MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
www.prisoncensorship.info is a media institution run by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons. Here we collect and publicize reports of conditions behind the bars in U.$. prisons. Information about these incidents rarely makes it out of the prison, and when it does it is extremely rare that the reports are taken seriously and published. This historical record is important for documenting patterns of abuse, and also for informing people on the streets about what goes on behind the bars.
I am a prisoner in the State of Georgia that seeks to enforce the civil
rights of all human beings and of all ethnic groups. I have attempted to
bring an inhuman living conditions case against the prison system and on
the behalf of all similarly situated. The complaint is set out below.
Sir, it is clear after presenting these issues to two courts and the
Attorney General of Georgia that these officials do not care that the
lives of many are in grave danger.
We are seeking the assistance of your office. The name and address of
the prison, Attorney General, and the federal judge is listed at the end
of this communique.
Shocking Inhuman history of prison conditions case
On July 10, 2016, Plaintiff, Robert F. Smith, submitted for filing his
42 U.S.C. 1983 Civil Rights complaint wherein he demonstrated with
documentary evidence that some forty thousand (40,000) individual human
beings from all ethnic groups were being subjected to inhuman and
barbaric living conditions.
Smith further demonstrated that many of the individual human beings from
all ethic groups were being denied the mandated protection of prison
authority from the attacks of certain gang affiliated inmates. That the
individuals from all ethic groups in which requested from prison
authority the protection from certain affiliated gang members were then
punished by, and are still being punished, prison authority by placement
in a mandatory nine months lockdown disciplinary program wherein all
inmate personal property and store privileges have been taken.
Smith’s complaint named as Plaintiffs David Cordova, and all others
similarly situated. Said complaint was filed in the Middle District
Federal Court in Macon, Georgia, on July 13, 2016.
On August 18, 2016, Federal Judge Marc T. Treadwell dismissed Smith’s
civil rights complaint in its entirety on the premise that the
plaintiffs could not joint together in a single action.
Smith’s complaint further demonstrated that every single standard
operating procedure written to govern the running of the prison was not
being adhered to, that because said SOPs were not being followed by
prison authority, many many individuals from all ethnic groups
constitutional rights were being violated, i.e. Right to be free
from physical abuse Right to due process Right to equal
protection Right to be free from cruel and unusual
Smith further presented the failure of prison authority to follow their
standard operating procedures to the state court as required in the form
of an extra ordinary emergency of writ of mandamus, as of date that
action is being held up by the state courts with nothing having been
brought before same and having been ruled on.
Prison authority have minimized the ventilation in each inmate cell
dramatically by placing iron metal plates over each and every
ventilation duct and throughout the entire prison.
The obstruction of ventilation by the iron metal plates combined with
heat places us human beings in a substantial risk of deceases such as
tuberculosis as well as: 1. Most of the time it feels as if one’s
chest is heavily burdened with a huge amount of weight due to the lack
of clean air. 2. Severe burning sensation in chest with mild to
severe dizziness. 3. Tingling sensation in ones limbs from a lack of
oxygen in ones body.
When the plaintiff stand with their nose stuck directly into the 4 by 21
inch window opening, the conditions start to subside.
