MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
For our own sanity, and for freedom, we must recognize that there are no
rights, only power struggles. As the articles in this issue of ULK
demonstrate, so-called “rights” on a piece of paper are only a point of
reference for debate. Their enforcement will depend on the actions of
the different forces, groups, classes involved.
We hope that after reading this issue you are inspired to know that we
are all struggling against the same oppressor in very similar ways. Some
may use these stories to justify not rocking the boat, but they would be
wrong. These are stories of people who are merely trying to educate
themselves, or obtain basic respect, and they are attacked. These
stories were hand-picked to demonstrate the political motivations of
state employees, and to disprove the theory that repression is only used
when necessary to prevent crime and control “trouble makers.”
While we haven’t received any reports directly from the comrades
involved, a couple of organized collective struggles have created
headlines over the last month in U.$. prisons. The Georgia strike was an
historical event that involved thousands of prisoners from four
different facilities who were responding to the lack of pay for labor,
visiting rights and other abuses. One participant reported:
“On December 9, Georgia state prisoners stuck together and learned what
their togetherness could do. They learned that they could get more
accomplished being unified than they ever could being separated. For
this day, Black, White, Brown, Red and Yellow came together. This day
saw the coming together of Muslim and Christian, Protestant and
Catholic, Crip and Blood, Gangster Disciple and Vice Lord, Nationalist
and Socialist. All came together. All were together. The only
antagonistic forces were the Oppressors and the Oppressed.”(1)
These peaceful protesters faced lockdown, followed by brutal
beatings for many, and dozens remain disappeared to unknown
locations.(2) It is struggles like this during the 1960s that led to the
rise of the
Panther Party within the Black nation, and other revolutionary
organizations. Prisoners are well organized internally, and working with
many on the outside, so they are clear that this battle is not over.
Meanwhile, in the Ohio State Penitentiary Supermax, four comrades
protested years of torture by engaging in a hunger strike. These
comrades continue to be persecuted for their participation in the famous
Lucasville uprising in 1993. As we go to print, we’ve heard reports that
after a two week strike, their demands for semi-contact visits, real
rec, access to legal materials, and commissary were granted. In a
statement from one of the participants, the message of this issue of
Under Lock & Key is echoed:
“If justice as a concept is real, then I could with some justification
say, ‘Justice delayed is justice denied.’ But this has never been about
justice, and I finally, finally, finally understand that. For the past
16 years, I (we) have been nothing more than a scapegoat for the state,
and convenient excuse that they can point to whenever they need to raise
the specter of fear among the public or justify the expenditure of
inordinate amounts of money for more locks and chains.
“And not only that, but the main reason behind the double penalty that
we have been undergoing is so that we can serve as an example of what
happens to those who challenge the power and authority of the state. And
like good little pawns, we’re supposed to sit here and wait until they
take us to their death chamber, strap us down to a gurney, and pump
poison through our veins. Fuck that! I refuse to go out like that:
used as a tool by the state to put fear into the hearts of others while
legitimizing a system that is bogus and sold to those with money. That’s
not my destiny.”(3)
Finally, over 150 prisoners , imprisoned for alleged involvement in
the Maoist movement, from a number of prisons in India went on hunger
strike this week in response to the killing of unarmed villagers.(4)
While the imperialists want to demonize the alleged violence of those
struggling for basic rights in U.$. prisons, they engage in mass murder
across the Third World to ensure the flow of profits to this country.
Today, many oppressed nation men in the United $tates find themselves in
situations where even possessing books or affiliating with each other is
against the law. This isn’t just in prisons, but in oppressed nation
communities on the outside as our comrade in Texas
(see page XXX). As another example, within the struggle for justice for
Oscar Grant, gang injunctions were used against young Blacks to declare
it illegal to affiliate in any way with the Black Riders Liberation
Party. Faced with such obstacles, we continue to learn what struggle is,
and what is really necessary to obtain the conditions that all humyn
beings deserve.
From me to you Look man, y’all crackers need to lay low ‘Cause
y’all are fucking with a kid who got knowledge coming Through pipes
like drano MIM organizing revolution, ’cause that’s what we’re here
for I know y’all didn’t expect to see us blow like c-4 Uplifting
the Black folk always been my m.o. So I don’t ever want to see this
movement end That’s why I move from the middle Pen in my hand
pointed straight for the paper The white man is the devil, so it’s
only right that I target ’im Yea I’m revolutionary minded, but my
body built like a gorilla So it’s hard to maintain especially when
the system against you Man don’t nobody really understand what we
been through Or how it feel to be locked up in a world where the odds
are not with you A white man kill a black man then everything smooth
an’ cool But let a Black man kill a white man then his blood becomes
a pool Plus these sick muthafuckas might show it on the nine o’clock
news Oscar Grant was murdered in cold blood an’ what did the
Amerikkkan justice do? Beside lettin’ that soft ass officer
loose And they wonder why the new generation move around in a
group An’ never hesitate to shoot Black tee, black pants an’ some
all black boots We bring Black power to the people just like Huey P.
Newton An’ the Panthers would do Even Martin Luther King had a
dream for me an’ you He said that only brotherhood an’ unconditional
love Would get us through A lot of brothers say they are hungry
for knowledge, Then here is your food They label us a menace
because we show an’ prove The Black kids learn more from the streets
then they do the school The white man call us nigga because we don’t
follow his rules So they lock us up in cages just like the pets in
the zoo So it’s only right that we better ourselves And learn to
stand on our own two Because in order to build an organization You
have to know who is really you My brother
I’d like to comment on special needs yards and the lack of
revolutionaries therein. I am on such a unit, except here in Oregon they
call them mental health units. Of course there is also protective
custody but, I’m not addressing PC units in this letter.
I am a former racist skinhead who left the movement decades ago. Since
then I began a movement to get others out of the white supremacist
movement by educating them on issues of white privilege, aspects of
class war and anti-imperialism. I was extremely successful and my
efforts have been recognized at a national level. Someone needed to come
forward to educate these misguided individuals. I did. Now I pay the
As the result of some robberies I was sent to prison. Almost immediately
I was recognized and repeatedly attacked while staff lied and covered up
a conspiracy to keep me on mainline knowing I had received several valid
death threats. Finally I was moved to an institution where I could walk
mainline and placed on a “mental health” unit. I am on such a unit
because I am a revolutionary. Now I am in a system where often the line
between the white power groups and the guards is blurred. In a white
privileged and dominated imperialist nation what more could one expect?
Everyone in the Oregon DOC is too busy fighting one another to join
together to accomplish anything and it is my experience that there are
just as many rats and snitches on mainline units as there are in the
“mental health” units here in Oregon. The mentally dead are everywhere.
You find them not only amongst the ranks of snitches or rats but, also
in those who are brainwashed into believing in the false theory of race
or racial superiority.
It is not until whites of the lumpen can realize the privilege the color
of their skin affords them in the united states and throw away the
doctrine of race or racial superiority that we can join ranks with our
brothers and sisters and truly become revolutionaries in the non-violent
struggle to end oppression in the U.S. and the doctrine of oppressive
imperialism our nation forces upon the innocents of the Third World.
Defying the Tomb: Selected Prison Writings and Art of Kevin “Rashid”
Johnson, Featuring Exchanges with an Outlaw by Kevin “Rashid”
Johnson, Minister of Defense, New Afrikan Black Panther Party- Prison
Chapter December
2010 Kersplebedeb CP
63560, CCCP Van Horne Montreal, Quebec Canada H3W 3H8
also available from: AK Press 674-A 23rd Street Oakland, CA
This book centers around the political dialogue between two
revolutionary New Afrikan prisoners. The content is very familiar to
MIM(Prisons) and will be to our readers. It is well-written, concise and
mostly correct. Therefore it is well worth studying.
Rashid’s book is also worth studying alongside this review to better
distinguish the revisionist line of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party
- Prison Chapter (NABPP-PC) with the MIM line. While claiming to
represent a dialectal materialist assessment of the world we live in,
the camp that includes the NABPP-PC, and Tom Big Warrior’s (TBW) Red
Heart Warrior Society have dogmatically stuck to positions on the
oppression and exploitation of Amerikans that have no basis in reality.
We will take some space to address this question at the end, as it has
not been thoroughly addressed in public to our knowledge.
Coming Up
Both Rashid and Outlaw preface their letters with their own
autobiographies. Rashid’s in particular is an impressive, almost
idealized story of lumpen turned proletarian revolutionary. The simple
principle that guides him through prison life is standing up to the pigs
every time they violate a prisoner. At times he has inspired those
around him to the point that the pigs can’t get away with anything. The
problem, he later points out, is the others are inspired by him as an
individual. So when he was moved, or sent to a control unit, their unity
At first, control units seemed an effective tool to control his
resistance. But it is then that he found revolutionary theory. Rather
than stay focused on combating minor behavior issues of the COs, he
began to learn about societies that didn’t have cops and prisons, and
societies where the people rose up to transform the whole economic
system. It is through ideology that you can build lasting unity that
can’t be destroyed by transfers and censorship.
Both Rashid and Outlaw conclude their autobiographies saying they have
nothing to lose. They are two examples of the extreme repression felt by
the lumpen of the oppressed nations. As a result, state terrorism no
longer works to intimidate them, leaving them free to serve the people.
Democratically Centralized Organizing
In the foreword, Russell “Maroon” Shoats says his reason for not joining
the NABPP-PC was that it claimed to operate under democratic centralism,
which he believes is impossible for prisoners. We agree with his
assessment, which is why we do not invite prisoners to join MIM(Prisons)
even when their work and ideological development would otherwise warrant
it. The benefits of having a tight cadre organization are lost when its
inner workings are wide open to the pigs. Maroon points out that certain
leaders will end up with absolute power (with the pigs determining who
leads, we might add), and much resources are wasted just trying to
maintain the group.
For the most part, there is nothing a comrade could do within prison as
a member of MIM(Prisons) that they can’t do as a member of USW. There is
much work to be done to develop this mass organization, and we need
experienced and ideologically trained comrades to lead it. When the
situation develops to the point of having local cadre level
organizations within a prison, then we would promote the cell structure,
where democratic centralism can occur at a local level, just as we do on
the outside.
In the last essay of the book, Rashid finally answers Maroon by saying
that the NABPP-PC is a pre-party that will become real (along with its
democratic centralism) outside of prisons.
