MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
In 2017, MIM(Prisons) published Under Lock &
Key #59 (ULK) which focused on the impact drugs have on the prison
movement. ULK #59 was particularly significant to our
cause, given the fact that drugs play a central role in preventing the
lumpen from developing into a revolutionary force inside U.$. prisons.
As various comrades attested to in that issue, drugs are poisons that
eat away any potential unity of the oppressed, by fostering violence
amongst the imprisoned lumpen, and the bourgeoisification of those
involved in the trade. Also, discussed in ULK #59 was the
scourge of the synthetic cannibinoid K2 and the rise of opioid use in
prisons at the time. Since then, another opioid has gained popularity
behind prison walls, mostly because of its availability; Suboxone.
In 2020, the California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation(CDCR) introduced Suboxone to its 33 prisons as part of
its Integrated Substance Use Disorder Treatment(ISUDT). Suboxone is a
medication used to treat opioid addiction, specifically in the detox and
withdrawal stages of care. According to the San Quentin News,
“ISUDT is touted as the largest in-prison medically assisted treatment
program in the nation.”(1) CDCR credits Suboxone with a sharp decline in
overdose deaths in its prisons since its introduction. But is there more
than meets the eye to this apparent miracle drug?
What is Suboxone?
Suboxone is a combination medication containing buprenorphine and
naloxone.(2) Suboxone is derived from opium, and was supposedly intended
to be a less addictive alternative to methodone, morphine, and
oxycodone.(3) Though viewed as a safe alternative to other drugs,
Suboxone can still be deadly when taken intravenously or in combination
with other drugs and alcohol. Other side effects are:
* cardiac arrhythmia
* irregular blood pressure
* respiratory issues
* liver and kidney problems
* constipation
* urinary retention
* sweating
* short term memory issues
* difficulty thinking clearly and focusing
* impaired coordination
* headache
* nausea and vomiting
* sedation (4)
Where Did Suboxone Come From?
Suboxone was developed in the 1970s by Reckitt Benckiser, a Briti$h
company at the behest of the Amerikan government. At the time, the
United $tates was searching for a “less addictive” alternative for
patients with opioid use disorder. After Suboxone was created, Reckitt
Benckiser shipped the drug to the United $tates narcotic farm in
Lexington, Kentucky to be tested on detoxified addicts. The farm was
also a prison and treatment facility as well as the site of the U.$.
government’s Addiction Research Center.
It was at the Addiction Research Center that the government
discovered just how addictive Suboxone could be, yet it was still
marketed as a useful tool to combat addiction. Originally the doctors
prescribing the drug had to hold special licenses and undergo special
training. However, the government loosened its restrictions in response
to the number of opioid associated deaths. Since then, Suboxone has
raked in billions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies and millions
more for the addiction treatment sector that sprang up in its wake.(5)
Yet, there have been 100,000 overdose deaths attributed to opioids in
the last 12 months.(6) Those same doctors trained by the government have
also been found to be some of the most unscrupulous predators around.(7)
As such, it was perplexing to many that the CDCR would provide such a
highly addictive drug with such potential for abuse at a time when most
prison addicts had already detoxed and gone through withdrawals, thanks
to the statewide prison lockdown in response to the COVID-19
Drugs are Chemical Weapons
The use of drugs as part of a larger strategy of unconventional
warfare dates back to the 16th century when Europeans created the drug
trade to finance the expansion of their empires and the rise of
industrial capitalism.(8) One of the most infamous examples of this was
the Briti$h East India Company’s use of opium to subdue China and bring
it into its sphere of influence by creating a nation of addicts. While
the Portuguese and Dutch were the first to popularize opium smoking in
China, it was the Briti$h who took full advantage of this. When the
Chinese realized what was happening, they attempted to ban all foreign
ships from entry and close their ports. The Briti$h claimed the Chinese
were blocking their access to Chinese markets, and used this as a
pretext to launch the first of two opium wars. By 1900, 27% of all adult
males in China were addicted to smoking opium and China was forced to
cede Hong Kong to the Briti$h.(9) This chapter in Chinese history marked
the beginning of what Mao Zedong called China’s dark night of slavery to
the west.
It was around this same time that alcohol was used by Amerikkkans to
facilitate the genocide of First Nations people and the theft of their
land. This period also marks the first recorded use of biological
weapons, when the U.$. Army used smallpox infected blankets to decimate
natives and clear the land for white settlers. Together, these acts of
savagery resulted in the extermination of 98% of people indigenous to
what is today the United $tates and the worst genocide in humyn
hystory.(10) Events similar to these played out in Africa, Asia, and the
During the 20th century, the Briti$h and Amerikkkan imperialists
developed more sophisticated means with which to subdue the oppressed
nations. Project MK-Ultra is one such example. Project MK-Ultra was
initiated by the CIA in the 1950s along with the Briti$h MI6, their
sometimes collaborators. This top secret project involved using drugs
and the media to attack and discredit Amerika’s political enemies.
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), or just simply “acid” for short,
became the drug of choice for the CIA at this time. LSD was created by
Albert Hoffman, a Nazi collaborator working for the Swiss IG Farben.
Starting in the 1950s, the CIA began producing their own acid in
“tonnage quantities” after asking pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly to
synthesize Hoffman’s formula. This was part of the CIA’s larger plan to
dose the water supply of the Soviet Union. The CIA knew for themselves
the effects of LSD as they tested the drugs on prisoners at the same
facility in Lexington, Kentucky that Suboxone was tested at twenty years
later! Here, prisoners were kept tripping for 77 days straight as part
of Project Artichoke which was one of many programs under the umbrella
of Project MK-Ultra.(12)
The connection between the development of Suboxone, the CIA and
Acid’s early days are alarming given the fact that Suboxone was
introduced to California prisons at a time of heightened political
consciousness amongst prisoners, an economic recession, a rise in white
nationalism, Black Lives Matter protests, a statewide no visiting
lockdown, and the ten-year anniversary of prison hunger strikes that
rocked CDCR and produced ripple effects across Amerikkka’s gulags. Thus,
it was certainly in the interests of the imperialists to suppress the
germs of any potential organizing amongst the oppressed lumpen.
And although the CIA’s plans with respect to the Soviet Union never
came to fruition, they did use LSD to attack the political enemies of
the Amerikan bourgeoisie. Outspoken college professors critical of the
U.$., political activists, communists, government whistle-blowers and
their families all fell victim to LSD and were publicly
As the anti-imperialist movement gained traction both outside and
inside of U.$. borders, the use of LSD and other chemical weapons was
expanded. Throughout the 1970s heroin became part and parcel to the
fight against New Afrikan, Chican@, and First Nations national
liberation movements. Asian-produced opium also became critical to U.$.
imperialism’s war against Vietnam. Drug money was used to help
facilitate the creation of Taiwan as a U.$. ally against Maoist China
prior to these events.(14) Methadone too was linked to the opioid
problem in New York City in the 1970s. Methadone as “maintenance
treatment” for heroin addicts was funded by the Rockefeller Program.(15)
The Rockefellers have also been implicated in Nazi atrocities, the red
scare media campaigns, and CIA operations.
The 1980s brought us the Iran-Contra scandal responsible for the
introduction of crack-cocaine into the ghettos and barrios of the United
$tates. Again, the CIA was found to be at the heart of these dirty wars
which involved the use of Iranian money to buy Amerikan guns. Money from
the Iranians was then use to buy cocaine from Colombia for sale in the
United $tates. Amerikan drug money was then re-circulated to fund
counter-revolutionaries in Nicaragua fighting the leftist
More recently, Operation Fast and Furious made international
headlines when the CIA was exposed for selling firearms to Mexican
cartels as a means of keeping the Mexican government destabilized and
the Mexican people from fighting their oppressors. The last thing the
U.$. wants is for a neo-colonial country on their doorstep to turn
independent and determine their own destinies.
The Problem as We Understand
If the imperialists really wanted to they could shut down the drug
trade, but that runs counter to their interests. Addiction defines
capitalist society. Addiction lies at the center of supply and demand
economics and is what drives the anarchy of production. From cell
phones, to soap operas, to opioids and methamphetamines, everyone living
in a capitalist society is addicted to something. Addiction in
capitalist society is encouraged as a means to realizing profit; but
also as a way to keep people in general, and the masses in particular,
distracted and unable to rise up against oppression. Nowhere is this
seen better than in the recent hystory of the oppressed nations.
In a critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx
explained how religion had hystorically been urged to drug people much
in the same ways the bourgeois uses actual drugs today:
“Religious suffering is at one and the same time the expression of
real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the
sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the
soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”(18)
Marx was writing at a time of the industrial revolution when the
“miracle” of capitalism was creating advancements in humyn hystory never
before seen. However, it was also creating grinding oppression and
poverty previously unknown. Capitalism also promoted ideas of
individualism, self-centeredness, greed, and exceptionalism, some of the
worst qualities in humyn behavior, and expanding them to include entire
populations, most pointedly in the labor aristocracy. All this combined
led to lives full of misery and desperation for the masses. Lives in
which the only solace was that of an afterlife. And while religion
continues to act as a smokescreen in the oppression of the masses, the
use of drugs has proved indispensable.
Today the root causes of oppression can be better traced to nation,
class, and gender contradictions which have completely warped the way
people interact on both a macro and micro level. The root causes of
addiction are much the same.
In regards to religious suffering, Marx knew better than to simply
call for the abolition of religion. Instead, he realized that it was the
conditions that led to religious suffering themselves that needed to be
abolished. Otherwise, some other new feel good belief would come to fill
the void left by religion, and the oppressive system itself would remain
in its place:
“The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is
the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their
illusions about their conditions is to call on them to give up a
condition that requires illusion. The criticism of religion is therefore
in embryo the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the
In other words, religion sanctified capitalism and helped make it
tolerable for the oppressed. Drugs play a similar role in today’s
culture. If one is high all the time than ey does not think about the
many years ey have to spend in prison. One does not have to deal with
the fact that ey made a decision that impacted countless lives because
of eir parasitic behavior. The use of drugs allows one to cope with the
impact nation, class, and gender contradictions have had on em through
intergenerational trauma, all the while keeping them unable to
understand how the three strands of oppression manifest through that
We encourage people to get drug free and stay that way, but this
requires more than the status quo in addiction treatment, which only
teaches how to better cope with the trauma of imperialism. We encourage
comrades to go further and destroy the conditions that require
illusions. We encourage comrades to take up revolution.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We will be doing a follow-up on this
article with the results of our second survey on drugs in prisons found
in ULK 75. We are still collecting and aggregating your
responses. It’s not too late if you have not responded yet.
We know the state is opposed to our efforts to expose and combat the
plague of drug addiction among imprisoned lumpen. Branchville
Correctional Facility in Indiana censored ULK 75 citing:
“denied based on the article about Suboxone, and the common drug
slang terms and sale information used in one of the articles. The items
in the article violate IDOC/BCF policies.”
Notes: [1] San Quentin News, September 2021, Pg. 8. [2]
5 Myths About Using Suboxone, Peter Greenspan MD, October 7, 2021
[3] Extended Suboxone Treatment Substantially Improves Outcomes for
Opioid Addicted Youth, November 4, 2008 [4] Suboxone vs Methodone:
Positives and Negatives, Avatar, May 21, 2021 [5] Addiction
Treatment with a Dark Side, New York Times, 2013 [6] Amanpour &
Co, PBS, December 7, 2021 [7] Addiction Treatment with a Dark Side,
New York Times, 2013 [8] Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA’s
Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac,
and Other Activists, John L. Potash, Trine Day LLC, 2015, Pg 7-9 [9]
Ibid, pg 10 [10] J. Sakai, 1989, Settlers: Mythology of the White
Proletariat, 3rd Edition, Morningstar Press, p. 7. Sakai cites
200-300,000 native people remaining by 1900, of an estimated 10 million
people before colonization. [11] Drugs as Weapons Against Us, Pg
10 [12] Ibid, Pg 29-30 [13] Ibid, Pg 31-36 [14] Ibid, Pg
45-51 [15] Under Lock & Key, Issue 59, Pg 5, 2017 [16] Drugs
as Weapons Against Us, Pg 13-14 [17] Ibid, Pg 279-285 [18] Karl
Marx, 1843, Introduction to “A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s
Philosophy of Right.” [19] A Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of
Right, Karl Marx
by Ehecatl September 2021 permalink
Republic of Aztlán marched down Whittier Blvd in East Los Angeles for
the 51st anniversary commemoration of the Chican@ Moratorium
The most recent killing of U.$. troops in Afghanistan on 26 August
2021 marks the deadliest day in over a decade for the imperialists in
that country. It also makes two points quite clear. First, the once
reviled Taliban has negotiated a deal with the United $tates in which
they regained control of their country in exchange for cooperation
against organizations like ISIS(K) who’ve claimed responsibility for the
attack. The explosion took the lives of thirteen U.$. soldiers.
