Utah: Arbitrary Isolation, Digital Mail, and Lack of Accountability
Central Utah Correctional Facility (CUCF) has recently changed its mail policy to require incoming mail to be sent to a third party vendor called Pigeonly. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, I have heard nothing but bad things about Pigeonly. Peoples’ mail is taking months to get here if it gets here at all.
Some other problems I have observed at CUCF includes the total lack of heat in the SMU. People are being put on “TRO” (Temporary Restrictive Order) for extended periods with no charges, no due process, and no recourse. TRO is the same conditions as punitive isolation: no phone, 15 minutes out of cell time three times per week, etc. It is de facto P1 at the whims of officers. At the time of this writing, several prisoners are grieving this practice.
That brings me to the next issue, which is that officers take long periods of time to address grievances, or simply move prisoners to avoid answering them altogether. If you could please send me the USW grievance petition, I would appreciate it.