What is Justice?
This is the question of our time.
It’s the struggle that people go through when they’ve been wrongfully convicted of crimes.
It’s the outrage over Black men dying and our race being marginalized by this capitalist society.
We’re targeted by fascist forces of white faces in high places who push the agenda of these racist polices.
Which perpetuates poverty and inflicts us with pain;
we’re steady searching for the sunshine but all we seem to find is the thunder and rain.
In order for there to be justice, first there needs to be a change.
To abolish the system that views a Black man as a cold-hearted killer or a member of an organized gang.
It’s a damn shame how they view our people as animals who needs to be tamed.
When they can’t even seem to control these fascist forces of pigs who really needs to be trained.
Honestly, they really need to be slain for trapping our black bodies in chains,
and for killing our brothers in the streets every day like it’s all apart of the game.
Justice is insane!
It’s a process full of heartache and pain.
It’s like the government is the Devil and we just caught in the flames.
Yankee politics are to blame for causing another Brother to be slain.
“I can’t breath! Officer please” was his claim.
So to overthrow the capitalist reign, we ain’t gone let that Brother die in vain.
What’s his name? What’s his name?
George Floyd! George Floyd!
And to all the other Brothers and Sisters that we lost to this racist system.
The People have become conscious;
the revolution hasn’t quelled!