Uncle Sam's Big Top

distracted while the U.$. military bombs the world.
Hark now all you merry souls
and listen as the drumbeat rolls
oh what sounds, and sights abound
come one and all, let’s gather round
no worries friends, no danger here
no cause for panic, fright or fear
we’re all friends, make no mistake
don’t mind these guards, guns, dogs and gates
just follow me yes, right this way
cause in this tent you’re here to stay
Now step to the right folks, here you’ll see
stacks and rows of new TVs!
such a thrill to sit and watch
these flashing pictures as you rot
now pay attention, here comes the end
as you smile and nod at the message they send,
as they tell you what to want and wear,
on what to spend and when to care,
on whom to hate, and emulate
and who should run this police state
it’s all for your own good you see
cause freedom of thought saps your energy
yes, that’s it, makes perfect sense
now sit and stare and lets commence
Now once you’re done with program phazing
we’ve something else that’s just as amazing
a feast for the mind now, if you will
euphoria! in just one little pill
yes prozac, yes oxies, yes sweet ridalin!
and xannies, and valium and yes vicodin!
we’ve got benzos and dexos and zicobilafral
we’ve got shit you can’t pronounce at all!
we’ve got your poison, whatever your vice
opiate derivitives and pharmaceutical ice
we’ll fix your brain, your chondriatic disease
your moods, your stress, even your shakey knees
with only the sagest in new medications
designed by private health care corporations
profiteers in big business competition
for capital gain and political position
so pay no mind to that small print warning
pay for your pills and take two every morning
And now that you’re passive on new medication
let’s move right along to the next demonstration
onward we go into the main tent
just purchase your seating arrangement for rent
oh yeah, almost forgot to tell you
we also reserve the full right to sell you
and to buy you, and steal you
and to enslave you, even to kill you
but never you mind all of that just yet
I’ll explain it all later (once you forget)
Now come one and all, to the main demonstration!
it’s about to begin, oh what a sensation!
oh what brilliance, oh what drama!
the procession is even being led by Obama!
it’s the greatest of shows, the biggest one ever!
the world’s never seen such a grand endeavor
you see, the producers and directors who hid in the shade
have learned from mistakes that through history’ve been made
from Rome to Germany, and even from Stalin
we’ve studied the pitfalls in which they have fallen
plus with post-industrialist balloons, toys and clowns,
and gadgets and gewgaws, distractions abound
in this consumerist culture, it’s a glorious ride!
but if you resist - force will be applied.
now sit in your row, your correct social class station
with your face to the front for the big presentation
pay no attention to the stage hands behind
who are locking the exits and changing the signs
Now the music fades, the lights have gone low
and the ringmaster enters to start off the show
oh what will he do? what will he say?
for what grand gala did we come all this way?
such anticipation and so much suspense
but his smile drops, and now he comments,
“we’re sorry folks, but there’s been a mistake
truth is, you get jack for the tolls we do take
you’ve read the signs wrong, yet now they are gone
but since you’re all here, the show must go on
so you there” he points to the bottom rung seating,
cracking his whip at those few retreating
“Black folks, Chican@s and freaks with mohawks!
into the freakshow cages with locks!
now don’t waste your time and try to resist
cause our bullies are on roid and you DON’T want them pist!
as for the third world ladies and gents
you’ll be the labor to prop up our tents
you best not complain, get your asses in gear
as we control you with tactics of fear
don’t worry kind Amerikans, no cause for alarm,
just cooperate, I promise, we’ll bring you no harm
have a laptop, a smartphone, a”binky” of sorts
a gesture of thanks for being such good sports
we’ll keep you medicated and very well fed
we’ll play your favorite cop shows and then send you to bed
but don’t get empathetic with those in our cages
or we’ll send in the drones to drop pies in your faces
can’t you see the benevolence of our militarization?
it’s all just for you, such insane exploitation
such death to our slaves in third world countries
such death to our ecosystem and our cute little monkeys
and death to you dissenters who don’t like our shows
and death to nature, care of money-hungry CEOs
and death to our search for meaningful progression
and human progress itself, by way of oppression
and death to all those that we can’t squeeze for money
and death to all those who even look at us funny
as we pump millions in tons of poisonous fumes
into the atmosphere in visible plumes
all so your luxurious leisure can grow
thank you for voting, now on with the show
for the biggest one ever, too big to be stopped
come one, and come all to Uncle Sam’s Big Top!