Due to the rooms being so closed up with no ventilation and a very small
window opening between say 4:00 hours and 13:00 hours the temperatures
are between 85 to 95 degrees. Between 13:00 and 19:00 hours the
temperatures reach between 95 to 105, maybe 110 because the sun makes
direct contact with the back side of rooms. Plaintiffs suffers the
following list of health problems: 1. headaches, 2. nausea, 3. loss of
appetite, 4. loss of weight, 5. severe inability to sleep on plastic
mattresses, or 6. to breath at time. See Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, Art. I, II, III, V, VI, VII, VII, X, XII, XVII(2), XXV(1)
Marc T. Treadwell U.S. Federal Judge U.S. District Court
Office of the Clerk PO Box 128 Macon, GA 31202
Since 2011 GA DOC has declared war against all prisoners validated
“Goodfella.” As a whole all priosoners validated Goodfella have been
held on lockdown at all prisons in GA for an altercation that happened
between Goodfella and Bloods. While on this never ending lockdown DOC
started what they call the “Tier” program which is a lockdown program
for disciplinary inmates. All prisoners validated Goodfella were
automatically placed on this progra, which is supposed to be a 9 month
program. Then prisoners get placed back into population. The program was
originally a 3 phase program. Prison officials implemented what they
call a “3 plus” phase just for all members of Goodfella to keep us
locked down as I write this we are still locked down and on this
While on this program we are stripped of all rights, property, liberty
and subjected to inhumane conditions. We’re degraded, treated like
animals, denied proper adequate medical and law library. We locked in a
prison cell 24 hours a day. Officers and prison officials constantly
oppress and suppress us. We’re not allowed vocational programs,
education classes, job training or job enhancing skills. Newspapers,
books, raidios, TV or nothing to help us to grow mentally and help us
transiton back into society. So basically our brothers are leaving
prison the same way they came in or worse. Nothing rehabilitative comes
from this program. It’s designed to break us mentally so they can
control us like robots.
Since this program started look at the suicide rate and attempts in GA
prison system. They don’t care about the psychological trauma stemming
form this oppression, suppression and repression that’s elading to
Myself as well as many other gang members have attempted to bring peace
amongst our different gangs or organizations but now DOC scared to let
us out for fear we going to unite with other gangs or organizations
against the officers.
We’ve attempted to bring unity while back here on lockdown but brothers
are scared and some still on some lil boy story and holding grudges. I
went to the door last week and asked did anyone know who Bobby Seale,
Fred Hampton, Huey P, Marc Clark, George Jackson and many other Black
revolutionaries were. They knew one or two but no one knew everyone I
ask them about. Then I ask about Bobby Hutton. Geronimo Pratt, Mutulu
Shakur Al-Amin and got the same result and immediately I know the
problem: our youth lack proper education. The history book only teach
white history and slavery side of black history in the south.
Around 90% of inamtes released off tier program into society either
start a life of crime and be in and out of jail, return to prison, do
nothing productive with their lives or get killed. Why is that when this
supposed to be a “therapeutic” program designed to rehabilitate and
change our way of thinking? I’ll tell you why, because the tier is being
used to break us mentally so they can control us. We being oppressed
daily. We being stripped of all rights and forced to endure degrading
inhumane conditions. And people wonder why Georgia recidivism rate so
high. It’s because prisoners not being allowed to pursue an education,
get trades or job enhancing skills so our comrades getting out the same
way they came in or worse. Keep a man locked in a 2 man cell 24 hours a
day for years. Forcing us to accept the small amounts of food on trays.
Forcuing us to smell another man feces. Forcing us to live in inclement
conditions. Forcing us to endure weather so hot if you move you sweat.
How can a person be rehabilitated in this type of atmosphere. They can’t
they not trying to. That’s their plan to either break us mentally or
force us into withdrawl or depression where we lash out agressively.
Nothing positive come from this program. Look at how many prisoners have
turend to mental health to try to relieve the mental pain being
administered by prison officials oppressive program.
I’m writing your organization in hopes of raising awareness of my
situation. On the date of 9-3-15, I was a inmate at Smith State Prison,
where I was assaulted viciously by Derrius Attical; a member of the Cert
Team. Somewhere in between the hours of 3 & 5’ oclock pm the Cert
Team came to H-2, a lock down-segregation unit, with new arrivals.
Somehow or another, Cert Team member D. Attical found reason to obtain
the keys from the dormitory floor officer to gain access to my room.
When the door came open, I was closer to the door than my bunkmate, who
was sitting up-right on his bottom bunk. We were both sprayed with
pepper spray none the less, but I was beat badly. I think he hit me with
the bottom of the pepper spray can, but can not be certain. I & my
room mate were temporarily blinded by pepper spray.
