The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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Why talk and not say shit

v1. The president participating, dys-educating my Black people
The condition is missing for us to live equal
Say we all the same but restrained for what we look like
It don’t take a genius to see it don’t look right
Obama just a puddle surrounded by pitfalls
A puppet in the game playing by his master’s rules
Are we living in the land of the free
Or are we free as they want us to be
The constitution is breached
His words are lies, plans are unspoken
Intentions are clear to keep the cream class growing
Why you gotta cut education
And not this fucked up system
Locked brotha’s up for false accusations
Claim you leading the nation
Revamping enslavement
Campaigning, talking and ain’t saying shit

Hook: why you talking x3, talking and ain’t saying shit

v2. Why when Haiti had to suffer the quake
Those who survive had to suffer and wait for the united states
No water no help or food
For weeks and they made it look good on the news
It’s the rules of the game to keep them under the shoe
No money no help unless they benefit too
The president is irrelevant to speak the truth
I’d rather speak than to keep this thing on mute
Profit is the only topic when help is called on
Freedom is not an option cuz the law is all wrong
Manipulating the race saying equal we all are
People we all are
Police brutality, to specific formalities
Time to wake the streets and those sleeping wit it
Cuz dudes talking and ain’t saying shit

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 47]

On the Rise

As we reminisce in disguise about our
working with bloody knuckles
knowing everybody had to struggle
to get it
we used our muscles
and a pistol on our buckles
being the oppressor by dope
selling in capitalism just to hustle
please listen
this is a lesson in our mission
a part of the intervention
no comrade has
ever mentioned
many lives are in this picture,
check out the new addition
born into oppression
by the second as we’re speaking
about the oppressor
who is destined
to take lives into its sector
only to control them
by their lack of initiative
to join together
and be a weapon
as one, we stand tall
with the strength of a bullet
the words of communism
for the communists
who can pull it
united we stand
and no one lesser than the other
be a voice within this struggle
’cause we’re equal to one another
like a Muslim to his brother
we’re family by our choosing
against the oppression that we’re refusing
united we stand
my fellow comrades
on the rise
to revolution!


Amerika... Are We Free

I often wonder, that in the land where freedom rings,
Why does pain and suffering it also bring?
Because the only ringing I hear is a baton against my bars
As I stare out the window, beyond the day to its stars.
Eyes closed wishing & praying as often as I might,
I still must fall asleep, within a cell every night.
Hoping when I wake, that it was nothing but a dream,
Yet nothing in my life is now as it may seem.
Loved ones passing, as I stay locked inside of a cage,
Working a job that pays less the 1% of minimum wage,
Walking on the yard, as shots ring out from over head,
Saying a silent prayer, hoping that no one else is dead.
“The joint” is locked down over an argument on the yard.
Not a fist was thrown, yet the whole “joint” is scarred.
Commissary denial, and visitation is restricted.
“On the new,” they holler, another man has been convicted.
Everyone around me is doing maximum time.
Once free & now trapped, like a box & it’s mine
Silently and desperately, trying to find some way out.
While dry tears escape my eyes as I scream silent shouts.
So anyone whom claims that Amerika is the land of the free,
They don’t know a single thing, about the life that surrounds me!


A Thunder Storm

Everybody screaming west side, east side
It doesn’t matter, both sides Black men die
Tell me why do we die right before our time
It was said that every Black man committed crime
That’s a lie
We can change if we put our minds
on revolution. Let’s unite and together we can rise.
In due time thunder storms can produce a flower
Through revolution and patience, then the world’s ours
But too much patience without action then we all cowards.
Black power is what I scream right before I die
Nightmares of being murdered by the Amerikkkan kind
It’s a known fact that Amerika has been designed
to kill us all. Read your books it’s been proven many times.
It’s hard to cope with the madness that’s going on
but I’m a soldier and as a soldier I gotta remain strong.
Pick up revolutionary books and study them right
And when the time comes, we must not be afraid to fight.
We gotta fight if we plan to reach the top
And Blacks killing Blacks all that gotta stop.
It won’t be long before Amerika takes a fall.
Fuck the government, may death be upon you all.
It ain’t nothing but capitalists in the white house
And Obama sold us out
I’m fed up with lies and bullshit
Black leaders talking good, but being hypocrites,
Claiming they on our side
Capitalizing off the Third World by teaching lies.
I despise all capitalist because they’re evil
I’d rather die than let the government kill my people.
They say we equal, how is that when we still trapped
inside the projects, can’t find jobs so we slang crack.
Picture that, little kids without their moms and dads
They on their own, becoming strong now they toting gas
They go to prison, hit the streets screaming “pro Black!”
Then you put them under the jail because they teaching facts.


