Prisoners Report on Conditions in

Georgia Prisons

Got legal skills? Help out with writing letters to appeal censorship of MIM Distributors by prison staff. help out is a media institution run by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons. Here we collect and publicize reports of conditions behind the bars in U.$. prisons. Information about these incidents rarely makes it out of the prison, and when it does it is extremely rare that the reports are taken seriously and published. This historical record is important for documenting patterns of abuse, and also for informing people on the streets about what goes on behind the bars.

We hope this information will inspire people to take action and join the fight against the criminal injustice system. While we may not be able to immediately impact this particular instance of abuse, we can work to fundamentally change the system that permits and perpetuates it. The criminal injustice system is intimately tied up with imperialism, and serves as a tool of social control on the homeland, particularly targeting oppressed nations.

[Organizing] [Macon State Prison] [Georgia] [ULK Issue 59]

September 9 Day of Peace and Solidarity: Lessons and Future Plans

[9 September 2017 marked the sixth annual Day of Peace and Solidarity in prisons across the United $tates. On this day we commemorated the anniversary of the Attica uprising, drawing attention to abuse of prisoners across the country through peaceful protests, unity events, and educational work. This demonstration was initiated in 2012 by an organization participating in United Struggle for Peace in Prisons and has been taken up as an annual UFPP event, with people participating in prisons across the country.]

This history lesson was posted on the dorm wall for two weeks preceding September 9 in Macon State Prison in Georgia:

Fu@* Sept 11th, we got Sept 9th!

Sept 9th marks an important date in the history of mistreated prisoners across the U.S. It is the date of what is referred to as ‘The Attica Rebellion.’ Here’s a synopsis of the event and I pray to the revolution gods that my recollection serves me correct. Unity in Peace.

Sept 9, 1971 prisoners at Attica Correctional Institution in the state of New York got tired of prison guards harassing them and abusing them mentally and physically, so they decided to take a stand. The prisoners negotiated with the prison commissioner and when he refused to meet requests, the prisoners, for the betterment, health care and food, then turned to a full scale riot and eventual takeover of the prison and staff. The men spoke over a land line to then-governor Nelson Rockefeller about the conditions of confinement and he too refused to meet demands. On Sept 13th after a four-day standoff governor Nelson Rockefeller ordered local law enforcement and the National Guard to take back the prison with deadly force. About 50 deaths in all from around 30 prisoners and 10 guards with hundreds more injured and disabled and disfigured to this date.

This is a tremendous day in our fight for justice and courage and a loss of many lives. Always remember Sept 9th as a sad but heroic sacrifice made for the betterment of you and me.

MIM(Prisons) adds: A beautiful aspect of the Attica Uprising was how the prisoners interacted with each other. They ran the facility themselves, and there was peace on the yard. They were able to feed themselves, deliver meds, and even did count, all without the overseers breathing down their necks. For more of the history on the Attica Uprising, send in $2 of work-trade for the September 9 study pack.

[Legal] [Abuse] [Control Units] [Georgia]

Fighting Georgia in court leads to Tier II lockdown

Recently I was scheduled a court date on October, 2017 to appear in court at 9am in Hancock County courthouse in front of Judge E. Trenton Brown III. A week before the hearing the Judge dismissed the Writ of Mandamus for no apparent reason with the law mention to support its justified claims. My allegations were against defendants Governor Nathan Deal and his underlings whose occupation is Georgia Department of Corrections officials in the capacity as Wardens, Commissioner, Lt, Sgt, Ofcs, for the violation of my 14th amendment United States constitutional rights, due process of law.

The institution I am confined in doesn’t even want to issue any prisoner an Administrative of Courts (AOC) Writ of Mandamus, which is part of their ploy to stop us access to the courts. The Attorney General of Georgia who represents these defendants uses that ploy as their advantage to have prisoners’ claims thrown out in court under Donald V Prices that’s stating a claim is void when not done on proper AOC Writ of Mandamus form. All Georgia Department of Correction officials and government officials are in a clandestine conspiracy to cover up each others malfeasance.

