The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[Palestine] [Elections] [U.S. Imperialism]

Palestine Celebrates Announced Cease Fire Deal

Yesterday, U.$. Presidents Trump and Biden announced a cease fire deal between their military outpost called I$rael and the Palestinian resistance, primarily represented by Hamas. Palestinians are celebrating in the streets for this potential respite from the 15 month onslaught that has turned Gaza to rubble and murdered 47,000 Palestinians officially and closer to double that in reality. Despite these heavy losses, the cease fire is a victory for the Palestinian resistance that has not folded after 15 months of fighting a much more heavily funded occupier. The United $tates says that the fighting forces in Palestine have increased in numbers since 7 October 2023.

At this writing, the peace deal has not begun and has not officially been signed by I$rael. I$rael has continued to murder Palestinians in recent days, including one reporter who had just announced the planned peace deal to the world. And the imperialists continue to spread lies about Hamas holding up the deal. Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill says ey saw a signed deal by all of the Palestinian resistance representatives days before the deal was announced, when Biden was claiming they were waiting on Hamas.

The deal is a victory for the Palestinian resistance, in meeting their immediate demands, including a prisoner exchange that is supposed to release some who were sentenced to prison for life by the I$raelis. The deal will also involve I$rael’s withdrawal from and the rebuilding of Gaza. At this time no details are public.

I$raeli press has credited Trump with forcing the deal that has been drafted during the Biden presidency and is scheduled to begin the day before Trump’s inauguration. Trump had demanded a deal happen before he gets into office. The Trump administration has continued to call for the total elimination of Hamas, and the deal seems to also force a demilitarization of all Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip. While the majority of Amerikans opposed the bombing campaign of the last 15 months, they do not support a liberated Palestine. Trump seems to be willing to at least pause the slaughter that Biden supported and to appease the minimal demands of many Amerikans, but he is no friend of the Palestinian people. Those who demanded “Ceasefire Now!” may have their demand met, but this is not the first time Palestinians have celebrated in the streets after a deal is struck with I$rael. There is an antagonistic contradiction between the I$raeli settlers and the Palestinians of the land that is far from resolved. And indications have already been made that I$rael does not intend to see the deal through past the first phase. Only time will tell how the imperialists will behave in Palestine in the coming weeks and months. But the struggle for the national liberation of Palestine lives!

[Palestine] [U.S. Imperialism] [Militarism] [Yemen]

Joe Ends Term with One More Big Push for Genocide

The Holocaust is in Gaza

Just a few months ago we reported on the ongoing illegal funding of I$rael by the United $tates, with a recently announced $8.7 billion funding package. As Biden prepares to leave office later this month, it has been reported that another $8 billion is being sent to fund the imperialist outpost in the Middle East. Axios reports:

“The State Department has notified Congress ‘informally’ of an $8 billion proposed arms deal with Israel that will include munitions for fighter jets and attack helicopters as well as artillery shells.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) responded in part:

“Only racists who do not view people of color as equally human, and sociopaths who delight in funding mass slaughter, could send Netanyahu even more bombs while his government openly kidnaps doctors, destroys hospitals, and exterminates the last survivors in northern Gaza.”(1)

The Palestinian resistance has drawn the line in the sand, and are continuing to expose the racism of Amerikans and others in the imperialist countries who support this ongoing genocide. But it is especially the people in the United $tates who benefit from the funds feeding the military industrial complex, as most aid to I$rael is spent here.

In further support of militarism on his way out of office, Biden has once again begun direct bombing of Yemen by U.$. war ships despite a pledge to end the war on Yemen when campaigning for the presidency. As part of Operation Prosperity Guardian U.$. aircraft carriers have been in the Red Sea for over a year to safeguard international trade in general, and shipments to I$rael in particular. Recently, the Amerikans bombed the only airport in Yemen, killing 6 and injurying 40, as well as the main port that is the lifeline for supplies to Yemen. This port was already largely damaged in the ongoing war with the U.$.-backed Saudi regime. The airport attack was timed by I$rael to happen while the World Health Organization General Secretary was there, though ey was not injured.(2)

Despite over 22 years of continuous U.$.-sponsored attacks, the people of Yemen stand strong, and Ansar Allah are clear they will not stop rerouting ships in the Red Sea and attacking I$rael until genocide in Gaza stops.

There is no hope of the U.$. imperialists cutting off I$rael on their own volition, and everything in our power must be done here in the heart of empire to stop the funding of genocide and the expansionist settler colonialism spreading across the region. Palestine, Yemen and others in the region are at the front lines fighting imperialism and oppression.

Note:1. CAIR, 4 January 2025, CAIR Calls Biden Admin’s New $8 Billion Arms Sale for Israeli Genocide ‘Racist, Sociopathic’.
2. Democracy Now! 3 January 2025.

[Economics] [Homelessness]

4 People Own $1 Trillion Dollars - Should We Tax Them?

world's richest people
In just 8 months these people have increased their wealth by hundreds of billions of dollars.

A group called Americans For Tax Fairness posted an announcement online that:

“The wealth of the four richest Americans hit $1 TRILLION yesterday.

“It’s the first time in history the net worth of just four men – Musk, Bezos, Ellison, Zuckerberg – has hit the trillions.

“These four men were worth $74 billion twelve short years ago.

“Tax billionaires.”

A startling increase in wealth for sure. And who could possibly use so much wealth? Have their lives even changed with this increase of wealth of two orders of magnitude? Did they even notice? In related news people are up in arms about one of the 4, Jeff Bezos, putting on a $600 million wedding.

