The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[Rhymes/Poetry] [Civil Liberties] [Massachusetts]

The American Dream

Handcuffed by bullies hiding behind ignorance,
locked-up by a lawless institution,
forced to walk on broken glass,
breathing in the stench of indifference.
I watched in disbelief,
as my rights were systematically taken away,
I begged for justice that was never given fairly,
instead, they took my life,
now I live without a future,
I now see the shadow side of the american dream.
Stuck behind a wall of state-manifested violence,
a crisis which legitimizes the abuse of power and antisense,
it gives birth to torture, isolation and dehumanization,
a violation of human rights is our criminal justice system.
A country where law-makers bash against each other,
in a personal hierarchical battle for dominance,
they choose to compromise their citizens humanity,
and forced to live in a broken, dysfunctional setting.
Too many lives lost,
too much liberty and happiness denied,
they lock us in cages where everything is nothing,
and nothing is everything,
we live to go nowhere.
I don’t think everyone knows unless you experience it yourself,
there is no rehab or reform,
being locked away by injustice.
The everyday happiness is no longer in my grasp,
I am forced to survive adversity,
as my dreams fade away.
As U.S. citizens, we must stand strong and tall,
we must focus on surviving and not dying,
once again we must fight for what our forefathers fought for,
it’s not just about righting the wrongs,
it’s about the accountability of those who oppress too!
As I speak these words everyone stares at me,
but, don’t see me,
the lonely years pass soaking up innocent tears,
thanks to the criminal justice system,
I’m living the American Dream.

Anti-Imperialist Prisoner Support Responds: This comrade’s resilience in the face of the in-justice system is admirable. Rights and well-being of prisoners are completely secondary to the main objective of national oppression. However, we should remember that many prisoners face a choice between attempting to integrate into the imperialist machine and rejecting the U.$. in favor of proletarian internationalism. “U.$. Citizen” is a false identity that on the one hand, seeks to unite the masses of oppressed nations with their oppressors, and on the other hand seeks to draw the lumpenproletariat into closer benefit from the spoils of imperialism via citizenship in the empire. Each of these reasons must be rejected in our work if we wish to fight for a society without oppression, forging a new internationalist identity that fights for national liberation independent from the empire.

[Rhymes/Poetry] [Culture] [Palestine] [First Nations] [ULK Issue 88]

Happy Mass Murder Day

Happy Mass Murder Day,
The last Thursday in November,
a day to give thanks to god;
for the natives being massacred.
What kind of god do we believe in,
making heroes out of criminals,
celebrating the atrocities,
of the so-called founding fathers,
thieves, humyn traffickers,
rapists, and slave holders?
Thanking god for the parasites,
no wonder we are still their sufferers.

Happy Mass Murder Day,
The history speaks for itself,
we see why the very same invasions,
and massacres are happening,
to the Palestinian natives.
Funded and armed,
by the very same parasites;
who invaded and massacred,
the American natives.
Pretty soon there will be,
a Thanks Giving day,
for the invasion and massacre
happening in Palestine.
Inevitable, as long as the parasites,
are in control of the narrative.

Happy Mass Murder Day,
to who, the lawmakers,
who got millions invested
in military weapons
manufacturing companies?
And the owners of the companies
manufacturing the bombs?
Or the poor defenseless victims;
wombmen and children
being blown to smithereens,
with systematic impunities?
Y’all keep celebrating the murderers,
I’ll keep celebrating the victims
of these crimes against humanity,
victims of CIPWS atrocities.

Happy Mass Murder Day,
Isn’t Gaza and the West Bank,
in and of themselves reservations?
Hasn’t Gaza and the West Bank,
been enduring the very same foreigner
settler colonization and occupation,
for 76-plus years?
Doesn’t that call for
Palestinian indignation?
And isn’t it being done,
by the very same victims
of holocaust extermination?
How do you scream “self defense”
against a people you are denying
Where is God,
or the United Nations?

