MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
The Koncentration Kkkamps holding migrant children are horrific. We
see images of dog kennels being used to warehouse these babies and not
enough is being done to shut them down. The U.$. “Left” has been unable
to respond properly and something more needs to be done.
We recently discussed this issue where the Chicano Nation has
supported the actions of many issues and will continue to do so but when
it comes to kids in kkkages the turn out of non-Raza allies is slim to
none. This has to change.
The Republic of Aztlán (ROA) has taken a firm stand on this issue. We
attend all actions that we can for all forms of injustice and we will
continue to have boots on the ground. However, we have reached a
position that if we are asked to do security or speak at an action or
event if the hosts do not speak on the kids in kkkages we will decline.
We will still attend, but will not do security or speak if these allies
are not addressing these kids at this particular action.
We feel that we must apply pressure on the overall movement and push
them to be more revolutionary. This small act may not succeed but we
will have tried.
Children held in dog kennels should affect anyone with an ounce of
humynity. People say “Free all political prisoners.” These kids, in our
opinion, are political prisoners. More than that, it’s a crime against
humynity what is occurring.
The ROA will continue our campaign to free the kids. We are currently
organizing a tour where we will address the Kids in Kkkages from
Califaztlan to New York, so stay tuned.
In July 2020, there was a Chicano Moratorium event in Oakland,
CalifAztlán at San Antonio Park. On 5 September 2020, there was another
Chicano Moratorium event in Arroyo Viejo Park, organized by the
Chicano-Mexicano Resistance and local Brown Berets. These were beautiful
events that celebrated the resistance of the Chicano Nation and
remembered the initial event of 1970.
These events were held in the spirit of the demonstration held by the
Chicano Moratorium Committee Against the Vietnam War on 29 August 1970
in East Los Angeles. That action was 30,000 strong, and at the time it
was protesting the Vietnam War and the overwhelming deaths of Chicano
soldiers in the U.S. war on Vietnam (20% of the deaths, while only 10%
of the population). At least 4 people were murdered by the pigs that
The 2020 actions were joyous. The sun was out, familias were out,
kids, babies, mamas and Raza. Chicano revolutionary organizations were
there like the Republic of Aztlán, the Oakland Brown Berets and the
Chicano Mexicano Resistance. Music performers were lively playing
revolutionary rap by a local Chicano rap artist named Aztlán Native who
performed. There was Chicano spoken word, Chicano poets, speakers and
even an African group performed showing that Brown and Black unity.
One of the speakers at the July event was “Big John,” formerly of the
Chicano Revolutionary Party (CRP). The CRP was active in Oakland in the
1970s-80s. This speaker spoke of him being at the original Moratorium in
1970. I thought that was cool to hear about what took place in 1970 from
someone who was there. Other speakers spoke of the need for
anti-imperialism and liberation of the Chicano Nation. The crowds were
very into the message of a Free Aztlán with shouts of “Chicano Power!”,
“Viva la Raza!” and “Chinga la Migra!” heard. Many attendees were
interested in the book Chican@ Power and
the Struggle for Aztlán that comrades had at the events, and
some told us they already had a copy.
The mood was that Raza were happy to be amongst each other
celebrating our continued Chicano resistance as a nation. People were
dancing and having a good time.
Today the need for a Chicano Moratorium is just as relevant and
probably even more necessary. Despite being 20% of the deaths during the
Vietnam War, Raza have historically been underrepresented in the U.$.
military. While Chican@ Power and the Struggle for Aztlán
discussed military enrollment of Raza increasing from around 10% to
11.3% of active military from 2004 to 2012, 2017 data indicate that has
jumped to 16%.(1) The U.S. military is browning. Just as the future of
the U.S. population is becoming razafied (increasing to 18% in 2019), so
too is the U.S. military. The U.S. military is what allows U.S.
imperialism to continue exploiting the periphery. Whether dying in
Vietnam or dying at Fort Hood like Vanessa Guillen, the military is not
in the interest of Raza. And the key to stopping U.S. imperialism lies
in a Chicano Moratorium.
Peeling Back the U.S.
