MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
Peace to all the Gods that’s stuck in these chains. I would like to
speak power to the truth. I’m a young God in prison, but I feel there is
a need for U$ Afrikans on these prison yards to focus more on building
up a school than to focus on these prison politrix. What will the
curriculum be in this school??? Knowledge of Self (KOS)! Why?? Well my
son, that’s a question asked most by the 85 and less by the 5ive%. It’s
a necessity for U$ to gain this truth about ourselves and all of our
stolen greatness, to remind ourselves who you really are: “Original
Because the majority of U$ are living in a bunch of lies, believing the
blood suckas and what we’ve been taught by them; the trick-knowledge,
weak wisdom, slick-understanding enslaved our mind frames believing
since I was born and came from the trenches I have to depend on the
United $nakes government for GR, Section 8, SSI, EBT, etc. to live and
function as a citizen.
Wake up, that’s wrong G. See this issue we focus on the topic at
hand, which is “Independence.” That’s 1 of our 5 principles in the
United Front for Peace in Prisons. Correct and Exact. So we don’t need
no government assistance in building up a school, we just need brothers
who are dedicated to show up to cipher, getting these lessons Father
Allah gave U$ Gods. It’s all about chain of command with the system. If
custody sees brothers coming to cipher they should have no problem
getting our cell doors unlocked for school. Word is Bond.
The article we printed in Under Lock & Key No. 65 on the
integration and its relation to the Agreement to End Hostilities
continues to elicit responses. However, reports are still sparse, so we
reiterate our request to readers in California to continue to send in
updates on the progress of the integration. One comrade was won over by
the article:
“I’ve never thought about the SNY situation, as written in your No. 65
issue, page 9, about the AEH agreement as I would pertain to a group of
konvicts that usually leave a bad taste in most dudes’ mouths. I have a
cousin in SNY that I’ve written off for like 5 years. After reading your
past few issues, I think I’ll get at him this week.”
There was concern coming from Valley State Prison, where a comrade wrote
on 18 December 2018:
“I am writing to let you know I did receive ULK Nov/Dec 2018,
No. 65, and I enjoyed reading about G.P.’s mixing with SNY, it’s
crazy. There will be people filing lawsuits. The G.P.s are expected here
at Valley State around 15 January 2019. I can imagine things will get
Yet we received a positive report from another comrade at Valley State
Prison from 17 February 2019:
“I have a new ‘bunky’ who is a GP prisoner who came here to VSP as part
of the integration of SNY & GP. There have been no problems with him
and I am using this as an opportunity to learn more about how all of us
can build unity using the UFPP Statement of Principles as a guide. We
here appreciate all the material support of MIM(Prisons) and the
valuable organizational guidance. The ULK No. 66 article”Ongoing
Discussion of Recruiting Best Practices” was damn good and quite helpful
as well.”
The above victories are small, and do not necessarily give us a picture
of what is happening across CDCr. But they do speak to the possibilities
of the positive leadership of USW and the efforts to build a United
Front for Peace in Prisons. However, negative reports are coming from
concerned family members. One womyn campaigning for support for her
loved one in Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility reports that he
has been repeatedly brutalized after refusing to give information to
guards. The guards are setting up scenarios reminiscent to the Corcoran
SHU gladiator fights, except this time with many-on-one, to punish those
that don’t cooperate with their manipulations.
One comrade had a more mixed report from Chuckwalla Valley State Prison,
22 February 2019:
Yesterday we received our first group of general population “active”
prisoners and the whole event quickly turned into a spectacle. Over a
hundred prisoners flooded the yard last night in anticipation of these
“active” prisoners. Their purpose was to physically assault these
general population prisoners if they attempted to assault any SNY
prisoner. While I myself did not go outside, I am guilty of looking out
my window in anticipation of seeing some violence. Once I saw how these
G.P. prisoners were virtually swarmed, however, and once I heard and saw
how some prisoners became giddy with excitement at the possibility of
seeing someone get hurt my mood changed from one of an expectant
spectator to one of repulsion, anger and empathy.
