Prisoners Report on Conditions in

Texas Prisons

Got a keyboard? Help type articles, letters and study group discussions from prisoners. help out is a media institution run by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons. Here we collect and publicize reports of conditions behind the bars in U.$. prisons. Information about these incidents rarely makes it out of the prison, and when it does it is extremely rare that the reports are taken seriously and published. This historical record is important for documenting patterns of abuse, and also for informing people on the streets about what goes on behind the bars.

We hope this information will inspire people to take action and join the fight against the criminal injustice system. While we may not be able to immediately impact this particular instance of abuse, we can work to fundamentally change the system that permits and perpetuates it. The criminal injustice system is intimately tied up with imperialism, and serves as a tool of social control on the homeland, particularly targeting oppressed nations.

[Medical Care] [Bill Clements Unit] [Texas]

Medical Neglect at Clements Unit

I have been filing grievances as well as complaint letters to Ric Vogelgesang, FHA, TTUHSC-CMHC Health Administrator for issues such as physician assistant Paul Burch retaliated against me by discontinuing the Osmolites on October 18, 2018 which I have a serious underweight medical needs.

My height 6’6” + weight be going up and down to 150+170 the unit classification has to house me with a cellmate that is 5’ because I am so thin and fragile.

I saw Lydia O’Leary LVN on September 27, 2018 and O’Leary put me in to see the provider and I did NOT see any provider. So I put another sick call request in and I seen O’Leary again on October 17, 2018 and I was put in to see the provider again and I did NOT see any provider.

Ric Vogelgesang knows I filed sexual abuse complaints on my physical assistant, Paul Burch. And he is still providing Burch for my health treatment. I’ve been retaliated, denied refills and other medical attention.

Some Patients are discouraged to file Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of sexual abuse or sexual harassment because correctional officers and medical personnel are going to retaliate against the victims to cover up unlawful behavior for their staff and keep other victims from filing PREA act grievances or other complaint forms.

[Censorship] [Estelle 2] [Texas]

Legal mail tossed in retaliation

Please send the PDR as I am nearly banned from our law library due to retaliation from two officers that now work in the law library. You should also be aware that all of my legal mail has to go through the law library for address verification. I am afraid that is as far as my legal mail makes it. I have no doubt it is being thrown away. I have two officers that I have filed step ones and twos on that now work in the law library. One of them, during a cell search, tore/ripped up some of my family photos. Any legal mail I have to get off the unit I have to send with an inmate going home on parole or discharge so this is another reason I need the PDR so I can use it for a proper grievance and quote the right misconduct. So I thank you for any assistance you may provide.

[Abuse] [Jester III Unit] [Texas]

Texas killing, abusing and covering up

I’m writing to update you all of the ongoing mistreatment, abusive and unconstitutional behavior of the TDCJ prison system. Yes, this out-of-date prison system still openly promote slavery, personal vindictive retaliation upon any prisoner(s) a prison staff want to, for any reason, and allow prisoners to die due to gross negligence or officer(s) is allowed to just kill us.

I often ponder about if the Texas tax-payers could actually see what goes on inside the Texas prison system though hidden cameras. They would seen a 72 years old prisoner get his head slammed against a Brick wall and slammed to the concrete floor, causing the poor old man to scream in pain and bleed from a serious head injury. All because the 72 years old guy throw his ID card on the floor after an abusive officer demanded it. Tax-payers will see how 68 years of age Marshell Raney, was continuously denied medical care up to his death 1-19-18. They would see, Donald Loosier discharging blood for months, crying from pain of a softball size hernia and untreated hepatitis that caused his death last month 9-6-18. I have personally witnessed many preventable deaths here at the Jester3 Unit, but I have heard of so many more.

It’s no doubt to me now, TDCJ Administrative Staff are trained to lie, to cover the truth and conceal any their or staff members wrongdoings. The deceased prisoner(s) family never find out what really happen leading to the deceased death. There is too many policies, regulations and Federal Court orders that has been set in place, prison officials blatantly disregard because they know they will be protected by their Malfeasance Wardens and Directors. I have tried to help numerous fellow prisoners file grievances, write out court claims, etc. I have suffered much retaliation from prison staff, from being unjustly placed in solitary confinement, bogus disciplinary reports, being transferred to 5 different prison units, taking my legal books and property, etc. I don’t consider myself a Jailhouse lawyer, but I have filed 2 federal lawsuits, only one got dismissed. I’m still willing to keep the fight alive, fearing only the creator of everything!