Military’s Onion
When we think about an effective Chicano Moratorium, we soon realize
in today’s day and age We need to do more than simply march – even in
the tens of thousands. We obviously need to add some manteca to the
frying pan. Although marches and protest actions are needed and provide
for good agitation, we also need to focus on other elements of the U.S.
military’s support structure. Shut off the valve from which its
nutrients flow.
ROTC: We know that the Chicano nation is the U.S.
military’s prime focus because the numbers tell us that the fastest
growing population of recruits today is Raza. There is also evidence
that of Raza, it is wimmin Raza who are at the helm. Wimmin overall have
gone from 5% of enlisted officers in 1975, to 16% in 2017.(1) But how
are they recruiting Chican@s in such high numbers? One way is via ROTC
in the schools. The U.S. military typically has ROTC in Barrio schools
or impoverished areas where the Chican@ population is high. This is a
direct assault on Chican@ youth where Amerikkka is turning its schools
(brainwash camps) into military recruitment centers. So if we are to
truly build a Chican@ Moratorium with teeth, a campaign to remove ROTCs
from the schools should be included.
Chican@ Mass Education: Because We have all been
born and raised under this occupation, many of us do not know that
Amerikkka is a colonizer. We do not know that the U.S. military is the
muscle used to oppress and exploit the Third World. Sadly, most Chican@s
do not even know what the Chicano Moratorium is. The enemy will never
arm a people it colonized with truth of its misdeeds. So there is a
strong need for mass education of the oppressed nations and allies in
general, and the Chican@ masses in particular.
Mass education is needed on a national level, from families teaching
their households, Barrios teaching each other, Chican@ educators
teaching students, parks having educational events, protest actions
ensuring at least 1 speaker mentions it, graffiti artists writing it,
musicians singing and rapping about it. The Chicano Moratorium needs to
be mentioned in every movement paper, every activist blog and
revolutionary website. All left parties, groups and orgs should ensure
their members understand the Chicano Moratorium.
We must continue to highlight the stories of lives lost to U.S.
militarism like Vanessa Guillen, so that the youth know the true nature
of this system. Wimmin are being sexually assaulted regularly, oppressed
people are being hung and murdered, and you don’t even have to go to a
war zone. It’s right in Fort Hood, Texas, in occupied Aztlán.
There should be Chican@ actions monthly in every county to educate
the local Chican@ community on the Chicano Moratorium. At some point,
after momentum is built, statewide actions can be held. Eventually
nationwide actions can take place where Chican@s from all seven states
can converge on one state for an annual Chican@ action.
Boycotts: Another element used by the U.S. military
is media. Using commercials to show Chican@ youth proudly enrolling in
the military. Some of these commercials are in Spanish. These are
propaganda commercials meant to entice our youth with depictions of Raza
youth being educated, prosperous and happy if they join the colonizer’s
military. We need to locate every TV station that plays these propaganda
commercials and boycott the hell out of them.
A campaign to expose and boycott these propaganda stations should be
spread and supported far and wide. This is another part of the oppressor
nation’s recruitment and brainwash program that needs to be shut
By utilizing this 3 prong approach of focusing on 1) ROTC, 2) Chican@
Mass Education, and 3) Boycotts, we will see a genuine Chicano
Moratorium. One where we finally deal a blow to U.S. imperialism. The
vanguard pushing today’s Chicano Moratorium is unapologetically
communist. We understand the social reality of Aztlán and thus can
create campaigns whose main thrust is in driving Aztlán on the road to
national liberation.
