The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[Rhymes/Poetry] [Police Brutality] [Racism] [ULK Issue 80]

What is Justice?

What is Justice?

This is the question of our time.
It’s the struggle that people go through when they’ve been wrongfully convicted of crimes.

It’s the outrage over Black men dying and our race being marginalized by this capitalist society.
We’re targeted by fascist forces of white faces in high places who push the agenda of these racist polices.

Which perpetuates poverty and inflicts us with pain;
we’re steady searching for the sunshine but all we seem to find is the thunder and rain.

In order for there to be justice, first there needs to be a change.
To abolish the system that views a Black man as a cold-hearted killer or a member of an organized gang.

It’s a damn shame how they view our people as animals who needs to be tamed.
When they can’t even seem to control these fascist forces of pigs who really needs to be trained.

Honestly, they really need to be slain for trapping our black bodies in chains,
and for killing our brothers in the streets every day like it’s all apart of the game.

Justice is insane!
It’s a process full of heartache and pain.
It’s like the government is the Devil and we just caught in the flames.

Yankee politics are to blame for causing another Brother to be slain.
“I can’t breath! Officer please” was his claim.
So to overthrow the capitalist reign, we ain’t gone let that Brother die in vain.

What’s his name?   What’s his name?
  George Floyd!     George Floyd!

And to all the other Brothers and Sisters that we lost to this racist system.
The People have become conscious;
the revolution hasn’t quelled!




[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 71]

Knowledge Supercedes Any Title

When you enter a new mental, you tap into true potential

Unsatisfied with the gat you become attached to the pencil

You can’t brag on your little strap when they enemy’s blastin missiles

Do the math on that real fast, now you get the picture

You wanted to get cash real fast now you in the system

Then you want that wealth that’ll last once you get the wisdom

It’s not about “DEVELOPING PLANS” it’s staying with ’em

Knowledge supersedes any title, so it’s vital!

It’s not about what you read, it’s the substance of your recital

First you try it, then apply it to your life and just let it guide you

It’s more than quoting the Qur’an, Hindu Scriptures, and Holy Bible

It’s Essentializing Beneficial Knowledge without College

Using LOGIC and not VIOLENCE when it’s time to solve your problems

It’s more than filling up your pockets and seeing your whole profit

The real challenge is to BALANCE getting dollars with killing DRAMA.


[Rhymes/Poetry] [Florida] [ULK Issue 72]


They say, we are burning down our own community,
they must be looking at the wrong TV,
According to Webster, a community is:
1) A body of people living in the same place
under the same laws.
2) society at large
3) joint ownership
4) The people with common interest
living in a particular area.
Based on this definition, we have no community.
We own no major corporations, no assets, no property.
We get no equal service and protection of law
in any of these territories,
like the Palestinians being occupied by the I$raelis.
All we are experiencing here is amerikkklan apartheid,
Portrayed as aliens, second-class citizens, animals on channel live.
This would not be happening in our community.
Our schools and education, would not be getting determined
by capitalist imperialist white supremacist owners of our ancestry,
In our community, the police would be police,
not PIGs (Pro Imperialist Goons) who hate us with dignity,
lynching us like dogs in the streets, with guaranteed impunity,
no accountability,
In our community, 94% of our annual spending
would be on own products and services.
Rent and interest rates would not be discriminatory.
We would be land lords, we would have our own banks,
investing our savings in our own community interest,
with appreciation and thanks.
We would own our own means of production.
Selling our labor to each other,
and receiving fair wages, top dollars,
the only community we’ve ever had,
was burned to the ground in 1921.
Tulsa Oklahoma, Black Wallstreet.
Where the owners of corporations and property
looked like us, thought like us, acted like us
everything there was for us, by us.
The court rooms in our community would be egalitarian and just.
We wouldn’t be getting lynched in the streets,
or being incarcerated, rail-roaded for profit.
This is not our community,
Burn it down… Burn it down…
To the ground,
This is not our community.
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Black Lives Matter]

Black Crow

I don’t want to feel this way no more
I don’t like this pain inside of me
I want to fly free, like the Black Crow
Let me fly free, like the crow.
Verse I:
I got an ill feeling, is this the end of the road for me
So much darkness, constantly shackled never free
I just received a message, one of my nephew’s gone
I’m getting frustrated; did I do something wrong
I been trying to change my ways, to love my brothers
Brother, we keep killing each other, hurting our mothers
What’s the solution; what we gone do with this voodoo
You killing me, I’m killing you, brothers back on the news
Racist faces say that’s all we do, blame them for our fuc ups
But fuc that, because I know they are a part of the set up
Jim Krow, still trying to keep us uneducated
Hate it when we successful, furious when we make it
My Lil DeDe gone, got me real faded; will I make it
Is it another life, that gone be taken
I been talking to myself a lot, thinking it Satan
Don’t nobody really understand me, only when I talk to Satan
Only when I talk to Satan, only when I talk to Satan

Off the album “Another Storm”
By Sinden the Poet feat: Keda Heata
Askari African Lulu Empire Production
Askari Revenge Records

[Culture] [Rhymes/Poetry]

Sittin' in This Cave

Sittin’ in this cave
Where these people are tryin’ to make it my grave
But thank A.L.L.A.H. that HE gave lessons so myself, I could save
That’s that 19th degree
My culture is freed
My teacher is the one who did it for the seeds
But tell me who 96?
Who stayed on the lessons like a dope fiend stays lookin’ for a fix?
I’m Maoist like Huey and Seale
New generation Panther, I got my letters, I’m sealed
I’m livin’ righteous for real
Free Larry Hoover before them 2-7’s have yall lookin’ like banana peels
Hot peppers gettin’ chilled
[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 81]