Happy Mass Murder Day,
why isn’t anyone seeing
a double standard of international law?
Why isn’t anyone seeing the Zionist,
as being truly anti-semitic to the core?
Why isn’t anyone seeing
that Amerikkka is arming the Zionist
against the Palestinian poor?
the blocking of humanitarian aid,
the targeting of wombmen and children,
attacking hospitals and aid workers,
medical personnel and UN Officials,
need I say any more?
Netanhitler is a proxy of the U.$.,
so he cannot be a war criminal,
and what’s happening in Palestine,
in their eyes is not even war.
Must be just a figment of my imagination,
just keeping it raw.

Happy Mass Murder Day…
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Elections] [ULK Issue 87]

Donkeys and Elephants

Don’t be fooled by Trump,
Kamala is no radical,
And neither of the two
Are pro-worker
or pro-people.

Neither of the two
will bring change
that is fundamental
or structural.

Neither the donkeys
or the elephants
will change
the economic substructure
from capitalist to socialist,
a proletarian nation.

Compatible with the socialized
Labor Power production

It don’t matter
who you vote for,
no donkey or elephant
will end the wage-slavery,
expropriation, exploitation.

No donkey or elephant
will stop the slave patrol
lynching us,
or stop the oppression.

The CIPWs will not just;
pack up and go home,
leaving all power;
to the people
out of altruism
or on their own volition.

Power will not change hands
by voting,
Or without war and blood.
We must prepare for
self defense.
True power can only come,
with revolution.
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Censorship] [Education] [ULK Issue 87]

Burying Lies

Fund Libraries Not Prisons
Meet me at the library,
that’s where we bury lies.
That’s where we kill CIPWS miseducation;
that’s where we grow wings and fly.
That’s where we find essential self.
Where we turn into suns, and rise
that’s where they hide truths
and keep us mentally colonized.
They kept the slaves from learning to read,
the easiest way to keep them,
They, the CIPWS,
is doing the same to prisoners,
if we don’t open our eyes, and realize,
that fighting CIPWS censorship
is the same as burying lies.
[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 87]

Steel and Concrete

Without any
Look at the social construct of unjust justice
And what do u see
I could say there’s nothing I see
But broken promises and shattered dreams
Or so it seems
From the depth of the penitentiary
Steel and concrete is all there is
For me to see
But this ain’t about me
Not specifically
The steel and concrete
Is only
The surface
Look beneath
And I’ll find purpose
that’s tryin’ tirelessly
2 overcome its life changin’ mistakes
Or are they truly
Just the breaks of the slum
Where the conflicts
Of life reside
The ones that come from
The quote-un-quote
Wrong side
That side
Where they movin’ pack after pack
Around the clock
None stop on the block
Chasin’ greenbacks until u get them racks
Greenbacks on top of greenbacks
Racks from the other side of the tracks
Where the so-called killers kill
And the drug dealers deal
Where the so-called robbers rob
And the Grinch of Christmas steal
Murders and thieves
Are societies stereotypes of an unwanted
A Community that only wants equality
With an opportunity
Instead of bein’ misunderstood
Fathers, sons, daughters, sisters
Brothers and mothers
This racially biased society
That don’t see any good
In this community of poverty
U and me
Are the ones usually forgotten
And not accepted by society
As if we can’t change for the better
U and me
What a shame on society
for turnin’ its back on a community
That’s a result of steel and concrete.
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Security] [Political Repression]

Lessons From The Past To Help Us In The Present

Our aboveground parties must be centralized
The revolution shall not be televised
all party disagreements must be internalized
Because the foe uses the media to spread lies
and the likes to use their snitches to stigmatize
They use their C.I’s (confidential informants) to infiltrate our party lines
Some of their C.I’s
are pretty tempting to the eyes
They’ll spew back at you revolutionary rhetoric to deceive and hypnotize
They’ll give you a spiel that their “handlers” help them organize
But they’re really pigs in disguise
The real reason they’re around us is to spy,
and gain access to our leadership
So they can tag and identify
Because they’re really working for the F.B.I
Trying to assassinate our leadership
marking them to die.