Most disturbing of all however was how officers literally abandoned
these incoming prisoners to their fate. Officers (some in riot gear)
simply waited on the sidelines for something to happen while packs of
SNY prisoners taunted, intimidated and pushed up on these prisoners
asking them if they were here to program or get stupid, waiting for the
wrong answer. All of the prisoners who came to this yard stayed.
However, about an hour prior to this other G.P. prisoners were taken to
another yard where we know something happened because we saw everyone
proned out on the ground. And a few days prior some other G.P. prisoners
were taken to A yard where one of them got jumped as soon as he set foot
on the yard. We know this cause plenty of people in another building
were able to see this from their windows and they all corroborated each
others’ stories.
On the one hand it’s understandable that these SNY prisoners are
chomping at the bit after some of them have been victims of gen. pop.
prison gang violence. Others are merely interested in defending
themselves against possible sneak attacks from G.P. prisoners that may
be lying in wait. While many others unfortunately just wanna f___
somebody up.
It also doesn’t help that we keep hearing stories of how other SNY
prisoners are viciously attacked upon setting foot on a G.P. turned NDPF
yard. Most SNY prisoners have never been victimized anywhere on G.P. or
snitched on anyone. They’re just not into the stupid prison politics and
so they opt to go SNY when given the chance. For example, most of the
prisoners here are just a bunch of youngsters who ain’t never been
nowhere. They just wanna do their time and go home. And if people want
to say that most people here are sex offenders, well that too is a myth.
And yeah, there are some sex offenders here, but there are many on the
mainline as well, they just don’t got that “R” suffix on their jackets.
At this point I firmly believe that the only way there can be peace on
these NDPFs is if the G.P. shot callers initiate a truce and prohibit
the G.P. from assaulting SNY prisoners arriving to their yards. Once
SNY’s hear that SNY prisoners are being left alone on their side of the
fence then they will begin to respond in kind, as SNY prisoners are only
reacting to what’s going on on G.P. As it is, one of these G.P.
prisoners here claims to still be G.P. but just wants to do his time and
go home. No one is bothering him, while other prisoners have actually
extended olive branches to some of these guys and given them some basic
Anyone who represents prisoners on either side of the integration, who
needs help reaching out to the other side with messages of peace should
contact MIM(Prisons). We will help facilitate any efforts at developing
such a truce as suggested above.
Peace: means to me and my organization that people have a right
to be ok and have sanity and wellness in their lives and experience no
harm to their persons or families, friends and so forth. I live in a
behavioral health unit @ Pinta and see much suffering and I long to see
reform and the end of senseless suffering.
Unity: I long to see the unification of all races and peoples in
a harmonious and integrated diversity of embrace and brother/sisterhood
and so forth. For too long the nations and people suffer because of bias
and division and needless persecution. It’s time to band together.
Growth: I long for a movement, which I believe MIM and USW are
that movement that will spread like wildfire and join in true revolution
and change.
Internationalism: I believe MIM/USW are a blaze waiting to happen
and proposes a better cause than any I’ve seen in recent years. I
believe it is a crown on the head of movements like NuIndian Uprising
and American Indian Movement and also International/Foreign orgs like
the mentioned. I feel that we, through this cause, can unite divided
Independence: I believe that true independence is gained through
communal occurrence. I am of Iroquoian descent and Marx and Engels
described the Iroquois gens as communist in nature. I am Seneca-Cayneya
Cherokee and Wyandotte (Wandat-Huron) and I believe once people join
together under a true system and do away with genocidal imperialism, we
will truly know freedom.
I make statement here to my pledge of unity with and to Maoist
International Ministry of Prisons, the United Front and the United
Struggle from Within.
I avow to uphold the 5 principles and contribute to cause and effect and
the true struggle of this great and rising movement.
There is more to say for myself. But, that would be vain. This is not
about me but aiding others and uniting people.
MIM(Prisons) responds: The United Front for Peace in Prisons
welcomes organizers like this comrade into the movement. The
principles of the UFPP underscore the basis for our unity and
organizing work.
