“We have about 50% of the world’s wealth but only 6.3% of its
population. In this situation, we cannot fail but to be the object of
envy and resentment. Our real test in the coming period is to devise a
pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position
of disparity. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the
luxury of altruism and world benefaction - unreal objectives such as
rights, the raising of living standards, and democratization.” - George
Kennan (U.S. State Department, 1948, Policy Planning Staff)
The above realpolitik or geo-political strategic assessment here quoted
ought to put to death all Liberal or social-democratic dreams of the
naïve that Amerika is somehow the “good guy” nation on a mission of
manifest destiny to bring freedom and justice to oppressed and exploited
“uncivilized children” of the world. To actually believe such obvious
deception in propaganda and professed public policy of the state and
corporations places one in a position of outright complicity with
imperialism and white supremacy and operates to mock the very principles
of justice and human freedom.
Invariably, when we hear or read or see something regarding
concentration camps the immediate image which we conjure without fail
are those dealing or associated with the Jewish Holocaust. Perhaps on
rare occasions we recall images of the Japanese-Amerikans internment in
concentration camps during World War II in the bastion of “democracy”
where no German-Amerikans were subject to similar oppressive treatment
even though the U.S. was also at war (i.e. imperialist blood-death
nation-state engagements by use of their patriotic immersed subordinate
and compliant classes as always) with its white supremacist’s brethren
Nazi Germany. Vaguely or almost never does anyone recall the
imprisonment of Afrikans in Mussolini’s and Hitler’s concentration camps
and most certainly absolutely no memory of the First Nations forced
marches into united states concentration camps from whence Hitler
learned the lesson as a faithful student.
Although these historical atrocities and acts of inhumane repression are
no doubt extremely significant and deserving of our sympathetic
remembrance and understanding of the political interests and strategic
motives that drove them or were involved, these examples of
concentration camps are not the ones that I actually have in mind. No,
the koncentration kamps are not the ones that I actually have in mind.
No, the koncentration kamps that I have in mind are in fact not of some
distant or recent past, and neither am I referring to modern day prison
plantations for the poor and nationally and/or racially oppressed. The
Koncentration Kamps which I have in mind are instead alive and up and
running most efficiently in virtually every corner of the world and
their rate of blatant and subtle extermination and enslavement far
exceeds those above in their incessant and insatiable operations for
capital accumulation, i.e. Globalization.
In fact, it can be rightly argued that those examples of people being
forced into koncentration kamps and denied their basic human rights were
the direct consequence of and indeed prosecuted ultimately by the exact
same criminally monstrous phenomenon which is hardly dead or has not
been dismantled but is still savagely afoot and gaining momentous raving
powers. The oppressive and brutally murderous Koncentration Kamps which
I am here referring to is what has been defined politically as
Imperialism. Imperialism is precisely that - a koncentration of kamps.
Terms like that of “neo-liberalism,” “globalization,” “world market,”
etc. are nothing more than deceptive euphemisms deployed to disguise
from us the real enemy in which we are confronted and enclosed. To a
great extent “he is an old enemy” merely returned in sly new form and
with new tricks and treats in tactics as his strategic objective of
economic, socio-cultural and politico-military domination remains ever
malevolent in its motives.
In Marxist and Leninist terms or political philosophy, imperialism in
its “modern” manifestation revolves around the concentration and
monopolization of capital by corporations and the penetration of this
capital into the global economy resulting, as calculated, in the
domination of various or innumerable nation-states whose local economies
become nothing more than horse tracks or gambling casinos for
imperialist powers from Amerika, France, Canada, Britian, Japan,
Germany, etc to bet (invest) in as they maneuver to secure a predominant
or influential foothold in the country of target, thus placing
themselves in an advantageous position to engage in the exploitation of
superprofits via markets, banks, cheap wage labor in industries, theft
of raw materials, natural resources, debt-loans, etc.
In other words, it is the accumulation of greater and greater capital
(wealth and power) in the hands of multinational corporations from
countries which are of the imperialist koncentration kamps. The bulk of
the earth’s wealth (every creature’s survival source) is either directly
or indirectly under these empires or their corporations domination as
they exploit and oppress the Third World.
They pursue and employ a concentrated economic, political and military
strategy aimed at securing and sustaining their rapacious death-grip on
resources and cheap labor to generate enormous profits for each of their
respective kamps, i.e. the spoils of imperialist methods of
monopoly-damnation and extermination. Truth be told, the world is a
koncentration kamp by the operative measures of imperialism on all
fronts (e.g., wars of aggression for oil, economic embargos that
literally kill thousands of children as happened in Iraq, IMF/World Bank
extortion programs which force reductions in social services like that
of heath care, education, and workers to work at lower wages even as the
value of local currency decreases by command, famines due to man-made
soil contamination by mining methods, etc.).
“I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped
make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to
collect revenue in. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international
banking house of Brown Brothers…I brought light to the Dominican
Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras
‘Right’ for American fruit companies in 1903. Looking back on it, I
might have given Al Capone a few hints.” - Marine Corps General, Smedly
D. Butler
Why do y’all really think world misleaders such as the G-8, or is it the
G-9 now, concentrate annually in kamps in secluded and heavily guarded
imperialist home fronts? Why does every U.$. President meet with
corporate executives or owners at Kamp David where they scheme in
concentration? What is ultimately the European Union project about but
that of imperialist ambitions, i.e., greater penetration and expansion
of capital into Afrika, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin Amerika, etc. The
G-8 meets in conspiracy to not only resolve their geo-political
contradictions but also to discuss a collective strategic program aimed
toward consolidation of imperialist interests projected and superimposed
on the Third World.
The wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq are very instructive
examples of just how koncentration kamps are in definite pursuit of
globalization of its economic, political, and military imperatives. At
the pinnacle of the primitive accumulation pyramid are multinational
corporations (e.g., DeBeers, Lockheed-Martin, Exxon-Mobile, Royal
Dutch-Shell, BP-Amoco, Wal-Mart, Starbucket, Carlyle, Bectel,
Halliburton and too many more to list from especially the G-8 nations.)
They are in pursuit of cobalt, gas, oil, diamonds, rubber, gold, etc.
Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, et al. are another “Texas Alamo” calculating
stunt on behalf of the U.S. as it required a pretext to wage wars aimed
at checking competitors and destroying nationalization of resources by
methods of “hostile takeovers” against weaker nation-states by
imperialist enclosures or what I dub koncentration kamps
MIM(Prisons) replies: We believe the term imperialism is sufficient for
representing the system of global multinational domination of capitalism
described in this article and so we do not see reason for the added
descriptor of “koncentration kamps.” But this article is a good overview
of the death and destruction brought on the Third World by the world’s
imperialist countries.