating Luigi Mangione as some sort of hero
of the oppressed. Instead, we view Luigi as merely the latest
manifestation of labor aristocracy angst towards the imperialist leaders
of the United $tates. If either of Luigi’s actions or political line
were rooted in revolutionary politics, we’d be a bit more sympathetic to
em. But as it stands, Luigi’s lone wolf killing is both tactically inept
and ideologically confused.
More broadly, we understand the struggle of people in the United
$tates for more comprehensive healthcare. But rather than trying to
secure healthcare for Amerikans only, why don’t we set our sights on
securing healthcare for all people? Why should we advocate for petty
reforms like getting earlier colonoscopies for middle-aged Amerikans
when millions die each year in the Third World from easily-preventable
diseases because of imperialist wealth extraction? or when U.$. weapons
are used to murder doctors and bomb hospitals in Gaza? This is a topic
comrades have written
on before in relation to the Affordable Care Act(3), and it clearly
remains relevant today. Even if we limit our scope to be within U.$.
borders, the lack of healthcare that’s available for prisoners is a much
more pressing issue than the reforms which the social fascists are
seeking. It’s well documented how healthcare,
and lack thereof, is used as a tool to punish and torture
prisoners(4) rather than being recognized as a constitutional
Circling back to the central topic of this article, the question
still stands: will this shooting actually change anything about the
healthcare industry? Almost certainly not. But it has provided an
opportunity for the fascism of the labor aristocracy to rear its head in
a particularly brazen fashion through the actions of Luigi Mangione. As
the U.$. labor aristocracy is faced with political chaos both at-home
and abroad, they will resist the ever-looming threat of
proletarianization. Will they recover and maintain their position in the
imperialist world system? Will the U.$. population come face-to-face
with proletarianization as global inter-imperialist conflicts intensify?
We cannot say which is the case. The only thing we are sure of is that
the actions of Luigi Mangione have provided a unique insight into the
political terrain we operate in within U.$. borders. As communists, we
must harness this insight and use it to guide our political action so
that we may empower the international proletariat in their struggle
against capitalist-imperialism. The only path forward is revolution.
Just a few months ago we reported on the ongoing
illegal funding of I$rael by the United $tates, with a recently
announced $8.7 billion funding package. As Biden prepares to leave
office later this month, it has been reported that another $8 billion is
being sent to fund the imperialist outpost in the Middle East. Axios
“The State Department has notified Congress ‘informally’ of an $8
billion proposed arms deal with Israel that will include munitions for
fighter jets and attack helicopters as well as artillery shells.”
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) responded in
“Only racists who do not view people of color as equally human, and
sociopaths who delight in funding mass slaughter, could send Netanyahu
even more bombs while his government openly kidnaps doctors, destroys
hospitals, and exterminates the last survivors in northern Gaza.”(1)
The Palestinian resistance has drawn the line in the sand, and are
continuing to expose the racism of Amerikans and others in the
imperialist countries who support this ongoing genocide. But it is
especially the people in the United $tates who benefit from the funds
feeding the military industrial complex, as most aid to I$rael is spent
In further support of militarism on his way out of office, Biden has
once again begun direct bombing of Yemen by U.$. war ships despite a
pledge to end the war on Yemen when campaigning for the presidency. As
part of Operation Prosperity Guardian, U.$. aircraft carriers have been
in the Red Sea for over a year to safeguard international trade in
general and shipments to I$rael in particular. Recently, the Amerikans
bombed both the only airport in Yemen, killing six and injuring 40, and
the main port that serves as the lifeline for getting supplies to Yemen.
This port was already largely damaged in the ongoing war with the
U.$.-backed Saudi regime. The airport attack was timed by I$rael to
happen while the World Health Organization General Secretary was there,
though ey was not injured.(2)
Despite over 22 years of continuous U.$.-sponsored attacks, the
people of Yemen stand strong, and Ansar Allah are clear they will not
stop rerouting ships in the Red Sea and attacking I$rael until genocide
in Gaza stops.