It is true that any of these individuals could take a chunk of that wealth and ride off into the sunset, never to be heard from again. But like any one of us, we can only operate within the laws of the world we were born into. And the laws of capitalism would just fill that slot with another individual.

We’ll let Engels explain this in more depth:

“The capitalistic mode of production moves in these two forms of the antagonism immanent to it from its very origin. It is never able to get out of that”vicious circle” which Fourier had already discovered. What Fourier could not, indeed, see in his time is that this circle is gradually narrowing; that the movement becomes more and more a spiral, and must come to an end, like the movement of the planets, by collision with the centre. It is the compelling force of anarchy in the production of society at large that more and more completely turns the great majority of men into proletarians; and it is the masses of the proletariat again who will finally put an end to anarchy in production. It is the compelling force of anarchy in social production that turns the limitless perfectibility of machinery under modern industry into a compulsory law by which every individual industrial capitalist must perfect his machinery more and more, under penalty of ruin. But the perfecting of machinery is making human labour superfluous. If the introduction and increase of machinery means the displacement of millions of manual by a few machine-workers, improvement in machinery means the displacement of more and more of the machine-workers themselves. It means, in the last instance, the production of a number of available wage-workers in excess of the average needs of capital, the formation of a complete industrial reserve army, as I called it in 1845, available at the times when industry is working at high pressure, to be cast out upon the street when the inevitable crash comes, a constant dead-weight upon the limbs of the working class in its struggle for existence with capital, a regulator for the keeping of wages down to the low level that suits the interests of capital. Thus it comes about, to quote Marx, that machinery becomes the most powerful weapon in the war of capital against the working class; that the instruments of labour constantly tear the means of subsistence out of the hands of the labourer; that the very product of the worker is turned into an instrument for his subjugation. Thus it comes about that the economising of the instruments of labour becomes at the same time, from the outset, the most reckless waste of labour-power, and robbery based upon the normal conditions under which labour functions; that machinery, the most powerful instrument for shortening labour-time, becomes the most unfailing means for placing every moment of the labourer’s time and that of his family at the disposal of the capitalist for the purpose of expanding the value of his capital.” - Frederick Engels, Anti-Duhring

For those four people to keep increasing their wealth, is to fulfill their destiny in the system of capitalism. It is not a question of persynal greed, nor of humyn nature, rather it is the natural law of the current economic structure.

The call to tax billionaires is ultimately a futile act in opposition to the laws of the capitalist machine. It is possible to do, and could change the balance of wealth among those living in the most wealthy country in the world. But the tendency of the laws of capitalism is to go back to this point, and surpass it, in terms of the concentration of wealth. This tendency to concentrate wealth, to maintain profitability by out-competing others, is one of the inherent contradictions in the capitalist system that require its end.

To live in such a time is exciting. The opportunities increase as capitalism becomes top-heavy and crisis looms. It’s terrible, but it’s fine.

Engels also talks about how the inherent contradictions of capitalism build a “reserve army” of labor, excluding more and more from participating in the wage system. Even in the richest country of the world, where there is virtually no proletariat like that described by Engels above, these laws of capitalism apply and we have a class we call the First World lumpen. A class that is excluded by capitalism – the only economic system that has ever had a thing called “unemployment.” The idea that there is no work for some people to do is unheard of in most of humyn history, as well as in socialist countries of the past like the USSR and China.

In 2024, homelessness increased 18%, following a 12% increase in 2023. The official count is over 770,000 people, meaning real numbers are approaching a million.(1) That is still less than half the people we have locked in prisons and jails in this country. And both numbers may continue to surge with proposed plans under the second Trump regime. However, mass deportations could also contribute to a decline in homelessness, as migrant raza make up a significant portion of those without houses.(2)

Most of the people in the United $tates raise their pitchforks at these billionaires in hopes of raising their taxes to maintain the standard of living here. These people believe in the system, just think it needs to change a bit. The First World lumpen are at least torn, in that they benefit from operating against the rules of the system, while also receiving some benefits from it. As contradictions spiral up, as Engels describes, the lumpen will be some of the first to see opportunity in the destruction of the old and the creation of something new, in particular the oppressed nation lumpen, who we identify in our analysis, “Who is Lumpen in the United $tates?

1. Michael Casey, 27 December 2024, US homelessness up 18% as affordable housing remains out of reach for many people, Associated Press.
2. Communist Party of Aztlán, November 2024, On Homelessness: A Growing Site of Lumpen Organizing, Under Lock & Key 87.

[Deaths in Custody] [Police Brutality] [Abuse] [Marcy Correctional Facility] [Mohawk Correctional Facility] [New York]

NYS DOCCS Pigs Kill Man Imprisoned in Marcy Correctional Facility

Robert Brooks, a 43 year old New Afrikan man, was beaten to death by Correctional Officers (C.O.s) in Marcy Correctional Facility in upstate New York on 9 December 2024, dying in the hospital the next day. On 27 December the New York Attorney General’s office released body camera footage from 6 C.O.s and 2 Sergeants involved in the beating. They show Brooks being pinned to a gurney, while handcuffed, and beaten on-and-off for many minutes by the pigs.(1) Thirteen staff members of the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) are being investigated in the beating.(2)

Marcy C.F. is in an area of upstate New York known for its racist rednecks, a very white area abutting the Oneida Nation Reservation. Just down the road is the infamous Clinton Correctional Facility as well as the Mohawk Correctional Facility offensively named after the neighboring Mohawk nation of the Iroquois confederacy. A comrade struggling with addiction was moved from Mohawk last year to a Secure Housing Facility where ey reports:

“I still am recovering from the brutal assault, battery, torture and sexual assault by the gang of pigz here at Upstate C.F. I am physically healing slowly and taking some drug to help with the brain damage I suffered from all the fractures in my face and forehead. I’m doing physical therapy for my arm. My studies with you all have given me the focus and strength to recover. I am no longer on the Suboxone program, smoking cigarettes, marijuana or PCP. I still struggle with K2, but the more time I spend grounded in studies, writing and reading with you all, the less time I have to think about wanting to get high. I thank you all and hope my struggle is an example to those whoa re sick themselves and struggling.”