19 de Octubre 2018 – Una semana después de las festividades en México
del Día de La Raza, una caravana de 3 o 4 mil hombres, mujeres y niños
emigrantes (formando parte de lo que se apodó el Éxodo Centroamericano),
tomaba por asalto la frontera Mexicana-Guatemalteca en Chiapas, un
estado sureño Mexicano, exigía salvoconducto a través de México para
llegar a los EE.UU. Los emigrantes habían pasado siete días andando
desde Honduras, donde originaba la caravana, hasta Guatemala, donde
aumentó a causa de que se unieron los guatemaltecos. Al llegar a la
frontera de México-Guatemala, los emigrantes fueron detenidos por las
Fuerzas Armadas Mexicanas que llevaban equipo contra disturbios,
vehículos blindados y helicópteros del modelo Black Hawk, provistos por
los estadounidenses. El gobierno neo-colonial Mexicano estuvo actuando
bajo órdenes del presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, quien emitió
la amenaza de sanciones económicas contra México, además de advertir que
podría enviar tropas a la frontera conjunta de los EUA y México, si
México no evitaba que la caravana legase a los EUA. Se dieron órdenes
similares a Guatemala y a Honduras,quienes ignoraron las órdenes al
principio. Como resultado, el Presidente Trump amenazó con cortar la
ayuda económica a los países reacios.(1)
Con hambre, sed y cansancio, la caravana atravesó la reja de la frontera
y entró a México en oleadas, donde las Fuerzas Armadas Mexicanas
dispararon gas lacrimógeno y tuvieron que usar sus bastones contra los
emigrantes a fin de hacer retroceder a la caravana. Mientras algunos
emigrantes empezaron a lanzar rocas contra la policía, el acontecimiento
alcanzó un punto principal cuando un@s jóvenes empezaron a trepar las
puertas del puente, donde los detuvieron, así que empezaron a saltar
hacia el río bajo de Suchiate. Después de fallar en disuadir de saltar a
la gente, un reportero presente, preguntó ¿Porque saltar? Un emigrante
respondió que lo hacía por sus niños, y aunque no quería morir, el
riesgo valía la pena si podía alimentar a su familia. Otros respondieron
que preferían morir en vez que volver a la pobreza oprimente y a la
violencia pandillera dominante que les aguarda de regreso a casa. “Sólo
queremos trabajar”, otros emigrantes dijeron. Cuando todo ya había
terminado se reportó que había muerto un niño debido a inhalación del
gas lacrimógeno.(2)
Desafortunadamente, los problemas de la caravana no se acabaron allí. 48
horas después de haber sido detenida en el Rio Suchiate, casi la mitad
de la caravana fue eventualmente admitida en México, mientras que un@s 2
mil optaron por subiese a los buses de regreso a Honduras. El 22 de
octubre, los miembros restantes de la caravana se juntaron con con otros
refugiados centroamericanos ya en Chiapas, que resultó en el aumento de
la caravana de 7 a 8 mil. Esto incluyó a 2 mil niños entre la caravana
junto con la organización de los derechos para los emigrantes, Pueblo
Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders). Miembros de la caravana hicieron
una petición pública a las Naciones Unidos para que declaren al éxodo
centroamericano como una crisis humanitaria. Le pidieron a las N.U. que
intervinieran y enviaran unos emisarios y una escolta militar para que
vigilaran el pasaje de la caravana por México, al que se refirieron como
el “Corredor de la Muerte.” Representantes de la caravana acusaron al
gobierno Mexicano de perpetrar abusos de los derechos humanos contra
ellos. Dijeron que las mujeres habían sido violadas y que habían
secuestrado menores. Además, contaron sobre niños en la caravana que de
pronto viajaban solos porque sus padres habían desaparecido.(3)
Entretanto, más hacia el sur del hemisferio, la actriz Angelina Jolie,
quien es una embajadora especial de la Comisión por los Derechos Humanos
para refugiados de las N.U., viajó a Perú para llamar la atención a la
“crisis humanitaria” que se está dando en el país vecino de Venezuela,
donde la inflación y falta de comida ha conllevado a migraciones en masa
hacia Perú, Brasil y Colombia.(4) L@s migraciones fuera de Venezuela han
sido ampliamente cubiertas por los medios estadounidenses junto con una
retórica cada vez más hostil por parte de políticos para derrocar el
régimen de Nicolas Maduro, el cuál se ha manifestado en contra del
control imperialista del país. En comparación, la petición de la
caravana Hondureña apenas ha recibido atención por parte de los medios
de difusión de habla inglesa, exceptuando por su influencia en las
elecciones intermedias aquí en los E$tados Unidos. ¿Podría esto deberse
a que el gobierno Venezolano ha sido una espina en el costado del
imperialismo estadounidense por los últimos 20 años, mientras que los
gobiernos de México, Guatemala y Honduras han sido sirvientes leales,
tal vez reacios, de ese mismo poder imperialista?
