The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[Control Units] [Pelican Bay State Prison] [California] [ULK Issue 78]

CPF Demands Gov. Newsom Liberates Our Elders

Join MIM(Prisons), KAGE Universal, CPF and others at this forum in February

Recently a comrade from outside California wrote MIM(Prisons) to ask for an update on the leaders of the movement against solitary confinement because ey hadn’t heard anything about them recently. The below letter to CA Governor Newsom provides that update in the context of an ongoing agitational campaign.

While MIM(Prisons) supports the release of these elders, we focus our campaigning on the release of all people from long-term solitary confinement in line with the U.N. Mandela Rules. The decision to settle with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation in the Ashker suit was a huge blow to this cause. While we don’t know what would have happened if the trial went to court, we knew and know exactly what a settlement would mean. Comrades in Texas and elsewhere should take a lesson from the leaders still sitting in solitary confinement in California a decade later. SHU/RHU/Control Units are torture! There is no acceptable outcome of our campaign against solitary confinement other than abolishing them completely.

California Prison Focus
KAGE Universal
4408 Market St., Ste. A
Oakland, CA 93608

Governor Newsom
1021 O Street, Suite 9000
Sacramento, CA 95814

March 18, 2022

RE: Liberate Our Elders

Dear Governor Newsom et al.,

California Prison Focus (CPF) and K.A.G.E. Universal are requesting your immediate action under the current humanitarian health crisis to investigate the ongoing retaliation being faced by the imprisoned human rights activists and members of the Prisoner Human Rights Movement (PHRM) who authored and honored the historic 2012 Agreement to End Hostilities (AEH), significantly reducing violence on California’s prison yards, and beyond. The Agreement to End Hostilities encourages conflict resolution and direct communication between races to counter violence between prisoner organizations. This opened the doors for the prison to begin providing a host of rehabilitative programs. Because of the sacrifices those individuals made, countless others have been saved from enduring decades-long solitary confinement torture as they did.

When these men, who had been tortured in solitary confinement for decades had attempted to disseminate and promote this historic accord, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) obstructed their efforts, claiming that the AEH qualifies as third-party communication. Staff members refused to post the statement throughout the prison, while during that same period, and since many years earlier, CPF was receiving reports that guards were placing “disruptive” individuals on the yards to instigate fights. [See Prison Focus archives,]

“Mr. Y stated that some people try to sabotage it, namely the correctional officers, who continue to try to trick the general population with their anti-solidarity games…” Pelican Bay State Prison Report, PF Issue 48, Winter 2016

CDCR claimed that the signers of the AEH presented a major threat to the safety of the general prison population and in September 2013, there were approximately 3,881 prisoners in CDCR’s Security Housing Units (SHU) when the AEH had just been distributed inside CDCR and outside to civil society.

Approximately 2000 people were released from the SHU starting in early 2016 as a result of the Ashker v. Brown settlement agreement. When these older men came out of the SHUs, their principle thinking, and mentoring of younger prisoners in General Population yards created a dramatic decrease in violence, except when instigated directly or indirectly by prison policy and/or guards. To the contrary, as the men returned to the yards struggling to cope after decades of torture, they continued to promote and honor the AEH. Their commitment to non-violence and class unity among the SHU “kickouts” was even more remarkable as CDCR did nothing to assist SHU prisoners in transitioning to General Population even though it was extremely difficult for them after decades of being in solitary, living 24/7 in tiny cells with no natural light and under severe and harsh conditions.

CPF received reports and letters that the elders who were released from solitary confinement after so many decades were having a profound impact in reducing violence on the yards. At the same time CPF was receiving hundreds of letters a year, reporting incidents of violence that were directly or indirectly caused by both overt and covert actions taken by prison staff, sanctioned by the policy and prison administration of CDCR.

The signers by every organized group in CDCR, those who promulgated the AEH, and their fellow prisoner organizers of the California Prison Hunger Strikes, have been suffering from extreme retaliation ever since. Twelve of the original 16 signers continue to languish in prison today, as most of them are still being held in one form or another of solitary confinement. One organizer died before he was ever to see freedom. Others have received new and serious charges that are possibly retaliatory, so as not to disrupt CDCR’s false narratives that the organizers of the historical California Prison Hunger Strikes are the worst of the worst. And while studies claim that California faces a 66% recidivism rate, they continue to refuse to release these elders who pose a risk of less than 2%.

This constitutes a human rights crisis and we can no longer remain silent. We demand that the signers of the AEH, as well as for all organizers and participants of the California Prison Hunger Strikes, to be safe from retaliation, including further torture, isolation or, as laid out in the PHRM Blueprint, from being coerced, threatened and blackmailed to betray fellow prisoners with false accusations. We demand that the signers of the AEH be granted 2933 credits, based on the attached Certificate of Acknowledgment, to reduce or modify their sentences, and receive an immediate opportunity to demonstrate their readiness to return to their communities, starting with the individuals who have already had a positive impact on their community and society and would clearly have an even greater positive impact they will have on society as a whole if released.