Brooks had recently been transferred from Mohawk as well, and sent to Marcy this month.(2) The state investigation indicates that Brooks did not attack the officers or do anything to warrant the use of force, which the videos show as well.(1,2) Brooks’s death is suspected to be a result of “asphyxia due to compression of the neck.” New York State Correctional Officers are required to wear body cameras and have them running whenever encountering a prisoner. While many involved covered their cameras, the beating continued despite the presence of the body cameras in the room. The Times Union reports that the C.O.s seemed to be unaware that their body cameras could be passively recording the incident.(2)

People posted pictures of Mario and Luigi cartoon characters online in response to pictures and videos of the beating posted online. The outrage at this state-sponsored lynching is somewhat encouraging, but posting images online obviously won’t solve the brutality waged against oppressed nations, and against prisoners in general, in this country. Organization is needed. Only together can we protect ourselves.

2. Brendan J. Lyons, 27 December 2024, Court records confirm inmate was beaten while handcuffed, The Times Union.

This article referenced in:
[Palestine] [Organizing] [Campaigns] [Digital Mail] [ULK Issue 87]

Prisoners Reaching Students on Palestine

Resist U.S. Backed Genocide in Gaza

This past summer, we gathered commentary from our readers on the student uprising against the genocide in Gaza, which is now expanding across the region. These articles were used in a pamphlet that many USW comrades received, and were all printed in Under Lock & Key 86.

Comrades on the streets distributed the pamphlet and ULK 86 to students (and non-students) in a number of regions across the country. We attended rallies and speaking events, visited the remnants of encampments and shared publications at conferences.

In general, the response was enthusiastic to the articles written by prisoners, especially regarding solidarity with Palestine. Anti-Imperialist Prisoner Support (AIPS) maintained a presence at Socialism Conference 2024 which took place in Chicago during the end of August. Over 100 copies of ULK were handed out at the conference, while also agitating against prisoner repression.

At a New York hacker conference, audience members eagerly grabbed copies of the Palestine pamphlet at a talk on prison surveillance. The speaker exposed most of the issues we discuss in our Prison Banned Books Week articles. Ey also exposed how Securus has a patent to use the phone numbers of prisoner contacts to track their spending data. And Securus already provides location data to Correctional Officers by phone number! We hope comrades can understand why we’re sticking to snail mail. This also happened to be the only talk at the conference where the speaker shouted “Free Palestine!”

At a southern California Palestine solidarity event comrades were able to give out ULK 86 to a large group of students and noticed that others would grab a copy on their way out. Reactions were mostly positive with one criticism being that it may have been too tough on the students. This was presumably referring to the critique written by an outside comrade involved in the student movement.

Comrades have communicated with a number of student groups to solicit responses or statements for this issue of Under Lock & Key. While at least one group expressed interest, we did not get any reports from students on the ongoing legal struggles and political repression they are facing for this issue. It is clear more work is needed to strengthen a connection between the prison movement and the student movement. But progress is being made.

Decades ago, Under Lock & Key was a section in the newspaper MIM Notes put out by the original Maoist Internationalist Movement and its party in the United $tates. For a time, MIM distributed newspapers on the streets at 20-30 times the amount they sent to prisoners, and their paper came out every 2 weeks. Since MIM(Prisons) launched Under Lock & Key in 2007, it has always been a primarily prisoner newsletter. Though in the past we’ve estimated our online readership to be bigger. A couple years ago we set the goal of distributing as many newspapers on the streets as we do in prisons. While not quite there, ULK 86 was by far the closest we’ve gotten to reaching that goal.

If you want to help expand ULK distribution on the street, send us $55 in cash or postage stamps with a return address and we’ll send you 100 copies of the next ULK we print. ULK currently comes out at the beginning of November, February, May, and August.

[Palestine] [U.S. Imperialism] [Militarism] [Zionism] [ULK Issue 87]

U.$. Continues Illegal Funding to Zionist Terrorists

As we go to press, the prospects of an inter-imperialist war loom heavy once again. The upcoming U.$. presidential election contributes to the uncertainty as various forces posture and attempt to exert influence. What is clear is that U.$. imperialism is set on backing its Zionist outpost in the Levant (Middle East) while the majority of the world stand in opposition, and even most Amerikans want their government to stop sending arms to I$rael.(1)

Despite public opinion, the imperialists are offering no presidential candidate that will slow aid to I$rael. Military aid also continues despite the United $tate’s own laws.

“ProPublica has revealed USAID and the State Department’s refugees bureau both concluded this spring that Israel had deliberately blocked deliveries of food and medicine into Gaza, but U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other top Biden officials rejected the findings of the agencies even though they’re considered the two foremost U.S. authorities on humanitarian assistance. Blinken’s decision allowed the U.S. to keep sending arms to Israel. Under U.S. law, the government is required to cut off weapons shipments to countries preventing the delivery of U.S.-backed aid. Days after receiving the reports, Blinken told Congress, quote, “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance.”