I have completed 7 years of a 10 year sentence, and up for parole again hoping they will grant me parole, so I can start a Texas Prisoners Transformation Advocacy. I feel this is greatly needed for the Black, Brown and poor White people coming out of Texas prison, unrehabilitated, with no family or financial support. The capitalism’s parasitic greed, with the genocidal tendencies against Blacks, Hispanics and disenfranchised Whites need immediate help to properly establish themselves into society once released from a diabolic prison system. I will need to join with like minded people to find my best avenue to get a effective and Successful Advocacy up and going. I greatly appreciate the MIM organization, have helped me and many others know and understand there are people who are true humanitarians around this world. MIM Newsletter is a good educational tool, current events and a reading enjoyment to incarcerated people. Please keep up the good and Honorable work!

[Censorship] [Luther Unit] [Texas]

Texas mail denied for including stamps

Well Houston, we have a problem. I sent out a letter to you asking for the Texas Pack. I enclosed 1 SASE and 4 stamps. The mailroom denied the envelope with SASE and 4 stamps. Yet they wrote the denial form up stating denied 4 stamps and did not say anything about the self addressed stamped envelope. So I sent out another letter with (see denial form) 2 SASE, one with 6 stamps, one with one stamp. I wanted the Texas Package and the complaint form.

I have appealed both denial forms. The 1st denial form was in the 2 letters I sent to you. The first denial said I could not purchase anything with stamps. I explained I wasn’t purchasing anything, just covered postage. So I request you’ll also appeal this. The reason they don’t allow stamps is because inmates have been using them to purchase “Kill Shot” magazines. I am also filing a grievance over this matter. There is nothing in Texas mailroom rules about stamps or SASE. Another violation of freedom of speech. There are others who require SASE like Merriam Webster Language Research Service. I don’t see how that can stop SASE going out. So please appeal this also so that your name can be on approved list since you do not sell “Kill Shots.”

[Abuse] [Wynne Unit] [Texas]

Fighting roaches, rodents and dangerous conditions in Texas

I’ve recently been transferred to the AD-Seg section of the Wynne Farm here in beautiful Huntsville, TX. (Whoa hold on a sec, the roaches are trying to carry me off, let me kill a few)- alright that’s better.) Anyway on the conditions here, well, to begin, we have a “small” infestation of roaches (and/or rodents). With the lights on it’s not so bad, they only attempt to carry you off your bunk. But turn the lights off and only the steel cage you live in will keep you in! I’ve never seen so many roaches! The weather here is below 40° and we are limited to 1 sheet to cover ourselves with. It’s beyond cruel and unusual as a punishment.

There are two 14th amendment claims that I wrote the Department of Justice on today, as well as filed a grievance over. The first is the mop closet that has been converted to a shower that we are forced to use if we intended to be hygienic. It’s not equipped with anything beyond a leaky pipe that is supposed to suffice for a shower head. I speak of the constitutional claim because there are many of us that are legally disabled and confined to canes, crutches, etc. There are no handles, seats, etc. It’s beyond a safety hazard. The second is the denial of our recreation/outside of cell time because we are on said disabilities. In my attempt to go utilize my 1 hour out of cell a week this Saturday, I was told I couldn’t go outside and take my cane for worry of offender assault with such! Likewise, another offender was denied at the same time because of his crutches! Like I said, I’ve filed and will bring this claim before the U.S. district court as soon as administrative remedy is exhausted.

I’ve tried to push the “inmates” on my block to band together for a grievance campaign but they just ignored such and went on about their urbane idiocy and mindless chatter! Oh well, fuck ’em and their desire to stay stupid and pre-programmed by the system they claim to hate yet support, if only through inaction.

You know, I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it, but I landed in seg. because I disassociated myself from an STG group, racially bound to a constitution (supposedly), so that I could further my maturity and growth, without being bound to an outside influence of an ideology that amounted to less than the words they used, to lie to themselves, so that they could convince themselves that they were more than they could ever be. I stepped aside because I’m a man and they made me beat one half to death to prove it, as they pulled a knife on me!

I’m white and I’m proud. However, I’m also a revolutionary thinker and a soldier in every sense of the word. I’ll bet they never question that again. I wanted to state that because too often in the ULK publication I see reference to “white imperialism” and I know you speak of the powers that be, but even so it hurts my heart because of the work I put in to further our cause. Anyway, love and respect to all those like minded generals, thinkers, and soldiers of our revolutionary struggle. Below is an update to the law library section of the Texas Rack. In solidarity!

aa) Consular notification and access for immigration services
bb) Directory of Foreign Consular Corps
cc) Texas Sessions Law 1999-current
dd) Court Structure of Texas Flow Chart
ee) Venue list for Texas
ff) Intra-law library loan holdings program AD- seg offenders!