It is true that Marx and Engels argued that traditional indigenous
hunter-gatherer communities were based on egalitarian social
relationships and common ownership. They called this primitive
communism. But they were clear that we can’t go back in time. As history
marches forward, new contradictions have developed. Class contradictions
developed throughout the world, manifesting first in slave societies,
then in feudalism, and most recently in capitalism.
We now need to overthrow capitalism in order to establish a new form of
communism around the globe. And unfortunately we can’t just get to
communism overnight. Capitalism has corrupted the thinking of many
people with a lifetime of reactionary culture and drive for individual
profit, so we will need a period of dictatorship of the proletariat
under the transitional phase to communism that we call socialism. This
dictatorship will forcibly keep the minority who support exploitation of
the majority out of power.
It will take many years to work through the period of socialism to
establish a true communist society where no group has power over any
other group. As we work to get there, we should take inspiration from
the egalitarian nature of historical humyn societies. Anyone who says
that humyns are just inherently selfish and incapable of creating a
communist system should study this history.
I am a prisoner at Crossroads Correctional Center in Cameron, Missouri.
I’m currently being held in solitary confinement for our May 12 uprising
against the oppression and abuse inflicted on us by the administration
and guards.
For months, the administration had been keeping us locked in our cells
for 23 hours a day, in population! Using excuses of “short on staff,” we
are only allowed to either shower or call our loved ones for one
30-minute session per day. Our one-hour recs are cut to 45 and 30
minutes consistently. The inmate barber shop is closed. Visits are
canceled. Guards are verbally and physically abusive.
Until, on May 12th at dinner chow (2 hours late) at 7:30 pm, 288
prisoners participated in a mass sit-in, in peaceful protest to all of
the injustices. Instead of answering requests for talks with
white-shirts, all officers fled both chow halls and kitchen, leaving us
locked in, and grouped outside the windows and taunted us. The sit-in
quickly escalated into the largest “riot” in Missouri history,
consisting of a reported $4 million in damages, with the complex being
taken over and held for over 7 hours. Inside, only 2 people were
attacked before leadership and unity were established.
Countless abuses and injustices followed our return to custody,
including: remaining zip-tied for 7-9.5 hours, forced to urinate
ourselves, beatings, double-celling prisoners in single-man cells for a
week with no mattress or bedding, less than 1000-calorie daily diet
instituted for the entire camp for over 70 days, etc.
Through all this, the administration kept up its tricks of sowing hate
and dissension amongst prisoners in population by blaming the 3-month
lockdown on us by actually naming us to other prisoners in hopes of
retaliation). Visits were canceled, no canteen, etc.
However, those of us in confinement know the truth: in 2017, we had a
mass race-riot of Browns & Whites vs Blacks, and less than 12 months
later those same races, true those same prisoners, come together to
fight in unity against oppression! Me and about 20 other comrades came
together again in September 2018.
It is coming up on 6 months since our placement in seg and we are likely
to receive another 90 days just for good measure, but we are still
standing. There are 78 of us from the uprising in seg, and many of us
belong to one organization or another. When we are released we will
continue to spread and build on this unity that was formed under great
oppression. We will carry this momentum to bring all prisoners together
to face the true enemy!
We have seen and heard praise for our battle and victory in the struggle
throughout other max securities in Missouri. There have been other
uprisings that have followed ours at a couple mediums, (one was a
race-riot, but with guidance and support those aggressions can be
properly re-directed), and the administration is taking notice. The
principles of the United Front are taking hold in Missouri. We will
do our part to learn, share, teach and uphold them as we struggle
together in our war against oppression. I will do my part in not only
spreading the message to mi raza, but others as well. Unity is the key!
Viva la gente!
MIM(Prisons) responds: We printed
good discussion about these Missouri protests in ULK 65. This
writer highlights what is most important about these sorts of actions:
the learning by participants and observers about what prisoners can
accomplish with unity. By building the United Front for Peace in
Prisons, comrades in Missouri are building strength and unity, setting
up the conditions for stronger actions in the future.