“On [24 September 2024], the Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, called for Blinken’s resignation, accusing him of lying to Congress.”(2)

u.s. aid to Israel 1946-2024

I$rael received at least $12.5 billion in U.$. aid as of May 2024.(3) And as the 2024 fiscal year comes to a close, they just announced another $8.7 billion in military aid to I$rael in an aid package that also includes $17 billion to “reimburse U.S. operations in response to recent attacks.”(4) This came in the midst of increased attacks on Lebanon and the killing of the leadership of Hezbollah.

“Most of the aid—approximately $3.3 billion a year—is provided as grants under the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program, funds that Israel must use to purchase U.S. military equipment and services. …U.S. aid reportedly accounts for some 15 percent of Israel’s defense budget. Israel, like many other countries, also buys U.S. military products outside of the FMF program.”(3)

Israel gets 78% of its arms imports from the United $tates.(3) This circulation of capital into the U.$. economy is one reason why the imperialists won’t offer an anti-war candidate. Meanwhile, family members in Gaza send photos of bombs and military equipment used against them stamped with “Made in USA”.

An April 2024 Pew Research poll showed much lower opposition to sending military aid to I$rael among Amerikans than other polls, but its breakdown by age reflected who is out in the streets, and who is putting their bodies on the line to stop the genocide here in the United $tates. While 45% of 18-29 year olds opposed U.$. aid to I$rael according to Pew, this number decreases with age, getting down to only 22% of Amerikans 65+.(3) This conflict between the young and the old has been reflected in the anti-imperialist movement for decades, and we see this as the principal contradiction within the Amerikan nation where class contradictions and the contradictions between male-bodied and female-bodied people are generally not antagonistic.

The military-industrial complex (MIC) ensures politicians represent economic interests by massive investments in lobbying:

“Lobbying expenditures by all the denizens of the MIC are even higher—more than $247 million in the last two election cycles. Such funds are used to employ 820 lobbyists, or more than one for every member of Congress. And mind you, more than two-thirds of those lobbyists had swirled through Washington’s infamous revolving door from jobs at the Pentagon or in Congress to lobby for the arms industry.”(5)

Weapons manufacturers have bigger budgets than those in charge of the wars, and more influence than any other industry. In 2020, Lockheed Martin received more money from the U.$. government than the budgets of the State Department and the Agency of International development combined. Meanwhile, more than 75 percent of the top foreign-policy think tanks in the United $tates are at least partially funded by military contractors. These weapons manufacturers are also deeply involved in Hollywood movie production. This is why we think it is misleading to use terms like “prison industrial complex” or “non-profit industrial complex”. The size, influence and importance to the U.$. economy of military production is not comparable to such theories.(6)

According to statistics gathered by the National Defense Industrial Association, there are currently one million direct jobs in arms manufacturing compared to 3.2 million in the 1980s.(4) But we all benefit indirectly in this country, and the east coast dock workers agree:

“Dating back to World War 1, the ILA was always proud to note that ‘ILA Also Means Love America’ when it came to its “No Strike Pledge” in handling U.S. military cargo at all its ports,” said ILA President Harold Daggett, who served in the U.S. Navy and saw combat duty during the Vietnam War. “We continue our pledge to never let our brave American troops down for their valour and service and we will proudly continue to work all military shipments beyond October 1st, even if we are engaged in a strike.”(7)

While it is not clear exactly what the U.$. strategy is for I$rael right now, two things remain true: 1. I$rael is an outpost for U.$. interests in the Levant (which is rich in fossil fuels), and 2. weapons production is a key prop to the U.$. economy by continuously increasing the circulation of capital.

France announced it has ceased any military aid to I$rael to be consistent with their calls for a cease fire. The United Nations called on I$rael to withdraw its military from Palestine and Lebanon and evacuate settlers from lands occupied since 1967 (124 countries voted in favor, 14 against, 43 abstained). Weeks later, I$raeli troops fired at 3 UNIFIL positions in southern Lebanon, injuring a number of UN peacekeepers. Countries continue to join the International Court of Justice case against I$rael, including Chile, the Maldives and Bolivia most recently. Meanwhile, Nicaragua, an early signatory, has just cut off diplomatic ties with I$rael.

I$rael has killed an estimated 8% of the population of Gaza after one year of war and displacement.(8)

1. a June 2024 CBS poll had 61% opposing sending weapons to I$rael and 37% who wanted an end to all military actions in Gaza; a majority of Amerikans have consistently opposed sending arms to I$rael since 7 October 2023
2. Democracy Now!, 26 September 2024, U.S. Gov’t Agencies Found Israel Was Blocking Gaza Aid. Blinken Ignored Them to Keep Weapons Flowing.
3. Jonathan Masters & Will Merrow, 31 May 2024, U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts, Council on Foreign Releations.
4. Laura Kelly, 26 September 2024, Israel says it secured $8.7 billion military aid package from US , The Hill.
5. William D. Hartung and Benjamin Freeman, 9 May 2023, The Military Industrial Complex Is More Powerful Than Ever, The Nation.
6. Wiawimawo, April 2016, The Importance of Militarism Under Imperialism, and Why Prisons Aren’t So Much, Under Lock & Key 50
7. International Longshoremen’s Association, 25 September 2024, press statement.
8. Ben Norton, 13 October 2024, Global South denounces genocide in Gaza, Nicaragua breaks relations with ‘fascist’ Israel, Latin America supports Palestine, Geopolitical Economy Report.

[Campaigns] [Censorship] [Drugs] [Illinois] [ULK Issue 87]

Do Not Stop Our Mail to IL Prisoners

AFSCME Illinois Corrections Officers demand digital mail
150 Illinois Correctional Officers and their families lined the street outside the Illinois River Correctional Center in Canton to demand digitizing prisoner mail

On 5 October 2024, about 150 people organized by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 3585 picketed to call for an end to paper mail in the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC). Another protest is planned for October 17th.