I’ve been held captive in a 24 hour lockdown called Tier II program and have been falsely validated a Goodfella, a group of Black human beings who the GDC have placed in solitary confinement indefinitely. This group of individuals are in involuntary protective custody and are supposed to be treated as Administrative Segregation prisoners and have equal access as the general population. But we don’t, we are under the same authority rules and regulations and same policy as the disciplinary prisoners and some of us have gradually progressed to 3+ phase which is the “honor” phase. We are not allowed our property (5th amendment violation). We are not allowed compound store only restricted housing food, we are not allowed proper time in the shower nor proper exercise or yard hours. Our 8th, 5th, 14th amendments are being maliciously violated and we are being discriminated upon. Our equal rights of protection is also violated. Me being a prison solicitor I am constantly having vindictive retaliatory retaliation implemented on my well being from filing grievance et al. But I will prevail and keep fighting the machine until it is destroyed and this Tier II program is eradicated.

[Control Units] [Abuse] [Valdosta Correctional Institution] [Georgia]

Georgia using validation status to justify permanent lockdown

I’m currently one of hundreds of prisoners placed on tier because of my alleged validation. Please allow me to explain.

Since 2011 Georgia Department of Corrections has declared war against all prisoners validated “MOB” (Goodfellas, young mafia family) by prison officials.

All prisoners validated “MOB” have been on a never-ending lockdown because of incidents that happened amongst prisoners in 2011. Prisoners validated “MOB” have been the only ones locked down as a whole since then. Regardless of participation or if they just coming in the prison system if they validated “MOB” they automatically get locked down and placed into Tier Phase 1.

In 2013 GA DOC implemented what they call “Tier”. Which at the time they told us “this is not a disciplinary program”. All prisoners validated “MOB” was automatically placed on tier even prisoners just coming in the system go straight to tier because of their validation to the “MOB”.

While on this program we’ve been stripped of all rights, liberty, privileges and some have even lost their life trying to get away from this oppression being administered by GA DOC. Tier was originally a three-phase program each phase 90 days and upon completion of the last phase prisoners will return to population!

On Phase 1 prisoners are not allowed to have no personal property at all: clothing, food, books, magazines, newspapers, radios, and hygiene are all restricted. On phase 2 you can have up to $15 in hygiene but all other items are restricted. On phase 3 you can get a limited commissary but all other items are restricted.

GA DOC implemented a phase 3 plus to hold all prisoners validated “MOB” on this never-ending lockdown. For the past 4 years we’re the only group held on tier as a whole, we’re the only group not allowed to complete the tier and return to population. And while we’re held on tier we still have no rights or privileges. Our visitation is limited to two hours and at some prisons our loved ones have to drive four and a half hours to only see us for 2 hours, no contact. Our visitors are limited to two visitors so if you have more than one child only one can visit with one adult.

Our phone is limited to 3 15-minute calls a month (one call a week). Then miss a week. Our commissary is limited and at some prisons you can only buy sweets and other non healthy items that cause diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Food on trays have been cut back which have caused all prisoners on tier to lose large amounts of weight.

At the prison I’m currently at we only allowed recreation two days a week (Monday and Wednesday) leaving us locked in 2-prisoner cells 24 hours a day 5 days a week in extreme temperatures.

Cells have no sockets therefore we are not allowed to have fans and temperatures often reach high 90s, & every time you move you sweat. Even if you lay still you sweat and in cold months cells are freezing. It gets so cold we don’t be wanting to get out the bed to grab the tray out the slot.

Sanitation only get ran when they have visitors coming. Trays we eat off be 1/2 clean and often have food from previous meals stuck in corners. Cells are full of insects, bugs and spiders and some prisons rodents & many other type bugs.

The prison I just left prisoners in a 2-prisoner cell can’t flush their own toilets and sometimes have to go hours smelling feces or urine because the officer too lazy and don’t want to flush the toilet or he get mad at another prisoner and won’t flush no one toilet. (Georgia State Prison)

Prison officials have had us writing statements say we don’t fear for our lives and we have no enemies on a compound and they still don’t let us out. All they do is rotate us from prison to prison with false promises to let us out. The only ones they let out is dudes who not “MOB” but get validated for talking or walking with someone validated “MOB”. Some prisoners have been validated “MOB” by prison officials because of where they from (Atlanta Georgia). Prison officials automatically make you “MOB” or blood if you from Atlanta and Young or have a lot of tattoos. You’ve had prisoners write statements renouncing their validation and prison officials still refuse to let them out.

