Fighting Gender Oppression in Nevada Builds Unity Among Prisoners
On 21 August 2013 I was doing research as part of my challenge to my illegal perpetual imprisonment – officially I am being kept in prison forever only because I have no birth certificate, i.e. I am a prisoner of the war on terror.
Upon leaving the law library, I was groped/sexually assaulted by a senior CO under the guise of a “pat search.” After the incident (and collecting my wits) I made a written complaint to the unit caseworker. Since then I have had my cell searched, been given a notice of charges, been sanctioned, and have received special attention from the good ole boys in the form of attempts at intimidation, verbal abuse, and derisive sexually charged remarks concerning my sexual identity and persuasion. In the wake of this incident, however, something else has also occurred, and that is an unexpected level of support from both comrades known and, until this incident, unknown.
It is my hope that this incident will galvanize people and raise their awareness of the need for unification. I’m not the only prisoner, transgender or otherwise, to be sexually assaulted at this prison by guards. It is only one of the many abuses we are exposed to, one of the many symptoms of a degenerate system that thrives on violence and exploitation.
It is my hope that in time our solidarity will prevent abuses rather than merely tend to the damage caused by them.
MIM(Prisons) responds:
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