ISIS(K) is just one of over twenty armed groups in Afghanistan that
pose a threat to Taliban rule. However, the main incentive for the
Taliban’s allegiance to U.$. imperialism seems to be the Afghan economy
which the Taliban inherited once the “democratically elected” government
of Afghanistan realized that U.$. imperialism would no longer prop them
Second, Chican@s continue to account for a substantial portion of
Amerikan occupation forces in the Third World. Statistics in recent
years have shown Chican@s continue to be a growing source of foot
soldiers for the Amerikans.
The attack on U.$. troops came just three days before the fifty-first
anniversary of the hystoric Chican@ Moratorium. Contrary to what various
sell outs, integrationists and those who’ve simply been kept in
ignorance have to say about the matter, the moratorium was not about
civil rights or equality. Rather, the moratorium was an exercise in
power by Raza who attempted to deprive the imperialists of Chican@
troops in their war of colonization and attrition in Vietnam.(2) Thus,
it is both heartbreaking and sickening to see that so many years after
the last real upsurge against U.$. imperialism in the semi-colonies,
Chican@s continue to sacrifice and be sacrificed for the oppressor
nation. If Chican@s are to live and die for a cause then it should be
for Aztlán, the international proletariat and socialism. August 26 was
yet another example of what happens when we fail to organize the
oppressed – the imperialists organize them for us.
While four of the thirteen soldiers killed at the Afghanistan
International Airport that day were Chican@s born and raised in occupied
Aztlán, it should be noted that at least two other fatalities had
Spanish surnames.(3) That said, it is still important to note that the
attack was a blow against U.$. imperialism by anti-imperialists in the
region, and for that we should be appreciative, not horrified. Our
sympathies should be with the Afghan family who lost their lives in the
U.$. retaliation drone strike and the rest of the victims of the ISIS(K)
who were caught in the crossfire on August 26. Chican@s or not, those
U.$. soldiers chose their own destiny when they decided it was okay to
travel halfway around the world to further oppress an already oppressed
It is not far-fetched to envision a reality in which Chican@ youth
strive to live and die for Aztlán liberated and free. The development of
material conditions will be crucial in this regard, but it will be the
struggle of revolutionaries and the masses of turned up youth that will
be principal. We should not let the fact that Amerika’s longest war has
come to an end deter us from the urgency of organizing the oppressed
nations for liberation and against U.$. militarism. “Raza Si, Guerra
No!” should be one of many political slogans that we champion in the
bi-polar world that is life under imperialism, as Amerikkka’s designs on
the African continent promise to become an even bloodier killing field
in the years to come.
Notes: 1. The PBS News Hour, 27 August 2021. 2. A
MIM(Prisons) study group, 2015, Chican@ Power and the Struggle for
Aztlán. (available to prisoners for $10) 3. KTLA 5 News, 27 August
The year 2020 was hectic and alarming to say the least. From
Pre$ident Donald Chump’s outrageous attempts to wrestle power away from
the traditional bourgeoisie, to COVID-19, which threw the entire world
for a loop and tragically ended the lives of over a million people,
mostly in the Third World. The year 2020 has been one in which the
already ugly face of imperialism has been peeled back far enough to
where even first worlders could catch a glimpse of what’s hidden
The depravity of Amerikkkans’ twisted desires for a return to a
social order in which Amerikkka is clearly and definitively on top has
been on full display for the world to see. From the extra-judicial
killing of New Afrikans and other oppressed nation people by law
enforcement, to the lynching of New Afrikans in liberal Los Angeles
County, Califaztlán; the principal contradiction of Amerikkka vs the
oppressed nations remains the existential threat to the people of the
internal semi-colonies. As such, what has been made clear to
revolutionaries from the oppressed nations is the urgent need to
organize the Chican@, New Afrikan, and First Nations along communist
lines. One of the few organizations in the United $tates attempting to
do this is the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons (MIM
As is already widely known by U.$. prisoners, a U.$. federal court
has ruled that prisoners cannot be excluded from applying for and
receiving economic relief under the CARES Act. This decision allowed for
thousands of captives to receive $1,200 stimulus checks with more
already on the way.
As an anti-imperialist who’s worked with MIM(Prisons) for almost two
decades I have requested and received a plethora of study materials from
them, most free of charge. In 2015, MIM(Prisons) released Chican@ Power and
the Struggle For Aztlán, which focuses on the hystory, present,
and future struggles of the Chican@ nation from a Maoist perspective.
This project was very expensive and pushed back the release of
MIM(Prisons) own contemporary text, The Lumpen Handbook.
MIM(Prisons) is not a huge organization, nor do they have the big
name recognition which other more amorphous groups with opportunist
politics do. What they do have, however, is a correct political line for
the liberation of the internal semi-colonies and a communist cadre
committed to serving the imprisoned masses. So if you believe in
struggling for an Aztlán libre then one thing you can do at this time is
send a donation to MIM(Prisons). Sending money to them will help fund
not only the next issue of Under Lock and Key, but the free
Books to Prisoners program. If you believe that Black Lives Matter, then
donate to MIM(Prisons) and continue funding the education of
revolutionaries behind prison walls.
Let us then take this opportunity to contribute to the
anti-imperialist movement to end the oppression and exploitation of the
oppressed nations by U.$. imperialism by giving something back to
MIM(Prisons) after they’ve spent years giving us so much.
[NOTE: For ways to donate, please see our get involved page.
We are working on a second printing of Chican@ Power and the
Struggle for Aztlán, if you want to pre-order a copy just let us
know when you send your donation of $20 or more.]
Just writing in to say great job to everyone who participated with the
latest ULK
[ULK 64]. That
said, I also want to give my input on various articles that sparked my
In the second paragraph of this article, the author states that Sex
Offenders(S.O.s) constitute a more dangerous element than murderers
“because S.O.s often have more victims, and many of those victims become
sexual predators, creating one long line of victimization.”
As to your first point that S.O.s constitute a more dangerous element in
comparison to murderers, I think your reasoning here is purely
subjective as well as characteristic of the lumpen mindset both inside
and outside of prisons, which the criminal lumpen vies to minimize their
own parasitic and anti-people behavior. This way the lumpen can say “I
may be a thief, but at least I’m not a pedophile.” “I may be a gang
member, but at least I’m not a rapist, etc.” It is a notion that’s
caught up in all kinds of hypocritical bourgeois standards of honor,
integrity and other nonsense. It’s bourgeois moralization.
In the second paragraph the author states: “Contrarily, sexual
predators affect the entire societal composition. They perpetuate crimes
against the males and females, provoking deep burrowing psychological
problems and turn many victims into victimizers…The difference is not in
the severity of the anti-proletariat crime, but in the after effects.”
And murderers and other criminals don’t have the same or worse effects
on society? All victims of crime and violence will develop Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to varying degrees. The psychological
and emotional trauma that a victim of a robbery and the survivor of a
sexual assault suffer can be very similar. The same goes for the friends
and family of murder victims. And while it is true that some (I don’t
know about many) survivors of sexual abuse do turn into perpetrators of
those same crimes, the same can be said of victims and survivors of
other crimes, i.e. domestic violence, verbal abuse, and yes, murder!
Just look at the factors that go into perpetuating gang violence.
That said, there is one huge difference when it comes to murder, sexual
abuse, and their after effects. Whenever there is sexual abuse and
violence victims are able to move forward and heal from their physical,
emotional and psychological wounds if they receive the proper care and
attention. When someone is killed, however, there is no rectifying the
act. There is no coming back.
In the fifth paragraph you state: “…murder is more of a one-two
punch knock out, where sexual deprivation is twelve rounds of abuse…Most
murderers are not serial killers…”
According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, serial is defined as
“appearing in a series of continuous parts at regular intervals.” By
this definition, then, and in conjunction with your reasoning, many gang
members can be defined as serial killers.
In the eighth paragraph, you state that: “…rehabilitating sexual
predators can be made on an individual basis by revolutionaries who are
able to see past the label prejudice though their efforts, if conducted
scientifically, a systematic method can emerge for once the
revolutionary is successful…sex crimes will be a problem for capitalism,
socialism, or communism. Revolutionaries will have to address the
problem sooner or later.”
On this we agree, revolutionaries will have to address this problem
sooner or later so why not get past the idealist rhetoric, which you
inadvertently espouse, and begin dealing with it now by moving beyond
lumpen rationalizations on the matter. Comrades should learn to
understand that under the current power structure, all sex is rape and
that sex criminals cannot be rehabilitated only revolutionized. This
means that you cannot rehabilitate someone into a system that has gender
oppression and rape built right into it. Therefore, comrades should
learn all about gender oppression and the patriarchy and how the
patriarchy not only informs what gender oppression is, but defines it.
On Lumpen In Revolution”
I only wanted to comment that the ghettos and barrios are not only being
dispensed but shifted. The Antelope Valley, High Dessert and other
under-developed regions in Southern California are good examples of this
trend. Over the past 10-15 years, there has been a slow but steady
trickling out of Chican@s and New Afrikans from the wider Los Angeles
area and into places like Lancaster, Palmdale, Mojave, California City
due to gentrification.
Also, in relation to your article on Sakai’s book, what’s the status of
the MIM(Prisons) Lumpen Handbook?
In Struggle!
MIM(Prisons) responds: We published what was intended to be one
chapter of a book on the First World lumpen as
is the Lumpen in the United $tates. Prior to that we put efforts
into the book
Chican@ Power
and the Struggle for Aztlán. Current research efforts are aimed at
summing up the final results of our updated survey on prison labor in
the United $tates. We will be publishing this final report along with a
larger collection of writings on the economics of prisons in the United
$tates. So that’s something to look out for in 2019.
The Lumpen Handbook was envisioned to address more topics related to
organizing the lumpen class in a revolutionary way in the United $tates
today. We have not had the capacity to carry out that project to the
scope originally envisioned, but this issue of
ULK (68) is an
example of our efforts to continue to tackle that topic.
We also have notes to develop into a Selected Works of the Maoist
Internationalist Movement (1983-2008) book; another project we would
like to see to fruition if we can garner more support for our existing
work in the coming years.
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela
Duckworth Scribner, 2016
[Editor’s note: This review of Grit follows on several articles printed
in ULK 63
about the book and lessons we can glean for our organizing. This comrade
offers a more in-depth review of some of the practical uses for our
work, but also some criticisms of the politics of the book. We encourage
readers to check out ULK 63 for more on organizing theory and
I really like this book, not just because I found lots of useful tactics
and strategies for pursuing my own personal goals in life, but because I
was able to see that I’ve already been putting many of the author’s
suggestions into practice, both in my capacity as a revolutionary and as
someone pursuing a particular goal: my freedom. Therefore, in writing
this review, I have not only tried to sum up the tactics and strategies
I found most useful, but those which others might find use for as well.
However, this review is not without criticism.
The author of this book, Angela Duckworth, is a professor of psychology
at the University of Pennsylvania and she wrote this book to make one
basic statement: success in any endeavor is dependent on the amount of
time, hard work, determination, and effort that someone puts into
Now this concept might not seem so special or even new to someone, but
to a dialectical materialist, it speaks power to truth in that it
demolishes certain idealist and metaphysical notions about what it means
to be gifted and blessed in bourgeois society. Of course, as a
dialectical materialist, I also understand that this book must be viewed
with a critical eye, as it contains both positive and negative aspects.