There is no hope of the U.$. imperialists cutting off I$rael on their
own volition, and everything in our power must be done here in the heart
of empire to stop the funding of genocide and the expansionist settler
colonialism spreading across the region. Palestine, Yemen and others in
the region are at the front lines fighting imperialism and
Robert Brooks, a 43 year old New Afrikan man, was beaten to death by
Correctional Officers (C.O.s) in Marcy Correctional Facility in upstate
New York on 9 December 2024, dying in the hospital the next day. On 27
December the New York Attorney General’s office released body camera
footage from 6 C.O.s and 2 Sergeants involved in the beating. They show
Brooks being pinned to a gurney, while handcuffed, and beaten on-and-off
for many minutes by the pigs.(1) Thirteen staff members of the New York
State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) are
being investigated in the beating.(2)
Marcy C.F. is in an area of upstate New York known for its racist
rednecks, a very white area abutting the Oneida Nation Reservation. Just
down the road is the infamous Clinton Correctional Facility as well as
the Mohawk Correctional Facility offensively named after the neighboring
Mohawk nation of the Iroquois confederacy. A comrade struggling with
addiction was moved from Mohawk last year to a Secure Housing Facility
where ey reports:
“I still am recovering from the brutal assault, battery, torture and
sexual assault by the gang of pigz here at Upstate C.F. I am physically
healing slowly and taking some drug to help with the brain damage I
suffered from all the fractures in my face and forehead. I’m doing
physical therapy for my arm. My studies with you all have given me the
focus and strength to recover. I am no longer on the Suboxone program,
smoking cigarettes, marijuana or PCP. I still struggle with K2, but the
more time I spend grounded in studies, writing and reading with you all,
the less time I have to think about wanting to get high. I thank you all
and hope my struggle is an example to those who are sick themselves and
Brooks had recently been transferred from Mohawk as well, and sent to
Marcy this month.(2) The state investigation indicates that Brooks did
not attack the officers or do anything to warrant the use of force,
which the videos show as well.(1,2) Brooks’s death is suspected to be a
result of “asphyxia due to compression of the neck.” New York State
Correctional Officers are required to wear body cameras and have them
running whenever encountering a prisoner. While many involved covered
their cameras, the beating continued despite the presence of the body
cameras in the room. The Times Union reports that the C.O.s
seemed to be unaware that their body cameras could be passively
recording the incident.(2)
People posted pictures of Mario and Luigi cartoon characters online
in response to pictures and videos of the beating posted online. The
outrage at this state-sponsored lynching is somewhat encouraging, but
posting images online obviously won’t solve the brutality waged against
oppressed nations, and against prisoners in general, in this country.
Organization is needed. Only together can we protect ourselves.
Happy Mass Murder Day,
The last Thursday in November,
a day to give thanks to god;
for the natives being massacred.
What kind of god do we believe in,
making heroes out of criminals,
celebrating the atrocities,
of the so-called founding fathers,
thieves, humyn traffickers,
rapists, and slave holders?
Thanking god for the parasites,
no wonder we are still their sufferers.
Happy Mass Murder Day,
The history speaks for itself,
we see why the very same invasions,
and massacres are happening,
to the Palestinian natives.
Funded and armed,
by the very same parasites;
who invaded and massacred,
the American natives.
Pretty soon there will be,
a Thanks Giving day,
for the invasion and massacre
happening in Palestine.
Inevitable, as long as the parasites,
are in control of the narrative.
Happy Mass Murder Day,
to who, the lawmakers,
who got millions invested
in military weapons
manufacturing companies?
And the owners of the companies
manufacturing the bombs?
Or the poor defenseless victims;
wombmen and children
being blown to smithereens,
with systematic impunities?
Y’all keep celebrating the murderers,
I’ll keep celebrating the victims
of these crimes against humanity,
victims of CIPWS atrocities.
Happy Mass Murder Day,
Isn’t Gaza and the West Bank,
in and of themselves reservations?
Hasn’t Gaza and the West Bank,
been enduring the very same foreigner
settler colonization and occupation,
for 76-plus years?
Doesn’t that call for
Palestinian indignation?
And isn’t it being done,
by the very same victims
of holocaust extermination?
How do you scream “self defense”
against a people you are denying
Where is God,
or the United Nations?
Happy Mass Murder Day,
why isn’t anyone seeing
a double standard of international law?
Why isn’t anyone seeing the Zionist,
as being truly anti-semitic to the core?
Why isn’t anyone seeing
that Amerikkka is arming the Zionist
against the Palestinian poor?
the blocking of humanitarian aid,
the targeting of wombmen and children,
attacking hospitals and aid workers,
medical personnel and UN Officials,
need I say any more?
Netanhitler is a proxy of the U.$.,
so he cannot be a war criminal,
and what’s happening in Palestine,
in their eyes is not even war.
Must be just a figment of my imagination,
just keeping it raw.
I recently received my first Under Lock and
Key (Winter 2023, No. 80) newsletter. I really wish I’d been
receiving it years ago, cuz it’s a good read, and very informative.
Just read page 7. Drug addiction remains a primary barrier to unity,
and I would like more info on United Struggle from Within’s
Revolutionary 12 Step training program. And if, and how, I can
get involved, cause here in the Illinois prison system, drugs have
become a major issue, especially since Covid hit. Prisoners are having
their people dip/spray letters, cards, books, magazines, and even
obituaries with drugs and other chemicals in order to eat or smoke the
paper to get some type of high. Whatever these guys are smoking is
causing them to have episodes such as freaking out, seizures, and even
O.D.ing. It’s so bad at times you can see a smoke cloud in the air, and
C.O.’s, Sgt’s, Lt’s, and even Major’s have been on a wing during this
and have done nothing but tell the wing to put that shit out and spray
something in order to cover up the odor, and they’ve even said, smoke it
at your own risk and don’t call for help if you O.D. There ain’t a unit,
wing, or housing that don’t have an issue with this stuff. Seg and even
the infirmary are smoking it up. To a point the staff have given up
trying to get this under control and these substances have caused
multiple issues for all of us in here.
