Digital Mail: An Ineffective Mess

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[Digital Mail] [US Penitentiary Hazelton] [Federal]

Digital Mail: An Ineffective Mess

You sent me an introductory study group assignment. I only received pages 1,3,5,7,9,11,13. I believe it was because all of our mail is photocopied. They only copy the front page. So I am missing all the rest of the pages. We are also on lockdown currently 24/7. Thank you for ULK 88 and thank you for your support.

MIM(Prisons) adds: This will be the third time we send this comrade a letter trying to get em eir study materials. The first one we sent ey got our envelope, but it came with another prisoners’ letter. That’s not just a violation of privacy, but potentially dangerous. For years our mail has been tampered with, lost and delayed via these digital mail systems being instituted across the country. Maybe Elon Musk can approve a $300 purchase for USP Hazelton so they can afford a two-sided scanner? Of course, most prisons are using private services to handle their mail now, just as Musk wants to do with all government services. They spend a bunch of extra money to pay private companies to handle mail with a lot less efficiency. But they don’t care that mail plays an important role in rehabilitation, mental health, education and the safety of prisoners.