At this moment in time, one of the greatest things that could ever be
happening for the outkaste population of the U.$. of amerika, known as
the convict prisoner, is happening right under the watchful eye of the
exploiter state. Those who are least expected have begun demonstrating
the five principles of the United Front for Peace in Prison, at the
first degree principle that peace is knowledge to the L1 cipher of the
5% Nation of Gods and Earths civilization class, hosted by the Ra’Star
Far I Prison Ministries (RSF).
Peace amongst the 5% NGE is commonly referred to as an acronym that
introduces the concept that: Proper Education Always Corrects Errors. A
concept that the parents of RSF, 8PM embrace with the definition of
Peace as it is made born-manifest to the universal cipher, of the United
Front for Peace in Prisons statement of principles:
“Peace is that WE organize to end the needless conflicts and violence
within the U.$. prison environment. The oppressors use divide and
conquer strategies so that we fight each other instead of them. We will
stand together and defend ourselves from oppression.”
As of late, leaders within, [at CDCR, CSATF, Delta] have begun
concentrating on the key objective that they are to be organized into a
united body of individuals. And so it be. From this determination it can
now be seen more clear just what is needed of WE, the populations within
populations of the close eyed massive dying giant. We need the Poor
Righteous Teachers to unite in an organized fashion to offer scientific
solutions to the problems of the exploited prison population.
“Unity is that WE strive to unite with those facing the same struggles
as us for our common interests. To maintain unity we have to keep an
open line of networking and communication, and ensure that any situation
we face is done with true facts. This is needed because of how the pigs
utilize tactics such as rumors, snitches, and fake communication to
divide and keep division among the oppressed. The pigs see the end of
their control within our unity.”
Why do we need these Poor Righteous Teachers to unite? Because they are
the only hope and last salvation in the upliftment of the original
asiatic most oppressed Chican@ and New Afrikan nations. They are those
most capable of giving those of WE, the rejected stone, what WE want.
And what WE want is that to be FREE by the universal justice of
equality, that is Internationalism, which exposes Us to attentions of
those at, and like, the United Nations. Attentions that will make known
the injustice faced by prisoners in the United $tates where it just
doesn’t matter how well we serve the time, the wronged is just-us, and
we can never be right. WE want Internationalism so that WE can GROW.
“Growth is that WE recognize the importance of education and freedom to
grow in order to build real unity. We support members within our
organization who leave and embrace other political organizations and
concepts that are within the anti-imperialist struggle. Everyone should
get in where they fit in. Similarly, WE recognize the right of comrades
to leave our organization if we fail to live up to the principles and
purpose of the United Front for Peace in Prisons.”
In California prisons, and free communities, it has been custom to
remain loyal to learning systems and institutions of thought, all up to
the point of destruction of self. Whether these systems be serving the
groups that lay claim to, and reap economical tax-write off benefits,
refusing WE who are claimed for, the opportunity of developing social
equality, or not. This culture must be refined with the power of
Independence. This Independence gives us the International attention we
need to grow. And to grow is to be raised into social equality, so is
the attention that comes with social equality, that of Internationalism!
“Internationalism is that WE struggle for the liberation of all
oppressed people. While we are often referred to as minorities in this
country and WE often find those who are in the same boat as us opposing
us, our confidence in achieving our mission comes from our unity with
all oppressed nations who represent the vast majority globally. WE
cannot liberate ourselves when participating in the oppression of other
Ain’t no future in fronting systems that don’t unite us. Systems that
don’t empower us with the tools to FREE ourselves without us having to
step on all those who share a similar condition of poverty. Therefore
the Gods of this L1 cipher will use our power to develop the independent
social media networks that make freedom understood and born. We will
invent economical opportunities that build and destroy the culture of
defeatistism and abuse that is so prevalent amongst the imprisoned
Reports from the September 9 Day of Peace and Solidarity are starting to
come in. Comrades in prisons across the country commemorated the
anniversary of the Attica uprising, building the movement and taking a
stand against the criminal injustice system.