The Original Black Panther Party
The main criticism of the original
Panther Party (BPP) in Rashid’s essay on organizational structure is
their failure to distinguish between the vanguard party and the mass
organization. Connected to this was a failure to practice democratic
centralism. How could they when they were signing up members fresh off
the street? These new recruits shouldn’t have the same say as Huey
Newton, but neither should Huey Newton alone dictate what the party
does. We agree with Rashid that the weakness of the BPP came from these
internal contradictions, which allowed the FBI to destroy it so
quickly.(p. 353)
It’s not clear how this assessment relates to an earlier section where
he implies that an armed mass base and better counterintelligence would
have protected the BPP. Rashid criticizes MIM’s line, as he sees it,
that a Black revolutionary party cannot operate above ground in the
United $tates today.(p. 133) Inexplicably, 15 pages later he seems to
agree with MIM by stating that Farrakhan would have to go underground or
be killed the next day if he opposed capitalism and promoted real New
Afrikan independence.
He also criticizes MIM on armed struggle and their assessment of George
Jackson’s foco theory.
applied Sun Tzu’s Art of War to the imperialist countries
to say that revolutionaries should not engage in armed struggle until
their governments are truly helpless. Rashid says that he agrees with
MIM’s criticism of the Cuban model that lacked a mass base for
revolution. But he supports George Jackson’s “variant of urban-based
focos, emphasiz[ing] that a principal purpose of revolutionary armed
struggle is to not only destroy the enemy’s forces, but to protect the
political work and workers…”(p.134) He goes on to criticize MIM for a
“let’s wait” line that ends up promoting a bloodless revolution in his
He complains that the U.$. military was already overextended (in 2004)
and MIM was “still just talking.” But Mao defined the point to switch
strategies as when “the bourgeoisie becomes really helpless, [and] the
majority of the proletariat are determined to rise in arms and fight…”
MIM(Prisons) agrees with Mao’s military strategy, and one would have to
be in a dream world to imply that either of these conditions have been
reached, despite the level of U.$. military involvement abroad. Rashid
is saying that we need armed struggle regardless of conditions to defend
our political wing. Despite his successes with using force to defend the
masses in prison, we do not think this translates to conditions in
general society. Guerrilla theory that tells us to only fight battles we
know we can win also says not to take up defensive positions around
targets that we can’t defend.
Another criticism made by Rashid is that the BPP didn’t enforce a policy
of members committing class suicide, and he seems to criticize their
self-identification as a “lumpen” party in 1970 and 1971. Interestingly,
he foresees a “working-class-conscious petty bourgeois” leading the New
Afrikan liberation struggle.(p.232) He comes down left of the current
Afrikan Maoist Party (NAMP) line by condemning the call for
independent Black capitalism as unrealistic, and requiring the petty
bourgeoisie to commit class suicide as well.(p.177) Whether the vanguard
is more petty bourgeois or lumpen in origin is a minor point, but we
mention all this to ask why all the class suicide if all Amerikans are
so exploited and oppressed as he claims elsewhere (see below)?
Tom Big Warrior
In contrast to Rashid, except for some superficial mentions of Maoist
terminology, we don’t have much agreement with Tom Big Warrior (TBW) in
his introduction or his afterword to this book. In both, he states that
the principal contradiction in the world is internal to the U.$. empire,
and it is between its need to consolidate hegemony and the chaos it
creates. This implies a theory where imperialism is collapsing
internally, and will be taken down by chaos rather than the conscious
rising of the oppressed nations as MIM(Prisons) believes. He speaks
favorably of intercommunalism, as has Rashid who once wrote that “the
old definitions of nationalism no longer apply.” We see intercommunalism
as an ultra-left line that undermines the approach of national
liberation struggles.
Speaking for the NABPP-PC on page 380, TBW states that they want a
Comintern to direct revolutionaries around the world. We oppose a new
Comintern, following in the footsteps of MIM, Mao and Stalin. In the
past, TBW has taken up other erroneous lines of the rcp=u$a such as
accusing Third World nations of “Muslim fascism.” He also talks out of
both sides of his mouth like Bob Avakian about Amerikan workers
benefiting from imperialism, but also being victims of it. He has openly
attacked the MIM line as being “crazy,” while admitting to have never
studied it. This is the definition of idealism, when one condemns
theories based on what one desires to be the truth.
Wait, Are Whites Revolutionary?
After reading this book, you might ask yourself that question. Comrades
have already asked this question of NABPP-PC and TBW in the past and
received a clear answer of “yes.” This debate is old. The former Maoist
Internationalist Movement (MIM) had it with the so-called “Revolutionary
Communist Party (USA)” (rcp=u$a), among others, for decades before
denouncing them as a CIA front. Interestingly, Rashid and TBW both like
to quote Bob Avakian but fail to provide an assessment or criticism of
the rcp=u$a line in this 386 page volume.
Most of these writings predate the formation of the NABPP-PC, but are
presented in a book with the NABPP-PC’s name on it, so we will take it
as representative of their line. The history of struggle with the MIM
camp dates back to the original writing of much of the material
presented in this book. Comrades in the MIM camp, including United
Struggle from Within, the emerging NAMP, and a comrade who went on to
help found MIM(Prisons) engaged in debates with all of the leading
members of the party, as well as TBW, shortly after their formation.
The point is that not only had at least two of the NABPP-PC’s leaders
studied MIM line prior to forming their own, but they openly opposed
this line following their formation. While not addressed directly, it
seems that the only line dividing the NABPP-PC from joining the rcp=u$a
is its belief in the need for a separate vanguard for the New Afrikan
Contradictory Class Analyses: Economics
On pages 205-6 Outlaw asks Rashid:
“But from your analysis of these classes who do you consider to be the
most revolutionary, considering the majority of workers in empire are
complacent to some degree or another, due to the international class
relationships of empire to the Third World nations, and the conveniences
proletarians, and even lumpen-proletarians, are afforded as a result of
that international situation and relationship?”
Rashid responds on pages 208-9 by stating that our class analysis is
“mandatory for waging any successful resistance” but
that he is only able to give a general analysis due to his lack of
access to information. He does say:
“[T]he US is neither a majority peasant nor proletarian society. It is
principally petty bourgeoisie. It has an over 80% service-based economy…
So the US proletarian class is small and growing increasingly so, while
the world proletariat is growing and becoming increasingly
On page 122 he also upholds this line that all non-productive workers
are petty bourgeois, and not exploited proletarians. On page 232 he
expands this analysis to explain the relationship between the
imperialist nations, who are predominantly petty bourgeois, and the
Third World that is mostly exploited. But in a footnote he takes it all
back saying, “modern technological advances have broadened the scope of
the working class” and clearly states, “[t]he predominantly service
sector US working class is in actuality part of the proletarian class.”
He justifies this by saying that the income of these service workers is
no different than the industrial proletariat. Yet he takes an obviously
chauvinist approach of only comparing incomes of Amerikans. The real
industrial proletariat is in the Third World and makes a small fraction
of what Amerikan so-called “workers” do.
We agree that it is dogmatic to say this persyn is proletariat because
she makes the tools and this persyn is not because she cleans the
factory. But this is a minor point. The real issue is that whole
countries, such as the United $tates, are not self-sustainable, but are
living on the labor and resources of other nations. A country that is
made up of mostly service workers cannot continue to pay all its people
without exploiting wealth from somewhere else, since only the productive
labor creates value.
A less disputed line put forth by Rashid and TBW is that U.$. prisoners
are exploited. We have put forth our
debunking the exploitation myth, and exposing the prison system as an
example of the parasitic “service” economy built on the sweat and blood
of the Third World.(see
ULK 8) More
outrageously, in an article on the 13th Amendment, Rashid says that over
1/2 of Amerikans are currently “enslaved” by capitalism. This article
contains some unrealistic claims, such as that no one could possibly
enjoy working in the imperialist countries, and that these workers do
not have freedom of mobility. Over half of Amerikans own homes. Not only
are these alleged “slaves” landowners, but in the modern imperialist
economy real estate has become more closely related to finance capital
in a way that super-profits are gained by owning
estate in the First World. (see
ULK 17)
Both Rashid and Outlaw demonstrate an understanding of the relationship
between imperialist countries and the Third World, with Rashid going so
far to say that reparations to New Afrika outside of a war against
imperialism would mean more exploitation of the proletariat. While
contradictory, Rashid’s economic analysis in the original letters is
more correct than not. In his treatment of history we will see more
confusion, and perhaps some reasons why he ended up finding the
“multi-national working class” to be the necessary vehicle for
revolution in the United $tates despite his focus on single-nation
Contradictory Class Analyses: History
While repeatedly recalling the history of poor whites becoming slave
catchers, marking the first consolidation of the white nation, Rashid
lists “join[ing] their struggle up with the Israeli working class” as
one of the strategies that would have led to greater success for
Hamas.(p.50) This schizophrenic approach to the settler nations is
present throughout the book. He echoes J. Sakai on Bacon’s Rebellion,
but then discards the overall lessons of Sakai’s book
Settlers: The
Mythology of the White Proletariat. While Sakai argued that these
poor, former indentured servants had joined the oppressor nation in
1676, Rashid argues that modern-day Israelis and Amerikans, most of whom
are in the top 10% income bracket globally, are exploited proletarians
and allies in the struggle for a communist future.
Later in the book he goes so far as to say that white “right-wing
militias, survivalists and military hobbyists” are “potential allies”
who “have a serious beef with imperialist monopoly capitalism.” This
issue came to the forefront with the “anti-globalization” movement in
the later 1990s. Both
and J. Sakai(1) led the struggle to criticize the anti-imperialist
anarchists for following the lead of the white nationalist organizations
calling for Amerikan protectionism. These groups are the making of a
fascist movement in the United $tates which is why the distinction
between exploited and exploiter nations is so important.
In the discussion of the Republic of New Afrika (RNA) we gain some
insight into Rashid’s contradictory lines on who our friends and enemies
are. Here he correctly explains that European countries bought off their
domestic populations with wealth from the Third World, to turn those
working classes against the Third World workers and peasants. But his
turn from the MIM line takes place in attempting to address the strategy
of the RNA. He sees a strong danger of neo-colonialism in the RNA
struggle for national liberation, as happened in the numerous liberation
struggles in Africa itself. So he talks about how ultimately we want a
world without nations, so let’s put class first to solve this problem
(and he assumes most white Amerikans are proletariat). This is an
ultraleft error of getting ahead of conditions. He goes on to say that
the imperialists would easily turn the white population against a
minority New Afrikan liberation movement trying to seize the Black Belt
South. Here you have a rightist justification for pragmatism.
This is not to dismiss either of those concerns, which are very real.