Professor Duckworth makes it a point to begin eir book by explaining
that lofty-minded individuals aren’t usually the type of people to
accomplish much of anything. Rather, it’s those with a “never give up”
attitude that will reach a marked level of success. Professor Duckworth
also successfully argues against the myth that the only thing that
matters is “talent.” Instead she says a bigger factor is developed
skill, which is the result of consistent and continuous practice. From a
Maoist perspective this means that it is people who take a materialist
approach to life and who understand the dialectical interplay between
people and people, and between people and their surroundings, that will
go the furthest the fastest.
In addition, the author puts forward organizational guidelines that are
useful to just about anyone, even the imprisoned lumpen. How prisoners
decide to exercise the professor’s tools is entirely up to them. We
would hope however, that USW members and other allies participating in
the United Front for Peace in Prisons would use the lessons in
Grit to further the anti-imperialist prison movement, as what
they essentially amount to is the piecemeal approach to struggle.
So what does it take to develop grit as the author defines it? The
following are just some of the book’s pointers that I could relate to
and I’m sure you can too:
Having direction as well as determination.
Doing more of what you are determined to do and doing it longer equals
Learn from your mistakes.
Grit is more about stamina than intensity (“Grit is not just working
incredibly hard, it’s loyalty”).
Do things better than they have ever been done before.
Goals are essential to strategizing long term, and you must also have
lots of short-term goals along the way.
Having goal conflicts can be healthy: what may at one given moment seem
contradictory may in fact be complementary.
Don’t be intimidated by challenges or being surrounded by people who are
more advanced or developed. This can only help you grow.
Overextending yourself is integral toward growth, it’s what helps you
develop. Also, repetitive diligence cultivates.
Daily discipline as perseverance helps you to zero in on your
Passion is a must!
Go easy on newcomers.
Look for quality over quantity when measuring growth.
What we do has to matter to other people.
Have a top level goal.
Stay optimistic!
Maintain a growth mindset.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Following through is the single best predictor of grit.
Getting back up after you’ve been kicked down is generally reflective of
grit. When you don’t, your efforts plummet to a zero. As a consequence,
your skill stops improving and you stop producing anything with whatever
skill you have.
So now that we’ve looked at tools for overall improvement, growth and
development let’s look at some specific tips on how to add a little more
intensity to our routines and organizational skill set. The author talks
about something she calls “deliberate practice.” Deliberate practice is
a technique or range of techniques that people across different
professions use to become masters in their fields. Whether someone is a
spelling bee champ, professional basketball player, or computer
programmer, all these people have one thing in common: deliberate
practice. I include the message here because it can be useful to
revolutionaries. Simply put, deliberate practice is all about becoming
an expert at something. Deliberate practice is the essence of grit:
Wanting to develop.
Not just more time on task, but better time on task.
Focusing on improving your weaknesses; intentionally seeking out
challenges you can’t yet meet.
Practicing alone, logging more hours than with others.
Seeking negative feedback for the purposes of improving your craft.
Then focus in on the specific weaknesses and drill them relentlessly.
Don’t be afraid to experiment if you find yourself getting stuck or even
if you’re not. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone even
if you’re already doing good. Who knows, you might do better.
Now, at the beginning of this review, I said this book was not beyond
criticism. So here are some problems I found with Grit.
To begin with, the author caters to the idealist Amerikan ideology of
“pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” and failing to take into
account the structural oppression faced by the internal semi-colonies in
the United $tates. Furthermore, most of the author’s case studies, those
who she refers to as “paragons of grit,” come from privileged
backgrounds and their success in life can be easily linked to the
surroundings in which they were allowed to develop their skills to their
fullest potentials. Compare this to the experience of the oppressed
nations: the lumpen in particular who exist along the margins of
society, or the Chican@ semi-proletariat who must struggle in order to
meet its basic needs. Therefore, all is not simply a matter of will and
determination for the oppressed as we might be led to believe. There are
a variety of social factors in place which the oppressed must contend
with in the grind of daily life.
Another problem I have with this book is where the author makes the
statement that it generally takes up to 10,000 hours or 10 years of
practice for someone to become an expert in their field. The author
bases this hypothesis on data she’s gathered in preparation for eir
book. This inherent flaw in the professor’s work is exactly the type of
problem that comes from applying bourgeois psychology and sociological
methods according to bourgeois standards within a narrow strip of
bourgeois society. This was something of a turn off to me as I grappled
with the concepts from a revolutionary perspective. I can imagine how
discouraging it can be for our young comrades or those otherwise new to
the struggle to read that it takes 10 years to become an expert in
something, especially when they come to us eager to put in work. I
wonder if I, myself, would have continued engaging Maoism if I would
have heard or read this book when I was a newcomer? I would like to
think that I had enough grit to not listen to the naysayers and instead
keep on pushing, but I just don’t know.
Maoist China also grappled with similar questions during the Great Leap
Forward (1959-61) and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
(1966-76). Beginning with the Great Leap Forward, there were those in
the Communist Party, as well as in the economic sector, who advocated an
“expert in command” approach to work and politics. The people pushing
this line believed that only those with years of study or practice in
China’s greatest institutions or in the West’s most prestigious
universities were qualified to lead the country towards socialism. Most
of these people would turn out to be enemies of the revolution and
ultimately responsible for putting China back on the capitalist road.
On the other side of the discussion where the Maoists who advocated the
slogan “red and expert” to emphasize the importance of revolutionary
will and determination over that of expertise. In other words, it was
more important to pay attention to the masses motivation of serving the
people according to revolutionary principles than to the bourgeois
commandist approach of top down leadership and authoritarianism that was
the essence of “experts in command.” Furthermore, the Maoists understood
that to overly emphasize a reliance on the bourgeois methods of
organization for the purposes of efficiency and profit was not only to
widen the gap between leaders and led, but to return to the status quo
prior to the revolution. What’s more, those calling for expert in
command were also criticized for their stress on theory over practice
and adoption of foreign methods of organization over that of
self-reliance and independence. As such, the Maoists opted to popularize
the slogan “red and expert” as they believed this represented a more
balanced approach to political, cultural, economic, and social
development. To the Maoists, there was nothing wrong with wanting to
become expert so long as the concept wasn’t separated from the needs of
the people or the causes of the revolution.
Partly as a response to the struggles gripping China during the time,
but more so as an attempt to meet Chinese needs, the Communist Party
initiated the “sent down educated youth” and “going down to the
countryside and settling with the peasants” campaigns in which thousands
of high school and university age students were sent on a volunteer
basis to China’s rural area to help educate peasants. The students lived
and toiled with the peasants for months and years so that they would not
only learn to empathize with the country’s most downtrodden, but so that
the revolutionary will and resolve of the privileged urban youth could
be strengthened. Part of the students’ mission was to build the schools
in the countryside and teach the peasants how to read and write as well
to help advance the peasants’ farming techniques according to what the
youth had learned in the cities. While these students may not have been
“experts” in the professional sense, they did more to improve the living
conditions of the peasants than most professionals did criticizing this
program from the sidelines.(1)
The barefoot doctors program is another Maoist success story which even
Fidel Castro’s Cuba came to emulate. The majority of China’s population
were peasants and had virtually zero access to modern medical care. To
address this problem, peasants were given a few years training in basic
medical care, and sent to work in China’s rural area. Again, the focus
here was not on expertise, but on practice and revolutionary will for
the sake of progress not perfection. While those trained certainly were
not expert medical doctors, they were of more use to the peasants than
the witch doctors and shamans they were accustomed to.
While Grit offers a lot of useful information for comrades with
little organizational experience, we should keep in mind that much of
what we communists consider correct methods of practice has already been
summed up as rational knowledge by the revolutionary movements before
us. Bourgeois psychology can be useful, but history and practice are our
best teachers. Look to the past and analyze the present to correctly
infer the future.
As Mao Zedong Stated: “Marxists hold that man’s social practice alone is
the criterion of the truth of his knowledge of the external world.”(2)
MIM(Prisons) responds: Throughout the book, Duckworth focuses on
high-performance bourgeois heroes and institutions, in order to address
the question of “what makes them the best at what they do?” In answering
this question, the author does briefly acknowledge that access to
resources can play a decisive role in one’s success in a particular
field. That might mean having money to pay for pool access to become a
great swimmer. In another way, access to resources might boil down to
the semi-random luck of having a decent (or crap) coach in public school
sports. Of course there are socio-economic reasons why good coaches are
at certain schools and not others, and why some schools have sports at
all and others don’t – and those are reasons linked to the three strands
of oppression.
Duckworth’s analysis of how we (as outsiders) can influence someone’s
internal grit underlined how big of an influence one persyn or
experience can have on someone else’s passion and perseverence. For
example, we don’t need material resources to change our attitude and
behavior to a “growth mindset.” And, while a broader culture of grit is
certainly preferable, we can still make a big impact as single
organizers – in many of eir examples, the paragons of grit cited one or
two key people in their lives who played a major part in their success.
And ULK’s contributors’ persynal histories in “Ongoing Discussion
of Recruiting Best Practices” confirms this.
Duckworth’s analysis on this topic is outlined in “Part 3: Growing Grit
from the Outside In,” and MIM(Prisons) has been discussing this section
at length to improve our own practices. We have an extremely limited
ability to organize and influence people – we are only struggling with
our subscribers through the mail, which comes with many unique
challenges. Our subscribers have access to very little resources, and we
can’t buy them the world. But if we can make even our limited contact
more effective – through our study, execution, experimentation, and the
feedback we receive – we believe we can still make a big impact.
Duckworth helped build my confidence that even though i’m only one
organizer, and i’m not really that talented at it to begin with, my
efforts still matter a lot.
While Duckworth does good to knock down the idols of talent, ey replaces
them with the hardworking individual, rather than the knowledge of the
collective, and group problem solving. The group is acknowledged as one
thing that can help you as an individual become great, in eir discussion
of the “culture of grit.” The examples from China that Ehecatl brings up
emphasizes that our goal is not to be great as individuals, but to serve
the people by bringing together different sources of knowledge, to see a
problem from all sides, and to engage the masses in conquering it.
In a related point, Ehecatl says that we need to “do things better than
they have ever been done before.” I’m not sure of the deeper meaning
behind this point, and it’s one that i think could be read in a
discouraging way. We certainly should aim to do things better than we
have ever done them. But if we know we can’t do them better than
everyone ever, then should we give up? No, we should still try, because
“effort counts twice” and the more we try, the better we’ll get at
it.(3) And, even if we’re not the best ever, we can still have a huge
impact. Like Ehecatl writes above, we don’t need to clock 10,000 hours
before we can make big contributions.
To deepen your own understanding of the principles in Grit, get a
copy to study it yourself. Get Grit from MIM(Prisons) for $10 or
equivalent work-trade.
During the summer of 2018, the California Department of Corrections
& Rehabilitation (CDCR) attempted to initiate a radical new policy
to re-integrate General Population (GP) and Sensitive Needs Yards (SNY)
prisoners throughout the state. These two populations have been
separated for decades, but are now living together in what they are
calling Non-Designated Programming Facilities (NDPFs).
SNYs were first created in the late 1990s to provide safe housing for
prisoners convicted as sex offenders and other prisoners who had fallen
out of favor with prison gangs. This population exploded during the
early 2000s, when the CDCR began to ease housing restrictions and
criteria on SNYs.
In 2015, the office of the Governor of the state of California, Jerry
Brown, authored the document “The Governor’s Plan: The Future of
California Prisons” in which they published the rising costs and
administrative difficulties related to operating SNYs. It was within
this document that the questions of how to stem the growing need for
SNY, and possibly re-integrate GP and SNY, was first asked. In 2016, a
“SNY Summit” was held by CDCR officials and so it seems that NDPFs
developed from both the Governor’s Plan and the SNY Summit.
According to a CDCR memorandum titled “Amended Non-Designated
Programming Facilities Expansion for 2018,” additional NDPFs were to be
created out of existing GP and SNY. The stated purpose for this
expansion was to “…expand positive programming to all inmates who want
it.” The NDPF expansion was scheduled to take place as early as
September 2018 at two different institutions with more to follow in the
months ahead.
