Women's Prison in NC denied AC, food
I would like to continue receiving these subscriptions. I am in a North Carolina prison that is probably more different than any others across the U.S. I say this because women are so different than men. We let everyone treat us any way.
We are the only prison (I think) that doesn’t have air conditioning for 1600 inmates. Some dorms didn’t have working water fountains this summer and if the officer didn’t make someone get ice coolers at a certain time we have nothing cold to drink. The officers response, “it isn’t me I have my water in a ref.”
I noticed this summer after 7:30 PM or 8 PM they started seeing what the temperature was. The food we get is less than a child would eat. And big cockroaches as big as my pinky, well fatter but that long. If you don’t have money you starve. They throw away food but don’t give seconds. There is almost 16 hours between supper and breakfast.
And the officers lie on you. All the staff does what they want. They will lock you in Seg for someone telling them you have drugs or anything and it don’t have to be true. Just because you pissed someone off. I went to seg for them telling me a white powder substance tested positive for crack or crack-based. I know for a fact that it was a norotton pill and do you think I could fight it? No! Cause the inmate always lies and the staff is never wrong. The medical here is a joke. They just cut you off your medication for no reason. Even when the outside doctors say not to. We are so overcrowded but I’m pulling the same amount of time for habitual felon as people who has killed.
Oh! If you don’t brown-nose with the police then you’re just going to have to take what they dish. Oh! But let them hear about an inspection everything changes. This is the worst run prison, every shift something changes. And why can’t we smoke? Damn, it’s not illegal. But I guess I am venting because this place beats all I’ve ever seen. Thanks for listening.