When all was said & done, I was covered in my own blood from head to
toe, literally. I was escorted to medical by the Cert Team, & sent
to the free world hospital, where I received stitches on my right eye
brawl, & eye lid; & the left top corner of my upper lip. In
total, I received what I think was 8 stitches. But it didn’t stop there.
As expected I filed my grievance, & awaited disciplinary court, but
on the date 9-11-15, exactly 8 days later, I was assaulted again!
On 9-11-15, about 4 something in the early morning, Lieutenant Witfield
came to my new cell with a few others & a paint ball gun. They woke
me out of my sleep, instructing me to cuff up, & I complied. I was
then instructed to get on my knees, & I complied. From there I was
pushed on my stomach. I laid there & listened, though the Lieutenant
was being very unprofessional and belligerent. As he insulted me, he
poked me in the face with the pepper ball gun. Still I remained silent.
Some how the lieutenant felt disrespected. He quickly stood from where
he once squatted & stomped on the back of my head, causing my chin
to slam into the floor & split on contact.
The entire time, a female officer held the camera. I doubt that it was
actually recording because of the conduct that the Lieutenant displayed,
& the fact that once he was done she causally placed the camera to
her side without stopping it from recording. I know this because I was
waiting for her to. (Note that I received more stitches 9-11-15)
As I did the first time, I filed my grievance, & awaited to go to
disciplinary court, although I did not receive a disciplinary report
that time, I had still not been to D.R. Court for the incident on
9-3-15. The day I went to disciplinary investigation, I was acquitted of
all charges. But for some strange reason I was forced into a program
called Tier II & denied parole, which was set for 9-30-15. I was
submitted into the Tier II program for “Assaultive History,” which is 1
of 13 reasons a inmate can be subjected to such a thing. This is ironic
because I have never been convicted of such a thing. I have been accuse
of 4 or 5 different occasions, but I have never been convicted of a
violent D.R.
Due to the presumption of innocence, every man is considered innocent
until proven guilty in the court of law, & to violate such a thing
is to violate a man’s Due Process rights. I have hired an attorney on a
contingency basis to represent me & my claims against the state, but
America needs to be aware of the adversity the prison population
I am just one of many. Throughout my 8 year prison term I have been a
witness to many atrocious acts committed by those in authority of me.
Many prisoners are not fortunate enough to have outside help and still,
many are under educated, & lack the literacy skill to address such
dynamic ploys. In conclusion, I hope that your org. is willing to help
my raise awareness. I honestly believe that bringing attention to such
evil & tyrannical people will halt such violence. Thank you for your
I just read an article in ULK (Jul./Aug. 2016). On page #14 <a
Censorship on TIER Program. I am currently housed at one of the
prisons that has this so-called “program.” We have nearly 800 inmates
locked away there now. Some have been there for years. I myself
transferred to court recently, & upon coming back here, they placed
me in “TIER I” for 2 weeks before I went back to general Pop. For
“security purposes”… It’s torture!
The toilets are flushed by the C.O.s outside, & often times the
stagnant waste sits in the bowl for hours. The food portions are never
what they’re supposed to be. The C.O.s are often nowhere to be found,
& don’t do their rounds consistently. If I had suffered a real
life-threatening emergency, I wouldn’t be here now & I was only in
there for 2 weeks! I shudder to think of all the inmates struggling to
survive in those conditions
With that written, I’d like to get pro-active & do all I can. Even
in general pop., we’re having issues with not receiving our mail in its
entirety. Books must be approved by the institution in order to be
received by prisoners (according to S.O.P.). However, completed forms
never get returned, & so we’re denied the opportunity for new books.
We hardly get the chance to visit the prison “library” due to “lack of
staff” or “security purposes”.
