Space... The Next Frontier
Star Trek (2009) begins with a battle in outer
space, where the last remaining Romulans have traveled back in time to
attack the United Federation of Planets, in hopes that by emotionally
scarring Spock in his younger years, they will feel better that their
planet, Romulas, is going to be destroyed by their dying sun. The
Romulans blame Spock as an individual for this disaster, presumably
because he was (or will be) the scientist in charge of protecting
Romulas. Both old Spock from the future, and young Spock in the present,
are forced to witness the destruction of his home planet, Vulcan, as
revenge. It isn’t clear what Spock’s actual role will be in the
destruction of Romulas, and for the sake of this review, we will just
look at the information portrayed in this film, not the Star
Trek television shows or other movies.
The writers of Star Trek would like to portray Earth in the year 2233 as its own single, united nation of Humans. This is just amerika’s beloved Hollywood attempting to teach us how “peaceful” the planet could be if we all just submitted to the white nation and let them run the show. In the Star Trek future, nearly everyone from Earth is white, which not only opposes political science, but genetics and evolution as well. The filmmakers suppose that present amerika and europe will conquer all non-white nations and either destroy them, or keep them marginalized in the fields of military and imperialist science, thus having no role to play in a movie about intergalactic exploration.
The Federation societies shown in Star Trek (2009) aren’t very different from amerikan society today. Alcohol abuse is common, wimmin are sexually harassed and assaulted, expensive material objects are idealized, and individualism is widespread. Humans join the military because they have nothing better to do, want persynal glory, and/or to “kick some Romulan ass.” All these factors demonstrate Earth as a capitalist country, another misprediction.
The glorification of the individual is so common in this future society, in fact, that Spock, then captain of the Enterprise, abandons the ship as it is being sucked into a black hole. He does this to rescue his parents from the imploding planet of Vulcan. In the eyes of many amerikans this may seem heroic and forgivable, to put the whole crew at risk of imminent death to protect his culture. Of course, thank Hollywood, Enterprise manages to make it out safely, with Spock on board, but it is a completely irresponsible move. Another example of individualism is shown when a minor crew member is having such a grand time skydiving through the Vulcan atmosphere, ready to kill some Romulans, that he intentionally activates his parachute too late, for fun, and dies. In reality we need to combat our own persynal desires for fame, glory, and subjective “fun” in order to create and preserve a strong movement, and, when the time comes, armed struggle.
The film also supports individualism, as well as ideas of genetic supremacism, through the character of Jim Kirk, who is a naturally good captain taking after his father. He is able to come into the academy from a life of drunken recklessness and surpass his fellow students in Star Fleet. His success justifies judging people’s qualifications based on their parents. The Enterprise does function as a team with many roles to play, which is superior to Rambo style heroism. Kirk is able to keep the goal of the Federation in focus, making him a good leader. Like the lumpen, his lack of investment in other things allows him to focus on one greater goal once he is able put it ahead of his self-indulgent lifestyle. While a good leader must be willing to challenge the status quo as Kirk does, the movie romanticizes this as a magical skill that he was born with, not one that requires hard work and experience, particularly in partnership with others, to develop.
The Vulcans are a logical and emotionless “race,” which is intended to highlight the passion and senselessness of “human nature.” This is incorrect western psychological theory, but it also provides for some good advice from Spock’s father, if we humyns should take it as our own. “Logic offers us [Vulcans] a serenity humans seldom experience: the control of feelings so that they do not control you… You are fully capable of deciding your own destiny, the question is, which path will you choose? This is something only you can decide.” The lesson here is to avoid escapism, and take control of our future.
But what cultural impact does Star Trek(2009) have? All good art has an impact that is more than just logical, so the question is, what is the outcome of that impact? Good art elicits a response by epitomizing a truth faced by the audience. Hollywood-style art, in contrast, attempts to impose emotional responses through generic intensity. This style of film is based strongly in eliciting emotional responses from the audience, and although there are still plenty of cliff hanging scenes (literally) and tragic moments between loved ones, the action scenes are often overdone in a way that can conflict with this goal. In the end of the movie, old Spock confirms to young Spock the importance of following your gut rather than logic, while his father admits to “loving” his mother for the first time. This triumph of emotionalism opens up the audience for a justification of subjectivism in making their decisions.
To focus back on the Romulans, achieving persynal revenge for the future loss of their home is a poor strategy that doesn’t serve anyone. A real solution would have been for the Romulans to have gone back in time and advance technology to save their planet in the future. The Romulans’ revenge strategy is very different from the oppressed people in our world attacking the oppressor for their own survival, even when their strategies are not successful. The oppressed lash out because they have been pushed to a point where they have no other options. This may be an emotional reaction or a strategic strike. The Romulans, in contrast, are letting their emotions drive them to act in ways that are contrary to their expressed goals, when they have an unusual opportunity to do otherwise.
It is also worth noting that the Romulans are portrayed as anti-social in appearance in ways that parallel certain lumpen groups in the united $tates. Star Trek can appeal to liberal multiculturalism with their Black, Asian, Arab and even a green-skinned humyn-like character all being included in Star Fleet. This is similar to seeing a Black president as being a sign of progress today, while using Islam, drugs and gang-banging as excuses to attack the oppressed nations. That’s why we talk about the problem of white nationalism, which allows for exceptions, and not racism.
In reality, there is no way that humyn society could have survived another 225 years without eliminating the contradictions inherent in imperialism that threaten our lives on a daily basis. Thus, if this were a propaganda film from a proletarian perspective, the universe would have been portrayed as cooperative. What might make such a movie interesting is speculating how such a society might be run after eliminating the militarism and gender dynamics of today. In a proletarian version the Romulans would have seized on their opportunity to use their new found scientific advantage to save their people rather than resorting to revenge. Even old Spock, who had lived through this disaster already, could have been engaged in this project. He actually did bring technology from the future to the present, but it was just to benefit the Federation. While the Federation has the potential to serve as an example of greater international (and interspecies) cooperation in the future, like most Hollywood scifi, it serves as a stand-in for the united states or the united nations, justifying imperialist militarism against the oppressed who are vilified as irrationally vengeful monsters.