In addition, the PEACE program that has already been established at Pelican Bay State Prison joins CPF and KAGE Universal to request that the AEH be posted throughout all CDCR institutions, using Inmate Welfare Funds.


Kim Pollak, California Prison Focus, Executive Director
Minister King X, K.A.G.E. Universal, Founder, Executive Director
California Prison Focus, Director of Culture and Art

Cc: Kathleen Allison, CDCR Secretary
    Signers of the Agreement to End Hostilities
[Control Units] [New Afrika] [K.A.G.E. Universal] [Pelican Bay State Prison] [California] [ULK Issue 77]

Liberate Our Elders Event Unites Inside & Out

19 February 2022 – K.A.G.E. Universal and Hella Positive hosted an event featuring the voices of New Afrikan elders as part of the campaign to Liberate Our Elders from the cages of the California Department of Corrections and rehabilitation(CDCr). As the comrades say, little “r”, because there is no rehabilitation, and rehabilitation must come from within.

At this event MIM(Prisons) shared copies of our new pamphlet, A Revolutionary 12 Step Program, in the spirit of supporting self-transformation via independent institutions of the oppressed. We also joined K.A.G.E. Universal in promoting the United Front for Peace in Prisons, as they work to expand the message of independent peace building behind bars and in local schools in Oakland.

The event brought together many outside activists and organizations and the voices of New Afrikan principal thinkers from the Pelican Bay SHU who are now on the streets as well as some still imprisoned. Speakers included imprisoned elder Sitawa, one of the main reps during the historic California hunger strikes, and Paul Redd who is now released. Louis Powell’s voice was also heard through the reading of his new book, Chronicles of a Prison Dirty War: California Prison Politics.

In the closing of the event, Minister King X pointed out that these elders are “walking dictionaries,” and the state is “trying to eradicate our history.”


When the Panthers Died

scene: (United K.A.G.E. Brothers approached the csp-lac visiting room in Revolutionary Formation to perform a staged performance for Lost and Found part 2 with No-Joke Theatre).


(UNITED K.A.G.E. BROTHERS respond while marching to podium) FREEDOM, JUSTICE, EQUALITY,…



(while in military formation in front of the podium, the brothers sound off row call in honor of the fallen comrades)F: W.L.NOLEN, OSCAR GRANT…





When the panthers died I cried,
I tried to hold Back my tears,
While in my mothers womb I was consumed with fear,
I seen my people being killed by the police,
Through the Eyes of my Mother and father trembling feet,
Running fast from A billy club ass Whuppin,
Mugshot faces lookin crooked,
I knew it wouldn’t be the same,
When the panthers died Everything Changed,
Gangs And Automatic Rifles came aimed at
The destruction in our Folks,
NOT to mention crack cocaine smoke,
BLK PEOPLE, Always had hope until then,
UNIFIED By military STRIDES Made in the community,
I never knew the ideology of BOBBY SEAL and Huey P would elude me,
Remember Afro-natural picks and a BLK fist raised high,
POWER TO THE PEOPLE was the slogan spoken LOUD,
JAMES BROWN had large Crowds Singing I’m BLK and I’m Proud,
It was a beautiful sight to behold,
Executed a plan of attack for control,
Manipulating BLK souls to turn cold on their OWN shade
Traitors and infiltrators; what a shame,
Pathetic lame cowardice was engraved
In their hearts,
Shouldn’t be able to breathe in presence of KINGS THAT ARE DARK,
They tried to make her A political prisoner,
They Wanted her to FRY but she suffered NEITHER,
Many BLK brains became maimed by,
BLAXPLOITATION Movies and Drive-Bye’s,
“WE” dropped the ball and created a LIE,
Our Own Power “WE” denied,
Then came the NEW RISE, HUGO,
(All performers End Scene with a Revolutionary Clenched Fist Salute. While Exiting the stage chanting)


[New Afrika] [United Front] [ULK Issue 63]

Black August International Tenets

[The following were submitted to us by a group of New Afrikans in California working with the United K.A.G.E. Brothers. K.A.G.E. stand for Kings Against Genocidal Environments. The United K.A.G.E. Brothers have been pushing this line of peace and unity alongside the United Front for Peace in Prisons for some years now. We stand in solidarity with United K.A.G.E. Brothers in promoting the tenets of New Afrikan Revolutionary Nationalism for Black August as a way to build for peace and ending hostilities. This can tie into further struggle for peace, unity, growth, internationalism and independence this September 9th. - MIM(Prisons)]
  • We aim to fast as a show of self-discipline and resistance. From the sunrise until evening meal we will abstain from eating.
  • We aim to abstain from consuming any type of opioids, or other smokable or liquid intoxicants during the month of August.
  • We aim to combat liberalism even by limiting our selection of non-frivolous TV shows and educational programs i.e., radio, historic documentaries, journal writings and other creative art exhibits.
  • During Black August, we emphasize political and cultural evolution studies for those participants who care to assemble with other brothers and sisters rather by way of social media internationally and/or via facilitation within the institution forum.
  • As an external display, the delegates of Black August will wear a black arm band. Other ways to express our solidarity include: we wear either a black ring (made of thread) or a wrist band in eulogy to all those New Afrikan/Blacks who strove none futily and made an ultimate sacrifice for what they believed in to Live or Die in Black Liberation.
  • The New Afrikan Revolutionary Nationalist recognize Black August as a “revolutionary salute,” in formation those nationalist and others who share or stand in arms with our ideology or are serious and consistently moving forward to end in voluntary servitude and other colors of repression, ossifyism, neo-colonialism should participate in solidarity with our aim to cultivate the youth in pinpointing the wrong, acknowledging the wrong, confession of the individual’s fault, honest redemption, even understanding the aims of atonement, love for the people – eradicating self-hate via self-realized forgiveness, implicit reconciliation and explicit communal restoration while evolving with a sea of change toward a perfect Brother and Sisters International Union.
  • From prison to the street we aim to parallel a live concert and other forms of Afro drum struct-entertainment.
  • Black August bracelets and t-shirts will display our Red, Black and Green to promote our ceremonies and to raise economic support for both institutional establishment and to donate funds to the San Francisco Bay View prisoners’ subscription fund.