The plague of drugs in U.$. prisons is real, and it has continued in states where digital mail has been implemented. The claim of this “labor” union that staff are being poisoned is not real. In neighboring Indiana, a number of prisoners were threatened with isolation in torture cells for mail that we sent them that was accused of being drug-laced. Further testing proved they were not. Meanwhile, there have now been a number of cases of prison staff across the country claiming extreme medical crises from contacting prisoner mail, following similar claims by street cops, that have never been substantiated by medical professionals. It’s interesting that this “labor” union is willing to stand out on the street and picket for a policy that would give Correctional Officers a monopoly on bringing paper into IDOC facilities.

Even much of the pro-labor union movement in the United $tates will agree that cops aren’t workers, or the oppressed, but rather are the oppressors, regardless of the question of surplus value. And Marxism has always excluded the employees of the state from the proletariat in any country. So it is of little surprise that the AFSCME would be pushing this reactionary policy to eliminate education, resources and community connection in prisons, even if it risks the very safety of their own members.

MIM Distributors submitted the protest email below to Illinois DOC Director Latoya Hughes. We encourage others to send emails or make phone calls or send letters (especially if you are in Illinois). There are more suggested scripts available from campaign initiators working with Midwest Books to Prisoners.(2)

You can contact Director Latoya Hughes at:
Illinois Department of Corrections
1301 Concordia Court
P.O. Box 19277
Springfield, IL 62794-9277

Dear Director Hughes,

I have recently been made aware that several Illinois legislators are calling for an immediate cessation of non-legal paper mail being delivered to people incarcerated in the IDOC. Our organization sends paper mail to thousands of prisoners across the country and we object to this effort to abridge our First Amendment rights to speech and association, as well as those of the people in your prisons. We will be sharing this letter with our members and supporters, especially in the state of Illinois.

Books, newspapers, and other printed materials are a crucial source of information, education and growth for people locked in prison. Letters can be a rare thing to look forward to. Our organization runs study programs, conducts surveys and regularly sends forms to prisoners to get updates on their status. All of these programs rely on prisoners receiving pieces of paper that we send them so they can fill out the forms and return them. The impact of blocking such mail would be massive.

We have been watching the spread of alarmism around drug-laced mail, and have even had such baseless accusations made against our mail! Of course testing proved the accusation false, just as it did in the recent incident at Shawnee, where the testing by Marion Fire Rescue came back false. We’ve also seen multiple cases where staff have claimed to have gotten sick from handling mail, which have been proven to be impossible claims multiple times now. The benefits of education and community connection are proven to help ensure staff safety far more than these imagined risks of being poisoned. Policy should be fact-based and should not succumb to rumors and fear-mongering.

Again, I am writing this email to clearly state my complete opposition to any and all proposals to halt mail delivered to incarcerated people, and urge you not to move forward with this proposal.

Sincerely Concerned,

MIM Distributors

1. Madison Porter, 5 October 2024, Canton prison workers protest how inmates receive mail, 25 News.
2. For more materials on this campaign you can access Google docs here:


Computer Security: Setting Up Tox messenger

What is Tox?

It’s an instant messaging protocol with applications available for all the most popular operating systems.

What are the benefits?

  1. peer-to-peer: no central point of failure or interference
  2. no metadata: related to point 1, no third party can see who you are messaging, when or from where
  3. encrypted: content of messages are encrypted
  4. perfect forward secrecy: each message is encrypted with a separate key, so that decrypting one message does not allow an attacker to decrypt your previous messages (this is an advantage over GPG encryption)

What are the shortcomings of Tox?

  1. new/alpha software not all apps have full functionality (i.e. no group messaging on Antox for Android), and software can be buggy
  2. untested related to it’s newness as well as the relative complexity of a full messaging app, the encryption/security of Tox is not as well tested as GPG
  3. peer-to-peer: This is not really a shortcoming, but you should be aware that when you use Tox with someone, while no one else should be able to see where you are messaging from, the persyn you are communicating with has access to your IP address by default. This is much better than most other apps out there, and it can mitigated by running Tox behind the Tor network. Below are instructions for how to do this.

How to run TRIfA behind Tor on an Android device

  1. install Orbot and TRIfA both are available from F-Droid repositories if you don’t have or don’t want to use Google Play Store
  2. open Orbot
  3. click the button to turn on “VPN Mode”
  4. at the bottom where it says “Tor-Enabled Apps” click the little gear wheel on the right
  5. on the following screen check the box for TRIfA and any other apps you want to be forced through Tor
  6. hit the back arrow
  7. in orbot click the big “Start” button.
  8. once orbot has a connection to Tor open TRIfA app and follow instructions for setting up your account

How to install Tox messaging app in Tails OS

[NOTE: If you were already using Tox in Tails, you should back up your config files before installing Tox again. Go to Places -> Dotfiles, then hit ctrl-H, then go into .config folder and copy the folder named “tox” and all its contents to your Persistent folder as a backup.]

