The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[Rhymes/Poetry] [Palestine] [ULK Issue 86]


Don’t stop the struggle,
the Zionist needs being exposed,
and toppled.

Keep the pressure on,
keep the flags flying, camps open,
don’t stop the struggle.

Our backs are against the wall,
we have no choice,
but to give our brains the muscle.

Students solidarity, students power,
our only hope against Palestine,
being turned to rubble.

Innocent wombmen and children,
are being murdered,
Amerikkka waging proxy war,
funding the trouble.

Benjamin Netanyahu,
is an Amerikkklan puppet,
in the CIPWS huddle.

Israel being the US muscle,
in the Middle East,
the more blood,
the more the price of oil doubles.

The miseducated,
are saying its God’s plan,
what kind of God do they believe in?
I’m puzzled.

The future belongs to the students,
long live the students.
Long live the young,
known for busting any and all,
CIPWS oppressors bubble.

The CIPWS press is against you,
They’re owned by the CIPWS,
concealing truth is their hustle.

Palestinians are semitic too,
Palestinians are humans too.
Whatever you do, keep fighting,
don’t stop the struggle. . .
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Palestine] [ULK Issue 86]

Pro Palestinian

Dear pro Palestinian student protesters,
please know that the world is with you,
you own the future.
You are being admired by all,
including prisoners,
but most of us don’t understand,
what’s really going on
because your picture,
is being painted by the CIPWS
(capitalist imperialist patriarchist white supremacist)
Please understand
the masses only know of Israel, and Palestine,
from a biblical perspective and point of view.
Thus, it is easy for the CIPWS,
to turn the miseducated against you.
As was done against the Panthers,
and every other movement,
that came egalitarian and true.
So I request that you paint your own narrative,
tell the politically miseducated,
and myopic,
why you do what you do.

Explain to the miseducated,
that the Arabs are semitic too.
And the Zionists are racist Europeans,
manipulating the word “Jew.”
The first Zionist conference,
was held in 1897,
which made all else post-holocaust,
capable of coming back through.
Expatriation to Israel in 1947,
declared independence on land,
on which they were in 1948,
still foreigner new.
Expelling 700,000 Arabs from Israel,
no telling how many thousands they also slew.
Expelling 250,000 more Arabs from Israel,
in 1967,
giving birth to what is now called,
the West Bank and Gaza,
out of blood the invaded still spew.

Fast forward to the present,
after 70-plus years Israeli occupation,
and oppression,
with nothing but the US to thank.
Wombmen and children in Israeli prisons,
for offenses,
as simple as throwing rocks at tanks.
Amerikkklan drones, rockets, missiles,
lynching Palestinians,
with no regards for age, sex or rank.
Turning Gaza into one big prison with a flag,
surrounded by barbed wire, check points,
facial recognition cameras,
and sadist, racist, fascist,
antisemitic Israeli tyrants,
turning any hope for egalitarianism,
into a ship,
that in 1947 went rogue and sank.

Pro Palestinian student protesters,
everything I’m saying here,
you are all probably already well aware.
But these truths are all unknown,
to the world’s people,
especially here on Turtle Island,
So tell your own story,
because the CIPWS media,
is miseducating the people about ya,
using CIPWS propaganda.
Do not allow the CIPWS media,
to paint your narrative or speak for ya.
This is how they turned the people,
against every egalitarian movement,
threatening the rule, wealth and power.

I am in prison,
and the CIPWS media is the only means,
of knowing in real time what’s happening.
The CIPWS has oppressed prisoners,
identifying with the Israeli invaders,
who did the land grabbing.
Zionist settlers living on blood stolen land,
doing the real antisemitic crabbing.
Show the world the true colors of the Zionists,
their antisemitic parasitic back stabbing.
Apartheid genocide,
all with Amerikkklan economic backing,
and bureaucratic white supremacist trappings.

Can’t fight, kill and die,
for people who do know why,
or for whom you are snapping.
knowing the history of a situation,
is what makes it worth the sacrificing,
and strapping.
Lift your voice, shout it all out,
over-talk and out-talk,
the CIPWS media’s constant capping.
While you are organizing,
educate against the 400 years of lies,
keep the lies from escaping the mouths,
of those doing all the CIPWS rapping.

Make it known to the world,
that the Palestinians,
are the Shemitics(Semitics).
And the Zionists are the true antisemitics.
Living on stolen land, and being parasitic.
The CIPWS media,
is telling lies about you,
that you are being violent,
and antisemitic,
for defending the Ishmaelites,
the Palestinians, the first Semitics,
If they don’t believe you,
tell them,
“do research on the topic”.
“Google it”.
[Struggle] [United Struggle from Within] [Culture] [Rhymes/Poetry] [Police Brutality]

The Real Criminals

Heru: Why did you become a police overseer?

Pig: To fight crime and criminals.

Heru: So why aren’t you fighting the real criminals?

Pig: Who are the real criminals?

Heru: The plutocrat politicians who create and perpetuate the policies that create and perpetuate the poverty that give rise to crime.

Pig: Are you saying that crime comes from poverty?

Heru: Most crimes are miseducated and reactionary responses to poverty. Even yours included.

Pig: Are you calling me a criminal?

Heru: Yes and of the worst kind, your fear of poverty made you a criminal for the plutocrats and their CIPWS bosses.

Pig: Am I in the streets selling drugs and robbing people?

Heru: Worst, you are protecting and serving, only, the interest and agendas of the upper class CIPWS. You’ve sold your soul to the plutocrats, doing whatever they say, in order to feed your family. You call it, “following orders”.

Pig: I’m just doing my job.

Heru: Yes, your job consists of racial profiling, stuck with the view that the laws apply only to and against Black and poor people. Your job consists of being a criminal.

