The Voice of Liberty Joins United Front for Peace in Prisons
Mission Statement: Libertas est naturalis facultas ejus quod, cuique facere libet, nisi quod de jure aut vi prohibetur.
Liberty is a person’s natural power which permits one to do as he pleases.
Voices of Liberty (VOL) has organized to:
Break the silence about oppression.
Announce officially that we strive for unity and peace.
Proclaim our independence from the United $tates government and all its branches, right down to the local police, because this system does not serve us.
Educate comrades to bring an improvement of the mind, and to coach, cultivate, direct, enlighten, guide and prepare them to live above oppression through education and upholding the five principles of the United Front for Peace in Prisons.
VOL fully supports MIM(Prisons) and upholds the five principles of - Peace - Unity - Growth - Internationalism - and - Independence.