  • In Tails set up Persistence for dotfiles, applications and personal data following directions here:<
  • reboot Tails
  • at login screen, first set up administrative password 1) click the “+” under “Additional Settings”

           2) click "Administrative Password"
           3) enter a password you will remember in both boxes and click "Add"
  • enter your password you set for persistence and click “Unlock”
  • once it says “Settings were loaded from the persistent storage” click “Start Tails”
  • go to Applications -> System Tools -> Synaptic Package Manager
  • you will need to enter the administrative password you set above (not persistence password)
  • Synaptic will load the list of available software - will take a couple minutes and requires network connection
  • click the search button and type in “qtox” or “utox” depending on which client you want

    Which should i pick?

          qTox, because uTox seems to crash every time you change settings in Tails, however, uTox is the lighter one, so slow computers might prefer it


          NOTE: the versions available in the stable debian repos will often be older than the latest versions on github, you can install the latest version but this guide will not cover that
  • right-click on the package you searched for and click “Mark for Installation”
  • it will ask if you want to install additional required packages, click “Mark”
  • click “Apply” button, then click “Apply” on the screen that comes up – it will now download and install tox packages
  • you should get a Tails popup asking if you want to Install Every Time - click that and this will occur automatically next time you boot Tails
  • you can close Synaptic
  • Run qTox by going to Applications -> Internet -> qTox (or uTox)
  • create a Tox ID - password protect it in settings->Advanced
  • Set tox up to use Tor

            IN qTox: click the gear in lower left and go to Advanced settings
            1) uncheck enable IPv6 and uncheck enable UDP (probably already off)
            2) Proxy type: SOCKS5
                Port: 9050
            3) Click "Reconnect" - wait a bit and the circle next your name should turn green when you connect (also probably in your top menu bar)
            IN uTox go to: settings->Advanced
            1) Proxy (SOCKS 5) Address:   Port:9050
            2) Force uTox to always use proxy
            3) turn off Ipv6
    4) turn off UDP
           NOTE: sometimes changing these seems to cause uTox to crash, the important setting is the proxy to make sure it's connecting to Tor
  • Shutdown qTox/uTox IMPORTANT: must do this before the below!

In order to save any settings, including your Tox ID keys, and your friends, you need to copy the files automatically stored in your dotfiles to the permanent persistent folder. More background on how to save dotfiles:

local/temporary dotfiles in RAM are found here: /home/amnesia/.config/ permanent persistent dotfiles folder is here: /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config/

These files/folders are probably hidden. To see them, if you are in the file folder view click on the icon with three horizontal bars at the top and check the box to show hidden files.

To find these folders in a finder window: Click on Other locations at the bottom, then select computer. There you will see live and home folders

You need to move the tox folder and all its contents from the first location to the second. There should be two files in the tox folder: “tox_save.tox” and “utox_save”, then as you add friends files will be created for their info and your conversations if you choose to have conversations saved in the app.

The first time you do this copying over you will need to create the .config folder in the /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/ location if it’s not there already.

Command to use in terminal window when in the folder you want to copy TO: cp -r /home/amnesia/.config/tox /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config/

NOTE: Doing this using sudo (root user) will change file ownership to root. File ownership MUST be amnesia.

To check file ownership in Terminal:

 $ls -lah

To change file ownership in Terminal:

 $sudo chown amnesia:amnesia 

Connecting with others

To connect with others you must send them your Tox ID. This is not your name, your name is for display purposes only.

  • click on your name/status in upper left
  • you should now see your Tox ID as a long string of characters and a QR code, you can copy the long string into an PGP encrypted email and email it to your contact (if in persyn/on mobile they can scan the QR code, or you can send the image to them)
  • if someone send you their Tox ID, in qTox click the “+” in bottom left and paste the code in “Add a Friend” -> Tox ID, similarly in uTox, paste your friend’s Tox ID into the Add Friend at bottom left.
  • click “send friend request” and wait for their response - this is best done when you know the friend is online because you must both be online to exchange messages

Updating utox

Tails will automatically install the latest version available in the debian stable repo. Installing newer versions is beyond the scope of this guide.

Troubleshooting utox in Tails suggestions

No persistence between tox sessions: You are not keeping persistence between tox sessions, but instead end up with a new ToxID each time you run tox.

  • Delete the tox files from BOTH .config locations above
  • Reinstall tox
  • Run tox: it will create new files into your local .config folder
  • Shut down tox. Move new tox_save.tox and utox_save over to persistence .config folder
  • Try rerunning tox to see if your ID is persistent within a tails session. If so try restarting tails to see if it is persistent now.

Computer Guide for Getting Involved with MIM Online

0. Things to Avoid

The following will cause you problems using Tor and GPG securely and should be avoided:

  • Apple computers (Tails may not work)
  • Apple mobile devices (No Tor Limited Tor, No Tox)
  • Chromebooks (Tails will usually not work)
  • Protonmail (can’t control GPG keys)
  • Tutanota (can’t control GPG keys)

Note that everything below can become outdated, so double check the links provided if things aren’t working.

1. Tails OS (Est. 2.5 hrs)

Tails is an operating system that is focused on anonymity for the lay persyn. It is relatively user-friendly, especially once you get it installed. It is unique in that whatever you do on Tails is not saved on the hard drive, unless you setup a PERSISTENT folder on the USB. It should be installed on a USB stick, and does not affect whatever Operating system you currently have. You can use your Tails USB stick, once you have it set up, to boot Tails on any desktop or laptop computer. However, Macs are difficult and require more work to setup. If that is hard for you I’d consider getting a different machine.

First, start by installing Tails OS. You will need the following materials:

  • 8GB minimum flash drive (bigger USB stick would be necessary for optimal work so make sure it has space for persistence storage)
  • A computer with the following:
  • Approx. 2GB RAM
  • A 64-bit x86-64 compatible processor
  • The ability to start from a flash drive

Tails OS will not work in Mac models that use the Apple M1 chip. Tails OS can work with computers with less than 2GB RAM but might behave strangely or crash.

Download Tails (Approx 1.5-2.0 hours) There are two ways to download tails, we will first go over how the method of installing without a pre-downloaded Tails flash drive.