A Black Thought

Relegated to Amerika’s black belt blackballed
As black guards and black sheep in societies appalled
By me, a black god fallen from the black sky
A black swan while in flight who has forgotten how to fly
A black king riding mighty upon a black panther’s back
As his throne because his throne has been plundered and sacked
My scepter a blackstoned black fist of black power
A black bishop prophesying spitting fire until the hour
A blacksmith doof the ascension of black slaves overriding the black box
The black moor educated in the school of hardknocks
In blue rage and black redemption a black leader of our days
Trained in zulu speak to strike aside the black’s chains
A black mamba moving swiftly across the plains of Kemet
Protecting youthful black diamonds from oppression’s strong net
I am George Jackson a black guerilla in the mist
A blacksmith forging iron amongst societies blacklist
I am Assata, an “extreme” black radical
The black messiah that J. Edgar Hoover couldn’t capture
Relegated to Amerikkka’s black bottom blackballed
As black death and black gangstas in societies appalled
By me, a black pearl risen from the black sea
The black child who in birth has remembered how to dream
[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 75]

Propaganda of Revolutionary

The Soldiers of Bondage have a determination,
To gather the masses to hear our proclamation.
It is time to end the discrimination,
That terrorizes the people of the oppressed nations.
Why is it the factions continue the hating’,
That’s propagated by the oppressor that all of us are facing’?
Too busy gang-bangin’ and listenin’ to radio stations;
And believin’ the tyrants when they say we’re mistaken.
Caught up in the deception we don’t see that they’re fakin’,
So we continue to struggle like something forsaken.
And as the years go by we forget what was taken,
So we abandon the war that we had been wagin’.
Lost throughout history the terror of Caucasians;
As they enslaved the Negro and persecuted the Asians.
Don’t forget the Indians on the war-path ragin’,
At the injustice of the Wyte man’s invasion.
The capture of men and the practice of encagin’,
Those men and womyn that they weren’t enslavin’.
In horror our ancestors watched as the fiends were rapin’,
Every man, womyn, and child that they had taken.
Imperialist pigs want us dragging our feet;
To succumb to their tyranny and accept defeat.
But a Revolution has started, led by S.O.B.;
Whose goal is to crush the oppressor and set the people free.
United we stand before the masses and speak;
In defiance we roar and reject defeat.
Attacking the oppressors until all of them bleed;
Not satisfied until oppression is six-feet deep.
The Revolution is strong while the tyrants are weak,
In supplication they bow begging for peace.
No longer do we wish to hear the barbaric swine shriek,
Nor the sound of our womyn as they wail in grief.
We gave them a chance to pack their bags and leave,
But in arrogance they stayed thinking we wouldn’t succeed.
For how could they know the power of a seed,
That was planted long ago and is now a tree?
Nourished by the blood of our comrades who died;
Sacrificing their lives so that we might survive.
We’ve had enough of the capitalist lies,
They’ve fed us for years throughout our lives.
Now is the time for the people to rise,
And let them know this treatment we despise.
In anger our voices soar and in passion we cry,
At the outrage of all the people we had to see die.
How dare they have the audacity to hope,
That they’ll be given a chance to escape their rope.
It wasn’t in weakness we started this revolt;
We’ve gotten this far and we won’t start to choke.
As the funeral pyres burn the sky fills with smoke,
We annihilate our oppressors with a merciless stroke.
They had heard of our struggle but thought it was a joke;
Confronted with reality none of them spoke.
The time of slavery has come to an end,
And the era of freedom is about to begin.
Gone will be the inequality of men;
While society embraces its enemies as kin.
On a brand new axis the world will spin,
When the Revolution we’re waging finally wins.


Population Control

Let’s talk about population control
Where your mind will explode
From heading down this road
To get the real upload

Let’s talk about population control
Where they acted as our friends
Then they stole this piece of land
Killed the woman, child and man
Now we celebrating “Thanks for giving in!”

Let’s talk about population control
Where our babies, babies stomachs are getting swoll
And being 24 is considered as being old

Let’s talk about population control
Where they let a few out on parole
And back before you
Even get out the hole

Let’s talk about population control
Listen to the rhythm of the beats
We know these people want us in these streets
And we still won’t move our feet

Let’s talk about population control
Where they scared they about to fall
Now they threaten us with building a wall
Let’s talk about population control
[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 70]

From Sun Rise

From sun rise
Til night falls
We remember those who fell
In our stance of solidarity

Conditions created
Thus the problem created
“So called” crimes are committed
Thus the reaction is manifest

More prisons are built
Thus the solution arises
To oppress

From sun rise
Til night falls
We remember those who fell
In our stance of solidarity

The K-9 / Pork Rinds / Pig Robots
Inherit their racist oppressive
Views and beliefs from
Generations prior
Telling me to “do the right thing”
You’re preaching to the choir

Justice for the martyrs
Plus ignite the revolution

From sun rise
Til night falls
We remember those who fell
In our stance of solidarity

Homecoming for New Afrika

Make New Afrika
Just show me the way home
Through the astral plane
And obtain the Akastic Records from my dome
In my dreams I speak to Fred
Where he said “The revolution aint dead”
And stay on the 1 for your closest comrade could be a Fed
De-colonize your mind
And the New Afrikan love you’ll find
Cause the oppressors never loved you for who you are
Only for yo Asiatic assets for which entertains
Massa is the reason they call you a star
Cee with that 2020 and make knowledge known
Only in knowing and loving thy natural
Self will bring all the New Afrikans home