The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[Culture] [Gender]

Hip Hop, Gender and Pseudo Feminism

Most people are familiar with the patriarchy and exploitation of females in hip hop culture, especially in the music industry. From the days of 2 Live Crew to Snoop Dogg’s appearance at the awards show with women who had dog collars and leashes around their necks to Nelly’s “Tip Drill” video showing him swiping a credit card between a woman’s butt cheeks, and don’t forget his marketing of the energy drink “Pimp Juice.”

All the above is abhorrent and should be criticized but no one really talks about the pseudo-feminists in the music industry. For example, Debra Antey, the CEO of Mizey Ent. and former CEO of So Icey Ent. and manager of Nicki Minaj, the latest hot female rapperstar and piece of porn for me to jerk off on.

A brotha also studying MT2/3 sent me an article from the Dec/Jan 2010 magazine XXL. We think this article points out the contradictions and bullshit these pseudo-feminists espouse. Antey was asked in this article “How to take Nicki Minaj to new heights?” Antey’s answer: “with Nicki you have to know the role that you’re about to step into. You’re about to open the door for a lot of women, and you can’t open it through the sexual stuff. She had to make a more conscious effort about what she was saying, and it’s starting from the babies… I’m about empowering women, and Nicki is a product of that.”

Anyone who’s listened to Nicki’s lyrics or seen any photos (promotional) of Nicki can only conclude that she’s just the latest in a long line of females being objectified to make money. What’s so empowering about Nicki calling herself a “5 star bitch,” dressing sexually provocative and talking about men paying her for sex (taking her shopping). How is that empowering women?

“Pornography has no value if it shows women doing empowering, important, and meaningful things. Its value is tied to portraying a bitch ready to be raped.” (MT2/3, pg 127)

In street terminology, Antey is a pimp. She enriches herself through the exploitation, pornographic objectification of young black female entertainers, Nicki in this instance. It’s all game.

Antey was asked a second question: “On being a ‘powerful’ woman in a male-dominated business.” Her answer: “in the beginning, it was hard. I’d go to the table with a group of men, and nobody was hearing me. But I got a big mouth, so eventually you are gonna hear me, and I’m gonna stand my ground. I’m a strong woman. In the beginning, it was a little nerve-racking, but now it’s a beautiful thing.” Of course, it’s a beautiful thing to Antey. She’s getting paid big dollars. She’s a pimp and she was able to convince the male-dominated industry that she was not a “threat to the men creating, marketing and profiting from the exploitation and economic coercion of the women who participate in making [pornography].”(MT2/3, pg 128) She assured them that their interest was her interest and that she was male also.

The point is that the pseudo-feminists have been highly successful in deflecting criticism away from themselves. MIM is the only organization that I’ve seen take them to task and expose them.

Jean Grae rapped in the song “knock”: “I rhyme sick but niggas is quick to turn their backs on spitters with clits /…/ they still want chicks with tits and ass out / my respect is worth more than your advance cash out.” The Debra Anteys (pseudo-feminists) of the music industry turn their backs also. “They are working to gain themselves more power to join in the oppression, and to profit off the labor and deaths of the poor and nationally oppressed peoples of the world.” (MT2/3, pg51)

MIM(Prisons), we have much, much more to say on this and other topics mentioned in MT2/3. Especially, the “all sex is rape” and there’s “no good sex” under capitalism.

Thanks for pointing out the socially constructed gender theory. It’s right on point.

[Medical Care] [Holman Correctional Facility] [Alabama]

Healthcare in a Nightmare World

Most people are ignorant of the atrocities and tragedies taking place daily in these koncentration kamps. People listen and believe the lies spewed from the deceitful mouths of prison officials who put forth the ridiculous notion that prisoners receive superior medical care to free-world people, FREE! The reality is something far different, sinister and abhorrent.

The rate of prisoner deaths is unreal. Just in a 12 month period from ’08 to ’09, six prisoners at Holman prison have died. This is not including the deaths on deathrow from natural (i.e. negligent) causes. This is just at one kamp. Word is that it’s happening throughout the state.

Alabama is one of a number of states that has implemented “compassionate” release of terminally ill prisoners. There’s nothing “compassionate” about this. “Compassion” is not the reasoning of politicians or prison officials. This provision is as compassionate as G.W. Bush’s “compassionate” conservatism.

One prisoner had been approved for release under the “compassionate” release for terminally ill provision but died the day before his scheduled release. Imagine what the family went through, thinking and preparing for their loved one to come home “tomorrow” but find out he’s dead the morning they were to pick him up. Another prisoner was also approved and released, but died after one day of being released.

What’s deceitful, sinister and abhorrent about all these deaths is that with proper preventative healthcare, most, if not all, of these prisoners could still be alive today. Prison officials and the medical providers that are under contract with the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) are allowing these prisoners’ medical conditions to deteriorate to save money on medical bills.

