United Front for Peace in Prisons Sept 9 Action Initial Reports
9 September 2017 marked the sixth annual Day of Peace and Solidarity in prisons across the United $tates. On this day we commemorated the anniversary of the Attica uprising, drawing attention to abuse of prisoners across the country through peaceful protests, unity events, and educational work. This demonstration was initiated in 2012 by an organization participating in United Struggle for Peace in Prisons and has been taken up as an annual UFPP event, with people participating in prisons across the country. Here we print the initial reports received in time for this issue of ULK, and we look forward to expanding on this report in the next ULK. So if you haven’t yet sent in your report, there’s still time!
In these initial reports we see an array of actions taken, based on what was appropriate for local conditions. Some focused on spreading revolutionary education. Others worked hard to build unity between beefing sets. And some took this opportunity to initiate individual actions to demand basic rights they are due according to laws and regulations. We applaud all who participate din the September 9 solidarity demonstration. Now let’s build on these actions every day: peace between prisoners, unity against the injustice system!
East Arkansas Regional Unit
I am fasting today and sharing with my new neighbor a couple issues of Under Lock & Key and explaining to him why I’m fasting today. The imperialists have their “Memorial Day,” “Indpenedence Day,” and “Veterans Day.” We have our Day of Peace and Solidarity and I hope to learn to honor all the fallen comrades who died with a vision of freedom for all political prisoners by doing what I can to bring this vision to fruition.
Texas Darrington Unit
September 9 United Front for Peace in Prisons (UFPP) is being participated by hispanics, Blacks and caucasian individuals. We will fast from 12:00am Saturday until Sunday 12:00am. The goal is to uphold the five Principles of UFPP and since my people in population, they will talk to other individuals about the movement. As of me, my participation in Ad-Seg I squash all beef with hispanics, Blacks and caucasians I’m beefing with, which is probably everybody here. I called peace and unity but sorry to say still there isn’t any unity so I just have to roll with the peace.
California High Desert State Prison
James Baldwin: “To act is to be committed and to be committed is to be in danger.”
To all comrades and allies in the struggle, Abolitionists From Within (AFW) is back for the third year at HDSP this 9 September 2017 day and weusi agosti. AFW have taken many setbacks but continue to build peace and solidarity behind enemy lines to commemorate the anniversary of the Attica uprising and to draw attention to the abuse of prisoners. We organize in opposition to the oppressive and exploitative dominant culture of Amerikan kapitalist society. AFW will continue to press no matter the circumstances.
To my comrades back on C-yard, the struggle continues. Brothas continue to speak peace and engage in solidarity and put petty differences to the side and past beefs ya dig! Here on D-yard in solidarity I fast all day, help one of the Raza comrades with his legal work, share work with my celly, and continue to build out on the yard even though I’m no longer with my brotha. You know it “can’t stop, won’t stop.”
I do my best to lead by example to end prisoner-on-prisoner hostilities regardless of set, race, religion or other division, and needless conflict within the U.S. prison environment. A 24 hour action, a little sacrifice by the comrades to reflect on the anniversary of the Attica uprising and all the faceless (Hugo) brotha and sista that have sacrificed before us, behind enemy lines.
Revolutionary salute to my new family USW leadership working to educate the lumpen class. It’s not easy, all of us are in a war against something in ourselves that’s pulling us to do the right or wrong thing. Trying to conquer the weaker part of ourselves behind enemy line. I encourage you comrades to continue the struggle and hope we all learned something from this September 9. Comrades I have been influenced and inspired by you all and by the work and revolutionary practice of comrades in our struggle for peace in solidarity. The real Black communist guerrillas steer clear of reactionaries, agent provocateurs and parasitical leaders whose only aim is to sell out the young comrades. These saboteurs are very detrimental to our struggle for freedom, justice and equality and to peace behind enemy lines. Emancipate yourselves from the shackles of capitalism, comrades.
Nevada High Desert State Prison
Today, September 9, we had a number of comrades that were going to not eat today, and we have collected about 40 issues of ULK between us all, and we were just going to pass them out to everyone. And then on tier and yard we had planned on making a show of a study group. But a pig was stabbed here 2 weeks ago. He died yesterday, and today we are locked down. So, we are going to proceed with our plan once we are off lockdown. We also have a couple comrades that are focusing solely on the New Afrikans in an attempt to get the MIM(Prisons) address in their hands!
Arizona Central Unit
I am commencing a hunger strike on 9/9/2017, to continue until the below issues are resolved. These issues are regarding equal treatment, retaliation, legal rights, First Amendment rights, staff misconduct and conditions of confinement. List of Hunger Strike Resolutions:
- Allow me to resume taking my paralegal correspondence course
- Rescind the ban on all my incoming magazines and books.
- Give me my TV from property office
- Give me my prescription eyeglasses from property
- Allow me to receive sunglasses in accordance with my Special Needs Order
- Remove me from Protective Custody (PC) status
- Provide me unfettered access to grievance forms
- Provide me with regularly scheduled legal calls to my attorneys
- Conduct legal box exchanges in accordance with policy.
- Allow me to do book exchanges with my personal books in property.
Georgia Valdosta Unit
This last report is from 2016 but got to us late due to mail delays and issues on both ends.My apologies for the delay. I had to fight for my right to live. As I went back to court to fight for my freedom from these imperialistic $nakes, my lit of September 9 was left behind. But I enforced what I had to memory into action. From Sept 8, 2016 at 11:58 I began my solidarity & commemoration for the fallen leaders before me. Needless to say I was on lock down and wasn’t able to move among my fellow comrades to spread the little knowledge I acquired thus far. So I fasted and talked in the vent to my neighbor and enlightened him on the occasion and the movement to educate each other no matter of race, color or gang membership.
As the breakfast came the officers was dumbfounded that I gently pushed my tray back out the flap and stated “In memory of my fallen brothers at Attica.” I then proceeded to get up and walk to the back of my cell and did pushups and jumping jax for endurance. Lunch & Dinner also to show the pigs that where ever we, “us” soldiers of the struggle go, our principles of peace, unity, growth, internationalism and independence is in us.
When I came back to my concentration KKKamp one of the comrades filled me in on the movement of the day of 9th when I was gone. They’re the young generation so the physical aggression was there. And I’m honored to say none of my comrades was harmed in their display of that day.