Pig: I am not a criminal.

Heru: Without so-called crime, you wouldn’t have a job, your family could not be fed, you would still be in the lower class. Thus, it’s in your best interest to never arrest the real criminals, like the ones who just drove by in that Bentley doing 92 in a 65.

Pig: I am only trying to make society safe.

Heru: If you was trying to make society safe, you would attack the problem at the primary cause of crime, the plutocrats, not at the effect, the reactionary responders to plutocrat crimes.

Pig: Anything else? Because you’re only shifting blame here.

Heru: If you wanted to be tough on crime, you would begin by being tough on poverty and CIPWS systematic miseducation, but doing such means being tough on your plutocrat bosses, and ending plutocracy would lead to an end of capitalism, which feeds your family.

Pig: I’m not understanding anything you’re saying

Heru: Of course not, you’re too thoroughly CIPWS miseducated, myopic, and stuck in your uniform privilege to see egalitarianism.

Pig: But how will I feed my family?

Heru: Being a slave patroller is not about feeding your family, it’s about feeding your inculcated CIPWS narcissism and so-called superiority.

Pig: What?

Heru: You get paid to harass, abuse, brutalize, lynch, oppress, and occupy poor and Black people. If that’s how you feed your family, you are no better than a street thug. You should begin by arresting yourself.

Pig: For what…

Heru: For your crimes against the people in the name of capitalism. For being a Plutocrat Imperialist Goon.
[Police Brutality] [Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 86]

Bang Bang on Police Violence

        Bang Bang!
        Hit the nail on its head
       Set sailing this Captain
      That Capped him
      Liquid fled
     From the hole in one
    And flowed on the concrete
   As the theme song playing in his chest fades to a non-beat
 Eyes that wouldn’t see years more than 15
Puberty was right around the corner
If he could have searched the end of the block
The ground blocked his decent to hell
 So to heaven he went
 Sole followed the light of a patrol car
 This bloody nightmare
 That it seems we’ll never wake from
 Still police escape from
Under the false pretenses
Of duty to a community
That’s so in fear it’s from police they flee
Hoping to see Another day
Or we’ll hear our last sound Bang Bang
 Before we’re blown away…
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Struggle]

A Con Popped

Watching my Every Move to have Some
thing to use against me, protecting you
And your Special Interest Group’s Power

Yet, you know me not and i not also you
Yet, you compare Opposites for Power
And, how come i must Be Nobody

Yet not only book power but street power
And, how come you digress to what’s legit
Being Nobody has Its Advantages

Maybe you’ve mistaken Nobody for Punks
Or you believe we are chumps
You’re unempowered cannon fodder too
[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 84]

They Say

They Say:
They say they gone always be there
  but never there when you really need them there unless
                                              its self care.

They Say:
When you Fall down get back up, but don’t tell you
when you get back up its gone be Someone Hoping you
Turn the left cheek in knock you down in say it Fair.

They Say:
Love thy Neighbor as you love your Self but behind close doors Say Destroy they Neighbor in Conquer Wealth

They Say:
   We fight for justice but only by killing It was
   Justice For All.

They Say:
 Hey fellow you Committed a CRIME time to go to Jail,
 but don’t tell about the Greatest CRIME Committed here in there.

They Say:
    FORGET About them, but we say Forget the Fascist in
    Say high to this Guerilla warfair.

        They Say, They Say a lot of things
    But the “People” say All Power to the “People”
    Revolution is here in will always be the “People”
                      WAR FAIR
[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 84]

Revolutionary Triumph

To revolve is to change,

Transformation is what revolution brings, no face, no place, no name, all is suitable for guerilla tactics, so we study and we study so that we become self made autodidactics.

Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream, so we must put Theory into practice in order to manifest that thing.

It’s impossible for a persyn to be true to anyone else, without first being true to thyself!

If you should fail, go forth and try again. Mind, body, spirit must be imposed with discipline, with undaunting vigor we shall win.

Keep your mind focused, we shall not fold, nor shall we bend!

Triumph is ours!

[Black Panther Party] [Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 84]

Free Poem

The Black Liberation Armies Our Disciples Be
Our civilians in the streets be the BPP
We not white, not black, it’s you and me
Honor, Trust, Love, Respect, and Loyal-ty
We tie Family ties and combine our mind
Now we on our business shit, black-suits, Black-Ties
Building ties in the street and upgrading communities
An independent movement fuck police immunity
Liberating our people in a fight for equality
Internationally representing from Congo to Albany
Re-educating our people, treat them responsibly
Within the Black Liberation Movement to develop more harmony
Cause wit Black-ties Matter BLO Liberation Unit
And the Bld Brotherhood Revolutionary Army Headquarters, Allegiance of Improvement
We’ll be a professional militia till the day that we die.
Funeral of red white and blue collars, Black-Ties.
[Control Units] [Rhymes/Poetry] [Deaths in Custody] [ULK Issue 83]

If These Wallz Could Talk

If the wallz of prison life could talk I wonder what they’d say.
From overseer to officer, from predator to prey.
Solitary confinement, oppressive and inhuman, involuntary servitude
Psychologically still in chains - Prison Boom! when it rains it pours.
Price gouging and extortion, bleeding our families with inmate store.
A revolving door, crippled from the lack of education
Under Lock & Key, agitated and pacing, hoping and waiting,
Political devil in disguise. Drug-infested prisons, breeds chemical suicide
Pleading for a way out of this bottomless pit,
Another murder covered up. Prison guard orchestrated the hit.
Violent prison stabbings, dry tazed to death
Poor ventilation, heat exhaustion, claimed his last breath.
The ultimate test is to stand firm and bear witness,
Because these wallz are speaking volumes, and if you’re wise,