The official list of NDPFs is relatively short, and only reflects NDPFs
affecting level 1, 2 and 3 prisoners at this time. However, MIM(Prisons)
has been receiving a lot of contradictory information on this issue from
prisoners, much of which can be attributed to rumors from both pigs and
prisoners. Therefore it is difficult for us to assess the situation and
sum up matters. Naturally these developments have prisoners on both
sides of the fence worked up and full of anxiety.
The forceful integration of GP and SNY prisoners poses obvious concerns
for the safety and security of everyone involved. As dialectical
materialists, the left-wing of United Struggle from Within (USW)
understands that change cannot be forced from the outside to the inside
within this particular situation. Rather, unity can only develop from
the inside to the out, which is why we are against NDPFs. Re-integration
of SNY and GP is something that can only work once prisoners themselves
settle the disputes and resolve the contradictions that led to the need
for prisoners to de-link from the rest of the prisoner population and
seek the protection of the state to begin with.
Contradictions amongst the people must be peacefully resolved amongst
the people; there’s no other way around this. Until this happens, the
new prison movement will remain divided and unable to unite along true
anti-imperialist lines. It is for this very reason that we continue to
uphold and promote the correct aspects of the Agreement to End
Hostilities (AEH), which was developed by prisoners themselves. In the
AEH we see an end to the large scale prisoner violence that racked
California prisons for decades. We also see a possibility for the
re-emergence of revolutionary nationalism amongst the oppressed nation
lumpen of Aztlán, New Afrika and the First Nations.
The AEH is a foundation for the movement, but movements are not built
on foundations alone; for this we need brick, mortar and other
materials. Likewise the building blocks to the new prison movement will
need the contributions and participation of as many of California’s
prisoners as possible if the signatories to the AEH really wanna live up
to the revolutionary ideals which they profess and which so many claim
to be instilled in the AEH, lest the AEH be but a hollow shell.
No doubt that the AEH was hystoric, progressive and even revolutionary
six years ago, but the time has come to amend the document. All language
excluding SNY prisoners from the peace process and casting SNY as
enemies should be revisited if prisoners from the Short Corridor
Collective and Representative Body are truly interested in taking the
AEH to the next level.
For more information on re-integration and NDPFs contact Julie Garry
Captain Population Management Unit (916) 323-3659.
19 October 2018 – One week to the day of the Dia de la Raza celebrations
in Mexico, a caravan of three to four thousand migrant men, wimmin and
children (forming part of what’s been dubbed the Central American
Exodus) stormed the Mexico-Guatemala border at the southern Mexico State
of Chiapas demanding passage through Mexico on their way to the United
$tates. The migrants had spent the previous seven days walking from
Honduras, where the caravan originated, through Guatemala, where they
grew in numbers as Guatemalans joined the procession. Upon arriving at
the Mexico-Guatemala border, the migrants were stopped by an assortment
of Mexican Armed Forces equipped with riot gear, armored vehicles and
Amerikan-supplied Blackhawk helicopters. The neo-colonial government of
Mexico was acting on orders of U.$. Pre$ident Donald Trump who had
issued the threat of economic sanctions against Mexico and warned of
sending troops to the joint U.$.-Mexico border if Mexico didn’t stop the
caravan from reaching the United $tates. Similar orders were given to
Honduras and Guatemala, who initially ignored the command. As a result,
Pre$ident Trump has warned of cutting off economic aid to the
recalcitrant countries.(1)
Hungry, thirsty, tired, and now frustrated, the caravan broke through
the border fence and began flooding into Mexico where Mexican forces
fired teargas and resorted to the use of their batons on the migrants in
an attempt to push the caravan back. While some migrants began throwing
rocks at the police, the event reached a focal point when various young
men began climbing the gates of the bridge where they were held and
began to jump into the shallow Suchiate river below. After
unsuccessfully trying to dissuade people from jumping, a reporter
present at the event asked the question, “why jump?” One migrant
responded that he was doing it for his children, and while he didn’t
want to die, the risk was worth it if only he could provide for his
family. Others stated that they would rather die than return to the
crushing poverty and pervasive gang violence that awaits them back home.
“We only want to work,” other migrants stated. When it was all over one
child was reported to have died from teargas inhalation.(2)
Unfortunately, the assaults on the caravan did not end there.
Forty-eight hours after being stopped at Suchiate, about half of the
caravan was eventually admitted into Mexico while 2,000 opted to board
buses heading back to Honduras. On 22 October, the remaining members of
the caravan along with additional Central American refugees already in
Chiapas came together, after which their numbers swelled to 7,000 to
8,000 strong. This included the 2,000 children in their midst, along
with the migrants’ rights organization Pueblo Sin Fronteras. Members of
the caravan made a public plea to the United Nations to declare the
Central American Exodus a humanitarian crisis. They ask the U.N. to
intervene and send envoys and a military escort to monitor the caravan’s
journey through Mexico which they referred to as a “Corridor of Death.”
Representatives of the group accused the Mexican government of
perpetuating human rights abuses against them. They claimed that wimmin
had been raped and children stolen. They also spoke of children in the
caravan suddenly traveling alone because their parents had
Meanwhile, further south in the hemisphere, actor Angelina Jolie, who is
a special ambassador for the U.N. Human Rights Commission for refugees,
traveled to Peru to call attention to the “humanitarian crisis” that is
currently playing out in neighboring Venezuela where inflation and food
shortages have led to mass migrations into Peru, Brazil, and
Colombia.(4) The migrations out of Venezuela have been extensively
covered by the Amerikan media, along with increasingly hostile rhetoric
from politicians to topple the government of Nicolas Maduro, which has
stood against imperialist control of the country. In comparison, the
plight of the Honduran caravan has barely been given any attention by
English language broadcasts except in its influence on the mid-term
elections here in the United $tates. Could this be because the
Venezuelan government has been a thorn in the side of U.$. imperialism
for the last 20 years while the combined governments of Mexico,
Guatemala, and Honduras have been faithful, if reluctant, servants of
that same imperialist power?
Since 2005 the official number of refugees in the world has climbed from
8.7 million to 214.4 million in 2014.(5) However, since the very
definition and criteria for refugee status is set by the imperialists
themselves, and hence politically motivated, we’re sure the real number
is way higher. For example, according to the U.N., Honduras isn’t even
considered a country of origin for refugees. Neither is Mexico, and yet
the majority of people migrating to the United $tates come from Mexico
and certainly the people of Honduras and Guatemala are fleeing
conditions comparably worse than the recent crisis in Venezuela.(6)
As of 2014, there were 11.2 million undocumented migrants in the U.$.;
67% came from Mexico and Central America. Of these 11.2 million
migrants, 72% live in four of the 10 states with the largest
undocumented populations. Of these 10 states, four are Aztlán i.e.,
California, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada.(7) Statistics also show that
migrants from the Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and
El Salvador will integrate into Aztlán and their children will
assimilate into the Chican@ nation.(8)
As the principal contradiction in the world (imperialism vs. the
oppressed nations, principally U.$. imperialism) continues to develop,
and crisis heightens, we can expect to see more of these mass exoduses
in the not-too-distant future. Already, there are reports of another
caravan leaving Honduras of at least 1,000 strong. Surely to Amerikans
this must seem like a nightmare come true, literally thousands of Third
World refugees banging at the gates of their imperialist citadel. As
tragic as all of this seems it is but a glimpse of how the Third World
masses will finally rise up, and in their desperation, put an end to
imperialism once and for all. Oddly enough, revolutionary forces in
Mexico have yet to make an appearance and lend a helping hand to the
caravan while ordinary working people have already stepped up to lend
their assistance. How will Chican@s respond? That is left to be seen.
¡Raza Si! ¡Moro No!
MIM(Prisons) adds: The U.$. National Endowment for Democracy was
involved in both the 2009 coup to overthrow Zelaya in Honduras and 2002
coup to overthrow Chavez in Venezuela (later reversed). Hillary Clinton
infamously helped orchestrate the coup in Honduras as well. Since then
murderous generals trained by the U.$. School of the Amerikkkas have
terrorized the population, killing indigenous people, peasants and
environmental activists. The U.$. has established a large military
presence in Honduras since the coup, backing the robbing of land from
poor indigenous peasants and peasants of African descent.(9)
Looking at the penal code for what has been codified as sexual assault
by the criminal injustice system reveals a variety of different
offenses, from various misdemeanors to serious felony violations. In the
United $tates those accused of committing such heinous acts are
considered to be the lowest of the low and prisons are no different.
This essay attempts to address the topics of sex offenders within prison
society and their relevance to the prison movement.
In attempting to write something on these topics I was forced to keep
coming back to two main points of discussion: (1) the contradiction of
unity vs. divisions within the prison movement itself, and (2) the all
sex is rape line as popularized by the Maoist Internationalist Movement.
The strength of my argument stems from both of these points.
What is the Prison Movement?
Before moving forward it is necessary for me to explain what we are
trying to build unity around. The prison movement is defined by the
various movements, organizations and individuals who are at this time
struggling against the very many different faces of the Amerikkkan
injustice system. Whether these struggles take place in Georgia,
California, Texas, Pennsylvania or any other corner of the U.$. empire
is not of much importance. What is important, however, is the fact that
those organizations and individuals are currently playing a progressive
and potentially revolutionary role in attacking Amerikkka’s oppressive
prison system.
In one state’s prisons or jails the struggle might take the shape of a
grievance campaign, or other group actions aimed to abolish the forced
labor of prisoners. These movements tend to be led by an array of lumpen
organizations. Some are revolutionary, some are not. Some are narrowly
reformist in nature and will go no further than the winning of
concessions. Others remain stuck in the bourgeois mindset of
individualism while deceptively using a revolutionary rhetoric to attain
their goals.
However, despite their separate objectives they are each in their own
way taking collective action when possible to challenge their oppressive
conditions. Furthermore, these movements, organizations and individuals,
when taken as a whole, represent an awakening in the political and
revolutionary consciousness of prisoners not seen since the last round
of national liberation struggles of the internal semi-colonies. Those
are the progressive qualities of the new prison movement.
The negative and reactionary aspects of the prison movement are
characterized by the fact that many of these lumpen organizations still
operate along traditional lines. Most continue to participate in a
parasitic economy and carry out anti-people activity that is detrimental
to the very people they claim to represent. In relation to the essay,
most of these movements and organizations also have policies that
exclude those the imperialist state has labelled “sex offenders,” But
can these movements and organizations really afford to adhere to these
state-initiated divisions? What are the ramifications to all this?
According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children,
the number of registered sex offenders in the United $tates for 2012 was
747,408, with the largest numbers in California, Texas and Florida.(1)
Consequently, these are also three of the biggest prison states.
All Sex is Rape!
In the 1990s, the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) became infamous
amongst the Amerikan left for two reasons. The first was its class
analysis, which said that Amerikkkan workers were not exploited, but
instead formed a labor aristocracy due to the fact that they were being
paid more than the value of their labor. Amerikkkans were therefore to
be considered parasites on the Third World proletariat & peasantry,
as well as enemies of Third World socialist movements.
The second reason was upholding the political line of First World
pseudo-feminist Catherine MacKinnon, who said that there was no real
difference between what the accused rapist does and what most men call
sex, but never go to jail for. MacKinnon put forth the theory that under
a system of patriarchy (which we live under) all sexual relations
revolve around unequal power relations between those gendered men and
those gendered wimmin. As such, people can never truly consent to sex.
From this MIM drew the logical conclusion: all sex is rape.(2)
This line is not just radical, but revolutionary for its indictment of
patriarchy and implication of the injustice system. MIM developed the
all sex is rape line even further when it explained the relevance of
rape accusations from Amerikkan wimmin against New Afrikan men and the
hystorical relation between the lynching of New Afrikans by Amerikkkan
lynch mobs during Jim Crow. Even in the 1990s when MIM looked at the
statistics for rape accusations and convictions, it was able to deduce
that New Afrikans were still being nationally oppressed by white wimmin
in alliance with their white brethren.(3)
That said, this doesn’t mean that violent and pervasive acts aren’t
committed against people who are gender oppressed in our society.