Many attempts have been made to grieve these issues that’s on camera but all our grievances are denied or never responded to. We are in desperate need of any help or advice needed to take these oppressors to court and challenge this “Tier” this cruel unusual punishment and discrimination being administered by prison officials.

Law library is inadequate and prison officials don’t have no one trained in law to assist us. They don’t have books in law library and it’s only one computer and no one show us how to operate it. I can be reached at this address.

[Medical Care] [Riverbend Correctional Facility] [Georgia] [ULK Issue 57]

Insulin Indifference Disables Prisoners

For diabetic prisoners, prisons can perform up to 5 fingersticks and insulin administrations per day. A problem is some prisons have blanket policies of only 2 fingersticks and insulin administrations per day, and diabetics are frequently and indiscriminately transferred out to these prisons even though more than 2 fingersticks/insulin administrations per day are necessary to adequatly control their diabetes.

I think the medical treatises, and the other sources cited in the enclosed hand copy of the grievance I have recently filed at my prison will enable diabetic prisoners, as well as prison administrators who are not medical professionals (i.e. the warden, etc.), to recognize when a 2-fingerstick policy is an inadequate regime of treatment.

I also think the illustration of how diabetes and extremely elevated glucose levels harms the body (as evidenced by levels over 300 points, and the accompanying signs and symptoms of elevated glucose) is enough of a showing of physical injury to satisfy the Prisoners’ Litigation Reform Act’s (PLRA’s) “physical injury” requirement necessary to allow a prisoner afflicted by this type of policy to recover additional damages for mental and emotional injury (42 U.S.C.A. Section 1997e(e)).

I am requesting you publish this information so that other prisoners throughout the country will know when their care is lacking and how to pursue proper treatment, through litigation if necessary.

Description of Incident

I am an insulin-dependent diabetic. Lunch is served for diabetics at 12:45 - 13:15 hrs. This is according to the Building Schedule. Like most other diabetics who require 70/30 type insulin, this schedule is too far outside the time frame my pre-breakfast injection of insulin works to lower my lunchtime glucose (by fingerstick at 17:00-18:30 hrs Diabetic Clinic). This is evidenced by the extremely elevated pre-supper glucose level in the 300s, 400s, and 500s. To prevent this, at all the other prisons I’ve been served lunch from 10:45-11:50 hrs. This is closer to the window period 70/30 insulin is effective to lower lunchtime glucose within. This was evidenced by a lowered pre-supper-time glucose level in the 200s, 100s, and below 100 points. (70/30 insulin is 70% intermediate-acting insulin and 30% short-acting insulin.)

I wrote a grievance on this problem, using information from the Prisoners Diabetes Handbook distributed by Southern Poverty Law Center, and Diabetes Solution by Jorge E. Rodriguez, M.D. On 28 December 2016 Counselor Johnson proofread my grievance for technical compliance before accepting it for processing. I will keep your staff at MIM(Prisons) informed of further developments regarding this.

Diabetes Summary

I also included in my grievance the following information so prison staff can understand the time frames insulin works within. There are 3 characteristics of insulin: onset (when the insulin starts to work), peaks (when the insulin is working the hardest), and duration (how long the insulin works for). The 70/30-type insulin I require is a mixture of 70% intermediate-acting insulin and 30% short-acting insulin. If you take short-acting (regular) insulin, and intermediate-acting (NPH) insulin, you need to eat on time by matching your meals to your insulin injections, so your insulin is peaking at the same time your glucose from your meals is peaking. Here are the time frames of 70/30 insulin:

Type insulin Onset after injection Peak Duration
Short-acting (Regular) about 30 minutes 2-3 hours later 3-6 hours
Intermediate-acting (NPH) about 2-4 hours 4-10 hours later 10-16 hours
*Note: Actual time frames for performance can vary based on each person’s own individual response to insulin.