This day of action was initiated in 2012 by a prisoner-led organization
working with the United Front for Peace in Prisons (UFPP). The day is
focused on building unity and solidarity. The call for peace between all
groups, sets, organizations and individuals, even for just one day,
frightens the prison administration. We know they don’t want peace. They
benefit when the oppressed fight one another. It keeps the attention off
the real enemy: the criminal injustice system. We see this in the
about September 9 organizing from Master K.G. Supreme.
This year’s action coincides with the end of the three week country-wide
prison strike initiated by Jailhouse Lawyers Speak. The demands of this
strike focused on improvement in conditions behind bars and changing
laws and unwritten policies of national oppression that perpetuate the
criminal injustice system. The organizers of the strike recognize that
the battle continues: “Incarcerated organizers never believed that their
demands would be met a negotiating table during the past three weeks; it
has been a huge success of the 2018 prison strike that the 10 points
have been pushed into the national and international consciousness.”(1)
The UFPP principle of Peace states: “WE organize to end the needless
conflicts and violence within the U.$. prison environment. The
oppressors use divide and conquer strategies so that we fight each other
instead of them. We will stand together and defend ourselves from
oppression.” This work doesn’t stop with September 9, we need to work
for peace among the oppressed year round. Below are a few initial
reports from California. We look forward to more reports from the rest
of the country.
California Correctional Institution
For this September 9th Day of Peace and Solidarity, I personally will
fast, exercise, read and hold a study group, which will consist of 8
committed and conscious-minded individuals, who hold fast to the
philosophy of peace and unity amongst prisoners. This day there will be
no strife, conflict nor division amongst the prisoners here. It’s not
conducive to a healthy environment. Nor will it promote growth and
So, the study group’s theme will be peace and unity and how we can best
promote these themes within these prison confines. I will start it off
by giving my interpretation on what peace and unity means to me. And
then i will ask the eight comrades what does peace and unity mean to
them individually.
And this will start the deep discussion about the continued peace and
unity amongst the prisoners here. And at that, we can come together in
solidarity to rid ourselves of the internal oppression that exists
amongst us. And only then can we conquer and vanquish imperialism in all
its forms. This is our object. We’ll make this a successful effort by
all means necessary.
Salinas Valley State Prison
Abolitionists From Within (AFW) is back on the move here at SVSP quad
this Bloody September. This September 9, 2018 we remember the
anniversary of Attica of Sept 9, 1971 and them faceless freedom
revolutionary fighters who fought and died in these prisons uprising
throughout history of our struggle as we continue to fight the
oppression, exploitation, abuse and inhumane treatment of prisoners. A
lot of rights and privileges comrades have today is because of these
soldiers at war with this corrupt system.
Throughout this country, we as New Afrikans must reconstruct our
thoughts and come up with ways and ideas to get control over our minds
behind enemy lines, and work to educate the lumpen. I know our young
comrades think they know everything. Being upright, independent and
fearless against all odds and not fearing the outcome of whatever is
what the young comrades are looking for true leadership.
This Sept 9 day I refrained from all negative conversation. AFW
continues to push to end prisoner-on-prisoner hostilities throughout
this country. I had the chance to meet and become a student of the main
4 reps to end all hostilities between our racial groups, and also a
brother from the representatives body. I spoke with brother X about our
beloved brother W.L. Nolen and GJ and our conditions today as “new man,”
and how GJ struggled to transform the Black criminal mentality into a
Black revolutionary mentality. And solidarity with all you comrades
around the country this Sept 9 day.
Valley State Prison
Greetings from the A-yard of Valley State Prison. In honor of the
anniversary of the Attica uprising, and as an act of solidarity, the
members of our study group abstained form eating for 24 hours. For one
day we did not eat, starting with the Sunday G-slam, lunches (cold) and
the evening meal. Ten copies of the solidarity study pack were passed
out to members of our sg and a few other prisoners who were interested.
A comrade was kind enough to photocopy my solidarity study pack which
MIM(Prisons) provided. Most of the prisoners who attend our group were
not even aware of the events at Attica on 9 September 1971, or the calls
for prison reform which the Attica uprising prompted. A special emphasis
was put on finding ways to promote peace and to educate all prisoners
across the country on principles of the UFPP.