Our grievance system is a joke. They must be handed personally to a
counselor within a 10 day span of writing it, but the counselors do not
visit the dorms regularly. When the grievances do get filed, it takes
months for a response & the responses are ridiculous. So, I’m
interested in the Censorship Pack, if you could possible send it. But
what I REALLY need from you is the petition for the unanswered
grievances (for the State of Georgia). I’d appreciate as many copies a
you can offer, as this facility does not make personal copies for
inmates. I will most definitely update the campaign of any progress I
can make.
Today I’m writing in hopes of somebody in you all’s organization to be
of some kind of assistance concerning a few issues. As we both know I’m
in a rather oppressed state and very racial as well, so therefore please
understand that the majority of prisoners locked up are “locked up”
mental wise. Now my issues are concerning, 1st the grievance procedure:
Once I file a very important grievance with one or two witness
statements by other inmates that live around me, it either gets lost or
comes back late every time stating “insufficient evidence” ten times out
of ten. There has to be a next step to take.
Here is the last major grievance I filed. I’m in Highmax/Tier 3 program
on 23 hour lockdown and two COs were serving dinner trays. These COs are
two cells away from me when an inmate throws feces out on both officers.
They yell at him and call him a nigger, yes the COs both are white and
even give him a DR for his actions. The worst part was they continued to
serve trays. Me and the man next door to me didn’t know what was going
on until we got our trays, and then ol’ boy said hey don’t eat the trays
I shit those bitches down! So I get on the door make noise to get the
officers attention because I get served last, I was in the last cell and
haven’t ate none of my tray. My next door neighbor say what! So anyways
we did not eat that night and we both filed a grievance and statement
for each other. Nothing happened!
40 something days later a counselor came to my door and said
“insufficient evidence”! There’s cams everywhere in this prison so ol’
boy got a DR plus common sense he lived in the cell before me, I get fed
last. Now I have not filed many grievances since I’ve been incarcerated
and the ones I have filed always get overlooked, lost, or I don’t have
enough evidence for it to be investigated. There has to be some next
step to force these people to stop hiding what prisoners do complain
about. We are in a double whammy here at this prison, one minute it’s
you’re in the program, the next its you’re on Highmax, right now there
is prisoners who don’t get yard call “fresh air” 1 hour a day.
I’ve been arbitrarily placed on the Tier II program without any
justification other than it being a retaliatory action by GA dept of
kkkorections. It seems now that my former cellmate was/is working for
this prison administration and framed me by placing a pillow filled with
contraband on my bed while the kkkorections emergency response team was
escorting me to the showers for shakedown. His loose lips were overheard
telling a prisoner that it was a good thing that I was out the way.
Anyway I appealed the write up and the warden/superintendent response
stated “Ownership of the pillow and contraband was irrelevant.” Even
after my former cellmate admitted that said pillow and cell phones
belonged to him and wrote three “sworn statements” to prove his point. I
don’t know where in Amerikkka such an action could take place other than
Georgia, so now I’m on the tier program for a slime-retaliatory action
by these prisoncrats and their slaves.
All I’ve done since I been at this kkkamp is to educate and give these
slaves some positive for their minds and souls. Every ULK I got I
passed it along, every Bayview I get I pass it along and wherever I can
be of help in building a movement I’m there. Anyway I’ve filed 2
grievances. One for retaliation and one for false imprisonment which
I’ve received no response from as to date (one was filed 3/28/2016 and
the other 4/8/2016). My attorney is working on this situation but these
actions stem from the prison strike of 2010, as they were doing the Tier
II placement hearing. Lt Bivens stated or cited my participation in a
disturbance Dec 31st 2010 which I never received a write up for and
which free world charges were sought by the DOC and dismissed 2013. So
it’s clear what this is all about. Anyway I’ve enclosed 10 stamps as a
small donation to MIM and will contribute more when I can.
I’ve read some of your older newsletters. I’m currently stuck in the
Tier II program. Upon me first entering the prison system I didn’t think
they would even consider letting something such as the Tier program
exist. I know for a fact that people on the outside treat animals better
than we are being treated. I currently live in a one man cell that’s
infested with spiders, molded vents and rusted sinks that we have to use
for drinking water. My living conditions are the reason my attitude has
become so angry at everything that moves. It’s a mind changing theory.