For me, as for many of the other diabetics who require 70/30 insulin, regular peaks about 3 hours after injection. (This is also the same time my glucose from meals is also peaking.) The NPH component peaks about 5-6 hours after injection. This was about the same time all the other prisons I’ve been to serve lunch. This was an adequate enough time frame to allow the insulin to lower my lunchtime glucose, measured by fingerstick at suppertime. But here at Riverbed Correctional Facility (RCF) lunch is served too far outside the peak performance cycle to lower my glucose at supper time.

The following information is from Diabetes Solution by Jorge E. Rodriguez, M.D., and my past conversations with diabetes specialists and educators, including this prison’s own diabetes education facilitator, Registered Nurse Colin.

When you eat, food is broken down to the blood sugar, called glucose, which then enters the bloodstream where cells use it as food for energy. This process is called glucose-cell metabolism, and it can not occur without the hormone insulin. Insulin is made in the pancreas. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas either doesn’t make any insulin, doesn’t make enough insulin, or for other reasons the body cannot use its own insulin properly. When this happens glucose starts building up in the blood instead. Diabetes is defined as a fasting glucose level over 125 points, or a random glucose level over 200 points.

Diabetes harms the body in the following way: A glucose molecule looks like a ball made of many sharp points. In high levels the points become abrasive which damages the insides of the veins of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, eyes, etc., causing heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, etc. When glucose becomes this dangerously elevated, the body will attempt to pass it off in the urinary tract. A sign of this is frequent urination. Other symptoms of glucose having become this high are blurry vision, extreme hunger right after eating, dry mouth, thirst, etc. This is happening to me right after lunch at this prison. These symptoms persist until my next shot of insulin begins peaking, 3 hours after supper time insulin administration. A sign I am suffering kidney damage is I can feel my kidneys since I’ve come to this prison.

MIM(Prisons) responds: This writer is setting a good example for others of sharing knowledge and work ey is doing to help others. Individual medical battles like this one are important for the survival of the individual, and we can make the impact much broader by writing up our successes and failures, documenting information needed by others, and building a movement capable of saving lives while organizing to ultimately dismantle this system of dangerous oppressive criminal injustice.

[Legal] [Medical Care] [Banks County Detention Facility] [Georgia]

Pretrial Detainee Over 1 Year

I am a pretrial detainee for over a year now, since May 2016. I can barely see because they took my glasses. Many laws are broken continuously here, and I am bringing a claim to challenge in the 11th Circuit. Below is a list of some conditions in this facility.

Locked down:
18-24 hours a day. No exercise equipment. Some outdoor yard time with no set schedule. Yard is the same size as a pod (minus 4 tables), about 40-50 paces in circumference. Church, hygiene, razors, free time, law library, are all incumbent of each other in time.

The loss and mishandling of my property:
Prescribed eye glasses, jewelry (very sentimental), my wallet (ID, financial cards, personal info), clothing and boots. I have not signed a receipt.

Defamation of my character:
The proliferation of pictures of me in a “turtle suit” (suicidal) with false information, damaging and harming, marring and scarring my character permanently professionally to career prospects, loved ones, community, publicly, socially on all media.

Attacks on freedom of speech:
Use of courts, protection of the laws, use of media, legal representation, support, networking, resources, by damaging and destroying outgoing mail and material.

Malevolent “medical care”:
Mishandling records, medication, evil intent, calloused deliberate indifference causing permanent damage to my psyche, eyes, organs, nervous system, joint and back.

Denied meaningful use of courts:
Would not take a police report. Inadequate representation. The law library at this jail is insufficient.

Denied protection by the laws:
Law library. Tampers with evidence and statements. Denied redress or response to viable grievances.

Subjection to adverse conditions:
No maintenance or cleaning delegation schedule. Air system ducts, vents and filters are filthy, ever dropping debris and water on inmates and in our food and drink. Extremely hot in summer and cold in winter. Busted fixtures. Showers are slick with standing water, mold, mildew, never power washed or properly scrubbed.