NOTE: There will be no surprise in seeing a multicultural community, among the New Afrikan/Black youth event; even some rival ex-gang or active members may be seen. We are placing O.G.’s, reputables and other delegates whom are branches of our inside and outside executive body who would be responsible for preparing and sharing the proper attitude and conduct for attending all events correlated to our Black August Inclusive Ceremonies. We aim to attend these events peacefully and to actively engage with deliberative and mature dialogue again to even overstand the importance of atonement.

Reconciliation Periods: During the month of August these “reconciliation periods” will be devoted to events and other inside and out activities, conferences, seminars, summits and community service, which will create solid relations between New Afrikan/Black communities, make our communal a safe haven and develop positive interaction within the community.

[Original statement describes these proposed events and community services.]
“If you are about peace then you are about revolution. You can’t be about peace and not be for revolution!” – Fred Hampton

Conclusion and Ratification

In light of the collective prisoner activism seen over the past several years; however, it can similarly be fairly said that we have been making strides to abolish the walls upheld by self hate. As a collective, we believe if we build our foundation on divisiveness and brotherly and sisterly love, our united front will resonate with more results and gain true freedom under the guise of internationalism. “WE” struggle for the liberation and unity of all oppressed people. A prominent empirical indication of this “WEISM” is the historical and life affirming “Agreement to End Hostilities” (AEH), crafted in 2012 by the brave and forward thinking men held in California’s solitary confinement units.

These trailblazers’ agreement marks a turning point. California prisoners have transcended long-standing racial, geographical and ideological differences to provide a new model of prison to society coexistence, one fundamentally premised on the multilateral accord to end all group hostilities.

Because it is the new cool and it’s our time as Kings and Queens of Peace we must fight to build self!! NO MORE GENOCIDE.

Also see: I Contribute to Peace.

Inside Delegates: [signed]

[Campaigns] [United Front]

'I Contribute To Peace', a pledge to end hostilities inside and out

We, under the union of the United KAGE Brothers, joined with the Prisoners Political Action Committee (PAC), welcome you to our communion. We aim to unite and unionize internationally the peace movement – under the Agreement to End Hostilities – as an ad campaign from prison to the street.

As people of all colors, races, creeds, genders and sexualities, we stand in solidarity with the following pledge:

Contribution to Peace

  1. I contribute to peace when I strive to express the best of myself in my contacts with others.
  2. I contribute to peace when I use my intelligence and my abilities to serve the good.
  3. I contribute to peace when I feel compassion toward all those who suffer.
  4. I contribute to peace when I look upon all as my brothers and sisters regardless of race, culture or religion.
  5. I contribute to peace when I rejoice over the happiness of others and pray for their well-being.
  6. I contribute to peace when I listen with tolerance to opinions that differ from mine or even oppose them.
  7. I contribute to peace when I resort to dialogue rather than force to settle any conflict.
  8. I contribute to peace when I respect nature and preserve it for generations to come.
  9. I contribute to peace when I do not seek to impose my conception of God upon others.
  10. I contribute to peace when I make peace the foundation of my ideas and philosophy.

The Cesar Chavez Peace Plan

The National Coalition of Barrios Unidos Summit in San Antonio, Texas, produced the Cesar Chavez Plan in April 1996. It has become the central organizing vehicle for the Barrios Unidos Movement.

  1. Development of community peace agreements and truces.
  2. Implementation of a viable violence-prevention model.
  3. Creation of “barrio enterprise zones” for youth-centered economic development.
  4. Public policies to create alternatives to incarceration and the root causes of youth violence and police brutality.
  5. Organization mobilization of youth-centered network to access resources for violence prevention.

MIM(Prisons) adds: We are glad to see two groups coming together to develop plans for building peace in prisons. They sent us the above in response to the United Front for Peace in Prisons and the 3-year old Agreement to End Hostilities in California prisons. The agreement was formed by and for the major lumpen organizations (LOs) in the California prison system. It has been historic in bridging the divide between the LOs and the various political organizations, who are all echoing the call and working to build the prison movement in the interests of the oppressed.

Campaign info:
Agreement to End Hostilities
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