I’ve accomplished one of my short-term goals with the help of
MIM(Prisons). I received your censorship pack on the situation that
these pigs was holding my mail, from y’all and some of my family. Once I
read the censorship pack I immediately put it in effect with grievances
stating S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedures) and case laws. Once the
administration received my paperwork with the “example of proof and
service,” that next day I received a bulk of mail from October and also
Under Lock & Key issues.
Once that was successful, I gave my fellow comrades the game. Now I’m
willing to see what else we can accomplish on this Tier II in order to
make our time a little better. As I tell my fellow comrades, we need to
educate ourselves to overcome our situation. With the structure of the
United Front; principles of peace, UNITY, growth, internationalism, and
independence. I’m still trying to learn so I will be able to lead
With this letter is a donation of 10 stamps. If I had more I’d give
more, because I salute what MIM(Prisons) stands for. With that said our
strive will continue. And the oppressor will not be able to mentally
destroy any more.
P.S. Salute to the Black Panther Party 50 year commemoration. They paved
the way!!
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade is providing an excellent
example and leadership organizing against abuse and censorship in the
Georgia Tier program. The state is trying to alienate people from each
other, cause extreme psychological damage, and use it as a tool to
repress any upliftment and organizing. But we do not have to lie down
and just take it. As this comrade demonstrates, we can still come
together to fight specific injustices, and use that work to build with
others. We look forward to seeing this comrade’s work grow and
contribute to the United Front for Peace in Prisons.
I am incarcerated at a prison in all ways like what is talked about in
Under Lock & Key. I was given the Sept/Oct 2015 No 46 issue
and the same things about the lack of medical attention, guards beating,
tasing, and killing prisoners are taking place at my prison. This is
genocide in a very obvious form. There are little to know classes to
enroll and very hard to get into a class that helps you to parole so
guys can get out of prison faster. Censorship is getting worse also.
There is a control unit that keeps guys locked down for 9 months to 2
years called Tier 2 which is causing mental anguish and deterioration
and mental health counselors are not helping at all. I am in this unit.
They take all our hygiene items that are needed, depriving us of
maintaining ourselves. We need help and your mag is a light in our eyes.
I want to subscribe and get info on things that can help us and teach us
how to stop these things.
[In December 2014 MIM(Prisons) received this petition against the Tier
II program from two different comrades, with almost thirty signatures.
Considering these prisoners are organizing in extreme conditions of
isolation and sensory deprivation, that number of signatures is
impressive. We publicize this petition as part of our overall struggle
to shut down Control Units in prisons across the country.]
We the People petition
We the people (jointly and severally) come together to petition the
government for a redress of grievance, pursuant to the Bill of Rights,
“Amendment I” of the Constitution for the United States of America.
Furthermore, we the people assert the rights set forth in “the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights” (UDHR), adopted by the UN General Assembly
on December 10, 1948. More specifically, we assert the rights set forth
at Article 1-8, 18-22, 26 and 28 of the UDHR.
We the people now move to set forth the factual basis for this petition.
Fact, on December 7, 2014, at approximately 10:45pm, a man [inmate]
“died” inside of the J-1 dormitory (cell #124) at Smith State Prison. It
is stated that the man/individual committed suicide. The examiner and/or
coroner pronounced the man officially dead between 11:30pm and 1am.
We the people believe (with strong conviction) that the Tier II Program
(behavior modification program) is the root and cause of the death.