Medical fees:
Charged at the will of staff, often for services NOT requested, NOT rendered. Taking my funds I need to medical, hygiene, cosmetic, coffee, legal postal.

With pointing tazers at my face for amusement, randomly dropping them.

Failure to supply:
Indigent legal envelopes and postage. Proper law library. Legal defense.

I have ad hygiene, medical, sanitary (toilet paper), religious books, legal books, writings, taken spitefully for grievances, complaints or asking for law library, copies, phone, legal.

I have been passed over the whole time for work detail, I believe because I am considered a “yankee.” I begged for better shoes for a year while everyone else got them. Everyone else gets to see their property and sign off for it. It takes weeks or months to get items.

[Control Units] [Campaigns] [Abuse] [Organizing] [Georgia State Prison] [Georgia] [ULK Issue 56]

Petition Against Tier II Program at GSP

[Comrades in Georgia have been suffering from and fighting against the Tier II program since its inception. Tier II is a long-term isolation program with indefinite terms and severe restrictions on communication and other “privileges.” Of course the program is officially not for disciplinary purposes. And of course the program has set terms on paper. Below is a portion of a petition some of our subscribers have signed on to and mailed out to various administrators. It illuminates in detail many of the problems that prisoners in Georgia are facing. In December 2014 another comrade from Smith State Prison mailed us a similar petition with over 30 signatures, which we publicized on our website. ]

In the name of liberty, life, and human rights the Administrative Segregation population at Georgia State Prison (GSP) is reaching out to you with hopes that you will advocate and intervene on our behalf to put an end to the horrific and inhumane conditions of confinement being forced upon us, through the implementation of the Administrative Segregation Tier II Program, because the grievance system here is a mockery and has rendered us no relief from the oppressive, repressive, and dehumanizing tactics of the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC).

Georgia State Prison, which for decades has held a large lockdown population with some inmates being on lockdown for 20 or more years, began what is called the “Administrative Segregation Tier II Program” on July 16, 2014. On this date, GDC’s tactical squad, along with GSP’s correctional officers confiscated all of our personal clothing, hygiene products, health care products, books, photo albums, lawbooks, magazines, newspapers, CD players, radios, drinking cups, bowls, etc., with us only being allowed to keep 20 personal letters, a portion of legal mail, and a Qur’an or a bible (one or the other). Our personal hygiene products were replaced with only state-issue soap, toothpaste, and roll-on deodorant which are of very poor quality.

The guidelines for the Tier II Program (which lasts for a minimum of 9 months) places a ban on all books, newspapers, magazine (novels, textbooks, dictionaries, etc.) and many materials to self-educate ourselves. All books, magazines, newspapers, etc. which are mailed to us are returned to sender without giving us notification or a chance to appeal the prison’s decision.

We are not being allowed to continue educational correspondence courses to earn degrees or diplomas so that we can have a better chance of getting legitimate jobs upon release.

Inmates are allowed very restricted contact/access to the “free world” which is perpetuated in part by the ban on books and periodicals and the confiscation of all TVs and radios which effectively blocks us from being kept abreast of current events and aware of the world’s happenings beyond the prison’s gates. Phone calls and visits are limited to only 3 fifteen-minute collect calls and 3 two-hour non-contact visits for the first 6 months of the program.

We are not being given proper access to the law/courts. Tier II inmates are routinely denied “law-library” by officers. The law library for Ad-Seg inmates only has seven small holding pens and one computer to service the needs of the entire lockdown population, which is approximately 600-700 prisoners.

We are not being given the proper nutrition or portions of food and are not being allowed to purchase commissary as a means to supplement the malnutrition being forced upon us. This is evident in the fact that the number of prisoners being placed on medical diets to increase weight and calorie intake has made a steep incline. Bugs (both live and dead) are often found in the food and the officers still force the trays on the prisoners.

We are inadequately clothed. The prison won’t provide us with the proper clothing and won’t allow us to purchase the clothing we need.

We are not being given the means to sanitize the cells that we are housed in. The cells are filthy. Most have food, blood, and feces on the walls and there is a serious rodent and insect infestation. We cannot even flush our own toilets; we rely on officers to flush the toilets for us so we may have feces and urine in the toilets for hours at a time.