[Legal] [Abuse] [Smith County Jail] [Texas]

Twilight Zone of Legal System

I am currently incarcerated in Smith County Texas. I have been here for over 4 months and it appears I will be here at least another 3 or 4 months just waiting to go to trial. They have me on a $250,000 for an alleged theft charge under 30k. I am no stranger to the legal system in Texas but this county has so far violated almost every right I have. I have had to fire my attorney who is apparently a contract attorney for the court and only does court appointed cases. That said I am attempting to wing this pro se but they have denied me everything needed to do so such as a law library, discovery, or anything else needed to mount a defense. I just filed a federal law suit against the judge, DA and the court appointed attorney or should I say I just tried. I am pretty sure they are all going to have absolute immunity. Anyway, all that said only time will tell.

I am a 44 year old white man. The last time I was in any serious legal trouble was in 1998 when I did 18 months in a federal system and about 6 months in state jail. I am sure a lot has changed in our legal system since then so I am not sure if this county is playing with peoples rights and lives or the system is just rigged and there is nothing anyone can do until after you have been convicted. I feel like I am in the twilight zone here.

Anyway a guy came in on a bench warrant and had a cop of Under Lock & Key. Very interesting to say the least. I would very much like to read more of them so if you could please send me your newsletter and any other info you have that may provide some insight into the alternate world I find myself in.

[Organizing] [Allred Unit] [Texas] [ULK Issue 64]

The Power to Make a Difference

July 2018 – Hey guys n gals. Well good and bad news.

First the good. I successfully organized my first demonstration, on Father’s Day. We are in G-4 custody (20 hr lockdown - 2 hr dayroom and 2 hr rec). The staff always steals our rec with the excuse of “short of staff.” So I gathered 6 other prisoners and stated that we would like to speak to Rank (i.e. Sergeant or Lieutenant). Soon all 48 prisoners were united. The officers did not know what to do. They called on the radio an ICS (inmate control squad) stating that we were refusing to rack up. Lo and behold, every officer on the unit arrived with bean bag guns, gas, Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, everybody. I guess they were NOT short of staff! LOL!

After that I approached the Captain very calmly and told him our grievances. The Warden showed up just in time to see. He said “tell them to rack up and we will see what the officer has to say.” Seeing that the message had been delivered, I withdrew.

About 10 minutes later they came back and gave us rec.

Now the bad news. Since then the prisons are now targeting me and I am in Seg. SMH! It is okay. Because I see now that I do have the power to make a difference.

Thanks for the Texas Activist Pack, and thanks for the back issues. I also got ULK 62 yesterday and I will follow up soon. In Struggle!

MIM(Prisons) responds: The Texas Activist Pack was updated in August 2018, and you can get one by sending a donation of $3.50. It’s a bit thicker now, so the cost to print and mail it has gone up since the last version. The Texas Pack has info about all the campaigns that United Struggle from Within comrades have developed for the state of Texas.

We also recently got our hands on the TDCJ Offender Grievace Operations Manual (rev 01/12). It is over 100 pages, so we are asking for a donation of $10 to cover the cost of printing and mailing it to you.

Let’s pause to consider why aren’t these materals already available to prisoners held by TDCJ? Why has the TDCJ been withholding the grievance manual from prisoners since at least November 2014? Who are the people held by TDCJ and how does it impact their lives and familes when they don’t have access to this info?

Filing grievances and working on individual or reform campaigns do have their place. But, like with this comrade’s successful efforts to get rec time, the greatest impact will come in the unity we build with our comrades, and the sense of our own power that we can tap into. Those are the successes that are going to stick with us for the long haul, and through various stages that our struggle goes through.

[Abuse] [Medical Care] [Estelle High Security Unit] [Texas]

Denied medical treatment and disability services in Texas

I fell June 2 Jamming my wrist in the wall I have one arm with no climbing and no reaching over my shoulder. Our lockers are overhead I have been denied a medical locker that sit on floor for 10 months. IDS has asked for me to be given one. After 23 days I was given an x ray June 25. Nothing done. I went to Galveston hospital in Aug 2018 on another matter. I showed the doctor my swollen wrist again. Nothing was done or said on sept 19, I was given a lay in for medical. I was issued a wrist splint and told I would be going to Galveston hospital. I filed a grievance only to have it returned the next day stating that my time to file had expired. I should have filed when the X-ray was done. I was reassigned to Estelle Unit last Nov to get a hearing aid. This hasn’t happened.