During our examination it has been determined that there are numerous
“factors” that must be evaluated, and has been evaluated in reaching our
conclusion that the tier II program is the “root and cause” of the
Factor #1: The Tier II program is a mind and behavior control
program for prisoners, via long term deprivational isolation and
segregation, which is a form of psychological, mental and emotional
Factor #2: The Tier II program is intellectually, mentally and
creatively stagnating. People/human-beings [prisoners] are prohibited
from receiving any and all books, magazines, newspapers, novels,
articles, etc. We are forbidden to read any and all books, magazines,
newspapers, novels, articles, and all other forms of reading material
[the only exception being a bible or Qur’an; either or, but not both; we
may choose one or the other]. This prohibition on reading causes
“stagnation” of the mind, which in turn, turns man back into what men
were before civilization [barbarians, cavemen, and savages]. To not want
people/human beings to read and or have access to divers reading
materials is self evident that the goal of this program is not
progressive and rehabilitating, but instead, by design it is regressive
and debilitating. Reading is fundamental [fundamental to growth,
improvement, learning, success and life itself, etc.] No one can put
forth a logical explanation for prohibiting reading and forbidding
reading. No one can provide evidence that prohibiting reading serves
some good cause or rehabilitation. All evidence is contrary to that
Factor #3: The Tier II program isolates and separates us from our
families and loved ones. Most individuals/people placed on the program
cannot receive visitation because of the way the program is designed.
Most people cannot use the telephone because of how the program
operates. For a vast majority of us, the “only way” to contact and or
connect with our families or loved ones is the letters. We must write
letters; we correspond through the mail back and forth. Mail
correspondence is the only form of communication for the majority of us.
Factor #4: The Tier II program is a health hazard. The conditions
of confinement are a violation of the 8th amendment (cruel and unusual
punishment clause) of the Constitution for the United States of America.
The food that is served is nutritionally inadequate. Everyone (all of
us/all the people) that are on the Tier II program has and/or is losing
weight. Some of us have lost a lot of weight, while other have only lost
10-15 pounds (since being on/in the Tier II program). But all of us are
losing weight, and have lost weight. Also, the food that is served is
often unclean and thus unhealthy. The milks are often spoiled. The
“meat” is often raw or old (spoiled). The food in general is old (half
of the time). The trays that the food is on are always filthy/nasty, as
if they have not been washed. The filthy ways contaminate the food that
is placed on them. We have no choice but to eat it or starve. (On phase
1 and 2 of the program we cannot purchase any food items from the
commissary/store.) No clean water is passed out or given to us. We are
forced to drink out of old, nasty sinks, with rusty spicket/faucet.
Sanitation: The showers are always filthy and disgusting. When I/we
enter into the showers, often there is hair (shavings), urine, semen,
(sometimes) blood, feces and other bodily filth. Cells have bugs, rats,
roaches, ants, spiders, and other unknown species of insects or bugs. In
the summer time the flies and gnats are overwhelming. We are only
allowed to clean out the cells 1 time a week and sometimes 1 time a
month. (But according to GDOC standard operating procedure cells are
supposed to be clean at all times.)
Exercise (yard call/outdoor recreation): We are denied and or deprived
the opportunity to go to outdoor recreation and exercise (which is a
judicial-constitutional guarantee - for prisoners; see Spain v.
Procunier, 600 F. 2d 1490 (9th Cir. 1984) and a plethora of other
federal cases). Yet and still they deprive us of outside
recreation/exercise for months and months at a time (case to case
basis). Some of us are deprived for days, and some for months and/or
years. The bottom line is, they deprive us of exercise. On phase 1 (of
the Tier II program) we are not allowed to buy any hygiene from the
commissary. We are prohibited form buying hygiene for months at a time.
Yet, they take all our hygiene items. The list on conditions of
confinement goes on and on, so for time sake we must proceed.
Factor #5: Many of us are put on the Tier II program without due
process of law (procedural due process of law, as set forth by the
Supreme Court on Wolff v. McDonnell, 418 U.S. 539, 563-655 (1974)). We
were put on the Tier program without receiving written notice; we were
not given a constitutional hearing; we were not allowed to call
witnesses; we were not provided an opportunity to present documentary
evidence or any other form of evidence; we were not provided an
opportunity to be heard/to speak; we were not provided an “advocate” to
assist us, or to put up a defense (of any kind) or to investigate (into
the alleged matter); thus, no due process of law.
