Big Picture Behind Fighting Unjust Gang Validations
I’m responding to the articles by comrade Soso of MIM(Prisons) and the brother in Pensylvania in Under Lock & Key 41. This Security Threat Group (STG) label imposed on religious groups is a clear violation of established Constitutional law (i.e. freedom to speak and embrace religion as one chooses). Yet the First Amendment is being infringed upon daily under the guise that its members are gang bangers or gang-affiliated.
We gotta wake up because it’s not about “security,” “threats” or “groups.” These imperialistic individuals are experimenting with tactics they can employ in an easy, yet draconian, way to violate the Constitution. Since when has embracing a religious organization become akin to joining a security threat group!? Do these asinine imbeciles know the purpose of religion is not only to serve their god, but to further organize themselves for righteousness!? It’s networking with others. So where’s the breach of security? Where’s the threat? Where’s the behavior of an unorganized belligerent group? We don’t need binoculars to see what’s going on. The picture is clear comrades. These imperialists are infringing upon a Constitutional right under the euphemism of “gang activity.”
Look at the brother in Florida who wrote in ULK 41 “Fighting STG Label for Notes on Political History.” Due to possessing notes on political history which the brother had taken on material he’s been reading in his pursuit of learning and expanding his brain outside the box, he was inappropriately labeled STG.
Is the picture becoming clear?
Since when did the Constitution determine what political affiliations one can embrace and/or learn? Never! Or determine if one can possess notes on political history? Never! Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense knew the constitution and not only taught it to the poor, but also employed it in launching their move to arm themselves and the people with weapons (Second Amendment) while policing the police to prevent police brutality on the poor in oppressed communities.
Always remember, comrades, to succeed in any war, it’s our duty to not only know who we’re fighting, but we’re obligated to have an aim. The only way we can ever become victorious in war is to know what we’re fighting for, as our fight cannot be in vain.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade raises some important points about our battle against unjust gang validations that apply to all our work fighting oppression. We need to understand the bigger picture of who we are fighting and why the system of oppression exists if we hope to do anything more than make small changes. It is the system of imperialism that puts a few people with power and wealth in charge, and this system requires various structures to keep it in place. Globally this is why the imperialists are constantly engaging in wars and military actions. And in the United $tates this is the reason we have such a vast criminal injustice system: to control the oppressed nations and any who speak out against imperialism.
Gang validations are just one part of this broad system of oppression. Prisons actually help the oppressed to gain consciousness and organize to the extent that being locked up puts people in a position to clearly see the system as their enemy, and in general population prisoners can work together, educate one another, and organize. Validation justifies isolation which makes it much harder for activist prisoners to spread information and organize others. By criminalizing lumpen organizing, they try to legitimize their repression, even to the prisoners themselves.
We must study history and our current conditions while we fight these battles against validation and long-term isolation. Through study we will see that the gang validations are directly connected to the repression of the power movements of the 1960s, the red scare attacking communists, and the countless invasions and inteference in other countries, involving horrible massacres and torture. Today the oppressors have it harder because they cannot put you in isolation just because you’re Black or Brown. So the system had to evolve and now we have gang validation being used to justify extra punishment and torture across the United $tates.