We are not being allowed to have the hygiene products that we need and are not allowed to purchase any so most inmates have a foul odor because the deodorant the state issues us doesn’t work for most of us.

We are routinely denied the right of religious freedom and expression. We are not allowed to practice beliefs that forbid cutting the hair, keeping kosher or other restrictions from eating certain foods.

Prisoners are subjected to brutality, humiliation, and harassment by correctional officers and staff at any given time. Prisoners are often assaulted while in handcuffs/restraints for no reason at all, but most frequently for practicing “freedom of speech.” If a prisoner addresses the warden or other administrative staff about anything they don’t like, or mistreatment, you are liable to be sprayed with mace, OC spray, any of the other toxic gases, stripped naked and humiliated and be placed on “stripped cell” with no bedding, clothing, or anything else (regardless of the temperature) for 8 or more hours just for exercising your 1st Amendment rights.

Prisoners are forced by the administration to bunk with other prisoners against their will, even when they let officers know there will be a conflict. This deliberate indifference has led to deaths, stabbings and other serious injuries.

Mental health prisoners are often times punished for mental infirmities and deficiencies which are beyond their control and made worse by the conditions of confinement forced upon them. Mental health patients here are suffering because of a lack of treatment and staff. Many are wrongly diagnosed and are either over- or under-medicated.

Prisoners validated by the GDC as being part of Goodfellas, Young Mafia Family or plain and simply as “Mob” are being subjected to group punishment and all prisoners with this validation are kept on Tier II, and most have been on lockdown since November 2011 or even longer. The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Tier II program states that prisoners can only be held on the program for 2 years, but those validated as “Mob” are being transferred from prison to prison at the completion of one prison’s Tier program requirements and forced to begin the program again at the entry level at the new facility.

We know that prison isn’t supposed to be comfortable, but what we are experiencing at the hands of the administrators and staff here is torture and extreme abuse of authority. Regardless of our debts to society, we are no less human than anyone else. Many of us are mentally unstable, indigent, or have no family or friends who are willing to help us fight for our rights to be treated like human beings and not be subjected to such demoralizing and dehumanizing treatment.

[Censorship] [Ware Correctional Institution] [Georgia]

Censorship for New Afrikans in Georgia

I am writing today to get back on the mailing list of all the things you offer. I was housed at Ware State Prison, an all-white Cop facility where they rejected us Blacks – which is all it holds – from receiving MIM Distributors, San Francisco Bay View, The Abolitionist and a lot more.

I filed a 1983 civil suit on the prison and they Emergency Transferred me to another facility in the Tier II program on 3+ again which I have done 3 years in and some on lock-down, and now still is. I would like to receive all of the books and things you have sent to me that the prison sent back without my knowledge. Only after some months did they give me a yellow piece of paper showing I am now at the Hancock State Prison where I can receive all the following again and would be writing things to be published in the MIM & More. Also, if anyone has the address of the San Francisco Bay View, I need it again and any other address that is knowledgeable.

[Abuse] [Smith State Prison] [Georgia]

Mental Health Crises, unsanitary conditions

I’m writing to give you a brief story of my struggle in this Tier program in Georgia. Now we are not allowed to have cups of chemicals to clean our cell with, it’s done by whomever running showers in which they are to spray our toilet down with chemicals. But they stretch with water so it’s no chemical only more water. You go around and spray 48 cells only twice a week then come with the broom and mop on another day. Now i wonder why all of a sudden we can’t clean our space as in when we really need to during the week as well as on the weekend its all controlling.

Issue #2 now all of a sudden during a search on us it usually be lift our sack show your feet, hands, squatt and cough. Now it’s lift you sack show your feet, hands, and spread your cheeks. Yes they want a grown man to spread his cheeks while these offices look at at you. Now if something ain’t wrong with that picture I don’t know what you call it. These people are mental sexually assaulting us daily.