Rather, I am drawing attention to the fact that Amerikan society
eroticizes power differentials, and the media sexualizes children, yet
they both pretend to abhor both. Regardless of who has done what we must
not lose sight of what should be our main focus: uniting against the
imperialist state, the number one enemy of the oppressed nations.
It is no secret that to call someone a “sex offender” in prison is to
subject that persyn to violence and possibly death. Furthermore, it is a
hystorical fact that pigs have used sex offender accusations as a way to
discredit leading voices amongst the oppressed or simply to have
prisoners target someone they have a persynal vendetta against. We must
resist these COINTELPRO tactics and continue to unite and consolidate
our forces, as to participate in these self-inflicted lynchings is just
another way the pigs get us to do their dirty work for them.
Hystorical Comparisons
In carrying out self-criticism, Mao Zedong said that there had been too
many executions during China’s Cultural Revolution. In particular, ey
stated that while it may be justified to execute a murderer or someone
who blows up a factory, it may also be justified not to execute some of
these same people. Mao suggested that those who were willing should go
and perform some productive labor so that both society could gain
something positive and the persyn in question could be reformed.(4)
Maoists believe that problems amongst the people should be handled
peacefully among the people and thru the methods of discussion and
debate. Most prisoners are locked up exactly because they engaged in
some type of anti-people activity at one point or another of their
lives. Should these actions define prisoners? According to MIM Thought,
all U.$. citizens will be viewed as reforming criminals by the Third
World socialist movement under the Joint Dictatorship of the Proletariat
of the Oppressed Nations (JDPON). The First World lumpen will be no
exception regardless of crime of choice.
Ten Men Dead: the story of the 1981 Irish hunger strike David
Beresford Atlantic Monthly Press 1987
This book chronicles the period and events in Northern Ireland leading
up to when nine members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA)
and one member of the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) starved to
death while on hunger strike inside Northern Ireland’s notorious Long
Kesh prison. While reading this book one may be tempted to draw
parallels between the actions of imprisoned Irish nationalists and the
actions carried out by prisoners in California who protested the use of
solitary confinement and indeterminate sentences in the state’s infamous
Security Housing Units (SHU) in 2011 and 2013. However, there were
qualitative differences between these two movements. Whereas one was
revolutionary nationalist in nature and sought to ultimately eject
British imperialism by linking the struggle behind prison walls to that
of every oppressed Irish national on the streets, the other was of a
reformist character and has lent itself to the preservation of the
status quo; AmeriKKKa vs the oppressed nations. [Today, the
strikes by Palestinians in I$raeli prisons are similar in nature to
the Irish strike. - editor]
While the British first invaded and began to colonize Ireland in the
year 1171, the focus of this book is on more contemporary times so we’ll
start there. Having failed to wipe out Irish nationalism thru sheer
military might the British government sought to switch strategy, and in
1972 initiated a new method of oppression called “normalization”.
Normalization was the policy devised to crush the IRA and other Irish
nationalists by criminalizing the struggle for national liberation &
self-determination. As such, normalization was also termed
“criminalization”. Criminalization required a four prong attack on the
Irish people:
First local police and British occupation forces would cease to refer to
the IRA and other Irish nationalist groups as political organizations
with a political mandate. Instead Irish revolutionaries would begin to
be labeled as “thugs”, “criminals” and “terrorists”.
Second, criminalization would entail eliminating juries and diluting the
rule of evidence in IRA and INLA trials to make it easier to obtain
convictions. As can be expected the number of prisoners sentenced in
Northern Ireland spiked from 745 in 1972 to 2,300 in 1979.(pg 19)
Third, criminalization required that Britain begin to pull its troops
from Northern Ireland delegating national oppression to local police
with special military and counter-intelligence training, thereby giving
the public the impression that fighting the IRA was a law and order
issue and not a war.
Finally, the linchpin towards normalizing Britain’s 800 year oppression
of Ireland would be the repealing of Irish political prisoner status
known as “special category”: special category was granted to captured
IRA and INLA members. Prisoners granted special category were given
preferential treatment. More importantly, however, from the IRA point of
view the fact that special category existed was an admission of sorts
that British occupation of Ireland was something to be contested, even
by the Brits.
As in any struggle, the 1981 hunger strike didn’t simply develop
overnight, rather it was the product of a series of protests almost a
decade in the making. When Britain announced an end to special category
status in 1976, prisoners immediately got to work. For Irish
revolutionaries the fact that they had been captured didn’t mean the war
had ended. Instead prisoners viewed Long Kesh as just another front line
in the war for national liberation.
The struggle to re-instate special category was first sparked 16
September 1976, when a fight between guards and a prisoner broke out
after the prisoner refused to put on a prison uniform while being
admitted into the general population following a conviction on a
terrorism charge. Prior to 1 March 1976, there was no such thing as
terrorism charges being applied to Irish revolutionaries. Once in
prison, IRA and INLA members were segregated from the general
population. They were also allowed to wear their own clothes. Soon other
IRA & INLA members began to refuse to wear prison uniforms which
marked them as criminals. As a reaction to this resistance
administration then refused to clothe prisoners who refused to comply
leaving them confined naked in their cells 24 hours a day with only
blankets to cover themselves.(pg 16) The “blanket” protest had
officially begun.
Two years later, the “no wash” protest was initiated when special
category prisoners were given one towel to wear around their waist on
their visits to the bathroom while being denied a second towel for their
faces. Rather than continue to be humiliated in this way prisoners
refused going to the bathroom facilities all-together and were given
chamber pots for use in their cells. Fights with guards soon followed
however when guards refused to empty the chamber pots. These events then
led to the “dirty” protest in which prisoners began throwing the
contents of the pots out of their cells thru windows and tray slots.
After windows and tray slots were covered prisoners began “pouring urine
out the cracks and dispensing excrement by smearing it on the wall.”(pg
Wimmin also participated in the dirty protest after thirty-two
prisoners at a Northern Ireland wimmin’s jail were beaten by male and
femals guards in a pre-meditated attack after prisoners attempted to
defend themselves during a search. The search was for IRA military
uniforms which the wimmin had worn in a defiant para-military parade
held in violation of jail rules.(pg 20)
Afterwards prisoners began to organize more effectively when IRA
leaders began to arrive in Long Kesh. In 1979 efforts by prison
administrators to isolate IRA leadership backfired when top IRA figures
were transferred to H Block 6. According to the author it was the
equivalent of setting up an “officers training academy” inside the
prison, as prisoners began to further develop “a philosophical and
strategic approach” to Irish national liberation. (pg 18) Nine months
later administration became alarmed with how prisoners had taken control
of their new social conditions. They soon split up the “academy”, but
not before prisoners began to discuss hunger striking to protest
normalization and an end to special category. However, outside IRA
leadership was opposed to a hunger strike by prisoners on the grounds
that the IRA’s limited resources would be better spent on the military
campaign against Britain instead of on building public opinion on behalf
of the hunger strikers.(pg 21)
After much discussion the IRA Army Council and Sinn Fein the political
wing of the IRA gave the go-ahead for prisoners to begin a ten man
hunger strike to the death if their demands weren’t met. However, the
hunger strikers were prohibited from making any explicit references
towards the re-instatement of special category or normalization in order
to give the government some room to compromise. Instead the protest
would officially be known as the struggle for the “five demands”.(pg 27)
The five demands the prisoners put forth were: “the right to wear their
own clothing; the right to refrain from prison work; the right to have
free association with other prisoners (a right implying freedom to
separate from other paramilitary groups); the right to organize
recreation and leisure activity – with one letter, parcel and visit
allowed per week; and the right to have remission lost, as a result of
the blanket protest restored. A suggestion that demands for the reform
of the Diplock court system – the system of trial without jury and
related dilutions of the rule of evidence – be included was vetoed by
the external leadership as being too ambitious.”(pg 27)
For the government to give in to the prisoners’ demands from the IRA
point of view would have meant a de-facto re-implementation of special
category and a step towards repealing criminalization. Criminalization
was turning out to be a very effective public opinion/smear campaign
against the IRA and was having a real effect on how Irish Catholics were
viewing the IRA:
“The phasing out of special category status in 1975 was an integral part
of a new security strategy developed by a high powered government
think-tank – which included representatives of the army, police and the
counter-intelligence agency MI5 – in an attempt to break the IRA and end
the fighting in Ireland. Known as the”criminalization” or
“normalization” policy it was essentially an attempt to separate the
Republican guerrillas from their host population, the Catholics;
depriving the fish of their water to echo Mao Tse-Tung’s famous
dictum.”(pg 15)
Once the decision to hunger strike was made it was decided that only ten
of the most dedicated volunteers would be chosen being that they would
be hunger striking to the death if the government refused to meet their
demands. Leading the strike would be a young revolutionary named Bobby
Sands. Sands was one of those “young Turks” deemed to be responsible for
the “Marxist strain” that seemed to be spreading in the IRA at the time.
At age of 19, Sands was made an officer in the Provisional IRA
commanding one of the huts in Cage 11 where he was housed. According to
the author, Sands “showed himself to be a prolific as well as a
politicized writer: He read voraciously – his favorites including Frantz
Fanon, Camilo Torres, Che Guevara, Amilcar Cabral, George Jackson and of
Irish writers, Connolly, Pearce and Mellows – keeping a fat growing pile
of exercise books full of political analysis, quotations and notes. He
was planning to write a book with it all, but they were destroyed in
1974 when the IRA in the compound burnt their huts in a dispute with the
administration over rights and privileges.”(pg 43)
Sands also contributed articles to the Sinn Fein newspaper
Republican News, which he was able to smuggle out of the prison
thru the use of couriers.(pg 46) Something else that was relevant about
Sands, and which is worth noting here, is that he showed the correct
attitude with comrades when it came to discussing revolutionary
politics. Sands would push his comrades hard on the topic of political
study. Whenever he lent someone a book he’d question them on what they’d
learned, and if he didn’t think they’d seriously absorbed the material
then he’d insist they read it again.
When Sands first arrived in Long Kesh he was sent to a segregated
area called the “Cages”. The Cages was where IRA, INLA and other
nationalists were sent to prior to the 1 March 1976 cut-off date for
special category. Because the IRA as a organization never developed or
held to one particular ideology that they believed or upheld to liberate
Ireland meant that there existed different cliques and factions within
the IRA that believed that different roads would lead to Irish
liberation. This had a huge impact on the IRA and surely contributed to
many of the set-backs and stagnations in the national liberation
movement there. One example of this was how the younger prisoners housed
in Cage 11 were looked down upon and called “renegades” by the older,
more conservative “veterans” of the IRA who were housed in Cage 10 due
to Cage 11’s belief in a socialist road to liberation. The veterans in
Cage 10 despised Marxism so much that they went so far as to stage book
burnings of such works as Marx’s Capital, The Communist
Manifesto and The Thought of Mao Zedong. Cage 10 outranked
the younger Cage 11 and considered ordering them to stand down after
word spread that the Cage 11 presented a series of lectures called
Celtic Communism.(pg 42) No doubt, that prior to these lectures the
speakers in Cage 11 studied On the Origins of the Family, Private
Property and the State by Freidrich Engels, which is a revolutionary
study from a dialectical materialist standpoint of how property
relations and the patriarchy influenced and shaped humyn society from
the primitive stage of humyn development to civilization.
The struggle for the five demands would rage for six months while the
British government publicly refused to negotiate with “criminals” and
“terrorists”. Behind closed doors however was a different story as the
government reluctantly began to give in on the demands after public
opinion began to shift in favor of the hunger strikers. International
pressure also became a strong factor as one country after another openly
condemned the Brits. Also, Guerrilla attacks and bombings on British
occupation forces were not only sustained during this period but were
stepped up. The five demands were finally met, but not until six months
had elapsed and the last of the hunger strikers had died of
starvation-related health complications. On 5 May 1981 Bobby Sands was
the first to expire, but not before managing to become an elected member
of the British Parliament, a seat he won while in prison for an
attempted bombing.(pg 39) 30,000 people voted for Sands, thereby
dispelling the government lie that the IRA had no support in Northern
Ireland.(pg 332)
Conclusions and Analysis
Unfortunately, the author doesn’t tell us what happened next, even
though six years had elapsed from the time of the hunger strike to when
the book was written. A new updated edition of this book would be great
to explain how Ireland’s national liberation struggle has played out.