People must be made to understand that prison officials and prison medical providers are killing people by their reluctance to send prisoners to free-world hospitals and specialists and provide necessary medicines that prisoners need to survive, just to save money and in return reap huge profits.

In 2006, there was a big scandal at Limestone Correctional Facility in Alabama. Limestone is a medium security prison that also houses the state’s HIV/AIDS prisoners. The scandal was about the medical service there. The doctor at the prison was complaining about prison officials interfering and dictating the treatment and medicines to be dispensed to prisoners. The doctor stated to the Birmingham News newspaper that the warden at Limestone had threatened her with locking her out of the prison if she didn’t stop complaining about prison officials interfering in medical matters.

Limestone was also the prison that in the 1990s housed dead HIV/AIDS prisoners’ bodies in the kitchen’s meat freezer next to the food fed to prisoners.

All prisoners in Alabama know that any time there’s a new doctor and that doctor shows any kind of humanity towards prisoners, and diligence in providing proper medical care such as sending prisoners to free-world hospitals, specialists, ordering costly tests, prescribing expensive medications, it won’t last long before that doctor’s gone.

Prisoners in Alabama have scheduled yearly physicals. Out of my 25 years doing time in Alabama prisons, I have had no more than my height, weight, temperature, and blood pressure measured, blood taken (every three years), TB tests and a few rapid-fire questions asked. That’s it!

There’s much more neglect, incompetence and denial I could list about healthcare in this nightmare world. The above should be enough to shock your conscious and your actions to fight for a world where exploitation, slavery and profit are not the motive for every endeavor. A better world is possible.

MIM(Prisons) responds:Overall, we don’t believe that Amerikans are inadequately informed about prison conditions, and that once we tell them how horrible it is their conscience will kick in and drive them to action. In Amerikans: Oppressing for a Living, we explained how the Amerikan constituents demand “tough on crime” legislation and representatives. Their subjective interests in the welfare of prisoners is reflected in the lack of education programming, support to releasees, as well as abhorrent medical care to people locked up. Damn the facts. Amerikans are gonna keep complaining that “criminals are getting better health care for free” than what they pay for. And they’ll ignore it if they pay government taxes that go to line the pockets of medical contractors who are letting people die of preventable causes.

Those of us who suffer at the hands of white Amerika, or commit national suicide should get on this comrade’s bandwagon to fight for a world where profit is not a motivating factor for any endeavor, because it’s true, a better world is possible.

[Rhymes/Poetry] [Alabama] [ULK Issue 16]

Revolutionary Transition

This is a revolutionary transition,
you think you’re losin’ something when you start listening,
don’t get scared, stand strong, stop trippin’,
slow down, this is what you’re missin’.

Huey spoke of revolutionary suicide
not about dying
shallow minds, blind
it’s about living
creeps in blue suits and ties,
despise as we rise! rise! rise!
like the phoenix from the ashes,
clashing with fascists,
to free the masses
smashing the lies,
resuscitating the dying
so we can get our swag on,
carry on the legacy
Mao, Fanon, Atlanta
feelin’ ’em
capitalism, imperialism, neo-kolonialism
diss ’em.

Timeout from the bullshit to find out what’s real
communism, Maoism
don’t be disinterested, this is in your best interest
educating the people to think for themselves,
organizing and practice,
the presence is more felt
solutions that meet needs
not talkin’ that same game,
independent institutions,
not talkin’ ‘bout makin’ it rain
you stupid m_____ fukaz
that money could fight a peoples war,
feed the po’,
you selfish clique of suckaz,
how could you dare want more
lying, killing and suffering
which came from the government,
they give you crack and pills,
an’ you call them legitimate
this is for those that need correction,
from seniors to adolescents,
consciousness is a weapon,
communism is what we repin’,
police ain’t no protection,
crimes against the people,
whose past are your reflectin’
i understand you Black,
all you understand is some cappin’
if much love is your cliche,
why genocide you display?
I understand you been misled with bullshit,
by the preacher behind the pulpit
regardless of what he say,
communism is the way,
and my heroes are fighting the system every day.

[Organizing] [Holman Correctional Facility] [Alabama] [ULK Issue 15]

Back to the basics

Not too long ago, prisoners at the Holman Max Security prison in Alabama staged a work/hunger strike in protest of the horrendous and deplorable unsanitary living conditions (open sewage around the toilets and sinks, gaping holes in the shower walls, exposed plumbing, leaking roof in the living and sleeping area and in the kitchen, and the constant arbitrary lockdowns).

There had been grumblings about these conditions from most prisoners. Complaints had been filed but no action was ever taken to correct any of the above problems.

A few prisoners got together, chopped it up and came up with a strategy and tactics to correct the conditions. We knew that this was a winnable battle because the conditions were right to galvanize the entire prison population and we had family and friends on the outside.

The conditions in the dorms and kitchen were so deplorable that there was no way for prisoncrats to dance around the issues of willful neglect and the callous disregard for sanitation and prisoners health.