They’ve gotten real strict on the mail and what we receive and how we
receive mail such as letters, cards, photos, and books/magazines.
They’ve told us that our letters can’t be more than 3 pages, we can’t
receive 2-ply cards, and they can’t have any glitter on them. All photos
have to go through a company such as Freeprints or Pelipost, can’t come
from our family, friends, Walmart, or Walgreens any more. All books and
magazines must come from a vendor or company, and even then, a lot is
not allowed, no hard cover books, and can’t be over a certain size.
Also, it plays on us prisoners that have health issues and altered
immune systems such as myself. I have breathing issues and I’ve even had
a sinus surgery in order to open my nose so I could breathe better. And
I use a rescue inhaler and have been put in by my surgeon to have a
sleep study done due to my breathing and my surgeon has even said that I
need a CPAP machine which is what the sleep study is for.
I’ve even gotten into arguments/fights with cellies that I’ve had
over them wanting to smoke this stuff.
I have wrote the warden and the placement officer multiple times, the
warden has never responded. And it took me three times writing the
placement officer before I got a response. I had asked, “which wings
exactly are the non-smoking wings?” “This is a smoke-free institution.”,
word-for-word the response I was given.
Staff C.O.’s and nurses crack jokes and talk about how bad the
smoking is on a unit or on a wing, and I’ve heard/been told by a few
C.O.’s and nurses that some staff have lawsuits in due to them coming in
contact with said substance and/or smoke.
There is nowhere in this prison that is smoke free, and with them not
having a place for those of us that don’t want to be around this stuff,
they are putting us in harm’s way and putting our health at risk.
A couple questions: is this a violation of my rights? What should/can
I do about it?
Please help me if you can, thank you!
Please send me the Grievance Campaign – petition for Illinois.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This is the same story we’ve
been hearing across the country, and one of the reasons we launched our
Revolutionary 12 Step program when we did. It’s almost as if
this drug plague prisoners are facing was intentional. You should have
received a copy of our 12 Step program by now. Unfortunately we do not
have an active training program. But we are looking for experienced
comrades to restart our training program, and for comrades on the ground
to implement the program and send in reports on its successes and
failures and how to improve it. This is an important challenge that the
anti-imperialist prison movement must overcome to be successful.
Is the smoke a violation of the law? Yes, as the staff told you it is
a non-smoking facility and you have a legal right to not be exposed to
second hand smoke there. The Smoke-Free Illinois Act (SFIA) of 2008
forbids smoking in all buildings (with exceptions like homes and
designated hotel rooms), where smoking is defined as:
“Smoke” or “smoking” means the carrying, smoking, burning, inhaling,
or exhaling of any kind of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, hookah, weed,
herbs, or any other lighted smoking equipment. “Smoke” or “smoking”
includes the use of an electronic cigarette.
Is the smoke a violation of your rights? Well, we’d say there are no
rights, only power struggles. So you can use the SFIA to grieve this
issue, but if they don’t listen you’ll have to get organized, find
allies inside or outside and apply pressure. We’ve sent you the
grievance petition, this is one tool you can use to try to organize
people around this issue.
The oppression which prisoners face in this country is one result of
the global system of imperialism whose primary victims are the oppressed
nations globally, meaning that this system is our primary enemy. We must
spread the word that prisoners in this country are suffering because the
Amerikan empire’s wealth is based on class and national barriers; the
Amerikan nation does not want to share its privileged position with
Black and Brown people, so they restrict them from employment, from
education, from housing, and force them into a life in the
“underground.” The solution for the oppressed is not to fight to get
into the club, but to unite with the oppressed in the Third World to
destroy the club system as a whole and build a socialist world. A world
where peoples’ needs are put first, not the current world where people
are constantly struggling for petty basic rights like not to have your
life threatened by toxic smoke.
The purpose of this article is to shine a spotlight into an area
where darkness prevails. Now I know Georgia’s prisons are not the only
ones with this problem, but I’m willing to wager that Georgia is most
likely leading the nation in such instances where INMATES ARE PERFORMING
First off, Georgia’s close security prisons (same as maximum
security) are experiencing extreme shortages of correctional officers.
It seems as though no one wants to be a part of a very obvious and very
well known corrupt system or governmental body.
So now what a lot of prison wardens, administrators, officers, are
doing, is becoming very familiar with gang leaders, or high ranking
members of gangs, and basically using them and their subordinate gang
members to police other prisoners.