#3 I’m next door well i was next door to this dude from Colombia and he was going through his crisis so the officers kept on teling him they would get him some help. For 2 days he ask them to get in touch with mental health. So he got fed up at dinner time. He didn’t let the office close the flap back so the officer tried to call on the radio to Sarge Lt or OIC. Well this officer didn’t get a response so he lost his cool and threw the lock at the inmate as well as trying to break the inmates arm or push it back in the flap.

After the incident took place the officer claimed the inmate tried to grab him by the shirt. But yet it’s a camera in the dorm more like 3 of them. Guess what, this officer was gone for a good week. Now today 4/12/17 he’s back like new. I don’t deal with the Colombian dude period. He took it upon himself to say I was a witness without even asking me. Instead of fighting with him verbal I only did right for a brother in the struggle such as me. I wrote a witness tatement on his behalf and still haven’t had 2 words to say to this broher. It’s more of a business to stand with my brothers in these predicaments that we are in. I’m a loyal team player with ULK.

[Censorship] [Georgia State Prison] [Georgia]

Ban On Publications at Georgia's Oldest Prison

Georgia State Prison (GSP), the oldest prison in Georgia is rodent and vermin infested with numerous maintenance problems. Tier II prisoners, housed in what Georgia prison officials call a Long Term Segregation Program based on your behavior, call it torture. Prison officials are enforcing a regulation to ban all legitimate publications which are mailed to prisoners in Tier II regardless of what phase (Tier II has 3 phases) they are on. These legal publications are mailed from the publisher. They include newspapers, all books, and all magazines. Specifically, the ban is on: San Francisco Bay View Newspaper, Chattanooga Times, Free Press Newspaper, Prison Legal News Magazine, MIM’s Prison Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Atlanta Journal and any other legally authorized publications. The ban is only on prisoners in the Tier II Segregation Program. No one else.

The First and Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees me the right to free speech and to the press and equal protection of law. The Georgia Constitution Article I Section I Paragraph II (equal protection of law) and Paragraph V (freedom of speech and to the press) are rights under Georgia Law.

To “return to sender” all my magazines, newspapers and books violates my constitutionally protected rights. None of these aforenamed publications were banned at any other Georgia prison I have been held at. I notified, by letter, Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Gregory Dozier; Statewide GDC Tier Coordinator Otis Stanton; GDC SE Region Field Operations Manager Robert Toole; GSP Warden Marty Allen. All showed deliberate indifference to my issue by failing to respond to the illegal ban of publication problem.

Georgia prisoners are so divided along racial, class and STG gang lines that any attempt to organize any form of mass action rebuttal to these egregious and illegal acts by Georgia prison officials will falter. The fear that the GDC has employed on most prisoners prevents the addressing of constitutional rights violations.

As a “jailhouse lawyer” holding active membership with the National Lawyer’s Guild, I have been fighting administratively and with civil action for redress of Georgia officials’ numerous malfeasance since 2005.

This illegal publication ban fails to pass the “smell test.” I have begun my quest to correct this illegal violation by filing a Formal Grievance, which is a joke, but must be done as a start to any civil action which will follow.

I solicit the assistance of all news organizations, prints, digital and television as I again take on the GDC in court. My three (3) current civil actions pending and my numerous previous civil actions show that the GDC cannot and will not ever intimidate this writer. My fight for my right to free speech and the press and equal protection of law continues.

[Organizing] [Hays State Prison] [Georgia]

Slowly building for a study group

This dungeon that is the Tier II program here at Hayes State Prison is horrible to say the least. I am one of three caucasians in this dorm that i am in and this makes my life doubly miserable. As most of the pigs are white and prejudice which means all of the other inmates take it all out on me though I am not prejudiced in any way. They all want to complain and cuss me out but say nothing to the pigs here who are their oppressors. No because doing so will get their phone privileges, tablets, visitation or store privileges taken. No one here has any back bone. They are complacent and are willing to accept cold trays, being talked to any kind of way, being denied yard cells for weeks at a time and shower cells as well.

It has gotten a little better now that I have shown people what I am about but only a bit. I have been sharing my socialistic political views and my revolutionary views with my fellow inmates here. It’s been hard and my copies of ULK have been received. I am working towards tarting a study group currently. This place is ripe for a revolution and I would love to help lead it. Viva Revolution.

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