Factor #6: When we were put on the Tier II program, all of our
property was confiscated illegally (confiscated without due process).
Property that was taken include: all our CDs, CD players, headphones,
earphones, all pictures and/or photos, all books, magazines, novels,
articles, newspapers, and all other reading materials (except a bible or
Qur’an), lotion, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, grease, toothbrush,
hairbrush, nail clippers, comb, dental floss, soap dish, photo album,
free world clothes (tshirts, socks), pajamas, wave cups, thermals, etc.
All food items purchased from commissary, be it soups, honeybuns, buddy
bars, chips, drinks, etc. The property/items they took/confiscated
include the above mentioned things, but are not limited to those
things/items. Other personal property was taken that is not on this
Factor #7: Some people are on the Tier II program for an
indefinite period of time which could last many years. Others will
remain on the Tier II program within the time line specified in the SOP
(ITB09-0003), which is 9 months - 2 years.
Factor #8: Whenever we are taken out of the cells, we are
mechanically restrained (handcuffed and/or shackled and/or waist
chained) and escorted by two or more guards.
Factor #9: If there is an emergency, such as death in the family
(or something of that nature), we are not allowed to attend the funeral
or memorial services, because of the Tier II program.
Factor #10: Because of the Tier II program, we can not look at TV
or listen to the radio. For some of us it has been over 22 months since
we last seen TV, seen a movie, or even seen a commercial, or heard the
Factor #11: Some of us, they will not let out the hole
(segregation/isolation) even when we may have earned and received a
certificate (and or receipt) stating “successfully completed the Tier II
Factor #12: We are deprived of almost any environmental or
sensory stimuli and of almost all human contact.
Factor #13: The conditions of confinement are an “atypical and
significant hardship” upon us.
Factor #14: The above mentioned deaths, is not the 1st death this
year, that was caused by the Tier II program. Earlier this year (on or
around February 12, 2014) in J-2 dormitory, cell #240. On 2/12/14,
another man dead on the Tier II program. This man was killed by his
roommate. Currently his real name is unknown but he was known as
Sa-Brown. Sa-Brown was murdered, stabbed to death by his cell mate. We
believe and/or it is believed that the Tier II program drove the man
crazy/insane, then he murdered Sa-Brown.
According to the Georgia Department of Corrections Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP) II B09-0003, Section I, Policy (page 1) states: “This
program is an offender management process and [supposedly] is not a
punishment measure… The Tier II program is a behavior modification
program.” The truth is - this offender management process/behavior
modification program induces death (whether directly or indirectly). And
we believe those that are responsible for the deaths are the creators,
maintainer(s), operator(s), and manager(s) of the Tier II program; that
would be: Brian Owens (GDOC commissioner) and Randy Tillman - the
authors/creators; and Stanley Williams (Warden of Smith State Prison)
and Eric Smokes (the unit manager of the Tier II program). These
individuals (Owens, Tillman, Williams and Smokes) are responsible for
the Tier II program and are responsible for the deaths (whether directly
or indirectly).
The above mentioned factors are not the only relevant factors to be
examined and evaluated in determining our conclusion. The above
mentioned factors are included (in the examination and evaluation
process), but are not limited to those factors (mentioned above). But
for time sake, we will cease to elaborate on the numerous factors.
The Declaration of Independence (in relevant part) We the people
inhabiting the North American continent, freemen, “…hold these truths to
be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…” having been granted by our
creator dominion over all the earth, reserve our right to restore the
blessing of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, under necessity,
that I/we declare, “that, to secure these rights, governments are
instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed…” and as declared in many states constitutions; “we declare
that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that
all power is inherent in the people” … and “that, whenever any form of
government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the
people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying
its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such
form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and
Therein, the greatest rights of the people is the right to abolish
‘destructive’ government, those administrating as trustee, or those
institutions that have become destructive and/or corrupted.
We the people call for an end to the Tier II program!