Revolutionary Discourse

Its a hardknock life blood,
as we struggle to find liberation in a land that don’t belong to us.
Through decades of national oppression,
poverty at the hands of capitalist institutions.
Yet we remain, and seem content,
dying to protect rights that aren’t even ours.
How long must we be the fools while they rock us to sleep,
pacifying us with equal rights promises that they won’t keep?
I’m fed up! I want my freedom!
While Black scholars and Black politicians debate,
while racist institutions and television raise your children,
I’ma be Bangin’ for Revolution,
I get it poppin’ and keep my eyes on the prize duke,
no longer willin’ to kill a brother just ’cause his flag is blue,
or black.
I’m just fighting to get my freedom back,
to re-educate our children and get the love of a people back.
Yeah, I was born in the “land of the free,”
but they ain’t free me.
The made me a victim of systems and poverty.
It’s just how the story reads,
stolen from Afrika, brought to Amerikkka to see my people bleed.
And though we seem to have overcome the obstacles of slavery,
we still find ourselves fighting for justice and equality.
The emancipation proclamation was a formality
to extort proletariats in a capitalist society
But you don’t believe,
you’re still reaching for the Amerikkkan dream,
while they exterminate our species.
But you blame me, because I castigate those
who disagree that this life in the west is the life to oppose.
You’re either friend or foe in this war for freedom,
Justice and equality, this war for revolution.
I’m fueled by 400 years of rage
for those who couldn’t escape, and hence were made slaves.
I’m fueled by the contradictions of a Black nation,
who talks tha talk but contributes to our indoctrination of Black self-hate.
I’m fueled by the blood, sweat, and tears
spilled by a people in a foreign land just trying to live.
I’m fueled by the catastrophes of a history we can’t shake off,
because we’ve been indoctrinated with the will to be lost.
But I want freedom!
And I won’t stop until this government falls.
Grab every branch of government by the balls,
and scream FREEDOM!
And we can’t stop until our people are free.
Unite the souls of oppressed people and sing,
We want freedom!

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 47]

Caught Up in the White Man's Noose

Caught in da white man’s noose
I’m struggling like a lion, gotta fight to get loose.
Hear the gun blast, I hit the ground with a gasp
and now I feel a strong hand on my back
I’m pulled up, stood up and spoke to like a friend.
I turn around to see a man who was once an enemy
with the smile of amends.
I thought “for sure this is the end”
cuz in the beginning it was flag against flag, us against them.
I braced myself when I saw him raise a handgun from his waist.
I thought “damn son its your time to be erased,”
so I kept a poker face
and waited for death to overtake.
He handed me the gun and loosened the rope around my neck.
Is he crazy? “nigga don’t you know I can blast you in yo chest” I said
“Well comrade don’t you think if I wanted you dead,
I would’ve never fired lead through that thread?”
I stood there confused, is this the truth, a truce?
He said “listen man, wake up and see the light.
It ain’t a war between me and you, that realization is overdue.
It’s a war against these pigs oppressing me and you.”
I now see the truth.
It ain’t about your flag, my flag.
Its about a united front for peace in the streets.
Independence, liberation, revolution,
free me!
As well as us from being brainwashed, preprogrammed,
and stuck in a life with no quest for the truth.
Damn I was caught up in this white man’s noose
and it took my enemy in the street to cut me loose
and show me the truth
and when I get that white man who hung me…

Abysmal love to all y’all united for peace from the
abysmal ghost guerilla mafia nation

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 49]

The Awaken

Rising from the ashes like a phoenix
Emancipated from the fetters of oppression
O, the beauty of freedom!
Imperialism is the absolute adversary
And capitalism the daunting sin
I was branded a rebel
Because of my revolutionary stance
This was a nightmare
From which my only escape
Was to awaken



I ask that you embrace
the tides of the times
we are no longer confined
with binds on the mind
once we embrace
united front, scientific thought
and study for line
the long arm of imperialism
is no longer strong
when through theory and practice
we arrive at the decision
to take up arms
which is a must
if we are to defeat
imperialism’s parasitic lust
with too much greed
we fail to heed
even the most basic of humyn needs
so turn the tides of the times
study correct line
and overthrow imperialism
hystory is on our side

[Abuse] [Rhymes/Poetry]


Cowards will hit you when you’re in chains.
Anger fits you, coursing through your veins.
Inflicting violence when you can’t fight back.
Demanding silence or the charges will stack.
Stop resisting, I’ve got mace!
Was sleeping, now on your face.
Throwing grenades when you are unarmed and compliant.
Snitches, puppets and police can’t take down a giant.
Most are grimy, with much snake in their blood.
The rest, evil flowers beginning to bud.
Giving us bad water and rotten food.
What the hell put them in such a bad mood?
Don’t think they can get the cuffs any tighter.
Of course they will have to chain up a fighter.
Excuse me, I’ve done nothing wrong, sir.
Under his saddle must be a burr.
Getting sprayed after being cuffed.
Wearing a badge must make them tough.
Everyone should apply a little resistance.
Make the pigs call “Officer in need of assistance.”
Like a martye against ten, maybe more or less.
Just give as much as you take, simply do your best.


Serious Ideal

Sister China
Chairman Mao caught her eye
Imperialism reigns
But soon will fall
Socialism will rise
And prevail
Hammer in hand
The vanguard will swing
The capitalist pig will be nailed
The lumpen will grow its wings
We stand and fight
Instead of flight
Until the proletariat is finally free
