Welcome to MCI Shirley Prison where low-level drug dealers are turned
into murderers. Where minor felons are instilled with such anger and
resentment that they are talking mayhem as they depart through the razor
wire gates. Where un-professionalism and abuse are the norm and the
seeds of future killings are being sown one thousand at a whack. It is a
place where it is hard to distinguish the real criminals. Do they wear
gray scrubs? Do they wear paramilitary jump suits and badges, do they
wear a shirt and tie, or do they wear Dolce & Gabbana skirts with
Prada shoes? It is truly hard to tell.
Young men enter MCI Shirley (or “ShirleyWorld” as it is largely known)
thinking they may be able to get an education through college courses or
the trades. Those hopes are dashed upon the rocks of guard overtime,
administrative nepotism, and complete lack of any semblance of order.
The warden is deaf, the deputy is dumb, and the captain is blind. This
barrel of monkeys chews upon taxpayer dollars while the young prisoner
is further separated from the societal norms the rehabilitative process
was meant to instill. You can see the death in their eyes. It is scary.
This vast criminal conspiracy that is the department of corruption is as
much a killer as Charles Manson or Adolph Hitler were. They see with
perfect vision the folly of their ways but press on with malicious
intent: premeditated job security equaling death in the Mattapan
Corridor. Drunken guards bring in drugs and cell phones, take out their
ire on weaker prisoners and all the while talk about pay raises, time
off and pension plans. They are the thieves and murderers!
The prison system spends $517,000,000 per year to diminish the safety of
the streets. Criminal guards suck up $360,000,000 of that yearly budget
while rehabilitative programs and education are allotted only 2% of that
budget. An equation which is designed for failure. It assures repeat
customers but that assurance comes at the cost of far too many lives.
When will you, the taxpayer, become outraged? When will your ire replace
the apathy that belays commonsense? This is a state, a country, and a
land that is founded in second chances.
If you were ever afforded the tragic opportunity to tread the pathways
of MCI Shirley you would witness first hand the systemic failures. There
are guards everywhere – sergeants, lieutenants, captains, and multitudes
of line staff – but each and every day some rehabilitative aspect of the
prison is shut down due to “under-staffing.” It is a lie. The DOC has
5500 employees for about 12,000 prisoners. The guard’s union has
injected so much propaganda that even Hitler would be proud of their
The time has come to reorganize the prison budget, to use these vast
taxpayer dollars to actually protect the safety of the public. We must
terminate the excess of secretaries, deputies, assistants, aides,
clerks, etc., and invest that revenue in expansion of the college degree
program. Prisoners who earn that degree in prison do not come back: they
do not commit any more crimes. The recidivism rate for in-prison Boston
University graduates is less than 1%. The statewide recidivism rate has
hovered at about 47% for over a decade. Did you know UMass offered to
come into the prisons and provide college courses for free? The DOC
rejected them. Did you know that Fitchburg State had a free program at
ShirleyWorld but the facility failed to support it? The reason for the
folly is that there is no money in it for the DOC to have these
Prisoners need real job training. Prisoners need transitional housing in
lower security prisons. Such prisons cost only a fraction of what it
costs to run the higher security prisons as they need less staff. This
is why the guard’s union fights this at every turn. Please join forces
with those who have a plan for real and effective public safety reform.
the time is now for you to get involved.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade does a good job exposing the
Massachusetts prison system’s lack of interest in rehabilitation and
education. It is true that in Massachusetts, and across the country,
prisons are providing good jobs to guards who have formed strong unions
to lobby effectively for expansion of the system. It is a system whose
employees have every interest in expansion and no interest in
rehabilitation. The very fact that education has been proven to
dramatically reduce recidivism but prisons across the country have cut
or eliminated education programs is clear evidence. Further, programs
such as MIM(Prisons)’s led study groups are censored as a threat to the
safety and security of the prison. It’s not the criminal injustice
system that cares about safety and security, they care about job
security and social control. And prisons conveniently provide both:
locking up the oppressed nation lumpen who might organize against
imperialism and giving jobs to the labor aristocracy in the prisons.
But we disagree with this prisoner that tax payers are going to become
outraged and fight this system. Both the social control and the good
jobs are benefiting those tax payers. The labor aristocracy wants to
protect it’s own jobs: and the prison provides a good number of these.
If tax money didn’t go to prison jobs it would go to some other labor
aristocracy services. And these would not be jobs benefiting the
oppressed nation lumpen: that’s not something tax payers are going to
get behind. On the contrary, prison guard unions successfully campaign
for more pay and funding for defending white power, unlike most labor
With that said, we do think there is value in exposing the lack of
safety and security in the current prison system. We may gain some
allies in certain battles, people who will see that the streets of
Amerika are objectively less safe. But we don’t want to mislead them by
appealing to their persynal interests and pretending that substantive
change to the criminal injustice system is going to actually benefit
them in the long run. Anti-imperialism is not in the interests of the
majority of the Amerikan people, because they benefit financially from
this system. And the criminal injustice system is an integral part of
Amerikan imperialism.