The Truth of Oppression
Twisted political procedures, has a way to warp the mind,
it can have you believing the hype, which is hypocritically defined.
It creates inner cranium confusion
By its contradicting oxymoronic pollution.
Do you see a short term goal for the ultimate solution?
Brainwashed by propaganda, democracy pulls your string,
You don’t realize you’re part of the problem when you organize for votes in their crime ring.Guilty by association, a wolf in the same pack,
That’s what the government refers to as, the criminalized “Rico Act.”
Don’t be blinded, by the laws & its crooked ways,
set up for the 3rd strike, now you’re forever locked in a cage.
But when police, who are meant to protect civilians, use that badge as a license to kill,
The jury acquits ‘em, encouraging further blood spill.
Ignorant people praise cops’ brutality, till its their door that gets kicked in,
its then they feel the injustice, & the truth of oppression seeps within.
The biggest tyrant, is the government you praise,
you’re willing to send your kids to fight their wars, without an argument raised.
For imperialist bastards, you’re willing to bend over faster
its like a Black Sabbath record, getting played backwards.
Coerced control, of your mind & your soul,
you no longer think for yourself, like a man that is whole.
Bent to society’s will, unable to clearly see your own path,
they’ve successfully conformed you. Do the simple math.
Mental slaves, as the plot starts to thicken,
like a poisonous injection, the pulse starts to quicken.
A smoked out chamber of toxic gas
executes an innocent man held down by leather straps.