Grieving Leads to Brutality, but Staying Strong
I have been in disciplinary segregation since August 2004 and I am currently at Western Correctional Prison, Maximum Security. On 26 January 2008, I wrote an Administrative Remedy Complaint (ARCs) on six officers who attacked me while coming from the showers on the 4 - 12 shift. This was due to me writing grievances (ARCs) on them for not abiding to DOC policy and procedures. The ARC has stayed its course through the process and it is now in the Court of Special Appeals where it has been since February 2009.
On 13 March 2009, I was assaulted by officer Broadwater, which precluded the above ARC. All these officers at the time were working SHU #4 Disciplinary Segregated Isolation tiers.
On 25 March 2008, I was assaulted by officers Rice, Brambles, and McKenzie. I was sprayed with chemical pepper spray all over my front body, from my waist to my head. This chemical was literally dripping off my body. The officer said in his report that he gave me a one second burst! This ARC went through the process and is in the Court of Special Appeals as of February 2009.
To relieve themselves of an injunction that I won, they transferred me to Eastern Correctional Prison, which is classified as medium security. I am classified as Maximum #2 level, so I made out really good from the injunctions.
I’ve lodged numerous ARPs:
1. Concerning the wearing of hair nets
while serving our food to us. I won this ARP and the Gestapo hates
2. Serving us cold food all the time. This ARP is at the Inmate
Grievance Office (IGO) now, which is the last step before going to
3. ARP about tiers having food and trash on them, which the
guards encourage. This ARP was addressed at the IGO level in December
2009, and now they have to come around to each individual cell and
collect unwanted food and trash. Gestapo hates it because they have to
do a little work.
4. ARP concerning filthy showers and the tier floor
not being mopped regularly as stated in the DOC policy and procedures,
“It is imperative that good sanitation be maintained at all time!”
I also have two cases in local courts. As you can see, I am very adamant about these Gestapo security guards doing their job correctly. Whatever you can think of that these Gestapos can do to me, they’ve done it over the years. So whatever they do to me, they’re not getting a cherry. Been there and done that!
As far as the grievances go towards censorship of incoming books, magazines, and literature such as Under Lock & Key, I fought the censorship of incoming literature from Book ‘Em and Books to Prisoners. Basically I wrote an ARP because when the books came in they sent them back without notifying me that the books were even here. I found out via Books to Prisoners writing me and telling me about it. So the prison violated not only mine, but Books to Prisoners’ due process rights.
Plus the prison had a list of 34 companies where you could order books from. This list is called a “blackball” list and it is illegal. I charged them with a restraint of trade and discrimination. Once the ARP got to the second level of the process, Commissioner’s Office, they withdrew the list of 34 companies.
I have a very good track record for winning ARP cases, and my first two books were from Books to Prisoners.
I want to put Maryland on the map, so to speak! There are numerous upon numerous violations that are at fault in this Gestapo Security Guard Concentration Camp. I’d like to see more prisoners in this state get involved in any movement that stands against this Draconian style suffering towards those who are imprisoned.
Nothing and no one will stop me from exercising my absolute right to litigate from anyone refusing to adhere to giving me those few basic rights that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of Amerikkka says that I have!
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade domonstrates that following through on appeals and filing court cases can actually lead to winning cases and that building your experience fighting such legal battles can pay off.
Though prisons are one of the most fascist elements of U$ society we don’t use the term “Gestapo” to describe the pigs. The Gestapo was the official secret police of the Nazi government, and to call U.$. prison guards a Gestapo tends to let imperialism off the hook. The petty bourgeoisie likes to believe that bourgeois democracy is a more humane system than fascism. But part of the importance of exposing what is going on in U$ prisons is demonstrating that imperialism can be just as oppressive when it needs to be. Fascism happens when the imperialists decide they need to be that oppressive all the time.
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