But his solution in both cases is based in a faulty class analysis. This
book paraphrases Mao to point out that your class analysis is your
starting point, and that your political line determines your success.
Liquidating a New Afrikan revolutionary movement into a white class
struggle over superprofits will not succeed in achieving his stated
goals of a world without oppression. While the
Black Panthers themselves put forth different class analyses of Amerika
at various points, they proved in practice that developing strong
Black nationalism will bring out those sectors of the white population
who are sympathetic. We must not cater to the majority of white people,
but to the world’s majority of people.
Dangers of Revisionism
The danger of revisionism is that it works to lead good potential
recruits away from the revolutionary cause, both setting back the
movement and discouraging others. The fact that Rashid sounds like MIM
half the time in this book makes it more likely he will attract those
with more scientific outlooks. We think those familiar with MIM
Theory, or who have at least read this review could find this book
both useful and interesting. However, the NABPP-PC and TBW are actively
promoting a number of incorrect lines under the Panther banner, to the
very people who need the Panthers’ correct example of Maoism the most.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and it is far beyond
time that we bring these criticisms into the open to advance the
ideological understanding of the whole movement.
I am at DCSO in Tennessee. One of my pod-mates receives your
publication, Under Lock & Key, and it has attracted a lot
of attention. The line to read it has become so long and complex, I
decided to write to you and request my own personal subscription. I’ve
always been interested in subversive politics and your newsletter gives
me a lot to think about. Also I am willing to write articles for future
publications in exchange for a chance to take part in your free book
MIM(Prisons) responds: Don’t get stuck waiting in a long line for
Under Lock & Key. Or worse yet, get moved to a new prison
where you can’t get at ULK at all. Write to us today to get your own
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (2010)
We have to give props to a kids’ movie that can portray an anti-fascist
struggle, while downplaying the glamor of war. Soren is a young owl who
dreams of meeting his heroes, the Guardians of Ga’Hoole, who are
legendary for defending the owls against evil forces. He and his brother
Kludd are kidnapped by the fascist owls, “The Pure Ones”, who recruit a
select few from their species of owls to join their army and enslave all
other species of owls. Soren escapes and flees to find the Guardians for
help while his brother joins the Nazi owls.
Soren’s journey to the Guardians requires him to learn to fly and take a
difficult trip with a few fellow travelers who believe in the mission.
As the Guardians gather information and prepare for battle with the
fascists they learn that one of their leaders is working for the enemy
and has betrayed them. This is a good lesson in the need for vigilance
against spies and turncoats in the anti-fascist struggle.
Kludd’s decision to join the fascists is played as a simplistic need for
recognition after a childhood of struggling to achieve next to his
brother. But this is not so far off. Fascism appeals to people who are
easily convinced that their lack of success can be overcome at the
expense of others. In Amerika we have a large labor aristocracy who are
paid more than the value of their labor with profits brought home from
exploitation of Third World workers; these workers have a material
interest in imperialism. Those who are in the lowest stratum of the
labor aristocracy look around and see that they are not achieving the
same wealth as their peers. This group of people are the most likely to
go for fascist rhetoric that blames their failures on immigrants and
Third World workers with promises of greater wealth for those who
deserve it (i.e. the white nation). There was no labor aristocracy in
The Owls of Ga’Hoole but the oppressed nations were represented by the
different species of owls who, just by nature of birth, were considered
inferior to “The Pure Ones.”
When Soren meets the Guardians he gets to know one who is somewhat crazy
and a bit of an outcast, only to learn that he was the heroic leader in
previous battles. From this owl Soren learns that war is not all glamor
and has real consequences. The decision to fight the fascists was taken
seriously with this in mind.
For a kids’ movie, Legend of the Guardians has a lot to offer, but we’d
rather see the oppressed nations (or species in this case), organize to
rise up and fight for themselves. The movie makes that impossible by
drugging all the slaves and implying that the rest of the owls from
other species were completely in the dark about the fascist plot to take
over the world. This plot twist might have been possible if they had
gone further and The Pure Ones struck out in battle so that other
species realized what was happening.
That a group of heroic owls had to save the world and defeat the
fascists was made somewhat better by their failure due to turncoat
betrayal requiring Soren and his fellow travelers to join the battle and
save the day. At least this reinforced that anyone could be a heroic
part of the anti-fascist struggle, not just the special heroes of
On November 28, WikiLeaks began releasing U.$. diplomatic cables that
have been extremely embarrassing to the U.$. government and its allies.
This resulted in increased persecution of the WikiLeaks site and staff,
and an international debate about the role of websites like WikiLeaks.
This story underscores the failure of mainstream media to do more than
serve as a mouthpiece for the imperialists. But it also reveals the
lengths to which imperialist governments will go to persecute activists
and those causing damage to imperialism.
Humynity benefits from more availability of information about
imperialism. As revolutionaries, we welcome the opportunity to expose
U.$.-backed atrocities and the imperialists’ back room deals. Meanwhile,
the attacks on WikiLeaks and its staff present the opportunity to
further expose the myth that capitalism = democracy. The basic premises
of democracy include transparency of government and freedom of speech.
While the communist government in China under Mao encouraged the people
to criticize their leaders during the Cultural Revolution and went so
far as to provide free paper and space to post big character posters to
propagate free speech, the Amerikan government is doing all it can (in
collaboration with other governments and capitalist corporations) to
shut down the speech of those who are merely exposing facts.
WikiLeaks launched in 2007 to publish documents from anonymous sources
that generally expose the actions of imperialist governments and their
lackeys. WikiLeaks states that “One of our most important activities is
to publish original source material alongside our news stories so
readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth.” On their
website WikiLeaks summarizes the major stories they have broken; an
impressive list of government and corporate corruption, brutality and
war.(1) It has been particularly valuable in exposing U.$. atrocities in
Afghanistan and Iraq.
As a result of their work exposing governments, corporations, and
churches around the world, Wikileaks has faced significant persecution.
According to their website, “Since formation in 2007, WikiLeaks has been
victorious over every legal (and illegal) attack, including those from
the Pentagon, the Chinese Public Security Bureau, the Former President
of Kenya, the Premier of Bermuda, Scientology, the Catholic & Mormon
Church, the largest Swiss private bank, and Russian companies.“(1)
Julian Assange has taken the role of public spokespersyn and as such has
faced dramatic persynal persecution, particularly after the release of
the U.$. diplomatic cables.
What’s the big deal about the U.$. diplomatic cables?
Before we get into the issues of censorship and political persecution,
let’s take a look at what these diplomatic cables really contain. The
U.$. government employs thousands of foreign service staff posted in
embassies and consulates around the world. According to the U.$
Department of State website, these people work in one of 5 general jobs:
Consular: Consular Officers protect Americans abroad and strengthen U.S.
border security.
Economic: Economic Officers work on economic partnerships and
development, support U.S. businesses abroad, and cover environmental,
science, technology, and health issues.
Management: Management Officers run our embassies and make American
diplomacy work.
Political: Political Officers analyze political events.
Public Diplomacy: Public Diplomacy Officers explain American values and
In other words, many of these people work in foreign countries
acting as spies. But not spies who are working in secret; they are overt
spies whose job is to meet with people at various levels in other
governments and then write up reports about their meetings and the
situation in those countries. This is how the U.$. government collects a
lot of its information about what’s going on around the world. The
foreign service staff don’t try to hide what they are doing. It’s a
political game which foreign diplomats sometimes use to get messages
through to the U.$. government without having to make public statements.
There is a lot of backroom deal making done this way, without having to
make information public.
So when people say that the diplomatic cables that WikiLeaks released
are embarrassing, what they really mean is that imperialist governments
and their lackeys don’t want the truth to be known publicly. As
WikiLeaks summarizes, “the cables show the extent of US spying on its
allies and the UN; turning a blind eye to corruption and human rights
abuse in ‘client states’; backroom deals with supposedly neutral
countries; lobbying for US corporations; and the measures US diplomats
take to advance those who have access to them.”(1) So the U.$.
government doesn’t want people to know these things. They are probably
not so much worried about the Amerikan public whose response to this
story has been split with many taking the side of their imperialist
government, but rather concerned about what people in other countries
are going to learn, especially those in the Third World being screwed by
the imperialists and the deals they make with their own lackey
Imperialists and censorship on a global scale
There was a quick and coordinated attack against WikiLeaks by the U.$.
government and their allies in the international and corporate
community. This included a coordinated December 2 attack shutting down
their domain via the New Hampshire-based company EveryDNS, and
Amazon.com cutting off the infrastructure services they were providing
to WikiLeaks. Forced to move to the French internet company OVH,
WikiLeaks then faced attacks by the French government looking for ways
to ban hosting of the site.
The finance capitalists got in on the game quickly too. On December 3
PayPal cut off the account that was collecting donations for WikiLeaks,
claiming that the account violated its “Acceptable Use Policy” by
engaging in “activities that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct
others to engage in illegal activity.” On December 6 MasterCard
announced its plan to cut off WikiLeaks from accepting MasterCard
payments because “MasterCard rules prohibit customers from directly or
indirectly engaging in or facilitating any action that is illegal.” Visa
took similar action on December 7. On December 8 WikiLeaks released
diplomatic papers that revealed lobbying by the Obama administration on
behalf of MasterCard and Visa.(2) And finally, the Swedish bank
PostFinance froze Julian Assange’s persynal bank account on December 6,
using the flimsy excuse that he provided an incorrect address on his
On December 23 Apple dropped the WikiLeaks app (program for iPhones)
from their app store, just 10 days after it was approved for sale. The
app gave users access to the WikiLeaks Twitter feed and the ability to
access leaked documents. An Apple spokespersyn gave the official excuse:
“Apps must comply with all local laws and may not put an individual or
group in harm’s way.”(3) These examples of corporate censorship help
demonstrate the complicity between the imperialist government and big
corporations. The imperialists make backroom diplomatic deals to give
the capitalists financial advantages, and those same corporations look
out for the government’s interests by denying anti-imperialists access
to resources to exercise their free speech.
While diverting resources from WikiLeaks’ primary mission, these attacks
have also served to expose the imperialists, who only give lip service
to freedom of speech when it serves their interest. And this has
galvanized a counter attack by defenders of WikiLeaks. This counter
offensive includes hackers who have launched denial-of-service attacks
to shut down web sites that have cut off WikiLeaks, targeting EveryDNS,
Amazon, MasterCard and Visa among others.