  1. Open up Tor Browser (if you don’t already have it:
  2. Go to the link:
  3. Choose which operating system you are downloading Tails from (this is the operating system you are using currently to open up a browser)
  4. Click “Install From MacOS” under “Download and Install”
  5. Click “Let’s Go!”
  6. Verify your download by clicking “Verify Tails” and choosing your Tails file

Install Tails (Approx 30 min)

  1. Download “Etcher” (the instructions page would tell you to use GNOME Disks if you are on Linux; skip this step if you already have Etcher downloaded)
  2. Plug in the 8GB USB stick where you want to install Tails.
  3. Click “Select Image”
  4. Choose the USB Image you downloaded earlier. Etcher should automatically start saving Tails onto your USB disk. Otherwise, click the “Change” link to choose a different USB stick in which you would need another 8GB USB stick.
  5. Click “Flash”
  6. Enter your password if asked
  7. The installation takes a few minutes. After installing, Etcher verifies the installation.
  8. Close Etcher.
  9. Congratulations! You have downloaded TailsOS onto your USB stick!
  10. Print out the next instructions for opening Tails.

Starting TailsOS (Approx 15-20 min)

  1. Shut down your computer and plug in your Tails USB stick.
  2. Identify your boot menu key. (This will depend on your manufacture company; search for this info online, or look at your boot screen before your OS loads to get it. Common examples: ESC, F2, F12)
  3. Turn on the computer and immediately press several times the first possible Boot Menu Key identified in step 2
  4. If the computer starts on another operating system or returns an error message, shut down the computer again and repeat step 3 for all the possible Boot Menu keys identified in step 2. If a Boot Menu with a list of devices appears, select your USB stick and press Enter.
  5. If the computer starts on Tails, the Boot Loader appears and Tails starts automatically after 4 seconds.

Create Persistence Storage (This is a MUST!)

  1. Your welcome screen should show up. Select your language and keyboard layout in the Language Region section. Click “Start Tails.”
  2. Choose Applications ▸ Tails ▸ Configure persistent volume.
  3. Specify a passphrase of your choice in both the Passphrase and Verify Passphrase text boxes.
  4. Click “Create”
  5. Review the list of features - turn on Personal Data, Browser Bookmarks, Thunderbird, GnuPG, and Dotfiles (and anything else you want)
  6. Click “Save”

2. Email Address (Est. 5 minutes)

Before we can get started we will need an email address. You can check the list of providers at for suggestions. We obviously use, which accepts cash payment in U.$. dollars for easy anonymous payment. You can use a Posteo email with Thunderbird, the email app on Tails.

If you go with a ProtonMail email, keep in mind you cannot use it with Thunderbird unless you pay for ProtonMail Bridge.

For most of those options you will need to use a web browser with JavaScript enabled to register. This is a potential attack vector. So even though you are in Tails, using Tor to connect, you would be best to set up your email at an anonymous/public internet connection. Once we set up Thunderbird you will not need to log in via the website anymore.

You do not want to pick a username that anyone would connect with your bourgeois identity. And you obviously don’t want to use an account that is connected to your school, work, home, etc.

3. OpenPGP / GnuPG Keys (Est. 15 mins)

By creating an OpenPGP key, you will be able to ensure that your emails are fully encrypted. You will have a private key and a public key. The public key is how others address emails specifically to you. The private key is so that only you can read the emails that are addressed to you. If you want to receive email, you decrypt it with your private key. If you want to send it you encrypt your message with the public key of the person you are sending it to (this can be done automatically by Thunderbird).

You can manage your OpenPGP keys using Kleopatra (which you can find in Applications).

REMINDER: You must have persistence turned on above for any of the stuff below here to be saved.

To create your PGP key pair go to: File -> New Key Pair

Enter in your email account and your nickname. You can set the key to never expire, if you want. You do not have to change any of the other settings.

To export your private key, right click the key you made under GPG keys. Choose “Export Secret Keys”. You will use this file below to import into Thunderbird. (Yes you can create a keypair directly in Thunderbird, but you will probably want to use it for other things so we recommend the above.)

4. Thunderbird (Est. 15 minutes)

When you start up Thunderbird, you will want to enter your email address and password and set up the IMAP(receiving) and SMTP (sending) connections based on the info given by your email provider (see their help page). We recommend not saving your password in Thunderbird and entering it each time. Use KeepassXC to securely store any passwords for email, PGP, and other accounts.

In order to set-up Thunderbird with your PGP keys, go to the top right corner of thunderbird. Choose ≡ ▸ Tools ▸ OpenPGP Key Manager. Import your secret key (which is the same as your private PGP key). Import the MIM(Prisons) public key. (see:

In order to import our public key, copy it from here:

Make sure to include the full header and footer identifying it as a PGP Public Key Block. Paste it into the Text Editor and save the file. Then use the Thunderbird instructions above to import our public key like you did your own.

Afterwards, go to the top right again. Choose ≡ ▸ Account settings ▸ End to End encryption. It’ll say none, select your private key (it’ll read like a bunch of numbers and letters).

On that same page under “Default settings for sending messages” check “Enable encryption for new messages”. You may want to check “Sign unencrypted messages”.

Under Advanced Settings, it’s best to check all 3 options.

Now, you can send an email and it’ll automatically encrypt your messages with the other persons public key, and decrypt messages sent to you with your private key!

