Happy Mass Murder Day
The last Thursday in November,
a day to give thanks to god;
for the natives being massacred.
What kind of god do we believe in,
making heroes out of criminals,
celebrating the atrocities,
of the so-called founding fathers,
thieves, humyn traffickers,
rapists, and slave holders?
Thanking god for the parasites,
no wonder we are still their sufferers.
Happy Mass Murder Day,
The history speaks for itself,
we see why the very same invasions,
and massacres are happening,
to the Palestinian natives.
Funded and armed,
by the very same parasites;
who invaded and massacred,
the American natives.
Pretty soon there will be,
a Thanks Giving day,
for the invasion and massacre
happening in Palestine.
Inevitable, as long as the parasites,
are in control of the narrative.
Happy Mass Murder Day,
to who, the lawmakers,
who got millions invested
in military weapons
manufacturing companies?
And the owners of the companies
manufacturing the bombs?
Or the poor defenseless victims;
wombmen and children
being blown to smithereens,
with systematic impunities?
Y’all keep celebrating the murderers,
I’ll keep celebrating the victims
of these crimes against humanity,
victims of CIPWS atrocities.
Happy Mass Murder Day,
Isn’t Gaza and the West Bank,
in and of themselves reservations?
Hasn’t Gaza and the West Bank,
been enduring the very same foreigner
settler colonization and occupation,
for 76-plus years?
Doesn’t that call for
Palestinian indignation?
And isn’t it being done,
by the very same victims
of holocaust extermination?
How do you scream “self defense”
against a people you are denying
Where is God,
or the United Nations?
Happy Mass Murder Day,
why isn’t anyone seeing
a double standard of international law?
Why isn’t anyone seeing the Zionist,
as being truly anti-semitic to the core?
Why isn’t anyone seeing
that Amerikkka is arming the Zionist
against the Palestinian poor?
the blocking of humanitarian aid,
the targeting of wombmen and children,
attacking hospitals and aid workers,
medical personnel and UN Officials,
need I say any more?
Netanhitler is a proxy of the U.$.,
so he cannot be a war criminal,
and what’s happening in Palestine,
in their eyes is not even war.
Must be just a figment of my imagination,
just keeping it raw.
Happy Mass Murder Day…