Twilight Zone of Legal System
I am currently incarcerated in Smith County Texas. I have been here for over 4 months and it appears I will be here at least another 3 or 4 months just waiting to go to trial. They have me on a $250,000 for an alleged theft charge under 30k. I am no stranger to the legal system in Texas but this county has so far violated almost every right I have. I have had to fire my attorney who is apparently a contract attorney for the court and only does court appointed cases. That said I am attempting to wing this pro se but they have denied me everything needed to do so such as a law library, discovery, or anything else needed to mount a defense. I just filed a federal law suit against the judge, DA and the court appointed attorney or should I say I just tried. I am pretty sure they are all going to have absolute immunity. Anyway, all that said only time will tell.
I am a 44 year old white man. The last time I was in any serious legal trouble was in 1998 when I did 18 months in a federal system and about 6 months in state jail. I am sure a lot has changed in our legal system since then so I am not sure if this county is playing with peoples rights and lives or the system is just rigged and there is nothing anyone can do until after you have been convicted. I feel like I am in the twilight zone here.
Anyway a guy came in on a bench warrant and had a cop of Under Lock & Key. Very interesting to say the least. I would very much like to read more of them so if you could please send me your newsletter and any other info you have that may provide some insight into the alternate world I find myself in.