According to MIM Theory 7: Proletarian Feminist Revolutionary
Nationalism, printed in 1995, the Irish struggle had greatly
degenerated as IRA leaders began to opt more and more for the ballot
over the bullet. The belief that bourgeoisie democracy and/or the
imperialists will ever consent to the people coming to power, or give up
peacefully thru a vote, the territories they have stolen and occupy is a
pipedream. Bobby Sands being put up as a candidate representing South
Tyrone Ireland in the British Parliament was only intended as a move to
agitate around the five demands and no one ever really thought he’d win,
not in the beginning anyways.(pg 72) That said, it seems that Sands’
victory spurned on those within the IRA who were already looking to put
down the gun in favor of taking up electoral politics. But as MIM
Thought has continuously re-iterated: the oppressed nations will never
be free to control their destiny so long as the imperialists hold a gun
to their heads.
Maoists understand that there can be no peace so long as the
imperialists hold power, therefore the only solution for the oppressed
nations is to take up armed struggle once the conditions are finally
right. Instead of looking to put more people from the oppressed nations
into the imperialist power-structure, Chican@s, New Afrikans, Boriqua
and First Nation people should be working to establish a United Front to
liberate their nations and towards the Joint Dictatorship of the
Proletariat of the Oppressed Nations.
Revolutionaries should always strive to push for the best possible deal
for the people without selling out the masses or trading out our
socialist principles. That is the excellent and heroic thing about what
the hunger strikers in Long Kesh did, even when the movement began
pressuring them to quit the hunger strike or settle for one or two of
the demands instead of the five they refused to budge. In the words of
Bobby Sands:
“They wont break me because the desire for freedom, and the freedom of
the Irish people, is in my heart. The day will dawn when all the people
of Ireland will have the desire for freedom to show. It is then we’ll
see the rising of the moon.”(pg 73)
The peddling of multi-culturalism, the temporary success of
globalization following the temporary defeats of socialism and
revolutionary nationalist movements as well as the election of Obomber
have created the notion that the struggle of the oppressed nations are
irrelevant. Even back in 1986 the author of this book was pandering this
idea when he said that the 1981 hunger strike “belongs more to humanity
than to a limited Nationalist cause, no matter how ancient …”(pg 333)
The reality of national oppression however contradicts the author’s
idealism, this is why the Black Lives Matter movement is so threatening
to AmeriKKKans and why it has slapped post-modernism in its face,
because it dredged up a reality they once thought distant and better
left repressed – best to pretend like genocide, slavery and annexation
never took place. Most importantly, however, because it signals the
contradiction coming to a resolution and the smashing of empire. What
the oppressed nations need are more national liberation movements, not
Another point worth drawing attention to is the false distinction the
IRA made between political prisoners and “common criminals”. We believe
that is a bourgeoisie distinction and one that sets back both the prison
movement and national liberation as they are inter-related. MIM Thought
has consistently held that all prisoners under this system are political
exactly because the system is political. One need only to look at mass
incarceration in the United $tates and its many similarities to the
criminalization policy that helped derail the IRA at a time when it was
at its peak.
China’s Urban Villagers: Changing Life in a Beijing Suburb by Norman
Chance Thomson Custom Publishing, Second Edition 2002
“Thus it is not surprising that an important theme expressed by the
suburban Chinese described in the concluding chapter of this book is
resistance – not in direct opposition to socialism per se but against a
government and party that in recent times chose to put its own interest
ahead of those of the Chinese people. In the early years of the People’s
Republic, the Communist party was the major force leading the struggle
for economic improvement, enhanced social equality, and greater
political empowerment of its predominantly peasant population. But the
protest movement of May and June 1989, supported by thousands of Chinese
from all walks of life demonstrated to everyone that the party and
government no longer had a mandate of leadership. What the future holds
for China remains to be seen. But the lessons of the recent past, from
which much can be learned, are there for all to see.” - Norman Chance
China’s Urban Villagers is a book about peasants on the edge of
modernization. This book discusses in part how peasants made great
strides in the construction of socialism, attained a life free from
hunger, oppression and exploitation, and then lost it all. In particular
this book chronicles the story of Half Moon Village, a small peasant
village which used to be located on the outskirts of Beijing on land
which prior to liberation was known as a “vast wasteland” but which
following socialist revolution was transformed through the peoples
collective strength into Red Flag commune, one of China’s largest
The author wrote the first edition of this book based on data originally
gathered on his third trip to China in 1979. However, the author also
references material collected from earlier trips to China in 1972 and
78. He was also assisted in collecting information for the first edition
as well as the second edition to this book in 1984 and 1989 by his wife
Nancy Chance and by Fred Engst, the son of Joan Hinton, sister of
William Hinton. Within the preface to this book Norman Chance explains
his decision to publish the second edition (of which this review covers)
so as to put into perspective his previous experiences in China, both
during and after the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) as
well as his time in Red Flag in light of the repression at Tiananmen
which followed capitalist restoration.
The preface to Urban Villagers began with the author discussing
how he was initially impressed with the Chinese success upon his first
visit to China during the GPCR commenting that: “Many people, including
myself, were impressed with Mao Zedong’s strategy of reducing economic
inequalities through the immense collective effort of the people.”
Yet he immediately follows up this statement by saying that in
retrospect this prior assessment was incorrect due to the fact that he
later came to believe that we was never really allowed to actually
observe socialist China’s failures in agriculture and industrialization,
only its successes. This is an erroneous analysis which effectively
amounts to a “Potemkin Village” thesis in which the author implied that
everything that was good about China was false and everything that was
bad about it was instantly authenticated. This is a contradictory stance
on behalf of the author, not because he changed his position after
leaving China, but because all throughout the book he finds it useful to
compare and contrast what he saw and wrote about China in 1972 and 1976
with the changes he observed in 1979, all the while claiming to uphold
the conditions of the Chinese people as being qualitatively better in
1972 and 76, while still stating that what he saw in those first two
trips wasn’t really real after all – either conditions were better in
1972 and 76 or they were not, you can’t have it both ways. Indeed, even
in Chapter 9, “A Decade of Change”, added to this second edition using
data from the years 1987-89, the author comes to the conclusion that
social conditions had drastically changed in China since 1979. In
particular he refers to “class polarization the breaking up of communal
peasant land into individual holdings and the rising rate of inflation
and exploitation.”
Norman Chance was one of the first cultural anthropologists to be
allowed into China between the years 1952-1972 as anthropology as a
branch of the social sciences was discredited in the Peoples Republic
following the socialist stage of the Chinese revolution (1). He was
invited to visit China in 1972 as part of an educational delegation
during the Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution. Professor Chance was
asked to give a lecture at the Beijing Institute of Minorities titled
“Minority Life in America.” No doubt the communist party invited this
Western academic not only as part of a mutual exchange of ideas, but so
as to expose the Chinese people to reactionary ideologies so that they
may learn from them and be better prepared to combat them. Upon
reflecting on his visit to China, Mr. Chance commented on “how different
were our perspectives on the relationship between minority and majority
nationalities.” (p XV)
It would have been helpful if the author would’ve spoken more on this
last point so that we could’ve learned about the structural relationship
between the majority Han nationality and minority nationalities in
China. For example, the contradiction of nation (Amerikkkka vs the
oppressed nations) is principal here in the United $tates. How did
similar contradictions get resolved in the PRC? In particular how were
these contradictions further elaborated and worked on during the GPCR?
“Apart from their other characteristics, the outstanding thing about
China’s 600 million people is that they are ‘poor and blank’. This may
seem a bad thing, but in reality it is a good thing. Poverty gives rise
to the desire for change, the desire for action and the desire for
revolution. On a blank sheet of paper free form any mark, the freshest
and most beautiful characters can be written the freshest and most
beautiful pictures can be painted.” - Mao Zedong, Introducing A
Cooperative, 1958
To understand how Red Flag commune and Half Moon Village came to be
developed we must first understand China’s need to raise the quality of
life for its majority peasant population. As in any other society
quality of life is first measured by the country’s ability to meet its
citizen’s basic needs. First among these needs being the government’s
ability to feed, clothe and house its citizens. After providing a
summary of China’s national liberation and socialist revolution
struggles the author dives right into some of the major social issues
facing the People’s Republic in the early 1950s’ primarily how does a
country of 600 million paupers who are stuck in medieval culture and a
feudal economy pull themselves into the 20th century? Chance
acknowledges the feat with which China was forced to contend at this
critical juncture in its hystory as nearly insurmountable.
Indeed, if China had remained a colony or neo-colony of this or that
imperialist empire as say a country like India was at the time and
continues as today, then it would have proved insurmountable. As hystory
has proven however the Chinese people, with the guidance of Chairman Mao
and the Communist Party, were able to lift the mountains of feudalism
and imperialism off their backs, and in doing so cleared the way for
socialism and communist development to begin.
When learning about socialist experiments of the past it is always
common to hear intellectuals and sophists alike speak of the
contradiction of a supposed “humyn nature” that will always prevent us
from building a society free of poverty, hunger, exploitation and war.
And as most academics writing on the subject, Chance does not miss the
opportunity of raising the specter of humyn nature. Where Chance departs
from this common bourgeois narrative is when he frames the issue of
greed and selfishness as originating in the culture prevalent at the
“Underlying these conflicts is a fundamental problem in the building of
a socialist society – the issue of human nature. If greediness is at the
heart of human nature, then the whole idea of socialism is nothing more
than a utopia. If on the other hand, human nature involves a dialectical
tension between self-interest and social interests, then self-interest
can become secondary to the interests of the larger group.
Anthropological studies of various societies demonstrate that pure
greediness in human behavior is deviant indeed. Rather, individual
motivation is strongly shaped by the social and cultural environment. If
greed is encouraged and rewarded, it would be considered foolish not to
act in a similar fashion. By contrast, if friends and associates strive
to act in a helpful, cooperative manner, selfish actions on the part of
an individual would likely lead that person to feel ashamed. Even within
the competitive, individualistic orientation of Western society, one
regularly finds selfless actions by individuals who are willing to risk
their personal security for a given cause. Thus in discussing greed and
selfishness, the question is not human nature but rather the dominant
behavior expected in normal circumstances.” (p7-8)
What’s more the Chinese masses were able to transform their country from
the “sick man of Asia” into a strong socialist power in the span of only
twenty years. They were able to accomplish this not by force but by
persuasion. Compare this to India which started ahead of China, had a
higher life expectancy and had a higher per capita than China. It was
also 75% peasant like China. Yet China surpassed India in all these
areas within one generation – so much for the comparison between
socialism and capitalism.(2)
“Our task is to build islands of socialism in a vast sea of individual
farming. We are the ones who will have to show the way for the whole
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was able to spearhead the
collectivization of agriculture thru their successful mobilization of
peasants first into mutual aid teams, then low level elementary
agricultural cooperatives.(p4-5) These APC’s were comprised of “20 or
more households which pooled their labor, land and small tools for the
common benefit.”(p4) These cooperatives not only helped peasants
survive, but begin to spurn on the economy in the countryside. With time
and success the APC’s began to grow as peasants eagerly joined.