5. Tox

Tox is a messaging app we use on Tails. For more details on how to install it:

[Palestine] [Lebanon] [Anti-Imperialism] [United Front] [Revolutionary History] [Principal Contradiction] [ULK Issue 87]

I$rael Assasinates Hezbollah Leadership, Millions Mourn

Communists protest Nasrallah murder by Israel
Communists among demonstrators protesting the murder of Nasrallah by I$rael in Sidon, in southern Lebanon

28 September 2024 – Protestors gathered across the world to mourn the killing of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, a founding member and leader for 32 years of Hezbollah (the Party of God) in Lebanon.(1) We know some readers in U.$. prisons will be mourning as well. Nasrallah was the strongest anti-imperialist voice among world leaders for a generation. And the recent killings of Lebanese and Palestinian political leaders have been significant victories for I$rael, at least in the short-term.

Over 1,000 people have been killed, including Hezbollah’s top leaders, and 6,000 injured by a series of attacks by I$rael on Lebanon in the last couple weeks. These included exploding pagers and walkie-talkies, as well as massive bombing strikes. Amidst these attacks, the Communist Party of Lebanon has called for national unity to focus on fighting I$rael, at a time when Lebanon faces its own crisis in government. They pledged to not let I$rael (and the United $tates, we’d add) separate the struggle of Lebanon in support of the Palestinian struggle.(2)

Hezbollah, however, has been the lead party defending Lebanon and Palestinians from I$rael for decades. They have proven there is still a progressive role for bourgeois forces to play today, even in our highly-developed imperialist world.

Nasrallah had a clear analysis of U.$. imperialism:

“America itself is the decision maker. In America, you have the major corporations; you have a trinity of the oil corporations, the weapons manufacturers and the so-called ‘Christian Zionism.’ The decision making is in the hands of this alliance. ‘Israel’ used to be a tool in the hands of the British, and now it is a tool in the hands of America.”

The Samidoun Palestinian prisoner solidarity network commented on Hezbollah’s role in the liberation of political prisoners of I$rael:

“Sayyed Nasrallah’s leadership and struggle was also directly connected to the prisoners’ movement and the liberation of the prisoners of the Zionist regime. From the liberation of Khiam prison by the victorious Lebanese resistance in 2000, liberating the torture dens of the occupiers and their collaborators and turning it into a museum of honour for those who struggled and sacrificed there, to the repeated prisoner exchanges achieved by Hezbollah, the Lebanese Resistance, including the 2004 prisoner exchange, which liberated 400 Palestinian prisoners as well as 23 Lebanese, five Syrians, three Moroccans, three Sudanese, one Libyan and one German-British prisoner jailed by the Zionist regime. These exchanges, in which Sayyed Nasrallah himself played a major role, illustrated once again that the only viable mechanism available to liberate the prisoners in occupation jails is to liberate the land and to achieve an exchange.”(3)

Hezbollah arose from the 1982 I$raeli occupation of Beirut. MIM founders organized to oppose that 1982 occupation at a time when MIM was just emerging.(4) The war in 1982 also forged the Joint Leadership, in which the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine joined forces and attempted to further unite the Palestinian liberation movement away from conciliation.(5) During the 2006 war between Lebanon and I$rael, MIM condemned RCP=U$A, various alt media, and the U.$. state department for attacking Iran and Hezbollah using gender.(6) In 2024, the imperialists are circulating clips of Nasrallah making comments calling for punishment for adultery and homosexuality. We salute the “Queers for Palestine” in the United $tates who recognize the children being bombed in Gaza and now Lebanon are a lot more gender oppressed than any of us are here in the belly of the beast.

The history of the anti-imperialist united front in the region is beyond the scope of this article. But the region has certainly demonstrated the expediency of uniting classes on the basis of national liberation to fight imperialist occupiers. Hezbollah has remarked in the past that their alliances are closer to some Marxist groups than certain Islamist groups. This shows the emptiness of those in the imperialist countries who want to pit Marxism against Islam on principle. Nasrallah also wrote that Muslims have the duty to provide charity support to any Palestinian taking up armed struggle – Marxist, nationalist or any other shade.(7)

A Hamas spokespersyn responded to the death of Nasrallah saying that it will not make I$rael any safer:

“Is Israel’s problem with armed groups with limited agendas that can be eliminated by killing their leaders, or with peoples who have rights that they have been striving to achieve for decades and have not stopped or surrendered despite the killing of many leaders? Has any resistance group disappeared after the assassination of the leaders?”(8)

Despite these recent losses by the oppressed nations in the Middle East, Hezbollah won the war with I$rael in 2006, killing as many soldiers as I$rael did without all the civilian deaths caused by I$rael in Lebanon. Just as the war on Gaza, one year out, has not been an easy victory for I$rael, further escalations into Lebanon will certainly not be either. Hezbollah and Ansar Allah (Supporters of God) in Yemen continue to be the front line of the struggle against genocide in Palestine and against U.$. imperialism in general.

You can kill a revolutionary, but you can’t kill the revolution!

1. The New York Times, 28 September 2024, Protestors Mourn Nasrallah’s Death Around the World.
2. Omar Deeb, 25 September 2024, Transcript of interview on SSawt al-Shaab Radio.
3. Samidoun, 28 September 2024, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: The martyrdom of a great international revolutionary leader of our era.
4. MIM, 2007, Substantial Hezbollah book appears finally.
5. Interview of Habash and Hawatmeh on the Joint Leadership and PLO (Draft Translation)
6. MIM, 2006, Six percent of Amerikans support Hezbollah’s side in Lebanon
7. Nicholas Noe ed., 2007, Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, London: Verso, p. 269
8. Tom O’Connor, 27 September 2024, Hamas Warns Killing Hezbollah’s Nasrallah Will Not Make Israel Safer, Newsweek.
