University Sexism Education Program Attacked
Enclosed is a clipping from the Austin American-Statesman (2018 May 3) I thought pertinent and might be of interest.
Not having first-hand knowledge of the University of Texas (UT) course “MasculinUT,” I found it interesting that the reactionary philistines again attacked academia for addressing patriarchal oppression. As far as I’m concerned, conventional notions of masculinity are a societal conditioning of the psyche, ergo, much like a Black persyn ensnared in a eurocentric society, a mind fuck. So, yeah, maybe the yahoos are correct that traditional concepts of what masculinity entails (e.g., violence against wimmin) is a mental health issue, and as such, men need to be subjected to re-conditioning via communist transition. Maybe, like the bourgeoisie under socialism, men will be repressed. Maybe, hell!
MIM(Prisons) responds: The article enclosed, from the Statesman, talks about the UT masculinity education program, which is an awareness campaign formerly run by the University’s Counseling and Mental Health Center. Conservatives attacked the program, claiming it treats masculinity as a mental health problem.
In response, the MasculinUT program was moved to Dean of Students, and, in a statement from its website, “the program’s original steering committee was reconvened and expanded to provide recommendations and feedback to ensure that the program’s mission is clearly defined and fully aligned with its original intent of reducing sexual assault and interpersonal violence.”
We’re with this comrade in thinking it might not be so bad to think about masculinity as a mental health issue. As long as we’re clear that this and many other mental health issues are a product of the capitalist patriarchy. People aren’t born being sexist idiots. They are trained to believe that wimmin don’t know what they want, to see wimmin as objects, and to view maleness as a sign of superiority. People will need a lot of retraining to overcome a lifetime of patriarchal education.
We don’t know what’s involved in the UT program so we can’t comment on it. But we can say that after the imperialist patriarchy is overthrown we’ll have a long period of cultural revolution where we need to re-invent humyn culture and re-educate everyone to see all people as equal. This is about the patriarchy, but also about the oppression of all groups of people over other groups, across the strands of oppression of nation, class and gender. This involve forcibly repressing patriarchal culture and institutions. We hope that forcible repression of half the population (men) will not be necessary, but there will need to be active promotion of feminists into positions of power, and a careful re-consideration of the appropriate interactions between all humyns.