In closing, I want you to know that I may be new to this but I am trying
hard to learn and organize here at VSP and so are others. We, as always
appreciate very much the material support and organizational guidance of
MIM(Prisons). Thank you.
California State Prison - Corcoran
This Black August Resistance was a success. The program was designed to
educate the minds of our youth who I believe have revolutionary
potential. We read and studied Walter Rodney’s How Europe Underdeveloped
Africa, Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth, and Chancellor William’s
The Rebirth of Afrikan Civilization, along with the Appeals of David
Walker. Exercised, and wrote essays on the days required to do so. Also,
in support of September 9, we will continue our fast from 8/21 until
9/9, we will not be ordering any canteen nor packages for the 4th
quarter. So far we aren’t getting any backlash from the pigs, and other
Lumpen Orgs are participating in the program as well.
August 2018 – September 9 is expected to be big! No violence, everyone
has agreed to be at peace. In USW we support!
We are upholding the five principles of the United Front here in
Missouri. We’ve been effectively organizing, uniting, educating, etc. as
a part of the program for peace, unity, growth, internationalism, and
independence. And as a result, prison violence has dropped dramatically.
We thank you for giving us a way to transmit positive energy and reduce
conflict among prisoners. We now have 5 maximum security prisons on
board, helping to raise the consciousness of the confused youth and
building unity amongst the older captives. As we focus ahead, we see a
future filled with love, freedom, and peace. We pray that you will
continue to help us transform our people so that together we can
strengthen our organizing for liberation.
I received ULK 63! I was so glad to hear from you all. This issue
really laid it all out for my guys, so I made 45 copies and passed them
out, then instructed each member of UZI (United Zulu Independence
Movement) to do the same.
Three days later I called a meeting in the gym to discuss in-depth what
each bro had read in this new issue of ULK about UFPP. The
responses I received were beautiful. The young Crips now believe that
the lumpen in California, who they mimic, are seeking to unite instead
of separate. They now see that the gangs are fighting against the
Missouri is a slow state, so they were still set on fighting each other,
until they witnessed me and my New Afrikan Tribe moving under the
sciences of peace, unity, growth, internationalism, and independence. We
trade evolutionary material, we speak about communism, we teach each
other to use the law as a tool to build doorways to freedom, and now
your newsletter just explained everything that I’ve been telling these
young Crips about the need to stop the senseless gang bangin’, riots,
and territorial disputes on the yard caused by the COs.
Thank you! ULK Thank You! Now these bros see that the struggle is
real. I have to get back to work. Will write more soon. Can’t stop!
Won’t stop!
The September 9th Day of Peace and Solidarity is an opportunity for
prisoners to commemorate the anniversary of the Attica uprising and draw
attention to abuse of prisoners across the country. This event was
initiated in 2012 by a prisoner organization and has been taken up as an
annual United Front for Peace in Prisons (UFPP) event, with people
participating in prisons across the country.
We can not effectively fight the oppressors if we don’t have unity among
the oppressed. And that unity behind bars needs to start with peace and
solidarity. This is why activists spend the 24 hours on September 9
promoting peace and education. We call for a full halt on all
hostilities and engagements, whether between lumpen organizations or
individuals. All participants should use the day to educate and build
peace. In some places prisoners will observe a 24-hour fast. In others
there will be group classes to study and discuss political history and
current events. Figure out what you will do and get started organizing
people today.
We use September 9 to build on the UFPP principle of Peace: “WE organize
to end the needless conflicts and violence within the U.$. prison
environment. The oppressors use divide and conquer strategies so that we
fight each other instead of them. We will stand together and defend
ourselves from oppression.” This is a critical step in building a united
front among prisoner organizations and individuals committed to the
anti-imperialist movement. We do not need to agree on every political
question, but we must come together united around core principles to
build and succeed together. For those who are engaging others to
participate, the unity building starts well before September 9. It is a
long process of education and organizing to build the anti-imperialist
This 24 hour action will require a little sacrifice, but should incur no
harm, and should lead to a reduction in violence as all
prisoner-on-prisoner hostilities cease for the day. We can build greater
awareness of the oppression against which we fight, and build the unity
that is necessary for that battle, by organizing groups and individuals
to participate. Comrades organizing around the solidarity demo are
encouraged to send their plans or reports to Under Lock &
Key. To be included in ULK 64, your reports must be in our
mailbox by Monday September 17.