We also knew that they couldn’t afford to allow the prison industry (tag plant/metal fab) to be closed down too long. We were hitting them in their pockets. Plus, the pigs are so lazy that we knew there would be friction among them about having to prepare hot, cooked meals for those prisoners who were exempt from the hunger strike, and to wash the trays, pots and pans.

We made a list of all the people and agencies we want to notify about what was going down and why we were staging a peaceful work/hunger strike. We had our people outside to bombard the commissioner’s office with faxes and phone calls, call the local media to notify them of the strike and express their concern and outrage about the conditions.

We then sent kites (notes) to prisoners in the other four dorms about what we were getting ready to do and why, and asked that they take the leadership in their dorms. Word came back from the other dorms giving the ok. Then simultaneously, all four dorms placed all TVs and microwaves at the front gate. TVs have always been used as a weapon to pacify prisoners for years. So, we were letting them know that no longer could they control us with them.

Instantly, the pigs who were in the dorms fled. We addressed the entire dorm laying out what we were doing, why and how we planned on proceeding. We asked that everyone join in the strike. Only the elderly and those with medical reasons were allowed to go and eat, and they acted as reconnaissance scouts while out of the dorm. With everyone’s input we drew up a list of demands and declared them non-negotiable. The first demand was that we wanted to talk to the commissioner of the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) and not the warden of the prison. We knew that eventually the riot team would be called in so we discussed how we were going to handle that. The consensus was that we keep the strike peaceful and there would be nothing they could do. On more than one occasion, the pigs tried to provoke violent confrontations. We refused to play into their hands.

Over 18 hours into the strike, the commissioner made his way from Montgomery, Alabama to Holman prison at Atmore, Alabama. He requested to speak with our spokesmen. We had selected a spokesman from and for each dorm. The spokesmen informed the commissioner that there would be no dealings with the warden since he had years to address our concerns and that there would be no private talks. The commissioner was forced to enter the dorms. We made our complaints and demands. The commissioner tried to dodge and use the same old crap they always use about budgets and allocations of funds for the ADOC. We let him know that we’ve heard that before and that we were not willing to end the strike until we got some guarantees and changes. The commissioner eventually agreed to all our demands.

The following day inspectors, contractors, etc. visited the prison and prisoners were temporarily moved from each dorm for renovations to begin. Within a year all dorms were renovated and a new roof was put in place.

We read the conditions right. The population was angry and thoroughly dissatisfied with the conditions. The population was just waiting on someone to take the initiative and move out front, to take the leadership role.

Some did just that.

This article referenced in:

Can't u see

Can’t u see
Inacell is where we dwell, sippin’ coffee,
Smokin’ bugler, plottin’ the future, goin’ straight
4 the jugular
incarcerated, never intimidated, just fighting
2 be liberated from these chains and fences,
no repentance while doin’ this life sentence
Killings and drug dealings goin’ down in this shit
called the game, brothas lookin’ 4 fame, dying
4 gangs when it’s the system that must be
changed, revolution is the solution, not prostitution, we aimin’
at the kapitalist, imperialist institutions, and the
chumps pimpin’ the sistas, they birth the
can’t u see
Pain, sweat and tears over 400 years, oppression,
emasculation, mass incarceration, kapitalist exploitation,
it’s time 4 self-determination
This shit has gotten deep, sometimes we weep,
fueled by past and present images of brothas and
sistas being railroaded, given lengthy sentences,
being misplaced in the census
Can’t u see
altho we exist in the undaground, we persist
the possibilities of a new world, unfurled like
a mother giving birth 2 a new baby girl
we exist in tha undaground, in a hellhole, yet
have we 2 fold
we’re not jiving, not hiding, always ready 2 face
the cold
that’s why we be so bold in our maneuvers, we
see a beautiful future
They say the game ain’t 2 be told, but sold
this ain’t no game, people, you be gold if the
truth be told
As we started 2 grow in the undaground
some tried 2 kill what we feel, that’s the
real deal
Others claimed we were out of season, how
can that be correct reasoning using the
logic of a heathen and ignoring the bleeding
refusing 2 read the signs of the times
that’s why i designed this rhyme, hoping you
see what time it is 4 real
Predatory lending,
subprime mortgage schemes, prisons filled 2 over
capacity with the masses
crack, heroin is back
fat cat CEOs paid obscene salaries in stacks
off the backs of the working classes
the holice using the hoods as shooting galleries
Politicians lying, young folks dying
mothers crying
brothas neglecting responsibility, hiding instead
of protecting the community by riding
Can’t u see
Political prisoners, pistol packing, poetic poetry
power, survival of the illest, the realest
Elections, defections
wars being fought with toys of destruction
the game of elimination is being employed
the environment is being destroyed
Can’t u see
that’s why i propagate what we see, hear
and feel, hoping you see what is real.

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