Desde 2005, la cifra oficial de refugiados en el mundo aumentó de 8,7
millones a 214,4 millones en 2014.(5) Sin embargo, visto que la propia
definición y criterios para calificar como refugiado están dictados por
los propios imperialistas, y por lo tanto, políticamente motivados,
estamos seguros de que la cifra real es mucho más alta. Por ejemplo,
según a las N.U., Honduras no se considera si quiera como un país de
origen para refugiados. Tampoco lo es México, y aún así la mayoría de
gente emigrando a los E$tados Unidos viene de México, y ciertamente, la
gente de Honduras y Guatemala están huyendo de condiciones bastante
peores que la reciente crisis en Venezuela.(6)
Ya en 2014, habían 11,2 millones de emigrantes indocumentados en los
EE.UU.; 67% venían de México y Centroamérica. De estos 11,2 millones de
emigrantes, el 72% vive en cuatro de los 10 estados con las poblaciones
más grandes de indocumentados. De estos 10 estados, 4 son Aztlán, ej.,
California, Texas, Arizona, y Nevada.(7) Las estáticos también
demuestran que los emigrantes centroamericanos de Guatemala, Honduras y
El Salvador se incorporarán a Aztlán y sus niños serán asimilados por la
nación Chican@.(8)
A medida que la contradicción principal del mundo (el imperialismo
contra las naciones oprimidas, principalmente el imperialismo
estadounidense) sigue desarrollándose y la crisis empeora, podemos
anticipar más de estos éxodos en masa en el futuro cercano. Ya hay
reportes de otra caravana de al menos 1000 emigrantes saliendo de
Honduras. De seguro que para los estadounidenses esto debe parecer una
pesadilla hecha realidad, literalmente miles de refugiados del tercer
mundo golpeando las puertas de su ciudadela imperialista. Tan trágico
como todo esto parece, es tan sólo un vistazo de cómo las masas del
Tercer Mundo se levantarán al fin, y en su desesperación, terminarán con
el imperialismo una vez por todas. Curiosamente, las fuerzas
revolucionarios en México todavía no han aparecido a ayudar a la
caravana, mientras que gente normal trabajadora ya ha dado un paso
adelante para ayudar. ¿Cómo responderán l@s Chican@s? Eso está por
¡Raza si! ¡Muro no!
MIM(Prisiones) agrega: El Fondo Nacional de los E$tados Unidos
para la Democracia estuvo implicado tanto en el golpe de 2009 para
derrocar a Zelaya en Honduras y en el golpe de 2002 para derrocar a
Chavez en Venezuela (posteriormente revocado). Hillary Clinton
tristemente ayudó también a orquestar el golpe en Honduras. Desde
entonces, generales asesinos entrenados por la Escuela Estadounidense de
las Amerikkkas han aterrorizado a la población, matando a gente
indígena, campesinos y activistas ambientales. Los EUA ha establecido
una presencia militar grande en Honduras desde el golpe, apoyando el
robo de tierras a campesinos indígenas pobres y a campesinos de
descendencia africana.(9)
Toda la materia está en movimiento y con ese movimiento continuaremos
encontrando nuevas formas de aplicar la respuesta adecuada a nuevas
ideas, y por supuesto nuevas acciones crearán nuevas reacciones. Cada
uno de nosotros tiene que encontrar la fuerza y la oportunidad dentro de
cualquier área de nuestras vidas. En este desarrollo tenemos más
capacidad de ayudar a otros en los mismos problemas. La nación del
Chican@ de hoy está en una encrucijada. La población de la Raza está
creciendo más rápidamente que cualquier otra. En un par de décadas
seremos la población más grande de los Estados Unidos. Tenemos que
entender que cualquier cambio que experimentemos genera oportunidades.
En otras palabras, eventos externos con frecuencia ocurren como medios
para facilitar los cambios internos y la consciencia. Una vez que la
conexión interna es captada, toda creencia teórica en la necesidad
permanente de las condiciones existentes se rompe antes del colapso en
la práctica.
