Florida Sgt Punches Handcuffed Prisoner
Currently, I’m in confinement, been back here since 4/24/2015 charged with disobeying a verbal order and possession of a cell phone (long story). They have just installed camera and audio surveillance in all dormitories. Meaning we (prisoners) have one more tool we can use to expose the atrocities and tyranny going on behind amerikkka’s iron curtains.
On 5/27/2015 I was interviewed by someone from the Inspector General’s office for filing a complaint to FDOC’s secretary concerning my eye witnessing of a Sgt. Sanders punching a handcuffed prisoner in the back of his head and dropping him on 12/25/15. My only problem is that the prisoner is afraid to pursue egalitarianism. What can we do when the oppressed consider it “snitching” for complaining against the pro-imperialist goons (pigs) who are torturing the shit out of them?
In the mean time, I am steadily being buried alive by the appeal courts of Ms. Justice, but giving up or in is not in my DNA. The blood of every egalitarian revolutionary flows in my veins while their spirit illuminates and energizes my soul. We will win. They can’t beat the people. I am proof of the transformation of the lumpen proletariat.