Like Huey p. Newton said, it’s Revolutionary Suicide,
C.I’s quoting revolutionary jargon and slogans that they memorized
Rhetoric that they falsely digested and regurgitated in order to keep us mesmerized
This is why the revolution shall not be televised
Because the media stay spreading lies,
So we must be forever cautious and wise
Because its through the crosshairs of that rifle scope that our leaders are crucified
So you better open your eyes
and recognize
That these are the lessons from the past to help us better organize!
[Rhymes/Poetry] [National Oppression]

My Skin (T.H.U.G L.I.F.E)

My skin
My oh so
Beautiful skin
Is a blessin’ and a curse
for me
As I journey
Across this beautiful earth
But the curse of my skin
Is not even the worst
Oh no
What’s worse
Is the hate that come cause of my skin
A hate that live in fear everyday
And in every way
They hate my skin
Due 2 the hate u give
My skin
My oh so
Beautiful skin
Scream T.H.U.G L.I.F.E.
It’s my skin they fear
Yet it’s I that live in fear
Because of my skin
Any and everyday I could die
With no other reason why
Than their fear of my skin
And with that fear of my skin
They can shoot me dead in the street
With impunity
My oh so beautiful skin
I luv dearly
With impunity
As I live this T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E
[Palestine] [Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 88]


Swallowed alive by the 2nd Beast, digested for eternity.
Encaged, isolated and eclipsed, by spotlights under scrutiny.
Splinters in my feet, as I walk the plank voluntarily;
Poseidon’s fishin’ for me, with liquid dreams of recrutin’ ye,
into the rank-n-file to crowd-surf waves momentarily.
suddenly, loose lips opened up, like cannon ports, aimed at you and me.
verbal cannon balls sunk our ship, Amongst A counter-revolution of mutiny.
The mutants sold us out and signed a deal with Big Satan.
Long Ago, Big And Lil’ satan gave birth to their nations.
Over time their baby nations mutated, like x-men,
but with anti-hero superpowers to drop bombs on the next myn;
And also on their next Ken,
who ain’t even grown myn,
just Palestinian baby P.O.W.’s, concentration camps, got em caged in,
unescapable lion’s den of thieves, who steal lives from mere children.
I guess children’s Lives Don’t Matter, without world superpowers, like Biden.

On Reform The Prison Issue

Where’s the solution
to this math equation
that’s continuously reducing life spans
before they reach the stage of evolution
puberty to most and the environment makes criminals out of survivalists
aspiring for better days
by desperate means
that only lead to residency inside a cage
I document upon a page
the problem which remains
for all to read
reports the news of crime and violence in urban communities
where the voice is silenced
or commercially biased
like most who are blinded by materialist greed
that breeds resentment and jealousy
a motivating force of negative chemical energy
that fuses the ideal recidivist with prison transfusion
producing the element of institutionalization
when one’s mental faculties can no longer conceive thoughts of freedom
and Kings dream of better days
become a mirage to those in chains
who remain unprepared to adapt to the change
and they blame the government that’s governed since before our emancipation.
The capitalists that capitalize
       on imprisonment
so they criminalize
       my every step
to guarantee the success
       of this prison industrial complex
and profess
that the reform programs have made a rehabilitative impact.
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Palestine] [ULK Issue 86]


The British did it to the Native Americans,
the Zionists are doing it the Palestinians
taking the people’s land.

No one wants to stop the genocide,
because it’s not their people being victimized,
but let it would have been the other way around,
they would be begging the world to sympathize.

To all “Bund” Jews, I love you,
if you’re a “Zionist”, fuck you,
for what you’re doing to the Palestinians,
the new Hitler is Netanyahu.

It ain’t Israel or the Jews, it’s the Zionist government,
doing Amerikkka’s bidding and devilishment,
manipulating the six point star, invaders being decadent.

To Israel, Amerikkka’s giving weapons of every kind,
while sending food and aid to Palestine,
what could be more hypocritical,
people, please read between the lines.

If you vote for any of these hypocrites,
you are worst than them in head and feet.
Before I vote for any plutocrat,
I’ll vote for a dog in the street.

This is no democracy, it is a plutocracy,
the Palestinians are dying by the thousands,
to uphold CIPWS Zionist supremacy.
Your time is coming NetanHITLER,
you will forever be guilty in the eyes of history.