According to Chance the only people who hesitated or refused were the
“well to do” peasants who saw an end to their standard of living come
with the rise of the APCs. At first the government let these rich and
middle peasants abstain from joining until of course their abstinence
became a hindrance to social development. It was at this time that the
Communist Party under the leadership of Chairman Mao “opted for a
acceleration of rural collectivization – a Socialist upsurge in the
countryside – in which mutual aid teams and low-level co-operatives were
to be combined into larger, more advanced units.”(p6) These APCs were
but preludes to the Great Leap Forward 1958-1960. The Great Leap Forward
was China’s attempt to catch up with the imperialist countries by
building up China’s ability to produce grain and steel. Experimentation
in farming, animal husbandry and other associated activity were in fact
the earliest models in innovation from which experience and rationale
knowledge were garnered for and summed up for further practice and
experimentation in the city environment. Once the Great Leap forward
began the APCs quickly ran their course and became outmoded. The APCs
then gave way to the commune movement in the countryside in which the
most advanced APCs were consolidated into 42,000 communes.(p8)
In it’s early developmental stages one of the fundamental political
lines in the Chinese countryside was to “rely on the poor peasants,
unite with the middle peasants, isolate the rich peasants and overthrow
the landlords and wipe out feudalism.”(p39) Having put this political
line into practice the land was re-distributed “according to the number
of persons in the family and the quality of the soil.”(p39) Landlords
were treated thusly: their house, animals and tools were divided among
everyone. As for the rich peasants the policy was to let them keep
whatever they were able to work themselves. Because most peasants were
not used to having so much land and were accustomed to only working on
small individual plots much land and crops went to waste. After having
had time to accumulate and process experience and practice from this the
peasants of Half Moon were well on their way to conquering this new
social environment. Half Moon as so many other villages within Red Flag
became responsible for growing rice, wheat, corn and a variety of
vegetables, as well as raising chickens and pigs.(p29-30) On the
question of forced collectivization, two old peasants known to have
lived in the area of Red Flag prior to redistribution had “nothing to
say.” The author insinuates the peasants were afraid to speak out
against land distribution and collectivization for fear of reprisals
from the government. However, this insinuation is unfounded due to the
fact that (1) the peasants interviewed clearly voiced their support for
Red Flag commune and the CCP remembering the “bitter years” before
revolution, and (2) this interview was conducted in 1979 at a time that
collectivization and other socialist policies originally began under Mao
were being dismantled throughout China in favor of for-profit
Education in the Peoples Republic
Education in the area of Half Moon Village lept from “fairly small”
between the decade of the 1950s to the early 1970s when it then spiked
to over 90 percent by 1979.(p91) These are surprising numbers for a
Third World country, yet it is only another impressive indicator that
only a country under socialist construction is truly serving the people.
In visiting some of Half Moon’s primary schools Professor Chance found
that even in 1979, three years after the capitalist roaders rise to
power, certain socialist values were still being upheld in China’s
education system even as others were being negated. One example of this
could be seen in how peasant children were imbued with a sense of
proletarian morality by being taken out of school and into the fields on
a daily basis so that they could watch their parents and neighbors work.
Children would also be put to work alongside the village engaging in
light duty. The children’s work consisted of “husking small ears of corn
left behind by their parents… Such activities not only instilled in the
student the value of hard work, but also emphasized the importance of
being thrifty with what one produced.”(p93)
In another example, the author describes how individualism was still
being struggled against at the basic level of education:
“Students continually learned proper behavior from teachers, parents,
textbooks, radio, newspapers and television. In all these instances they
were encouraged to help each other, care for each other and take each
other’s happiness as their own. In contrast activities that caused
embarrassment or remarks that emphasized a negative attribute were
discouraged. Envision for example, a Chinese child’s participation in a
game like musical chairs. In an American school such a game encourages
children to be competitive and to look out for themselves. But to young
Chinese, the negative aspect was much more noticeable. That is, losers
become objects of attention because they had lost their place – and
therefore ‘face.’ In China, winning was fun too. But it should not be
achieved at the expense of causing someone embarrassment. In all kinds
of daily activity, including study as well as games, Chinese children
were regularly reminded that they must work hard and be sensitive to the
needs of others for only through such effort would their own lives
become truly meaningful…”(p94)
Even groups like China’s Young Pioneers, a group similar to the Boy
Scouts, taught their members to engage in pro-social activities such as
cleaning streets, assisting the elderly and aiding teachers as opposed
to the leisure activities which the Boy Scout movement largely concerns
itself within the United $tates.
Of course, not everyone in Half Moon was of the same mind politically.
One school administrator spoke ill of education in China during the
Great Proletarian Revolution (GPCR):
“Education is improving now… Before (meaning during the decade of the
Cultural Revolution) the children had no discipline. They didn’t behave
properly and couldn’t learn anything. Now that is all changed. We have
ten rules and regulations for behavior, and they have settled down. Now
they are learning very well.”(p97)
As previously stated, it is logical that this school administrator would
consider educational policies a disaster during the GPCR quite simply
because his own power and prestige were challenged and negated by
revolutionary students. In addition the author also states:
“Both primary and secondary education had expanded significantly
throughout the commune by the early 1970s. Much of this activity,
closely linked to the educational policies of the Cultural Revolution,
emphasized the importance of utilizing local initiative. And indeed many
villages had established new primary (and junior middle) schools by
using local people and urban-trained”educated youth” to staff them.
Wages for these new teachers were largely paid by the villagers
themselves, through brigade-based work points. To obtain additional
teachers for the new facilities, villages had reduced the earlier system
of six-year primary schools to five years – justification for the step
being summed up in the slogan “less but better.”
“This dramatic educational effort put forward during the Cultural
Revolution brought the benefits of expanded primary and secondary
education to many commune youth – a real achievement, given the large
increase in population between 1950 and the 1970s. Yet it did so at the
expense of improving educational quality. The local primary school
director was obviously identifying with the quality side of this
Indeed, no period in the hystory of revolutionary China is more despised
or has been more besmirched by the enemy classes as that of the Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution. During the GPCR the bourgeoisie
witnessed how the masses armed with Maoist philosophy opened up a new
offensive against traitorous, revisionist and bureaucratic elements
within the CCP itself, and attempts at the restoration of capitalism.
This new offensive took the form of criticisms of bourgeois morals,
values and ideals. Though seemingly innocent from a first worldist
perspective such as our own, if left unchallenged within socialist
society these morals, values and ideals become like a virus or disease
in the body of socialism. When left untreated they will fester and wreak
havoc on their socialist host, interrupting normal function with the
very real potential to cause death.
Beginning in 1966 all established facets of life were forced to justify
their existence within the new society or risk being relegated to the
museum of antiquities. No more would an “experts in command” line be
tolerated, in Chinese society whether in enterprise or education. No
more would patriarchal rule be considered the natural order of things.
Confucianism outside the temple of worship would be forced to contend
with scientific method – all reactionary cultural products would be
grappled with, criticized and torn asunder. In their place proletarian
morality would be erected both as a guide and bulwark to the cause of
socialism and the masses.
Later, on pg99 Norman Chance talks about how middle school students
began to drop out and how most cases were related in one way or another
to economic problems in the countryside. Chance explains that although
“80% of all primary school graduates in the commune began middle school
less than 30% finished. Of those who did, almost none entered higher
education.” Both the “failing” grades and new economic downturn can
probably be linked to the restoration of capitalism.
Portrait of An Educated Youth
In socialist China education went beyond the enclosure of the classroom,
as society as a whole was treated as a laboratory where people could
discuss, debate, experiment and learn from others, not just experts in
command. An excellent example of this could be seen in the “sent down
educated youth” program which started in the mid 1950s but increased
from the early 1960s to 1966 and then “dramatically from 1968-1976
before finally being concluded in late 1979” (p101). During the Cultural
Revolution in times of intense political struggle in the country school
was suspended so that students could struggle over the issues of the day
and have a say in which direction China would go. This is more than can
be said of the Amerikan public school system where rote memorization is
popularized and children are expected to parrot what they heard and read
and punished for leaving school to challenge government policies.
In this section we are introduced to Zhang Yanzi, a young tractor driver
in Red Flag who chose to speak to Chance about her experience in the
“Going to the Countryside and Settling Down with the Peasants” campaign.
Zhang Yanzi recounted how after graduating from middle school she
volunteered to go live with the peasants working first at a state farm
as an agricultural worker then as a primary school teacher. She was only
16 years old when she took up a teaching position. She admitted to
having her reservations about teaching because her parents were school
teachers in Beijing and had been criticized by the masses during the
Cultural Revolution.(p103) After requesting to be transferred from her
teaching position, she ended up working with livestock and later
attained a position as a cook.(p103) Zhang finally became a tractor
driver in 1976 and was transferred to Red Flag in 1977.(p103)
She spoke about how initially there was great unity between the peasants
and the sent down educated youth. This unity however soon began to
dissolve after what Zhang describes as “political factionalism” began to
develop amongst the older cadre in the commune. Another problem Zhang
brought up was that there wasn’t enough concern given to the educated
youths’ political development.(p104) It seems that much of what Zhang
speaks about was happening in post-Mao China (1977) and it’s somewhat
hard to decipher what experiences happened when. For instance, on page
104 she speaks about how enthused at first she was about choosing to go
work and live with the peasants in 1966. She speaks about how it was all
done on a volunteer basis:
“In the beginning, no pressure was put on anyone to go. It was all on a
volunteer basis. Each individual had to pass the ‘Three OKs.’ One was
from the actual student, one from the family, and one from the school.
If there was any disagreement, then the person wouldn’t go. Even if you
hesitated just before climbing on the train you could stay. But we
didn’t do that. We were all very enthusiastic.”(p103-104)
In the next two paragraphs however Zhang speaks about how “later the
policy was changed” and that families with more than “three educated
children had to send two of them to the countryside” and if they didn’t
then the parents would be forced to attend study groups and if the
parents still didn’t agree then the “neighborhood committees would come
out to the street and beat big gongs, hang up ‘big character posters,’
and use other propaganda to persuade you to let your children go.”
Because the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was exactly that, a
revolution in culture, it meant that the masses for the first time
anywhere in hystory were given free reign to not only grapple and
struggle with ideas but to engage in open debate publicly and at the
grassroots level without government interference. This is the true
meaning of democracy – and so long as violence wasn’t used the masses
were left to reach their own conclusions and express themselves freely.
It is as Lin Bao correctly stated. “…the mass revolutionary movement is
naturally correct; for among the masses, right and left wing
deviationist groups may exist, but the main current of the mass movement
always corresponds to the development of that society involved and is
always correct.”(4)
Critics of the Cultural Revolution, in particular, intellectuals like to
portray the GPCR as some kind of punishment for the petty-bourgeois
classes in which they were made to endure mental and physical torture at
the hands of the Communist Party and hateful peasants. But Zhang who
originally lived in Beijing and whose parents were both teachers, paints
a much different picture. Admittedly enough, Zhang has her own
disagreements with various CCP policies during and after the Cultural
Revolution but commune living was not one of them:
“We all ate together in the public dining halls, with some of the older
workers. Even though conditions were bad (speaking of the living
conditions of the peasants and the weather) they took pretty good care
of us, giving us easier jobs and better housing.”(p104)
In that same paragraph Zhang also says that in fact it was the sent down
youth who, after a while, began to talk down to and abuse the peasants
calling them “country bumpkins,” “dirty” and “uncultured.” She also says
that in “units where there were few educated youth, the work was done
better, but where they were the majority, the problems became severe.”
The most severe problem to occur at Red Flag during the time Zhang
reflects on is an instance in which a corrupt high ranking cadre was
discovered to be molesting young girls. This official was said to be
virtually untouchable within Red Flag, until the People’s Liberation
Army caught wind of these abuses, entered the commune, began an
investigation, arrested the official and subsequently executed him.
Afterward the situation got better. (p104-105)
All in all, Zhang’s biggest criticism of the GPCR is that there could’ve
been more mechanization in Red Flag and that because of the lack thereof
much of the commune’s potential in agriculture went to waste. She
thought that the sent down educated youth program was sound because it
“enabled them (urban youth) to learn more about the good qualities of
the peasants and also some production skills.”(p105) Zhang also
addresses the bureaucracy. This will however be addressed in the
upcoming sections.
Family Relations
In this portion of the book the author focuses on how collectivization
and land reform affected the family structure and the patriarchy in Half
Moon Village. From control over the fields, tools and animals to
wimmin’s empowerment both in the home and the local and central
According to the author the focus of this attack in Red Flag was on
“Feudal backward patriarchal thinking.”(p130) Although the GPCR was the
most progressive social event in world hystory we should not be mistaken
to think that the Cultural Revolution simply went on unimpeded.
