Where I Come From
Where did I come from you ask?
I came from a great civilization
A people who knew what day it was
While the rest of the world did not.I come from a people who knew
Where the Earth fit in relation to the universe
While the rest of the world knew not.I come from a civilization
Of great art and rich culture.
A people advanced in mathematics and building structures
Which were symmetrical to the sun.I come from a people that fought
For its independence
From three foreign nations
In one century alone!I continue to survive this bloody annexation
And to this day
I maintain my identity
Against pressure to assimilate.I come from a civilization
Which has been here since the beginning of time.
I am heir to traditions of Cuauhtemoc,
Benito Juarez, and Emiliano Zapata.I am indigenous to this land
And now I hear these ignorant voices
Telling me to go back where āIā come from?
āIā am from here!
My civilization was founded on the very earth we stand on!
You and your people go back to where you come from!