Pigs Attack Mentally Ill Man on Estelle High Security Unit
On Friday, December 28, 2012 at approximately 8pm I witnessed an unnecessary and excessive use of major force. The main perpetrators were correctional officer Mendez, Correctional Officer Burns, Lieutenant Patrick R. Eady, and Sergeant Gundacker. The victim was a prisoner, (B) a Black man, who was housed on F-wing at the High Security Unit on Estelle; which is located in Huntsville, Texas. Please note it is well documented that prisoner B has a history of mental health issues that stem from his long-term confinement in 23 hour a day lockdown settings. It is further worth noting that B’s hands were cuffed behind his back during the assault which left significant bruising, swelling, and lacerations to his face.
I observed Officer Burns, Officer Mendez, and an Officer Bake approach B’s cell (F-125) and inform him to prepare for a “shake-down” or cell search. B was cuffed and removed form his cell. During the time outside his cell, B engaged in profanity laced name calling with Burns and Mendez, all three were talking major “trash.” Officer Mendez seemed to have been offended; he (Mendez) pushed B in the back shoving him in his cell.
Burns and Mendez entered the cell and you could hear blows being given to B, who was cuffed! A female officer named Yancey was working the F wing. Apparently, she sounded the alarm and many officers and supervisors arrived at the scene of the crime. Upon arriving, Lieutenant Eady and Sergeant Gundacker did not stop the assault on B, they joined in. Punching and kicking B in the head and face while officer Yancey stood by in obvious shock. Lieutenant Eady saw the look of shock and revulsion on officer Yancey’s face and he ordered her off the wing and that is when the “cover-up” was put in full effect.
The Cover Up
The attackers quickly exited the cell as B writhed in pain on the floor of his cell - his face a bloody mess. B’s cell door was shut, he was left cuffed. Lieutenant Eady was attempting to make it look as if B had refused to relinquish the handcuffs. Sergeant Harrison arrived after the fact and he was bamboozled by Lieutenant Eady. Lieutenant Eady placed Sergeant Harrison in charge of the use of force. I immediately yelled out at Lieutenant Eady “you’re not going to get away with that Eady I got you!” His response “I got away with that, now shut the fuck up or you’re next!” and with that I shut my ass up. Fearlessness is a wonderful trait but we must learn when to be quiet and let our pen talk!
The Aftermath
After the incident, officer Yancey, who was actually the wing officer, came to my cell visibly upset. She said “that physical abuse of was uncalled for, they know he is a psyche patient, we all know!” She continued “I think some of these officers were bullied as kids because it seems they get off on hurting inmates.”
I wrote the incident up via a Step 1 (I-127) Special Use of Force grievance. B was shipped to another unit 2 days after I filed. This is one of the many tricks the pigs use in Texas in order to obstruct justice. I suppose that would work if they were dealing with “willy lump lump” or “flunky bob” but I am a highly motivated, well trained USW comrade and in the words of comedic genius Damon Wayans “Homey don’t play that!” I have contacted many prisoner rights activists and discussed ideas that may serve as solutions to protecting mentally ill prisoners held in captivity by the State of Texas.
A Call to Action
In closing I must remind all of you “We are all (B)!” just like we all are Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis and the countless number of oppressed lumpen under class people who have died at the hands of a fascist imperialist pig. Our fallen comrade Fred Hampton said “theory without practice ain’t shit!” Practice is theory in action. Will you stand by and do nothing while your fellow comrade/humyn being is unmercifully beat and abused? Are you really about “this life?” Ask yourself when is enough enough? Dare to struggle, dare to win, all power to the people.
MIM(Prisons) adds: The original article included information about the diverse races of the prison staff involved in this assault of a Black prisoner. These references were removed but we note that it demonstrates that there are willing servants of imperialism found in all nationalities. Sometimes that contradiction bites the oppressor in the ass. But either way, that doesn’t change the nature of national oppression, or the criminal injustice system’s role in perpetrating this oppression.
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