El 9 de septiembre, USW (United Struggle from Within - Lucha Unida del
Interior) de California debe preparar la unidad entre la línea principal
y SNY (Sensitive Need Yards -Yardas de necesidad sensible), por USW 44
de United Struggle from Within, abril 2018 permalink.
Estoy escribiendo sobre este tema un poco antes porque muchos hermanos y
hermanas no tienen el conocimiento verdadero o real con respecto al
Black August y Bloody September. Pero para aquell@s de nosotr@s que
somos políticamente conscientes, ambos meses son ricos con nuestra
sangre, nuestra lucha y nuestra resistencia. Como personas que luchan
contra la opresión durante estos dos meses como un movimiento del pueblo
debemos enfocar nuestras energías en las discusiones y acciones de
George Jackson, los Black Panthers (Panteras Negras), Assata Shakur, Che
Guevara, y cualquiera de l@s muchos revolucionari@s que nos han
Deberíamos impulsar la educación política, la acción progresiva y la
historia revolucionaria. Deberíamos enfocarnos más agresivamente en el
establecimiento de una seguridad más sólida, porque el 16 de abril de
2018 el Departamento de Corrección y la así llamada “Rehabilitación”
comenzaron una limpieza de armas en todo el estado de todas las
prisiones de California para garantizar que no haya armas en los patios
de la prisión cuando el estado integra a la línea principal de
prisioneros con prisioneros de SNY (Yardas de necesidad sensible) a
finales de este año.
Sabemos de primera mano lo que está haciendo la estructura de poder:
esperan que todos los patios estallen. Eso mostraría que sus trabajos
todavía importan y que tenemos que estar en la cárcel. Esta es su movida
más demente en años, y han estado alimentando la desconexión de la línea
principal y SNY (Yardas de necesidad sensible) durante años como una
herramienta de dividir y conquistar. La táctica de dividir y conquistar
nunca ha sido tan efectiva como hoy.
Como dicen, un árbol sin raíces está muerto, y también lo es un pueblo
sin raíces. Hombres como el camarada George, Huey P. Newton y Malcolm X.
Comenzaron y mejoraron su línea política en prisión como coloniales
criminales. Dentro de estos campos de concentración y confines oscuros y
profundos de La prisión de Soledad y San Quentin, la alquimia de la
transformación humana tomó lugar. Todos comenzaron a convertir las
celdas que tenían en bibliotecas y Escuelas de liberación. Como dijo
George, para crear un mundo nuevo tenemos que ser una representación de
este nuevo ser, “El hombre nuevo”, en palabras y en hechos, pensamientos
y acciones. Este nuevo hombre estará en su más alta forma
revolucionaria. Así como ellos convirtieron sus celdas en aulas,
nosotros también debemos hacerlo. Y así como internalizaron las ideas
más avanzadas sobre el desarrollo del ser humano, también debemos
George dijo que: “Conocí a Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Engels y Mao, y me
salvaron. Durante los primeros cuatro años, no estudié nada más que
política y economía e ideas militares. Conocí a Black Guerrillas, George
Big Jake Lewis, James Carr, W.L. Nolen, Bill Christmas, Tony Gibson y
muchos otros. Estábamos intentando convertir la mentalidad criminal
negra en una revolución de la mentalidad”.
George y sus camaradas se convirtieron en ejemplos vivientes e
inspiraciones de la resistencia organizada para l@s pres@s en todo el
país. Pero el 21 de agosto 1971, el camarada George Jackson y otros dos
fueron asesinados junto con tres guardias de la prisión en un tiroteo
dentro de una de las prisiones de máxima seguridad de California,
llamada San Quentin. Por esta razón, y muchas más, mantenga el
sangriento agosto como sagrado.