In the United $tates, the imperialists are running around with their
pants down, unsure how to control the information already released. On
December 3 the White House issued a directive that forbids unauthorized
Federal employees from accessing the classified documents that are now
available on WikiLeaks. Carrying out this order, the Library of Congress
blocked access to WikiLeaks from its computers. Government employees,
military personnel and employees of some private corporations are
prohibited from reading the documents, even from home. Meanwhile,
college students are being threatened that if they post info about
WikiLeaks online they will not be eligible for government jobs after
Amerikan public opinion is split between those who think it’s right to
investigate those in power and those who want to see Assange prosecuted.
It might be surprising that so many Amerikans care about freedom of
speech when the imperialists so clearly oppose it. This is promising for
activists looking for ways to win over people who have a material
interest in imperialism, even if only for specific battles against the
Political persecution of activists
Julian Assange and others have complained of surveillance and harassment
in various countries in the past, but after the release of the
diplomatic cables this has stepped up to a level that may lead to death
or permanent imprisonment of those associated with the site. While
throwing around baseless accusations of “terrorism” against Assange,
North Amerikan politicians have openly called for him to be illegally
assassinated - the definition of terrorism.(9)
The U.$. Justice Department has been scouring the books searching for
something to prosecute Assange on, some way to punish him and stop his
work, and they are negotiating with Sweden to get him extradited to the
U.$. Assange was taken into custody in Britain after an arrest warrant
was issued by Sweden to question him on allegations of sex crimes, and
has since been released on bail.
In the United $tates, there has been a strong push to make it illegal to
conduct investigative journalism that is not approved by the State.
Senator Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee,
argues that Assange’s actions violate the Espionage Act, a World War
I-era law crafted to punish individuals who spy on the country during
wartime. This is despite the fact that WikiLeaks has not released any
Top Secret documents and even offered to work with the U.$. government
to redact any facts that would endanger individuals in the field (which
the U.$. turned down). An initial hearing on WikiLeaks and the Espionage
Act was held on December 16 by the House of Representatives Judiciary
Committee. So far no decisions about prosecution have been made. Senator
Joseph Lieberman goes further and has urged the administration to
consider charges against media outlets that produced news articles based
on the leaked documents. These organizations, according to Lieberman,
have “committed at least an act of bad citizenship, but whether they
have committed a crime - I think that bears a very intense inquiry by
the Justice Department.”(4)
In the 1970s a very similar attack against Daniel Ellsberg was carried
out after he released the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times,
exposing the Amerikan government’s lies about the Vietnam War. The U.$.
government attacked Ellsberg both covertly and overtly in court where
they put him on trial for theft and conspiracy under the Espionage Act.
Ellsberg explains, “The truth is that every attack now made on WikiLeaks
and Julian Assange was made against me and the release of the Pentagon
Papers at the time.”(5)
If the outcome is more chilling this time around, it will be with the
mainstream media cheering for the repression of their own rights to
report on facts. They’d rather talk about sex and persynalities anyway.
We talk about sex to stop talking about sex
Pseudofeminists have lined up on two sides of the Julian Assange “rape”
debate. One recognizes the obvious truth that this is a political ploy
by the imperialists to distract from the facts and attack Wikileaks. The
other side says we need to stand by all wimmin who claim that they are
raped. The latter are a dream come true for the FBI. The former are on
the right track, but falter in their attempts to define “real” rape.
This situation was painfully obvious in a series of debates on
Democracy Now! this week that degenerated into a pornographic
discussion of the details of various sexual encounters.(6) To both
defend Assange and uphold that some sex is not rape, Naomi Wolf ended up
making some embarrassingly incorrect claims.
If we can just admit that all sex is rape, then we can get on with the
original discussion of hundreds of thousands of wimmin (and men of
course) dying at the hands of the U.$. military as exposed by WikiLeaks
documents. The real feminist here is white male Julian Assange who
responded to TV news host Larry King’s inquiry about the sex charges
with: “It is not right to bring in sensational and, in fact, false
claims, a relatively trivial matter compared to the deaths of 109,000
people… CNN should be ashamed of doing that.” Assange was referring to a
death toll released on WikiLeaks that was recorded by the U.$. military
in Iraq who previously claimed to not be tracking Iraqi deaths.
To assure readers that these tactics are nothing new, a parallel story
played out within our own movement just 2 years ago. The decades old MIM
website at etext.org was shut down by people outside of MIM on January
9, 2009. This occurred as the primary editor of the website was
reporting death threats and the circulation of rape charges by multiple
white wimmin. He has referred to this as a “lynching,” as rape charges
have always been a tool of social control of oppressed nation men under
the rule of white power. While MIM(Prisons) and at least one other cell
made efforts to restore the content of the site, the damage was done as
all incoming links were defunct. Traffic to those documents remains at a
fraction of what it used to be.
The editor of the etext.org MIM site later explained that he did not
restore the site immediately as it could just as quickly be taken down
again. WikiLeaks is unique in its resources and high profile status, so
it has largely managed to remain online, with its mission receiving a
net benefit from the press coverage. But when decades of material are
separated from their domain name as happened to MIM, as well as many of
the over 80 hip hop websites shut down by Homeland Security last
month(7), their access to the rest of the world is seriously challenged.
As we have mentioned in the past, independent institutions of the
oppressed online are very fragile. Some combination of technology,
security tactics and alliances with the national bourgeoisie in
anti-imperialist nations will need to provide solutions to this problem
as the imperialists increase their repression on the internet.
This message replaced the content of over 80 hip hop websites in
November 2010
The need for anti-imperialist media sources
A University of Maryland study titled “Misinformation and the 2010
Election” found that people who are exposed to mainstream news sources
are quite misinformed about the facts. For instance, 42% of people
surveyed didn’t know that Obama was born in the U.$. The survey looked
at newspapers and news magazines, network TV news broadcasts, public
broadcasting (NPR or PBS), Fox News, MSNBC and CNN. They found “Looking
at the frequency of misinformation among the consumers of various news
sources, one striking feature is that substantial levels of
misinformation were present in the daily consumers of all news sources.
Even the daily consumers of news sources with the lowest levels of
misinformation still included substantial numbers with
This doesn’t mean we should all stop following the news; people with
higher levels of exposure to news sources had lower levels of
misinformation. This last fact had a few striking exceptions, for
instance, Fox News topped the misinformation list with the viewers with
the most incorrect information and a trend showing that the more a
persyn watches Fox the more misinformed they become. However, consumers
of other mainstream media sources were also very mislead on key facts,
including NPR and PBS consumers and viewers of other daily TV news.(10)
Without a viable daily source of anti-imperialist news, revolutionaries
still need to use mainstream media, but we need to look at it with a
critical eye and use as many international sources as we can get our
hands on.
The clear misinformation being spread by mainstream media, combined with
the constant covering up of even the most mundane of facts by the
imperialist governments and their allies, mean that the value of
alternative media sources can not be overstated. WikiLeaks provides a
clear service to anti-imperialists even without any significant
political analysis on their website. The politics are clear in the
context of the content that comes through WikiLeaks daily exposing
imperialism as a system of corruption, brutality and exploitation. News
sources like this are crucial to revolutionaries and we must defend
their existence.
It is our task to go further and provide context for the facts and help
people make connections between all the terrorist acts committed by the
U.$. and other imperialist countries and the just revolutionary
struggles of the oppressed peoples around the world.
by a South Carolina prisoner December 2010 permalink
With whom shall we unite? As Maoists, and as
materialists, one focus in this imperialist country should be on the
economic interest of its various segments in order to determine with
whom we should or shouldn’t fight. Tactically speaking, An enemy
of my chief enemy is as fate would have it a friend to me. Sometimes
permanently, many times temporarily, it depends on their
particular ideological and political stance you see. The grave
consequence of revisionism in the heart of imperialism is a subtle yet
vicious schism between imperialist country so-called communist workers
and the revolutionary practice of proletarian internationalism. Such
division born of revisionism threatens the success of one revolutionary
socialist mission. It puts us in a dire position which psycho-socially
translates into an unhealthy state of nihilism and terminates any
possibility of an anti-imperialist united front. It puts one’s enemy
forces in a position to win but to begin with as dialectics teaches, it
is the internal contradictions within our own camp that is the
determining factor in making our foes into the triumphant champs. So
these contradictions must be speedily resolved. They must be solved
and we must consciously involve ourselves in their resolution beyond the
limited subjective confines of our egotistic idealistic minds. In
short order, we must refine our scientific use of the materialist
method of analysis if we are to successfully persist in the massive work
of building an expanded revolutionary united front.
I recently received the book I requested from you, Agents of
Repression by Ward Churchill. Man, that was one of the most
enlightening books on the problems inherent in political work that I
have read up to this point. Yea, it doesn’t matter if they “officially”
disbanded COINTELPRO operations or not. It still continues, especially
in the ever increasing decadence of the U.$.
I’ve since passed the book on. I will try to get it into the hands (and
heads) of as many dissidents as possible, whatever their nationality or
political persuasion. A lot of people are disgruntled with the actions
and policies of the U.$. government, people that you may even have
opposing interest with, yet the biggest hindrance to the realization of
any of these various groups’ political objectives is the ever-powerful
merchant class of the U.$.
I find a lot of dissidents are completely ignorant to the fact that once
they begin organizing, recruiting, agitating, or educating people to a
non-status-quo way of thinking, they become a target. Whether they like
it or not, know it or not. To fail to prepare against dirty ol’ uncle
sam’s counter measures is disastrous.
I was released in 2006 and jumped straight into political activities.
Some government interference was expected and even noticed, like
surveillance, harassment and the like. A lot of the tactics in the book
I had strongly suspected but had little or no proof, or was not sure
enough about to take irreversible action.
In any case, to sum it all up, one of our members was manipulated into a
position that resulted in the deaths of two members. Then a high level
plant set him up to be arrested but resulted in the deaths of two more
detectives who tried to apprehend him. The member died in a hail of
police bullets, 62 I believe.
I realize all this is extremely counterproductive and only served as
justification to expand their expense/infiltration budget on us. I’ve
seen the best of these FBI plants/informants. I know one who instigates,
solicits, and sometimes, even orders crimes as his dual role as a
ranking organizational dissident, then sends in dirty ol’ uncle sam to
arrest the criminals, that are only criminals by virtue of the fact that
they followed his direction! Yea, I’ve had this same plant try to kill
my pregnant fiance, and only succeed in causing the death of the child.
I can show you statements where this same FBI plant is being snitched on
by another snitch that doesn’t know he was set up by the FBI plant or
even that he is an FBI plant. Yet he explains in detail how the FBI guy
is beating pregnant women with bats, etc.
