Victim of Injustice System
In the last 2 months I’ve fallen victim to the injustice system in prison. The first time was a sexual assault by a staff member. I’ll not get into that because I’m still dealing or should I say trying to find ways to deal with it. My other incident, I was working in Admin as a counselor aid and was assaulted by a corrections officer. We had had words previously because the job I had did not require me to do what he told me to do so he felt I was “walking on him.”
Well he was sitting in the counselor’s office and he was talking to the man I worked for. He was getting up to leave and I was shutting the door behind him and it hit his boot. He turned around and lunged at me so I threw my hands up in a blocking, defensive manner and he grabbed my pinky and ring finger and jerked it and twisted it which broke it.
My boss called for me to get medical attention (costing me $5) so I’ve got 5 x-rays and doctor’s notes on this incident. I have filed numerous Grievances on this core officer. The paperwork I filed was “too late” or “lost” so it was thrown out and I was placed in protective custody due to the incident. And since it has happened I’ve been treated worse than an old smelly mutt. It’s sad how much the injustice system can get away with here in the united $tates these days. I’ve tried going an alternate route by getting one of the neglected forms with response and mailed it to my lawyer.
A lot of my things have come up missing, they are constantly in my cell searching for items that’s not there. I’ve been trying to file a civil suit of negligence against the state and TDOC since this occurred but I’m having the hardest time from a control unit (23/1) and little if any help.
Since this assault my time has gotten really hard. It’s a struggle every day. Trying to use the phone, the excessive force used to and from the Dog Pen (recreation). A week ago a corporal shoved and spit on me for filing a grievance on him. I got to be on guard with them. They have done all they can do and more. A man can only take so much but it will only satisfy them to see me act out in violence on them so I’m taking every precaution to their games. It’s quite sad they stoop this low.
I wish there was another way to reach out. I know I’m not alone and we keep our heads up and keep on fighting from behind bars. I am trying to keep it cool and recruit all anti-imperialists and encourage them to start standing up for themselves and others. We’re not alone in this war.
MIM(Prisons) adds:
Stories like this one are a big impetus
behind the
campaign that MIM(Prisons) and United Struggle from Within(USW) have
initiated in prisons across the U.$. We are fighting to get grievances,
like the ones this comrades has filed, handled fairly. Write to us for a
copy of the petition.