Creo que en la independencia de cada nación hay una unidad que ayudará a
movilizar las grandes masas, entonces comenzamos a entender la
importancia de ventanas de oportunidad. El poder chicano no es
simplemente estar a cargo. No queremos imitar al capitalismo, pero
simplemente ejercer un poder económico y sociopolítico, donde las
relaciones sociales de producción reemplacen al capitalismo. Sin la
influencia del imperialismo, sabemos que el imperialismo define crímenes
y empuja a las naciones oprimidas a cometer crímenes. Sabiendo que la
mayoría de las minorías no tienen nada que perder, y están bien armadas,
cuando se revolucionan pueden servir como los peleadores más feroces.
No fuimos creados por las mismas fuerzas sociales y materiales que
gobiernan la vida Mexicana, pero por la aventura imperialista de la
incorporación de las Américas. Nuestra existencia por lo tanto, no está
definida por el realismo de las fronteras, sino por las fuerzas sociales
y materiales que han influenciado la manera en que nos desarrollamos
desde antes y después de su imposición. Aztlán representa la tierra que
fue invadida, ocupada y robada del pueblo mexicano. El suroeste es casa
de muchos Chican@s, y naciones indígenas no mexicanas, cada una con
derechos universales de gobernarse a sí mismas y existir como un pueblo
autónomo y soberano. Así, la era del imperialismo es la era de la Nueva
Democracia donde la mayor pelea democrática debe ser librada y liderada
por las masas de las clases populares en una unidad donde la meta
principal es la liberación nacional.
Este mes de Agosto conmemoramos el Plan de San Diego, que fue un plan
para la Nueva Democracia por las semi-colonias internas que ocuparon la
Isla Tortuga. Es tiempo de estudiar la historia Chican@ y aplicar el
internacionalismo. Escribe a Movimiento Internaionalista Maoista de
Prisiones para folletos informativos de las campañas y enviar su propio
ensayo y arte.
Estoy tratando de atraer la atención sobre el sistema penitenciario
estatal de Colorado política “extraoficialmente” para mantener a los
presos chicanos en guerra / opresión fraccionarias. Colorado ha estado
plagado de la misma violencia e ideología de “moreno contra moreno” como
los sistemas de California de los últimos 30 años. Sólo recientemente,
hubo un despertar que transformó la mentalidad “pandillera” de las masas
en un estado mental revolucionario en la liberación y lucha por Aztlán.
Esto se ha enfrentado con todos los niveles de represión, como
transferencias fuera del estado a lugares secretos, MCC (El nuevo nombre
políticamente correcto de Colorado para el encierro de SHU / Ad-Seg STG
donde los reclusos sólo pueden salir de la celda cada 72 horas para
ducharse, etc.)
El 14 de junio, el Poder Chican@ y la Lucha por Aztlán fueron negados
por el comité de publicación por el siguiente motivo: “El material
plantea una amenaza potencial a la seguridad de la población de
delincuentes o empleados de DOC, trabajadores contratados y voluntarios
al abogar por disturbios en la instalación o el incumplimiento con las
normas o reglamentos de la prisión”. La verdad del asunto es que fue
negada porque vino a mí en un período de tiempo específico cuando las
masas chicanas en Colorado habían decidido dejar de ser los títeres de
la opresión racista capitalista de un sistema que activamente ha ayudado
y facilitado la destrucción de nuestra gente, poniendo nuestras vidas en
peligro de muchas maneras. Lo siguiente son pequeños ejemplos de estas
Poner a los miembros rivales en grupos, donde seguramente serán atacados
tan gravemente que la muerte o el intento de asesinato son escenarios
probables. Abrir las celdas de los rivales STG mientras que los presos
son esposados y encadenados a mesas, para que puedan ser atacados, etc.
Ésta ha sido la norma por años. Ahora que hemos superado la mentalidad
tribal en un esfuerzo para educar y crear conciencia sobre el genocidio
racista de nuestra gente, el cual el sistema nos manipuló para hacer con
nuestras propias manos, nos azotan en las celdas, nos censuran y oprimen
aún más. Me sorprenderé si alguna vez recibes esta carta.
Actualmente, estoy en proceso de quejas sobre libros. Cualquier material
que pueda ayudar o contactos para avanzar en nuestra lucha será muy
apreciada. Una vez que termine el proceso de queja, enviaré copias de
todo el material sobre el tema. Gracias por tu tiempo. En solidaridad
con la lucha para terminar con la opresión y liberar a Aztlán.
