A hunger strike against the Tier program at Georgia State Prison started
on February 24, 2015 and will be official as of February 26. So far four
prisoners are refusing food trays!
I was recently transferred to Georgia State Prison and arbitrarily
placed on a Tier 2 Step Down Program. These administrators have placed a
ban on all newspapers, magazines, and any publications dealing with any
form of press, so I have not received any of your periodicals since I
was transferred from December.
I have filed grievances challenging this violation of the First
Amendment and also the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments due to these
prisoncrats stripping me and others of all personal property, denying
access to the law library or outside recreation, and deliberately
abusing grievance procedure by refusing to process any grievance that is
Further, prisoners are being placed on this so-called behavior
modification program with no due process! Prisoners are being punished
for disciplinary reports that are five years expired, and for sanctions
already served. No one in this program has been given any form of
evidentiary hearing nor any Disciplinary Report (D.R.) that has
sanctioned this so-called program. In fact, all are being punished for
past behavior. Even if the D.R. was dismissed or expunged from the
prisoner’s file he is still forced into this Administrative Segregation
Prisoners are being housed two men to a cell and locked down 24 hours a
day. Prisoncrats state that this is not for punishment, nor is it
solitary confinement, but they call it “isolation” with a roommate.
There is nothing habilitative about this program and it only instills
anger and hate into the individuals housed here.
The only prisoners who have been released off this program are prisoners
that have either maxed out their sentences, died back here (3 prisoners
in the past 90 days), or debriefed and turned snitches for the
The majority of mail sent out to family and press is shredded or tossed
into the trash, so we are struggling to get public attention drawn to
this torture program. It looks as if we will be forced to participate in
a hunger strike in order to get help in ending this prolonged solitary
confinement program. So we ask that eyes and ears be placed upon this
place because there are those ready to starve themselves in order to
force these prisoncrats to remove us from these cruel and inhuman
MIM(Prisons) responds: Comrades in Georgia have been aggressively
exposing and fighting the Tier program since it was implemented in 2013,
and in some facilities have been writing petitions and gathering
signatures against the torture. We offer much respect to those willing
to sacrifice their health in order to demand changes to these horrible
conditions. And we will do what we can to support this battle (which we
only learned about in mid-March due to mail delays). We can not advise
on the specific situation in GSP, but we caution activists behind bars
that whenever possible we should build support both inside and out
before engaging in such a potentially dangerous action. ULK is
one good venue for building public opinion, and when we can get the
publication into prisons it also serves to help build the cadre of
dedicated folks willing to take these actions. Without this support the
prisoncrats have an easier time isolating and breaking activists, and
can even use this to permanently harm or even kill someone.
Update 9 April 2015 – I’m here in Georgia State Prison on hunger
strike, in protest to my 1st, 5th, 8th, and 14th Amendment rights to the
U.S. Constitution being deliberatily violated by the Georgia Department
of Kkkorrections (GDC). Other prisoners and I have been arbitrarily and
unlawfully stripped of all personal property, mail and phone privileges,
access to satellite law library, contact visitation, commissary
privileges, and to add insult to injury the Warden has taken the
toilet’s flush button from inside the cell and placed it on the outside.
Now here’s the kicker: prisonerers are being housed two prisoners to a
single-occupancy cell with no way to flush the cell’s toilet. This is
part of Georgia Department of Kkkorrections’ new Administrative
Segregation Tier program of prolonged solitary kkkonfinement.
The Standard Operating Procedure states that this program is not to be
used as a punishment measure, but GDC’s actions are contrary to its
stated purpose. According to this policy, a prisoner must be sanctioned
to disciplnary Administrative Segregation in order to be placed upon the
program. I have yet to come across any prisoner that has received a
disciplinary report that sanctioned such a placement.
Then, daily, these prisoncrats come around and spew lies as to why this
program was started: “To reintroduce prisoners back into the general
population and back into society.” This is a farce because none that
have completed all phases have been placed back into general population.
They’ve come up with a phase “+” (plus) to keep all prisoner who’ve
defended themselves from guard attacks on permanent lockdown with all
segregation/Hi-Max mandates stripped from them.
So I initiated a strike which started 23 February 2015 and ended 19
March 2015, has been resumed since 20 March 2015, and is still going on.
I am also putting together a 1983 Civil Suit to challenge and abolish
this torture program! I’ve posted several articles on this subject on
IndyMedia hoping to expose this neo-fascist torture program for what it
really is. There is nothing rehabilitative or positive in any aspect
pertaining to this so-called Step Down/lockdown program. These Klu Klux
Klan and bootlicking Negroes are working overtime to keep all
grievances/complaints from reaching the courtroom. So this is a war and
I’m fighting to destroy this torture program.