I know no charges will ever be filed against their own, and personally,
if I could regain my freedom I would rather charges were never pressed;
I certainly wouldn’t testify. I see it as a great contradiction to turn
to the same system you hate to seek aid in the dissolution of, to turn
around and seek their help in the pursuit of justice. I’ll get my own
justice, if I can ever regain my temporary freedom.
MIM(Prisons) replies: There have been a number of stories in the
last couple weeks of young men being arrested on terrorism charges after
being set up by Federal agents to commit violent acts. Knowing the art
of war and understanding the stage of struggle we are in are easy ways
to avoid many attacks used by COINTELPRO. Real comrades prove themselves
through consistent hard work and dedication, not through acts of
As our readers already know, MIM(Prisons) runs political study
groups with our comrades behind bars. And as some of you know, and have
experienced, the state generally finds our non-violent, non-law
breaking, communist study in poor taste. In October 2009, a study group
assignment for the pamphlet “What is MIM?,” which included other
participants’ responses to the previous assignment, was mailed to a
participant held in Arizona. This study group assignment was censored
because allegedly it “may be obscene or a threat to security” generally,
and “promotes racism and/or religious oppression” specifically. Yes,
this is coming from the state that is fighting the federal government in
court to be allowed to use the color of one’s skin as probable cause for
investigating immigration law violations.
Our comrade imprisoned in Arizona appealed this decision, and
MIM(Prisons) wrote to the prison administration to request an
explanation as to how this study group assignment could “promote racism
and/or religious oppression” without even mentioning races,
nationalities, or religions:
“It is truly fascinating that your mailroom staff could find the
promotion of racism and/or religious oppression in this document.
Nowhere in the letter are the following words even mentioned: religious,
religion, christian, muslim, baptist, KKK, white, mexican, latino, asian
or arab. The word”black” is written once in the context of a reference
to the Black Panther Party’s education programs. How can you even talk
about religion or race enough to speak against it if you don’t use any
of the above mentioned words?” - MIM Distributors, Legal Assistant
No attempt has ever been made by Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC)
administration to address this point. ADC General Counsel Karyn Klausner
offered her opinion: “I have reviewed the materials sent by MIM
Distributors and find the decision to exclude the publication due to
content ‘promoting racism and/or religious oppression,’ was
appropriate.” She gave no explanation of how she came to the conclusion
that it was an “appropriate” violation of Constitutionally protected
rights. In a later letter Ms. Klausner clarified that with this
statement she didn’t mean she was “upholding” the censorship in her
official capacity as General Counsel of the Office of the Director of
ADC, just that she agreed with it on a persynal level.
Instead of explaining how the study group mailing in any way promotes
racism and/or religious oppression, ADC administrators then began to
rely on their policy of violating MIM Distributors’ First Amendment
right to free speech and association to censor this study group
“There is nothing in case law that gives rise to a publisher’s right to
appeal a decision to exclude its material on an administrative appeal
level. . . You are not entitled to a forum within the prison system.” -
ADC Director, Charles Ryan
Director Ryan clearly had not investigated the matter on the prisoner’s
end either. He claimed that our imprisoned comrade had not appealed the
decision to censor, yet s/he had, on multiple levels, and submitted
requests for the results of these appeals.
“You claim that MIM Distributors has no rights to appeal the censorship
of their mail. While we are not lawyers, and may have put too much
weight on the Procunier case, we still uphold that we have First and
Fourteenth Amendment rights according to federal law. As employees of
the state you may not deny anyone their rights to free speech and
association arbitrarily and without due process. In fact, if you read
Thornburgh v. Abbot, 490 U.S. 401, which you referred [COLLEAGUE] to,
you will see that its procedural protection was provided because the
publisher was notified of the censorship and given the right to
independent review. A number of U.S. Court of Appeals decisions have
upheld the right of the publisher in such instances (Montcalm Publ’g
Corp. v. Beck, 80 F.3d 105, 106 (4th Cir.), Trudeau v. Wyrick, 713 F.2d
1360, 1366 (8th Cir.1983), Martin v. Kelley, 803 F.2d 236, 243-44 (6th
Cir.1986) ).” - MIM Distributors, Legal Assistant
And ADC’s response?
“You assert that ‘MIM Distributors’ First Amendment right to free
speech’ is not being respected. The Arizona Department of Corrections is
obligated to respect, within the confines of legitimate penological
interests, an inmate’s constitutional rights. It does not follow
that ADC is likewise obliged to do the same for an independent
distributor such as MIM.” - General Counsel, Karyn Klausner
It is apparent that the ADC believes themselves to be exempt from the
legal straitjacket of the United $tates Constitution, which they don’t
see as having an application in the 10th Circuit. This isn’t surprising
coming from an institution whose administrators believe that one can
promote racial and/or religious repression without ever talking about
race or religion!
Amerikans like to pretend they hold no political prisoners, yet
political repression is an integral part of the U.$. injustice system at
every step. In our struggle for a world without oppression, MIM(Prisons)
works to build public opinion for national liberation struggles amongst
prisoners through our newsletter Under Lock & Key, our free
books for prisoners program, and our study groups. Within prisons, there
are two primary ways in which the state enacts political repression:
through physical torture techniques such as solitary confinement, forced
drugging, beatings, starvation and murder; and through the control of
the spread of ideas, which also includes solitary confinement as well as
the censorship of mail, and outlawing oppressed nation organizations.
In pre-fascist Amerika, we are still promised certain rights under
United $tates laws. While we recognize that U.$. law will never lead us
to communism (a world without oppression), we still need to fight for
more room to organize and educate for revolution. Fighting against the
censorship of revolutionary literature is vital to maintaining the
connection between the inside and out, which may make the difference
between being turned on to communism or not for many people. For those
already turned on, we need to fight against censorship so that we can
continue to build our revolutionary understanding.
Like a MIM Distributors Legal Assistant mentioned above, we are not
lawyers. We do what we can to protect our Constitutional rights from the
outside with the resources we have, and we rely on prisoners to fight to
maintain their rights from the inside. If there is a lawyer who wants to
get involved with this specific incident in Arizona, or with
anti-censorship work in general, get in touch!
I received the Prisoners’ Legal Clinic (PLC) summary from October 2010.
First off, I have to say that this is a good format, with various people
sharing ideas and expertise. This format will definitely push the legal
struggle forward.
Concerning the grievance petition initiated in California, while i’d
initially thought the campaign was a good idea, i have to say that i had
my doubts concerning the effectiveness of it. Its entire success hinges
on mass participation and not just on 10 or 15 individuals getting
involved. Even then i think its effectiveness is a longshot unless of
course you’re already involved in a legal battle within the judicial
system, as presentation of responses entered into evidence as exhibits
would help to prove to the court that the handling of grievances by
prison officials has some serious faults, which we know they do.
Instead, I like the comrade from California’s idea of suing CDCR and
attacking its entire appeals process. We can ask that a truly
independent institution take over the entire appeals process, or be
created if need be. I think this is very much a winnable battle were it
to enter the judicial arena. Copies of the grievance petition from
prisoners who’ve already completed the campaign and have received
responses should be forwarded to the PLC for forwarding to whomever
should decide to initiate and fight the legal battle.
I also have here a copy of a §1983 “Findings and Recommendations
Recommending Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss be Denied” which was filed by
CDCR officials in California against a prisoner in which the pigs tried
to have the plaintiff’s §1983 dismissed due to supposed failure to
exhaust claims. The motion was dismissed and the court found in favor of
the prisoner plaintiff. While I do not know of the outcome of the case,
i believe this motion is worth a look. As soon as i’m able to obtain
copies i will forward them to the PLC for review and dispersal.
For now, however, here is relevant case law pertaining to the exhaustion
Jones v. Bock, 127 S. Ct. 910, 918-19 (2007) McKinney v. Carey,
311 F.3d 1198, 1199-1201 (9th Circuit. 2002) Booth v. Churner, 532
U.S. 731, 741, 121 S. Ct 1819 (2001) Porter v. Nussle, 435 U.S. 516,
532, 122 S. Ct 983 (2002) Wyatt v. Terhune, 315 F.3d 1108, 1119 (9th
Cir. 2003) Ritza v. Int’l Longshoremen’s & Warehousemen’s Union,
837 F.2d 365, 368 (9th Cir. 1998) (per currium) Woodford v. Ngo, 548
U.S. 81, 126 S. Ct. 2378, 2383 (2006)
The following case law was cited to the plaintiff’s favor:
Moore v. Bennette, 517 F.3d 717, 725 (4th Cir.
2008) Aquilar-Avellaveda v. Terrell, 478 F.3d 1223, 1225 (10th Cir.
2007) Kaba v. Stepp, 458 F.3d 678, 684 (7th Cir. 2006) Dole v.
Chandler, 438 F.3d 804, 809 (7th Cir. 2006) Boyd v. Corrections
Corp. of America, 380 F.3d 989, 986 (6th Cir. 2004) Abney v.
McGinnis, 380 F.3d 663, 667 (2d 2004) Jernigan v. Stuchell, 304 F.3
1030, 1032 (10th Cir. 2002) Foulk v. Charrier, 262 F.3d 687, 698 (8th
Cir. 2001) Powe v. Ennis, 177 F.3d 393, 394 (5th Cir.
1999) Underwood v. Wilson, 151 F.3d 292, 295 (5th Cir.
1998) Mitchell v. Horn, 318 F.3d 523, 529 (3d Cir. 2003) Brown v.
Croak, 312 F.3d 109, 113 (3d Cir. 2002) Miller v. Norris, 247 F.3d
736, 740 (8th Cir. 2001)
These next citations are concerning requirements for the
establishment of law libraries in prisons. I got these out of The
Jailhouse Lawyer’s Handbook 4th edition 2003:
Bounds v. Smith, 430 U.S. 817 (1977) Lewis v. Casey, 518 U.S. 343
(1996) Benjamin v. Fraser, 264 F.3d 175 (2d Cir. 2001) Tourscher
v. McCullough, 184 F.3d 236, 242 (3d Cir. 1999) Johnson v. Moore, 948
F.2d 517 (9th Cir. 1991) Corgain v. Miler, 708 F.2d 1241 (7th Cir.
1983) Cruz v. Hauck, 627 F.2d 710 (5th Cir. 1980) Shango v.