Thank you for your literature list. I am interested in a lot of the
material more so on Aztlán/Mexico. As of right now they are censoring
and denying the book Chican@ Power and the Struggle for Aztlán.
Since a movement has started that has ended all brown-on-brown violence
between two tribal groups we were put on lockdown because all violence
stopped. Both groups were going to class, rec, sitting, eating together
and staff did not like it and slammed us down. I only have a couple more
weeks in this facility. As soon as I leave I’ll put in an order and send
money for the materials I need since for some reason this facility has
stopped everything about Aztlán or Chicano revolutionary subjects.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This is very inspiring news coming out of
Colorado. The oppressors have always feared the unity of the oppressed.
We take it as a sign of success that the prison felt compelled to
respond to the unity of Chican@s with a lockdown. They expose themselves
with these actions: prisons are not trying to reduce violence, they are
just in place to implement systems of social control. Unity of the
oppressed threatens that control. Keep up the good work comrades!
I’m reaching out to bring awareness to Colorado’s state prison system’s
“off record” policy to keep Chicano inmates in fractional
warfare/oppression. Colorado has been plagued with the same
brown-on-brown violence and ideology as California’s systems for the
past 30 years. Only recently has an awakening transformed the “gang
banger” mentality of the masses into a revolutionary mental state in the
liberation and struggle for Aztlán. This has been met with all levels of
repression such as out of state transfers to secret locations, MCC
(Colorado’s new politically correct name for SHU/Ad-Seg STG lockdown
where inmates can only come out of cell every 72 hours to shower, etc.)
On June 14, Chican@ Power and the Struggle for Aztlán was denied
by the publication committee for the following reason: “material which
poses a potential threat to the safety and security of the offender
population or DOC employees, contract workers, and volunteers by
advocating facility disruption or non-compliance with prison rules or
regulations.” The truth of the matter is it was denied because it was
coming to me at the specific time period when the Chicano masses in
Colorado have decided to stop being the puppets for capitalistic racist
oppression of a system which actively has aided and facilitated the
destruction of our people by putting our lives in danger in numerous
ways. The following are small examples of these conditions.
Putting rival members in pods where they are sure to be assaulted so
severely that death or attempted murder are likely scenarios. Opening
cell doors of rival STGs while inmates are cuffed and shackled to
tables, so that they may be assaulted etc. This has been the norm for
years. Now that we have risen above the tribal mentality in an effort to
educate and raise awareness to the racist genocide of our people that
the system has manipulated us into doing with our own hands we are being
slammed in cells, censored, and oppressed even harder. I’ll be surprised
if you ever receive this letter.
Currently I am in grievance procedures over books. Any material that may
help or contacts to further our struggle would be greatly appreciated.
Once I finish the grievance process I will send copies of all material
on the issue. Thank you for your time. In solidarity with the struggle
to end oppression and liberate Aztlán.
On 15 September 2017 I heard of an execution performed on the streets of
San Jose, California. A young Chicano named Jacob Dominguez was gunned
down by the “pitzo.” (Nahuatl for pig)
What we need to realize is that la gente Xicana have been fighting this
war for 500 years in various stages via our ancestors. From the Spanish
colonialists to today’s imperialist, first line of defense (the pitzo).
The war on Aztlán has been ongoing. The murder of Jacob Dominguez
reminds us of this.
This media is the propaganda arm of the state. It’s their public
relations outfit, the “ministry of propaganda,” they just don’t call it
that. This is why we never hear the corporate media scream revolution or
for gente to rise up after pigs execute someone on camera in cold
sangre. They can’t call for their own demise, even when it’s
What occurred to Jacob Dominguez screams COINTELPRO. When COINTELPRO was
launched against groups in the 60s and 70s like the Brown Berets,
Crusade for Justice (of which 5 martyrs were assassinated via bombs),
the Panthers, and other groups, the feds initiated a death squad tactic
where if they couldn’t arrest the person in the crosshairs they would
kill ’em.
The fact that Jacob Dominguez fit the rebel profile according to the
media, long rap sheet, violent past, alleged “gang member”, tattoos on
face, pigs, feds or other state agents actively hunting him. They could
have easily been describing Pancho Villa 100 years ago or any other
revolutionaries from the 21st century. The oppressor nation makes war on
those it fears. On the people’s leaders.
