Cancel Imperialist Culture
I was watching TMZ on the tell-a-lie-vision before chow time and they was speaking on how publishers will cease publishing six of Dr. Seuss’s books for racist depictions of lumpen and Third World peoples. Charles and Harvey were speaking on how the culture has changed from fifteen years ago where these books were acceptable in the public opinion, but now in this “Cancel Culture” where everyone has a “high sensitivity of social consciousness” and is on the assault on anything offensive to race or gender, etc. Charles and Harvey pose the question of where we’ll be fifteen years from now? But what I have to ask is, are we just getting into the age of ‘Cancel Culture’ or have we always been here?
Now this ‘Cancel Culture’ is what we been viewing for the past four years at least. Where celebrities, directors and individuals in the U.$. political arena end up getting their whole careers and lives stopped for acts like sexual harassment, racist statements or acts (old or new photos and videos) being exposed to the public and the public being in a state of outrage. But the lumpen and Third World proletariat have always been in a “Cancel Culture” and the reason is only because the imperialist/capitalists would rather live in luxury off the labor of the Third World proletariat, instead of living to make it equal for all peoples and folks to meet their needs which will be a state of socialism.
Now in this “Cancel Culture” season or era, is imperialism/capitalism or the RAPE of the lumpen and Third World proletariat going to end? How it looks like to me, we still have a long way to go. It amazes me that individuals are shocked about the Royal family tripping out on how dark the skin tone of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son would be, or how the royal family wasn’t going to give Archie the title of prince or a security force surrounding him. Oh, you thought that the Mother of Imperialism and Capitalism, the main country that colonized the world and titled their territories the “Commonwealth,” would be as ‘reformative’ or ‘progressive’ as her daughter Amerikkka is? We’ll see how that’ll turn out without us changing the powers that be. DON’T GET CAUGHT UP IN THE HYPE!
As revolutionaries, we don’t want reform. We want a cancellation of Imperialistic/Capitalist power. The end of the rape of the Third World proletariat and lumpen. Let’s not get caught up in the mainstream revolutionary popularity contest, stay in the studies of Maoism, Leninism and Marxism, and the true authentic history of whatever nation one may be from. Find methods to cancel imperialistic/capitalistic culture and spread the concepts and ideologies of communism to further advance the movement in a positive and productive way, and liberate one’s nation and those who are in the same boat as us. And trust that comrades will come aid and assist in one’s righteous endeavors of the freedom from the bondage of imperialism and capitalism! Go through the stage of socialism where we are always in power over the bourgeoisie to stop the comeback of capitalism. And proceed into communism, which is the long-term goal.