Jurich, 965 F.2d 289 (7th Cir. 1992) Lindquist v. Idaho State Bd. of
Corrections, 776 F.2d 851 (9th Cir. 1985) Cepulonis v. Fair, 732 F.2d
1 (1st Cir. 1984) Marange v. Fontenof, 879 F. Supp. 679 (E.D. Tex
MIM(Prisons) responds: In assessing the effectiveness of our
campaigns we have a twofold approach. One goal is to win small battles
that increase, or maintain space for, the free exchange of political
ideas and the freedom of affiliation. Our second goal is to train the
oppressed in mass action and power struggles.
The lawsuit idea suggested here might be more effective in meeting our
first goal in relation to establishing a legal process for prisoners to
have their complaints addressed under the current injustice system. But,
ultimately, a real prison movement needs to mobilize large numbers of
prisoners into participating in struggling for humane treatment and the
freedom to fight for a better world. Without struggle there are no
so-called “rights.”
While the petition campaign has still been limited in the numbers
reached, we are working to better streamline our support for USW
campaigns, including the grievance petitions in states where these
campaigns are active. We need more than a couple articles in
ULK to launch a successful campaign. We need more regular USW
cadre who are willing to take these agitational points to the masses on
a regular basis. Get in touch with MIM(Prisons) today to get copies of
the petition, or to contribute to building a legal case around this
Your article on
validation in
ULK 17 was on
point. I’m in a California state prison and every word that he spoke on
was true, you have to watch what you say, who you with, what you read
and receive and basically what you have in your cell.
Pictures, articles or drawings of George, Jonathan, a guerilla, gang
banging and even some Muslim literature is not allowed. It’s a shame
that there is a long list of books that you cannot have because they say
that it promotes unwanted activity, when in reality they just want to
limit your understanding of the injustices that have been going on for
decades in the system.
They have taken everything from us and are still taking everything from
us; things that the ones before us shed blood, lost their lives, and are
still locked up in the SHU fighting for. Every day it’s something and by
design you can’t win fighting by their rules.
I just wanted to give big respect to y’all for this newsletter telling
the real.
MIM(Prisons) responds: While the rules are set up to keep people
in their place, we have strategic confidence in our ability to win. This
is based in the fact that most people in the world suffer under the
oppression of imperialism and have an interest in overthrowing it. By
connecting the struggles of prisoners in the U.$. with the Third World
workers, peasants and lumpen we will be on the right side of history.
Five months after an emergency relief envoy destined for Palestine was
attacked and diverted by I$raeli settler pigs, who killed international
relief volunteers aboard a Turkish tanker in international waters, the
Amerikan puppet zionist regime announced it had begun allowing
international aid to reach the Palestinian people yet again.
Desperately needed human aid such as food, clothing, medicine and
construction materials comprised of cement and steel were stopped by
zionist occupation forces due to supposed safety and security concerns
that armament and explosives were being smuggled among the aid into the
oppressed nation of Palestine. These allegations were of course proven
untrue, however, the settler state still imposed an illegal ban on
international aid entering Palestine as well as an import/export
economic blockade.
This “economic blockade” as the settlers and their imperialist masters
call it (really just another genocidal weapon, i.e., “excellent weapon
of extermination”) further destroyed the already pathetic economy which
the Palestinian people have been forced to accept by the imperialists
and their running dogs. Factories have been at a stand still since May
forcing people out of work and most businesses have been shut down. Even
agricultural plots which the Palestinians directly rely on to help feed
their families have been denied to them. Jewish settlers steal produce
from these plots and then destroy that which they cannot carry. The
setters then contaminate the land with raw sewage.
So while the Palestinian economy has been destroyed and the
international aid which the Palestinian people have been forced to turn
towards is turned away, many might wonder exactly how is it that the
Palestinians survive? A BBC reporter wondered too, so he took to the
streets and found Palestinian markets selling Hebrew products and Hebrew
products alone (Leave it to the invincible hand of free market
capitalism to recognize where capital has fled and then magically
re-organize). However, nowhere in sight was international aid or a
re-surging Palestinian economy to be found. This is in direct
contradiction to Zionist claims that the ban on aid and economic
blockade had been lifted.
When I$raeli Foreign Minister Palmor was asked by the liberal bourgeois
media why the supposed expired ban was still in effect despite claims
that it’s been lifted he resorted to typical oppressor nation rhetoric.
Palmor unabashedly stated that the Palestinian people only had
themselves to blame for the situation they now found themselves in.
Furthermore, this PIG had the nerve to go on and explain that it was the
Palestinians own terroristic behavior that caused all this to begin
with. As if the Palestinians were the ones to make war on the Jewish
people, evict them from their lands and subject them to 62 years of
oppression and genocide. Oh wait, those were all zionist acts against
the Palestinian people. Of course anytime the oppressed stand up and
fight for their rights the oppressors quickly label them “terrorists.”
The real terrorists here are the backwards looking imperialists and
their lackey supporters who refuse to acknowledge the rights of nations
to self determination, while they love to talk about “equality” and
Well, we in the USW say fuck your equalities and fuck your freedoms! The
only freedom and equality we recognize is that of the oppressed.
In [uel=https://www.prisoncensorship.info/ulk/15]ULK 15 is an article on
August, it was suggested that we eat only one meal a day throughout
the month of August and fast completely August 7 in honor of Jonathan
Jackson, on August 21 in honor of George Jackson, and on August 31 in
honor of Hasan Shakur.
I was in AdSeg and I was doing 5 days for creating a disturbance rule
19.1. I decided to fast on August 21 and I decided to refuse my tray in
honor of Black August. Well I was written up, and given a year more to
do in AdSeg. The violation report read like this: “[X] refused his tray
and declared a hunger strike along with 16 other offenders.” And so from
my understanding we all were given a conduct violation and now we fight
the IRR system we were denied. I explained that I was practicing my
faith and now it’s in the hands of the corrupt grievance procedure. We
were all written up for “organized disobedience.”
The pigs at CCI Tehachapi SHU are monitoring revolutionary
correspondence and materials coming through the mail; not censoring but
delaying them by as much as three to four weeks. This specific instance
was a personal experience, but it can be concluded that if one
individual’s revolutionary activity is being monitored, then all
revolutionaries may be monitored.
Due to a medical condition, I must be taken out of my cell and to
medical for a weekly injection which I use as an opportunity to butter
up loose-mouth pigs and gather intelligence, catching a general idea of
the internal condition of the pigs’ camp. Never at any time have I
mentioned or alluded to my revolutionary standpoint or activities in any
While going to medical this past week a pig made a very revealing
statement inadvertently, immediately tipping me off that my mail was
being monitored, specifically what I’d mailed to MIM(Prisons) the
previous week. The pig’s statement could not have been reaching because
it contained the word “revolution” and related content of a letter to
Let this be a warning to revolutionary activists and comrades across the
U.$. injustice system, and California concentration camps in particular,
that even if there is no censorship at your facility, if you participate
in any serious revolutionary activities, then it’s sure to be monitored.
Practical steps may be taken to combat this issue, such as working with
and notifying MIM(Prisons) of censorship issues while going through the
grievance and court system, if able to do so. Keeping eyes and ears open
to detect if you are being monitored is not difficult to do.
If it feels like you are being watched, then you are. Remember, paranoia
can be the better part of prudence in the control unit.
by a North Carolina prisoner November 2010 permalink
I am a prisoner at Scotland Correctional Institution in Laurinburg,
North Carolina. I am writing to you because of the fact that the legal
mail that you sent out to several prisoners here [containing a letter
MIM(Prisons) sent to the Director of Prisons regarding ongoing
censorship at Scotland CI] was opened by the mailroom staff and treated
as regular mail.
Even though the mail had “Legal Mail” stamped on it, the mailroom staff
still opened it. By DOC policy I have to witness them opening my legal
mail, and I have to sign for legal mail. By them opening this legal
mail, they violated DOC policy and broke Federal law.
This requires some sort of action. I am filing a grievance on this
matter and when I receive a response I will send it to you.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This letter is just one example of the long
history of mailroom staff at Scotland CI unjustly censoring, banning,
and trashing mail from MIM(Prisons), with the collusion of Assistant
Superintendent Karen Stanback. While this comrade is filing grievances
and organizing other prisoners around the issue, another comrade in
North Carolina is working on bringing a case against the NC DOC to
hopefully reformat the whole censorship and grievance system. If you
want to get involved, or support this case, get in touch. Both methods
are correct and necessary if we want to combat censorship.
Last month in October a brother was written a misconduct report for
having Soledad Brother and From Niggas to Gods. They
reasoned that George Jackson is a “known Panther” as if that is a valid
reason to write him up. They said From Niggas to Gods was
banned in Green Bay Correctional Institution. I guess ’cause they don’t
want us to go from calling ourselves niggas, behaving like niggas, to
calling ourselves children of God or behaving as such. They want us to
still be their niggas and we best not be caught trying to learn or read
any books of substance. But we can read an “urban” novel that promotes
all type of Black-on-Black murder and violence. He was given 210 days in
the hole.
On November 2 2010 my comrade’s bunk was searched and the racist pig Van
Laden took several books from him, i.e. Soledad Brother, Noam
Chomsky, Niami Akbar, Cornel West’s Reader and a couple more.
They also took some 4struggle newspapers because they mentioned
Panther Party. For several days they didn’t give him the conduct
report. They usually come within 2 days. He was called out to talk to
the pig Van Laden and Van Laden told him that he will see him in court,
meaning at the conduct report hearing.
On November 8 2010 he was given the conduct report. It is a witch hunt.
The pig Van Laden says Soledad Brother mentions the Black
Panthers, that 4struggle mentions the Panthers’ 10 point
platform, and phrases like “clenched fist,” “power to the people,” “red
black and green.” This pig said the material and books are “black
supremacy” literature! I’m still trying to understand what is Black
supremacy and what does that mean. The use of the word supremacy means
one group is saying that they are superior to another. Nothing in any of
the material points to that because if it did he would have written
“page so-and-so of this book says they are superior and whites are
inferior.” But he can’t because that is not what any of the material
advocates. He claims to be a Security Threat Expert and states in the
report that the Panthers are on the list as a security threat group.
Thus any material that mentions it is banned and anyone caught with it
is in violation for having this reading material. Same as slavery.
But dig this, comrade has receipts for every book they say is a threat
to their security. They let them in, then say you can’t have them. They
have a list of banned books and none of his books are on the banned book
list. Not even Soledad Brother, because nothing in it is a
security threat. George ain’t advocating nothing of so-called violence
or Black supremacy. Like I said before this is just a witch hunt to
break us up. The two brothers I mentioned are in the dorm with me, we
are in a social environment, not fighting each other, and teaching these
younger brothers. That is the security threat to them. They don’t want
us to learn about our history and gain a sense of self. They want us
ignorant running around here being good n’s. Reading is forbidden unless
it’s fiction. He was charged with Group Resistance and Petition and
awaits to go on his hearing.
