We see now in these times a great number of mass movements springing up
and struggling for particular causes. A new generation of activists
forming and struggling against ever more specific issues. For almost any
social issue affecting anyone in the United $tates today you will find
some type of movement underway to combat it. From racism, sexism,
religious intolerance, wages, to police brutality, prison reform and
sentencing reform, etc.
These kinds of issues have more or less always existed here in the
United $tates and mass movements have more or less always accompanied
them. However, not much has been accomplished. Every one of these issues
and forms of oppression continue to plague society, with some of them
becoming even more acute. Of course, to many, much has appeared to have
changed; with some reforms made and concessions given, the great tactic
of pacification and distraction has been utilized. But after generations
of struggle and “victories” (reforms) why is it that these problems
continue to exist?
These things are like weeds: you can chop them down and it may appear as
if they have been removed or cut so low that they are no longer
perceived as problems, but they grow right back because the roots were
not ripped out. This leaves one mowing the same patch of weeds week
after week.
All social movements that aren’t struggling to eliminate the root cause
of these forms of oppression are only battling non-principal
contradictions. This doesn’t mean that these issues aren’t important, it
just means that they are merely effects of the principal contradictions,
not their cause. They are by-products of the system that, like weeds,
constantly reproduces itself so long as its base remains intact.
What is the base from which these non-principal contradictions
originate? It is the mode of production: capitalism. It is the economic
base that created and perpetuates these forms of oppression people
continue to fight. What people continue to fight is the superstructure
that protrudes from the base. But these types of struggles will be an
eternal one if we continue to fight what appears to be the cause of
oppression instead of its essence.
Karl Marx’s scientific study of history, and sociology in particular,
allowed him to demonstrate how our material conditions determine our
social relations with each other. Let’s hear Marx putting forth this
“Assume a particular state of development in the productive faculties of
man and you will get a particular form of commerce and consumption.
Assume particular stages of development in production, commerce, and
consumption and you will have a corresponding social constitution, a
corresponding organization of the family, of orders or of classes, in a
word, a corresponding civil society. Assume a particular civil society
and you will get particular political conditions which are only the
official expression of civil society.”
So goes the materialist conception of history. But we don’t have to take
Marx’s word for it. We can analyze history and see for ourselves how
each different stage of development of the productive forces and the
mode that these forces were subsumed produced its own social relations
peculiar to that mode of production. And with that, its own
contradictions, whether they be manifested in culture, class, gender,
“race,” etc. This demonstrates that our material relations have been the
basis of our relations.
This is the concept of the base (mode of production) producing the
superstructure (social relations, politics, laws, ideology, morality,
desires, etc.). We use this concept to show that a lot of the forms of
oppression that we struggle against are produced by the nature of the
economic foundation that we are dominated by. It has produced and
continues to reproduce these contradictions. Now it is systemic. If we
are ever going to end racism, sexism, imperialism, mass imprisonment,
poverty, hunger, etc., then we have to eliminate the thing that causes
Our movements must consolidate their efforts to attack the base. We have
the valence, we just need to help the people make these connections.
Everything is connected in some way to the economic base, its mode of
production and distribution. Capitalism’s system of “all against all”
has created these contradictions we face. With colonialism, imperialism,
and especially now with neo-colonialism, many new contradictions and
forms of oppression have sprung up that can cloud our vision. But we
can’t continue to concentrate great amounts of our energy and resources
in fighting the non-principal contradictions that don’t target the
system directly.
It is of course understood that at certain moments a nation’s
contradictions that were non-principal before, or perhaps even
non-existent, can become principal contradictions. For example, in China
before/during Mao’s revolution Japanese imperialism was the principal
contradiction, but afterward new contradictions became acute due to the
ever-expanding nature of global capitalism.
In Vietnam before/during Ho Chi Minh’s liberation movement against
French colonialism, for the people of Vietnam colonialism was the
principal contradiction. Then came the fight against U.$. imperialism
which quickly became the principal contradiction. But these were
particular contradictions, not general ones.
Imperialism is an appendage of capitalism. When the courageous and
determined guerilla fighters of Vietnam defeated U.$. imperialism, they
did not end imperialism. They only ended U.$.-Vietnam imperialism.
The point is that while forms of oppression like imperialism can seem
like the principal contradiction to certain nations at certain times, it
can never truly be the principal contradiction overall. Even when China
fought Japanese imperialism, and to them it was the principal
contradiction, in the grand scheme of things it was not; it was the
interests that caused imperialism.
Imperialism can not truly be defeated until the imperialist
nations/empires undergo an internal revolution and the economic
interests that drive imperialism cease to be. So long as global
capitalism and the capitalist global market persists, imperialism will
always exist in some form; it will only be shifted from one nation that
defeats imperialism onto another, and that cycle will continue.
To rid all oppressed nations of imperialist aggression we’ve got to rid
the imperialist nations of the mode of production (capitalism) that
makes imperialism necessary.
Of course, we must always continue to demonstrate against the
by-products of capitalism, the non-principal contradictions. But in
doing so we have to consolidate these movements and establish a
consensus of consciousness so that while we continue to fight everyday
oppression we can also understand that the fight is really much bigger
and we have to all know what the cause of these forms of oppression is.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This is a great explanation of the
nature of capitalism and why reformist and even individual
anti-imperialist battles don’t result in the immediate end of
oppression. To do that, it’s important to define the principal
contradiction within any struggle. The principal contradiction is the
thing that will push forward a struggle the most. It is the highest
priority contradiction, the one that revolutionaries must focus their
energy on. It is the string we can pull to unravel the whole situation.
And so it’s the most important contradiction to focus on right now.
As this author points out, in revolutionary war, as with the ones in
Vietnam and China, the principal contradiction is between the
imperialist occupying force and the oppressed masses. In the world today
overall we see the principal contradiction as between the imperialist
countries and the nations they oppress and exploit. In prison we can
identify the principal contradiction in a particular situation. For
instance when there is an ongoing battle between imprisoned lumpen orgs
then the principal contradiction in that prison might be between two
lumpen organizations. That doesn’t mean it will be the principal
contradiction forever. If we achieve peace between the warring lumpen
groups, the new principal contradiction may be between the lumpen and
the state.
We agree with this writer on the fundamental importance of the
contradiction of capitalism. We say that the class contradiction, which
under capitalism is between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, is the
fundamental contradiction. This means it underlies all other
contradictions within class society. As this author points out, this is
an important guiding principle because it helps us understand why one
successful revolution in one country won’t lead to the end of all
oppression, even within that country. This doesn’t, however, mean that
class is always the principal contradiction. In fact, as noted above,
the principal contradiction in the world today is between imperialist
countries and the exploited countries. And even within U.$. borders we
see the principal contradiction as between the oppressor and oppressed
By evaluating every situation scientifically we can figure out what is
the most important contradiction to focus our energy on. And in this way
we can best push forward the revolutionary movement.