I have been refused brace and limb - citing no medical indication for it (I have one arm). I have been delayed all services from ADS. I am also hearing impaired, talking book program, etc. My caseworker states I am trying to get her fired when I asked for these services after 10 months. I do want it fixed so she can’t work for city, county, state, or government again.

[Gender] [Texas]

University Sexism Education Program Attacked

Enclosed is a clipping from the Austin American-Statesman (2018 May 3) I thought pertinent and might be of interest.

Not having first-hand knowledge of the University of Texas (UT) course “MasculinUT,” I found it interesting that the reactionary philistines again attacked academia for addressing patriarchal oppression. As far as I’m concerned, conventional notions of masculinity are a societal conditioning of the psyche, ergo, much like a Black persyn ensnared in a eurocentric society, a mind fuck. So, yeah, maybe the yahoos are correct that traditional concepts of what masculinity entails (e.g., violence against wimmin) is a mental health issue, and as such, men need to be subjected to re-conditioning via communist transition. Maybe, like the bourgeoisie under socialism, men will be repressed. Maybe, hell!

MIM(Prisons) responds: The article enclosed, from the Statesman, talks about the UT masculinity education program, which is an awareness campaign formerly run by the University’s Counseling and Mental Health Center. Conservatives attacked the program, claiming it treats masculinity as a mental health problem.

In response, the MasculinUT program was moved to Dean of Students, and, in a statement from its website, “the program’s original steering committee was reconvened and expanded to provide recommendations and feedback to ensure that the program’s mission is clearly defined and fully aligned with its original intent of reducing sexual assault and interpersonal violence.”

We’re with this comrade in thinking it might not be so bad to think about masculinity as a mental health issue. As long as we’re clear that this and many other mental health issues are a product of the capitalist patriarchy. People aren’t born being sexist idiots. They are trained to believe that wimmin don’t know what they want, to see wimmin as objects, and to view maleness as a sign of superiority. People will need a lot of retraining to overcome a lifetime of patriarchal education.

We don’t know what’s involved in the UT program so we can’t comment on it. But we can say that after the imperialist patriarchy is overthrown we’ll have a long period of cultural revolution where we need to re-invent humyn culture and re-educate everyone to see all people as equal. This is about the patriarchy, but also about the oppression of all groups of people over other groups, across the strands of oppression of nation, class and gender. This involve forcibly repressing patriarchal culture and institutions. We hope that forcible repression of half the population (men) will not be necessary, but there will need to be active promotion of feminists into positions of power, and a careful re-consideration of the appropriate interactions between all humyns.

[Abuse] [Dalhart Unit] [Texas]

Grievance investigators protect staff at Dalhart

I would like to address the illegal acts by the grievance investigator Ms. Andersen at Dalhart Unit. I have written a grievance on a staff member here for discrimination and then I added three witnesses that saw and heard the incident to my grievance. I never mentioned to any of my witnesses that I put them down as witnesses. The reason behind this was so that it was clear it was not a plan nor did I coach them or inform them to say untrue things. So none of my witnesses knew that they were going to be called a witness.

When the grievance investigator, Ms. Andersen, called them in one by one, she never mentioned anything to any one of the witnesses about when the incident took place. Who put them down as witnesses, what they were witness too. All they knew is they were witness to an incident and could they think of anything. Only one of my witnesses had a clue, but was not 100% sure it was me. The other two had no clue on what incident the investigator was talking about because she said nothing more than “can you think of an incident”. Because the investigator, Ms. Andersen, did not disclose to my witnesses anything only that they were put down as witnesses to an incident and could they think of an incident.

She interfered with the investigation to help her coworker out. I was made aware of this by my witnesses when I ask them have they been called as witnesses yet? But all of them stated what I stated above and the two that didn’t give both stated “That was you that added me as a witness? Had I known I would have given a statement of what I saw and heard.”

This is why most offender’s grievances get shot down even when you have proof of discrimination or any other violation by a staff member. Because the person doing the investigation is most likely going to be biased or unfair in their finding or investigation when it comes to “coworkers” and “friends” they work with. This is nothing compared to what I saw and heard when it comes to the investigator who investigate the grievances written by offenders. I can only pray that God will bring things like this to the light to stop this unfair grievance procedure. I think this could be why I’ve been set off on parole four times already. All because I choose to fight them over the past 7 1/2 years.