Now some may say, I thought you would like this situation, it’s
instance inside the housing units, if you’re a civilian prisoner
(non-gang affiliation) you are most likely not going to have access to a
cell to sleep in or use the toilet, because gang members want their own
personal room.
The gang members are doing a lot of oppressing towards civilian
prisoners (robbery, extortion, beatings, stabbing, murdering) and a lot
of these acts are done for the sheer pleasure or entertainment of the
They even kick other prisoners out of the housing units, forcing them
to be housed in isolation/segregation. Basically if you’re a non-gang
affiliated prisoner, you can’t stay in general population unless you
want to sleep in the dayroom/common area. What’s even more absurd is
that the gang members don’t even want their so-called brother member to
share a room with him.
The gang members are assigned nearly all the prison jobs, therefore
they control the whole prison and its movement. The meals are brought to
the housing unit, where the gang members distribute out the trays to
themselves first and give what they don’t want to the ones remaining. So
you’d be fortunate to eat!
The food portions are very very pathetic, not even a kindergarten
student would be fulfilled from these small portions. YES INMATES ARE
and an officer get into a heated exchange these same gangsters take the
side of the officer against you and will even beat you, stab you, yes
even murder you.
The sad thing about all of this is, these inmate officers are not
handsomely rewarded for any of these acts! Yeah the high ranking ones
have their contraband, and other prison luxuries, but for the most part
they don’t have anything to show for their acts. Most are serving a life
sentence (must serve 30 years before parole board considers parole for
them) or life without parole, or any other combination of lengthy
Now I respect that some prisoners are working the system to their
advantage, but you should never forget that your goal is to get
released. So while you working the system to keep contraband shipments
coming, and hustling to either provide for family or to save up for
attorney fee or both, keep in mind that you’re contributing to the
oppression of others and to yourself by helping the wardens,
administrators, and officers operate these prisons.
Some prisons in Georgia are even neglecting to open the law library,
especially here at Valdosta State Prison. The cell phones have been the
biggest gift and curse in Georgia prisons, because these guys allow
wardens, administration, officers, HELL THE WHOLE GDC TO VIOLATE U.S.
and you get cellphone, that’s babysitting you in a cell!
Instead of attending to the law library, and trying to find a loop
hole with their case to regain their freedom, they’re on social media,
or chatting with some chatline girl, instead of using the cellphone as a
tool to regain their life. DO YOU GET IT NOW CELL PHONE? PRISON CELL
It seems, gone are the times when inmates would stick together
regardless of race, organization, affiliations etc etc to reach a common
goal or to better their treatment.
They’ve let the powers that be use their differences, along with
their frustrating sentence/case circumstances, and their greed for
material possessions (commissary food, cellphones and other contraband
items) to divide them and place some above others to cause even more
In Georgia we’re in prime position to unify and demand some things.
Due to the fact that Georgia Department of Corrections is in an extreme
shortage of officers.
This what I’m suggesting could be done without violence or breaking
the rules. But we have to get the gangs and their purpose and main
mission back into the proper perspective, which is to serve and protect
civilians/citizens, to stop oppression.
The gangs have been infiltrated by these imposters who’ve gained rank
and position only to destroy it from within. So be careful who you
In closing, think deep, find what you and your so-called opp have in
common, come together to fight against your common enemy. Don’t allow
your oppressors to use you to do their dirty work, by giving you some
trinkets so you the oppressed will in turn oppress the already
oppressed. We all have the same fight so why not join forces? There’s
nothing that a warden, administrator or officer could bring in to me or
promise me to trick me into performing his duty. I’ll never perform
violence against another inmate for an officer, who when done with me,
will turn traitor against me. Again I will not let Dept of Corrections
pimp me. While they go home each and every day to their freedom and home
and family, while some $50 cellphone keeps me distracted from seeking
freedom. These cheap devices are not worth a life!
Swallowed alive by the 2nd Beast, digested for
Encaged, isolated and eclipsed, by spotlights under scrutiny.
Splinters in my feet, as I walk the plank voluntarily;
Poseidon’s fishin’ for me, with liquid dreams of recrutin’ ye,
into the rank-n-file to crowd-surf waves momentarily.
suddenly, loose lips opened up, like cannon ports, aimed at you and
verbal cannon balls sunk our ship, Amongst A counter-revolution of
The mutants sold us out and signed a deal with Big Satan.
Long Ago, Big And Lil’ satan gave birth to their nations.
Over time their baby nations mutated, like x-men,
but with anti-hero superpowers to drop bombs on the next myn;
And also on their next Ken,
who ain’t even grown myn,
just Palestinian baby P.O.W.’s, concentration camps, got em caged
unescapable lion’s den of thieves, who steal lives from mere
I guess children’s Lives Don’t Matter, without world superpowers, like