Huey P. Newton fue asesinado el 22 de agosto de 1989, en West Oakland, a
la altura del décimo y el centro, por un joven traficante de drogas
llamado Little Blood. Era un producto de este sistema, l@s jóvenes
odiando a los viejos, l@s de piel clara odiando a l@s de piel oscura.
Esa es la misma división que tenemos aquí hoy. Puedo meterme en esa
mierda y levantar el polvo con el resto y con los mejores. Pero no
permitiré que nadie detenga mi arduo trabajo como organizador y
educador. He dado veinte años para esta red principal y SNY, así que voy
a seguir adelante. Como Frantz Fanon declaró en Wretched of the Earth
(Los condenados de la tierra), “No hay toma de la ofensiva – ni
redefinición de las relaciones.”Sabemos que el poder estructural nos
quiere muertos o encerrados. Entonces, en caso de que no lo supieras, la
revolución está activa. Poder para la gente hecha para ganar y la gloria
es el juego que está en el hombre calvo
Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons (MIM- Ministerio
Internacional de Prisiones Maoísta ) agrega: El manual de USW (Lucha
Unida del Interior) de California explica cómo la división SHU (Unidad
de vivienda de seguridad) / red principal y SNY en California está en el
corazón de la construcción de un frente unido de prisioneros en el
estado. Todos l@s camaradas del USW de California deben tener una copia
del manual como guía para su trabajo. L@s lectores veteran@s de la ULK
(University of Local Knowledge) sabrán que hemos impreso innumerables
artículos sobre este tema. Escriba si puede usar copias de algunos de
estos artículos para ayudar a organizar el Día de la Paz y la
Solidaridad del 9 de septiembre de este año. La campaña para construir
la paz y la unidad entre la red principal y SNY llegará a un punto
crítico este año, y USW debe jugar un papel primordial en orientar las
cosas en una dirección positiva como lo exige este camarada.
My celly and myself formed a small coalition between my brothers and his
brothers, red, blue, white, even hispanics to speak out against the
administration (the real enemy) about their abuse of power and their
negligence. We strategically created conversation and before you know it
the whole housing unit was in an uproar. We had planted the seed. Now,
without organization, we tend to turn our anger and frustrations into
violence and destruction, which is a losing battle. So, we pushed that
pen, which turned out to be mightier and more effective than the sword.
We wrote Administrative Remedy Procedures (ARP), the Inmate Grievance
Office (IGO), the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
(DPSCS), commissioners, the Deputy Secretary of Operations, and even the
Governor, Larry Hogan, himself.
The issues we raise weren’t addressed, so we’re still waiting for
responses. But regardless if we’re denied any relief and we are aware of
those possibilities, we created a solid peaceful foundation for unity
and realized who the real oppressors are. So as long as we support each
other’s positive causes we are making forward progress, in the opposite
direction of negativity. One step at a time!
Some brothers feel we won’t get any relief because the administration do
what they want. So I ask them, “if they ain’t giving us this and taking
that already, how is filing complaints and grievances and them not
giving us any relief hurting?” “They doing what they want without so
much as an inklet of rebuttal, so how do you lose writing them up?” Then
I wait… No response.
MIM(Prisons) responds: Elsewhere in this issue of ULK the
point is raised that leading includes showing victories, and not just
talking about them.
Committed revolutionaries know that building a movement strong enough to
end oppression worldwide is a huge task that takes years and years, and
we’re going to have lots of small failures along the way. But when
building with new recruits, we need to be careful to not lead them down
a dead end, in a way that discourages them and undermines unity
building. Building initial interest should be energizing. It should
inspire people.
At the same time, we can use our organizing defeats as opportunities for
education. As this writer is doing, creating a foundation for unity and
clarifying who are the real oppressors is a victory in and of itself.
But we should be clear with people that there’s a good chance we won’t
win grievances. This doesn’t mean the time was wasted, because we’ve put
the administration on notice that we won’t take their bullshit lying
down. Where we anticipate few victories we need to think creatively
about how to inspire people to action and help them understand how this
work fits into the larger struggle so that movement building is a
victory in and of itself.