From a mother-in-law’s perceived rule in the family to the bureaucratic
apparatus there were a variety of social forces opposed to true
revolutionary change, even in Red Flag.
The Changing Status of Women
Before the start of the GPCR wimmin’s existence in rural China was
largely devoted to serving the male’s side of the family according to
what was known as the “three obediences and four virtues.” These
required a woman to first follow the lead of her father, then her
husbands, and on her husband’s death, her son, and to be “virtuous in
morality, proper speech, modesty and diligent work.”(p134)
One peasant womyn recounts her experience to the author explaining how
prior to the revolution she was given away as a child bride, beaten,
starved and made to engage in forced labor at the hands of her husband
and her husband’s family. After 1949 however the Communist Party began
the arduous task of doing away with the old system thru the enactment of
wimmin’s rights in a country where wimmin were by and large still
considered property according to the old kinship system. Beginning with
the Marriage Law of 1950, which required free choice in marriage by both
partners, guaranteed monogamy, and establishing the right of women to
work, and obtain a divorce without necessarily losing their children.
This law when combined with the Land Reform Movement Act, which gave
women the right to own land in their own name, did much to challenge the
most repressive features of the old family system.(p137)
Social relations in Red Flag during the 1950s, 60s and 70s reveal a
complex effort by the CP to simultaneously transform China economically
and liberate wimmin. Because capitalism developed under congealed
patriarchal social conditions, and ideology arises out of the
superstructure, this means that even in a socialist society the ideology
of the oppressor does not dissipate overnight. Rather, a cultural
revolution must be set into effect so that the masses and society as a
whole can learn to struggle against backward, reactionary and oppressive
thinking. Therefore it should not be surprising to find out that when
wimmin first attempted to assert their rights in the new society there
were some who did not approve and attempted to put wimmin “back in their
place.” To some, especially idealists, this will seem difficult to
understand, but revolution is never easy and at root requires
scientifically guided struggle at all levels of society. And so to many
Western academics and so-called “observers” it would’ve seemed that
wimmin’s rights were being subsumed into the wider socialist (and male
dominated) framework. But before we get too discouraged with China’s
inability to meet our idealistic standards, we should remember that
revolutionary struggle always requires determining and working to
resolve the principal contradiction, to which all other contradictions
become temporarily relegated. This is different than subsuming which
requires the glossing over of contradictions or cooptation. It would
therefore seem that this is also how the Communist Party saw it.
Therefore they could enact land reform, marriage laws and divorce laws
which recognized wimmin’s democratic rights, but they also had to be
aware of the fact that land reform, agriculture and industry were of the
highest priority during this period. If China was unable to develop its
productive forces in conjunction with changing social relations then all
would be lost. Yes land reform was enacted, and yes wimmin were finally
given democratic and bourgeois liberal rights which in semi-feudalist
society were revolutionary. But socialist revolution proceeds in stages
and it is ultra-left to believe that the patriarchy would not put up a
fight and that some concessions would not have to temporarily be made.
Ultimately this is why cultural revolution is necessary, to criticize
and build public opinion against the old ruling class in preparation for
the following stage of revolution.
Even with such reactionary ideas still being propagated wimmin’s
conditions were elevated exponentially. Testament to this being the fact
that in 1978, 3,037 young wimmin students were enrolled in junior middle
school in Red Flag compared to 3,202 males, while 1,035 wimmin were
enrolled in senior middle school compared to 859 males in Red
Flag.(p101) “In 1977, there had been six women members, out of a village
total of fifteen members, of whom one had been the party
secretary.”(p44) In addition, let us not forget Jiang Qing, great
revolutionary leader who helped spark the GPCR, one of the most
influential and powerful people in China; neither should we forget the
countless other revolutionary wimmin of China who without their
participation in revolutionary struggle China’s liberation would not
have been possible. With the restoration of capitalism however, most of
the progress made in the arena of wimmin’s rights were reversed or
negated with the exception of some democratic rights which mostly the
petty-bourgeoisie and the bourgeois classes who reside in the urban
centers are still privy to. China’s countryside however has seen a
resurgence in female slavery since the restoration of capitalism.(5)
Among other reversals in socialism which the author documents is a
perversion of China’s barefoot doctor’s program which the social
fascists used to depopulate the masses. Here the author speaks about how
barefoot doctors and wimmin’s federations “introduced system of material
incentives to reduce births, pregnant Half Moon peasant women at that
time could receive five yuan in cash and have several days off from work
if they agreed to abort their unborn child. Counseling women on such
matters was the responsibility of the local women’s federation.
Technical medical questions were handled by barefoot doctors in
consultation with the federation.”(p142)
“Becoming Rich is Fine” and A Decade of Change
These are the concluding chapters in China’s Urban Villagers and
they are very interesting as well as disappointing in the fact that they
really document China’s about face in building socialism. Perhaps they
can be both summed up in Xiao Cai’s (a young wimmin in charge of foreign
affairs at Red Flag) statement to professor Chance: “you know, it’s all
right to become rich… I mean that individuals and families can work hard
for their own benefit. If they make money at it, that’s fine. They won’t
be criticized any more for being selfish.”(p151)
Emphasis on getting rich came thru the “Four Modernizations” campaign
which emphasized developing the productive forces while negating
production relations in the economy and social relations in society. In
popularizing this campaign the revisionists stated that “collective
effort must be linked to individual initiative” and that the GPCR “was
an appalling disaster.”(p152) These criticisms expressed the class
outlook of the bourgeoisie in the party and their attempts to convince
the broad masses that “the political extremism of the Cultural
Revolution” offered a “simplistic notion of capitalism” and “unfairly
labeled people as capitalist roaders.”(p152) The outcome being “a large
decrease in individual and household sideline activities, to the
detriment of China’s overall economic development.”(p152)
In reality however, nothing could be further from the truth. While the
Great Leap Forward and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution were
not without their mistakes, both the GLF and GPCR marked profound shifts
in both the development of socialism as well as the overall development
of the humyn social relations not seen since the development of classes
themselves. Furthermore, the GLF and GPCR offered the masses insight
into the unraveling of contradictions on a hystoric level. Thru
participation in the Great Leap the masses learned what it was to engage
in industrial production as well as how to innovate traditional farming
techniques by utilizing collective effort in combination with
proletarian thinking.(3) By their participation in the GPCR the
revolutionary masses learned what it was to both gain unprecedented
insight into the advance towards communism and the unraveling of
contradictions prevalent in socialist society. Thru this experimentation
the masses contributed not only to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as the
science of revolution, but to the development of rational knowledge as
Other reversals in socialism in Red Flag were made apparent when
officials in Beijing issued an order to China’s commune to
“de-collectivize” the land and privatize most plots. Opposition to this
privatization was fairly strong in Red Flag even though its residents
weren’t as politically educated as others, they still clung to the
memory of the hardships common in the countryside before the revolution.
In particular they were well aware that it was only thru collective
strength and revolutionary leadership that they were able to overcome
such difficulties. Thus, they began to openly fear class polarization as
they rightly began to recognize that some peoples “rice bowls” had
gotten bigger than others. Especially when it came to party officials.
As time went on, many in Red Flag began to get a new understanding of
what Mao spoke about before his death concerning the revisionists and
the return to capitalism.
By the mid-1980s exploitation in China had returned full-force and
no-one could deny or claim ignorance to what was happening except for
perhaps the bourgeoisie and petty-bourgeoisie. As a part of the
so-called “responsibility system” initiated under the traitor Deng
Xiaoping “separate households and even individuals, could contract with
production teams and brigades to produce their grain, vegetables, and
other agricultural goods on specific plots of brigade land divided up
for that purpose.”(p161) The inevitable result of all this was that
migrant peasant workers began to be sought out to work Half Moon’s
individually owned plots. The result? Deplorable oppressive conditions
for hundreds of thousands of peasants from poorer regions of China who
began arriving in Beijing’s agricultural suburbs:
“It looks like a prison labor camp to me” commented one visitor on
seeing Half Moon’s migrant worker dormitories “After spending all day in
the fields these poor peasants return to their dorms in the evening only
to be doled out a bare minimum of food – lots of grains but not many
vegetables. Once the harvest is over, they are paid a small wage by the
manager and then head back to Henan, Hebei, or whatever province they
came from. It’s highly exploitative.”(p166)
Due to a return to capitalism by 1985, China was again forced to import
grain, something unheard of since the natural catastrophes that occurred
towards the end of the Great Leap Forward. During this time corrupt
party officials’ greed reached new heights as they enriched themselves
at the expense of the masses thru their manipulation of the national
economy and exploitation of workers and peasants thru their access and
control of the means of production. Some of the frustration of the
people was captured in an interview of a party member by professor
Chance in 1988. Although the quote is much too lengthy to feature here
the party member was very critical of the capitalist roaders. This is
part of what he had to say:
“Some people feel the nature of the party and the state has changed. The
change first appeared in the late 1960s and 1970s when the power and
authority, rather than representing the interests of the people came to
represent those in power. This process took some time to unfold. But now
it is quite clear what Mao meant when he warned us about the danger of
capitalist roaders…. You don’t know how hard it was for us to figure out
what was going on. Mao tried time and time again to weed out the
capitalist roaders, but still he failed. Now people don’t know what to
do…. Since Mao came along many years ago and saved China from the mess
it was in, someone else will come along someday and save us from the
mess we are in today…”(p173)
In fact, contrary to what this “Communist” Party member has to say, many
of the problems with the bourgeoisie in the party first surfaced during
the Great Leap forward 1958-1961 and were illuminated for us by Mao and
his followers prior to the Cultural Revolution. In fact, during the
Great Leap Forward political struggles and factionalism were already
taking place in China’s factories and industrial centers between those
wishing to keep expert-in-command and those wanting the masses to take
the lead in production. Furthermore, this party member is in error when
he places Mao as a great individual whose responsibility it was to save
China. Yes Mao was a great revolutionary leader, but he would’ve been
the first to point out that the masses were responsible for controlling
their own destiny. Afterall this is why the GPCR was initiated.
The student movement at Tiananmen Square is also addressed in which the
author chronicles the events leading up to the political repression and
massacre of the students. The demands of the protesters ranged from a
return to socialism to freedom of the press and a desire to turn to
Western style capitalism and democracy. The revisionist CCP, fearing an
uprising by the masses, ordered the People’s Liberation Army to fire on
the protesters. On 3 June 1989, 8,000 troops, tanks and armored
personnel carriers entered the outskirts of Tienanmen and began firing
on protesters and city residents alike. Discussion in Half Moon over the
protests and political repression and Tiananmen brought mixed reviews.
“Based on their past knowledge and experience, most villagers found it
inconceivable that the PLA would fire on the protesters. Even during the
height of the Cultural Revolution, the army had gone unarmed into the
colleges and universities, where the worst fighting had occurred. But
when several factory workers reported that the army had fired on crowds
at street corners, the tenor of the conversation began to change.”(p182)
Close enough to Beijing to have participated in the rebellion (and
indeed some Red Flag students and other villagers did participate), Half
Moon residents were brought under investigation by authorities. Most
were eventually cleared.
In short, contradictions in China since the return of capitalism have
once again created the conditions for a new revolutionary upsurge. With
China’s economic emulation of the so-called “economic miracles” of the
South-East: Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong (also knowns as
the “Four Tigers” or the “Four Dragons”) contradictions in China have
once again created the conditions for a new revolutionary upsurge. In
relation to this point the author ends this book with the following:
“Implicit in this proposal is the assumption that by emphasizing
privatization and a market driven economy, China too can achieve a
similar prosperity. However, those four nations that were able to break
out of Third World poverty were small, were on the Asian periphery, and
were the beneficiaries of two large Asian wars financed by America.
There is little reason to assume that a market-driven economic system
will enable China to repeat the process. Much more probable is a return
to a neo-colonial status with small islands of prosperity and corruption
on the coasts and with stagnation in the hinterland – a sure formula for
future revolutionary upheavals.”(p187)