On November 5 2010 I was called up to the CO desk and asked how another
prisoner got my book. She said if I didn’t give it to him she would
write him up for theft. I said the regular CO Zellner that works here
said he can read it as long as I get it back by the end of the night.
She said “well I’m giving you a ticket for unauthorized transfer of
property.” She called another brother to the desk and gave him his book
back without writing a ticket for him. The title of my book was Huey
P. Newton and the Black Panther Party. That is why she wrote me up
but gave the other brother his book back.
I got the conduct report on November 8 2010 and Group Resistance and
Petition was on it too. This charge is one that they use to lay someone
down in the hole or send to Wisconsin’s supermax in Boscobel where I
have been for over 4 years already. The report says I gave my book to
someone else to read which is a violation 9.e. unauthorized transfer of
property. Even if a CO gave you permission it is still unauthorized
transfer of property under their 1984 newspeak semantics. It also says
that the Black Panthers are an “unsanctioned” group, and the book is
confiscated. But I worked in the library here before and I’ve seen this
same book come in on inter-library loan on several occasions;
Soledad Brother and From Niggas to Gods too.
The fix is in. My comrade and I still await our hearings. We talked to
white shirt and the security director about this fix. This way they have
knowledge of it and can be added to the lawsuit. Because none of this is
a threat. I had this book for almost six and a half years! We’re trying
to get the word out about this. They have a list of banned books but
none of these books we are written up for are banned.
Also I wrote a book about change and let a young brother read it. His
bunk was searched and a new pig brought it up to the Sergeant and he
called me up to the desk and asked if it was my book. I said yes. He
asked, “who gave you permission to write this?” I said, “my mind! What
you mean who gave me permission?” He said he was calling up to security
to see if I could do that. About an hour went by and he called me to the
desk and gave me the book back. But the thing is “who gave you
permission?” As if I need someone’s permission to write down my own
thoughts. This same pig has a confederate flag tattoo on his left arm.
Saying we can’t read or gain a sense of self by learning our history or
that we need “their” permission slip to write our thoughts is the same
as the slavery that our ancestors went through. But most can’t see it.
They just see these racist pigs as having a job. This is not a job, this
is a form of oppression. Capitalism is a form of oppression. We are a
means for them to be employed through our oppression. And I try to get
these young and older brothers to see this. Slavery was capitalism.
Prisons are capitalism. Whites were the ones that ran the plantations.
Whites are the ones that run the prisons. It’s all the same just a new
…I would have responded much sooner to give notice to the fellow
comrades at MIM(Prisons) that I received
ULK 16. However,
at the time I was forced to remain in solitary confinement for
organizing an intellectual study group, which included members
affiliated with organizations such as Bloods, 5 Percenters and Latin
Kings. This oppressive institution of confinement and confusion charged
me with “group demonstration.” I am currently housed in Administrative
Segregation for that charge and serving a 365 day sanction. But in any
event, I received the ULK 16 and wish to be added to your
mailing list.
As of this writing I’ve been confined to a special management unit
because, of all things, a drawing. The artwork however is not the
problem, but what it supposedly represents. From a larger standpoint the
censoring of such work is another form of passive cultural destruction.
What they can’t control they restrict. What they don’t understand, they
tend to fear. And of course the “they” I’m speaking of are those
upholding Amerikan values of whitewashed virtues.
The drawing was one I chose to adopt because of its high symbolism and
esoteric meanings. But because this symbol was first used by the Nation
of Gods and Earths (Five Percenters), a branch of the Nation of Islam,
which is deemed a “security threat group” within penal institutions in
six states, I was also branded a threat. I have no affiliation with that
organization or any gang. I don’t adhere to the NOGE’s or NOI’s
religious dogmas. I do however share in their militant outlook and
agree, for better, with what they’ve done to reeducate Black youth to
the realities of this system. Because of this they, and anyone even
duplicating a representative symbol of such organizations, are deemed a
I must assume the motivation behind the government labeling a peaceful,
cultural religious organization as a gang can be found in a real
warranted fear of this group’s objectives. To name just a few: its
obvious work in enlightening individuals about this police state, its
very successful strategy in reducing the recidivism rate, and most
importantly empowering youth to be leaders and conduits of true culture
in their families and communities. These priorities, and numerous
others, are something to fear, especially when privatized institutions
can prospectively lose millions annually.
The programming of the masses through corporate-owned media propaganda
has not been done haphazardly. Sensationalism, violence, stereotypes and
desensitization through repetition of crime and cop shows has not only
controlled opinion but has thoroughly turned people into mindless
robots, keeping the rich in control, middle class happy and poor
discontented but helpless. Any organization that exposes this government
for what it is and directs its energies to providing and teaching what
true responsibility is to a community, is one I’d gladly be a part of.
MIM(Prisons) responds: We agree with this prisoner that the
criminal injustice system has a real reason to fear any organization
that is educating people about the prison system, working to reduce
recidivism, and organizing oppressed nations. These organizations
threaten their use of the prison system as a tool of social control. And
it is true that the media plays a major role in promoting imperialist
policies to the Amerikan people. However, this is not the only reason
the masses are passive. Amerikan citizens are acting in their economic
self-interest when they play the role of happy robot and accept
imperialist policies. See our article
Oppressing for a Living in
ULK 2.
First and foremost I hope this letter reaches you. Officer Sherry A
Conrad over in the mailroom has been opening and reading my legal mail.
She has also confiscated every legal document I have tried to send to
you, along with the letters I’ve written to you about her. I used the
prisoner grievance system against her and ever since then she has used
retaliation against me. She has written 3 major disciplinary reports on
me about my mail; one of these major disciplinary reports was concerning
a letter I wrote you. I appealed this major disciplinary but Warden
Jimmy Banks has violated my due process rights and refused to answer my
Under Lock & Key was also confiscated and sent to the Unit
Publication Review Committee for “illegal discrimination, violence,
verbal or sexual abuse or inflammatory attitudes towards any racial,
sexual, age, handicapped or individuals or groups.” I appealed the
decision of this committee but it also has been refused to be answered.
Now Warden Jimmy Banks and Law Library Officer Ms. Smith are refusing to
make copies of my legal documents so I can mail them to you and the
United States District Court to file a claim against them.
I’ve also requested the Administrative Regulation and Directives of the
Arkansas Department of Corrections so I could send them to you and the
court but I’ve been denied access to these by Warden Jimmy Banks. Warden
Banks does not want us to have these Administrative Regulations or
Directives because he or his officers at the Varner Super Max Unit do
not follow the Administrative Regulations and Directives. So many of our
rights are being violated by Warden Banks and his officers, it’s not
even funny.
This is the good ole south, “the good ole boy system” and they will do
everything it takes to keep the public, media, or any other group or
organization in the dark about how prisoners are being violated in the
Arkansas prison system. The prisoners in Arkansas will not stand or
stick together, write grievances, or write the public, media or any
other groups or organizations out of fear of major disciplinaries or
retaliation used against them for doing so. If a prisoner writes a
grievance, public officials, media or groups or sticks together to take
a stand against the ADC, they are placed in the Super Max under false
charges, written major disciplinaries that will keep them from being
released, are placed in the hole without any of their property, and the
list goes on and on.
If a prisoner keeps on doing these things to stand against the ADC then
the officers will use all kinds of force on the prisoner and make the
reports look like the force was justified. I have been held in the
Varner Super Max for one year under false banding together, escape,
possession of tobacco, and possession of cell phone charges. Now they
are using retaliation against me by confiscating my legal and personal
mail and writing me major disciplinary reports for the mail they
confiscate when I’ve broken no administrative regulation, directives,
policies or rules. They are also refusing me law books, legal copies,
and administrative regulations and directives that I need. I’ve been
told by the Warden himself that I’ll never be released from Varner Super
Max into population.
I know many prisoners who want to write your organization but they have
seen everything that has happened to me and others who have written
letters about the ADC and they are afraid. I refuse to just lay down and
go quietly away. I try to stay in the law books, and follow all rules,
policies and regulations. A lot of prisoners come to me for legal advice
and I try to help all I can. I’m working on filing a big claim of many
violations against Interim Director Ray Hobbs, Warden Jimmy Banks,
Officer Sherry A. Conrad of the ADC in the United States District Court.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This account of retaliation against
prisoners who fight censorship and other illegal actions in prisons
should strengthen our resolve to get Under Lock & Key in
the hands of all prisoners who can receive it. We know receiving ULK can
be a risk, which is why it is important that our subscribers share. But
if you’re not organizing, then nothing’s gonna change. Those on the
outside willing to help with these legal battles can aid us both in
fighting censorship and exposing the criminal injustice system. As long
as the state is not following its own rules, there will be countless
legal battles to take on.
It is October 13 2010 and I am visually and sonically inundated with
blow-by-blow descriptions of the Chilean miner rescue operation. TV,
radio and newspapers have whipped themselves into a frenzy reporting the
rescue of 33 miners from a collapsed mine in Chile. With a couple of
months’ lead time, courtesy of the drilling process, this event has
received more build-up than a Superbowl. Naturally, everyone is glad the
miners are coming out (miner 14 hit the surface a minute ago), but it
seems to me this is an extreme case of media overkill that is designed
to serve as a distraction from Mass-Murder Incorporated’s (M-M Inc., the
Amerikan government) worldwide killing spree, if not from the mine
operator’s greedy rush for profits that caused the accident in the first
The world waits with bated breath as one miner at a time rises to the
surface with a digital clock ticking off the time of his ascent to the
second and, of course, a count of each miner rescued replete with video
footage of tearful reunions with family and friends. What if it were so
for those unsuspecting people blown up in their homes by the predator
drones Amerika operates with impunity worldwide, but it is not.
As I watch the miners coming out of the ground one at a time, I can’t
help but think about how many people the Amerikan government is
simultaneously putting in the ground. I wonder how many people were
murdered in Afghanistan and Pakistan by the drones over the course of
the rescue operation? How many Palestinians, Iraqis, Somalians and
Yemenis? Do they not deserve a ticking clock and body count? Certainly,
but there is little feel-good factor in being confronted with a
second-by-second ticking body count of the murders we are responsible
for as the good citizens and share-holders of M-M Inc. No, no, we can’t
have that.