It’s too early to know why Jacob Dominguez was assassinated. Perhaps a
later investigation will find he had an FBI file. Those deriving from
lumpen organizations (LO) usually do if it’s an LO that is bout it
because it would threaten the state. We are more powerful than we
realize because we organize outside the state’s influence and set up
forms of dual power in the pintas and the barrios. If we injected
political ideology we would be ready to fight for state power setting up
our own government; fuck a street corner! We are almost there Raza.
Those of us who ride or die, who have given our lives to the people
understand the seriousness. We know that because of our influence
amongst the lumpen and our political education and heightened
consciousness that we do challenge the state. Because of that we may
very well be targets of COINTELPRO. We should do all in our power to
avoid this. But it is a reality. One I have come to understand. I know
the state is hunting again but I will continue to resist until I cannot
do so anymore. Like the brotha Fred Hampton said, “you can kill the
revolutionary but you can’t kill the revolution.”
We need a people’s army. The Black Liberation Army showed how to repel
the state. I’m not suggesting armed struggle now, but at some point when
a people continue to get assassinated they will respond to meet force
with force. This is where history must be tapped. We need to learn from
the past so that each generation is more prepared and organized than the
previous generation. Prepare the people! The war has continued on Aztlán
since the colonizer first arrived!
MIM(Prisons) responds: While certainly faced with most
difficult conditions here in the belly of the beast, we do not think the
BLA demonstrated an effective strategy of repelling the state. In their
attempts to deal with the over-bearing pressure of COINTELPRO they were
unable to form a real people’s army. We must learn from their heroic
efforts and their mistakes as we search for a viable path.
Learning the difference between our friends and enemies means we know
that other prisoners share more in common with us than not. It also
means that within one’s own nation the formations within have even
more in common than not. For imprisoned Aztlán the divisions were
ultimately imperialist-inspired. The advanced wing of imprisoned Aztlán
understands that it’s time to Re-unify Aztlán.
In Califaztlán, norteno, sureno, Eme, NF, have been walls that
separated. At times each formation was necessary for safety, and some
formations may be more progressive than others. But these formations
still separate imprisoned Aztlán. Separation for a nation is not good
under any circumstances.* I believe the goal of all these lumpen
organizations (LOs) is to unite at some point, but how could it be
A future glimpse of a United Aztlán
It’s a fact that much animosity and/or pride for one LO or the other
has developed. At the same time we see the
to End Hostilities has allowed us all to get to know and support one
another. It’s now OK to assist and be there for each other, which is
great. We have gone back to before north/south feuds started, however
what is needed now is a leap forward.
The truth is so long as the LOs (i.e. NF, Eme) still have north/south
formations there will not be any unification between imprisoned Aztlán.
This will take steps. The implementation of programs authorized at the
highest levels. One such initial program would be formally dismantling
the formations of Sur/Norte. By doing this, Raza will simply be Raza
Tattoos of Norte/Sur would have to be banned for the future. This would
help alleviate conflict/tension.
A transition period would relax the Raza and then the next stage of the
unification of Eme/NF would be necessary even if they maintained
separate committees with the new political org. But a new org with a new
name is necessary to provide a glimpse of a new future of a unified
Aztlán. At some point, imprisoned Aztlán must move on and create a name
that all can come to, otherwise no side will ever win over the other
Where did I come from you ask? I came from a great civilization
A people who knew what day it was While the rest of the world did
I come from a people who knew Where the Earth fit in relation to the
universe While the rest of the world knew not.
I come from a civilization Of great art and rich culture. A
people advanced in mathematics and building structures Which were
symmetrical to the sun.
I come from a people that fought For its independence From three
foreign nations In one century alone!
I continue to survive this bloody annexation And to this day I
maintain my identity Against pressure to assimilate.
I come from a civilization Which has been here since the beginning
of time. I am heir to traditions of Cuauhtemoc, Benito Juarez,
and Emiliano Zapata.
I am indigenous to this land And now I hear these ignorant
voices Telling me to go back where “I” come from? “I” am from
here! My civilization was founded on the very earth we stand on!
You and your people go back to where you come from!