But why not? Why does the mainstream media ignore the big stories, the
real stories? Why isn’t there a body count of every human on this planet
murdered by Amerikan-made weapons systems? Why not show the video
footage of every single drone attack, replete with men, women and
children dying in agony? This would be a stellar moment for Amerikan
television corporations. Real reality TV! Maybe, when fed enough reality
Amerikans will then treat themselves to the reality of the Amerikan
version of the Nuremberg Trials and the Spandau Ballet. Now that is a
reality most of the world would love to see and exactly why Amerikans
will never see it.
Manos por América, que maravilloso, concepto conmovedor. Desde Santa
Mónica, California hasta las playas de Alabama. Americanos unidos en un
atentado para enseñar su desilusión y coraje al Petróleo Británico
compañía de petróleo (BP), tanto como su amor por el medioambiente,
específicamente a la costa del Golfo.
Han sido más de dos meses desde que BP causó el desastroso derrame de
petróleo en la región de la Costa del Golfo de los Estados Unidos y
todavía los imperialistas y capitalistas grandes no saben cómo parar uno
de los desastres ambientales más destructivas en la historia humana.
¡Los americanos están enojados! Una de las cosas que los americanos
odian a ver lo más es cuando el toque del imperialismo tiene un impacto
en la costa “suya”. Que enorme golpe financiero para todas esas personas
viviendo en o cerca de la costa del Golfo, ni mencionar toda esa pobre
vida marina indefensa - cómo se atreve ese BP venir aquí y imponer sus
maneras descuidados y maniáticas en América - ¿no tienen ninguna
vergüenza? los americanos no querían ese petróleo de todos modos,
En realidad, los americanos sí quieren que BP perfore para petróleo.
Siendo los parásitos sobre la humanidad y el globo que son, ellos
definitivamente quieren que BP perfore para el petróleo en la costa del
Golfo pese a lo que digan. Son tan sedientos por petróleo como un
garrapata de la sangre. Es en parte por qué instalaron el Sha de Irán
hace años atrás. Es porqué invadieron a Kuwait y atacaron a Iraq durante
la Guerra del Golfo, que resultó en rompimiento de record de derrames de
petróleo marinas a ese tiempo contaminando las ciénegas en Iraq. (BP ha
superado ese record en el extremo ahora.)(1) Es porqué América invadió a
Iraq la segunda vez y colgó a Saddám. Y es en parte por qué ahora tienen
sus miras fijos en Irán por un cambio de régimen. Así que por favor, a
todos ustedes sedientes glotones Americanos, evítenos sus sentimientos.
Ustedes querían este petróleo tanto como, si no más que sus grandes
capitalistas y empresas de energía.
No es como si BP fuera una entidad externa y completamente ajeno a
América que de algún modo simplemente forzó o manipuló la única
superpotencia del hemisferio occidental y empezó a perforar a su propio
deseo. Ustedes querían ese petróleo cuando ustedes decidieron a
deshacerse de ese viejo cansado Chevy y mejorar a un decadente y caro
2010 SUV de todo terreno. Ustedes querían ese petróleo cuando decidieron
mantener sus casas a un cómodo 73 grados por todo el año aunque ustedes
viven en California. Ustedes querían ese petróleo cada vez que compraron
toda esa otra ociosa e innecesaria porquería que no necesitaron que
requiso petróleo para fabricar, empaquetar, enviar, etcétera. Y
finalmente, ustedes probaron que ustedes querían ese
petróleo cada vez que uno de sus niños regresó del extranjero en un saco
de cadáver, o sometieron al Tercer Mundo a su yugo de opresión, muerte y
Todo está excelente y magnífico cuando el derrame de petróleo ocurre en
otra parte, en un país que ustedes están muy flojos a siquiera intentar
de pronunciar correctamente. Los Nigerianos han estado viviendo entre
derrames de petróleo por más de 50 años, que asciende a más de 550
millones de gallones derramados, gracias a empresas de petróleo
extranjeros que prestan América y otras países ricos.(2) 50 años, y
todavía nada ha sido hecho sobre los ecosistemas destruidos ni medios de
vida humana. Para aquellos que hacen campaña para parar la perforación
fuera de orillas en los Estados Unidos sin seriamente restringir el
consumo del Primer Mundo: eso solamente traducirá en más contaminación y
destrucción en Nigeria, el Sudan y por todo del Medio Oriente donde
vidas humanas y ecosistemas están considerados menos digno por los
chauvinistas gritando “¡no en mi patio!”
El derrame de petróleo no era solamente la culpa de BP ni fue solamente
la culpa de Obama tampoco. Es capitalismo, estúpido, y lo más pronto que
lo empieces a entender y comiences a hacer algo para asegurar que los
derrames de petróleo como lo de la costa del Golfo no sucedan otra vez,
como por ejemplo ayudando a derribar el imperialismo, lo mejor
Este tipo de desastre habría tenido muy poco o cero posibilidad de
ocurrir en la Unión Soviética anterior (1917-1953) o la República de
China Socialista (1949-1976), porque esos países comunistas no habrían
tenido hacer el extenso perforación que el Primer Mundo parece estar
enganchado con. ¿Por qué? Eso es exactamente por qué los países
comunistas implementaron algo llamado “economías planeados” para cumplir
con necesidades humanas. Con el conocimiento de hoy de los efectos de
capitalismo sobre la ecología de la tierra, una forma de producción
socialista sólo aprobará la producción de cantidades necesarias para los
necesidades de sus pueblos, tal como comida, ropa, refugio, provisiones
médicos y otros necesidades para comercio y venta. Estas economías
planeados estarán puestos al corriente trimestralmente, anualmente, o
como necesitado. Pero ahora, Americanos exigen más y lo quieren barato.
Y los imperialistas tienen que producir más de lo necesario para
continuar sacar provecho.
En las sistema económica Maoísta, ya que la producción es por necesidad
y no por la ganancia, la seguridad de repente se hace “manejable.” Bajo
el capitalismo, cortando esquinas aumenta beneficios, mientras amenaza a
la vida humana. Aunque mucho estadounidenses está legítimamente
enfadados, se sienten incapaces de hacer nada. Los oficiales de BP
parecen intocables, sin embargo en una economía planeado socialista
Maoísta, los responsables de las operaciones que amenazan la vida se
llevan a cabo a la mayor rendición de cuentas, incluida la pena de
muerte.. Mientras los oficiales de BP son millonarios, los oficiales
comunistas en socialista China ganaron mucho menos que los
intelectuales, aunque llevaban mucho más responsabilidad. Permitir que
los pocos sacar provecho de la destrucción del planeta, que depende toda
la vida, será el legado más duradero del capitalismo que las
generaciones futuras se rascarán la cabeza.
Podemos esperar muchas desastres más golpear a los Estados Unidos, como
lo han estado golpeando el Tercer Mundo desde hace décadas, en los
próximos años como los imperialistas se vuelven más desesperados para
explotar la Tierra de sus recursos materiales y dejar a un lado todos
los escrúpulos cuando se aprovecha cada vez más a las reservas de
minerales y de combustibles fósiles de los EE.UU. El apetito insaciable
de consumo del Primer Mundo debe ser detenido con el fin de mantener un
planeta que valga la pena construir el socialismo en.
Cats and dogs raining down my window Dust bunnies roaming around my
floor Learned worms crawling around my stomach Telling me I was
taught to want more These measly maggots at war with science And
what’s before us as real and true I pump my blood until the skin
stretches Sweat drips onto the concrete like Chinese tea Searching
each repetition the puddle’s reflection For truth The same as I do
each USW study lesson For a MC’s guidance into deeper realms Blood
starts to puddle and pool with my sweat I question from where but
continue my pace Letting the itch of it linger on my face Three
cold meals and denials at mail call Four cold walls and a solitary
cot One man alone with only one thought Your punk denials will
breed lawsuits And my stomach turns cold to hot We, comrades, are
part of something larger More human than “Jesus” dying on a
cross Steering the people through minefields of hate Aware it’s a
privilege we even ate A species on the sad cusp of extinction One
vanguard, one chance, one reason As planet Earth spins out the
seasons Survival of the fittest as Amerikkka weakens One love
comrades — Our species
About three months ago I started filing grievances to the Warden about
the verbal abuse Sergeant Watkins was using towards me and several other
prisoners. I asked two other prisoners to address this issue also and we
started filing grievances on any misconduct that was happening on our
housing unit.
In June as I was approaching the chow hall, I got stopped by Captain
Mercer, Watkins and four other officers. Watkins said “if you and your
buddies don’t stop filing grievances, we gonna make y’all life hell
around here.” I took that threat, and did not let it affect my agenda.
See, these devils will use fear as a tactic to get us to submit to their
will or ultimatum. Two other prisoners and I kept on filing, and as you
may assume, they came at us with bogus disciplinary infractions. They
placed us on property restriction, where we have only a pair of boxer
shorts to clothe ourselves, and we don’t get a mattress or bed roll.
Around shift change the Captain Mercer started to give everyone in our
confinement unit a lecture on prisoners abusing the grievance
procedures. Comrades, these pigs will use force to break up anything
they deem a threat to security. I was sprayed multiple times with
chemical agents, denied meals several times, and denied my right to use
the legal library. I had another prisoner write to the supreme court of
Florida explaining my situation. The court treated the letter as a Writ
of Habeas Corpus motion, and now I am awaiting the outcome of the
court’s decision.
My family was writing me, but these pigs were discarding my incoming
mail, so after weeks of unanswered letters my family filed a complaint
with the Secretary of the DOC, and finally I was taken off restrictions
given proper hygiene products and legal papers. I still get harassed
occasionally, but they don’t play with my mail anymore or steal my
grievances. My agenda is to get a transfer to another facility, but
until then I will not let these devils stop me from utilizing my civil
and constitutional rights.
Comrades we must prepare ourselves mentally to be able to persevere. The
oppressor has advanced, this is a psychological war and genocide is the
goal. While doing your part to unite the movement internationally you
become a force in our battle to achieve freedom, justice, and equality.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This story of grievances being ignored or
leading to retaliation is all too common in the Amerikan criminal
injustice system. And not all of our comrades behind bars have family on
the outside who are so diligent in defending the rights of their loved
ones who are locked up. We need more comrades like this one, and his
family, defending the legal rights of prisoners against the abusive
prison staff. MIM(Prisons) and United Struggle from Within have launched
a grievance
campaign to help prisoners get their grievances recognized. We have
petitions specific to several states and need more comrades to step up
to make them applicable to more. Prisoners whose grievances have gone
unheard should help build a library of custom grievance petitions for
your state by sending them to MIM(Prisons). To participate in this
grievance campaign, write to us and we will send you the info.