The Death Penalty Procedure
It makes my mind wobbly
Why do the state bother?
To sterilize the needle during a lethal injection?
Are they concerned about the condemned contracting an infection?
Or are they just achieving a sadistic judicial erection?
Even the concept of sanitizing executions is mindless!
Who thought of killing them with kindness?
Humanity, need to redefine justice and blindness
It’s sad! Humane mercy in the form of an alcohol pad
The executors leave a lot to be desired
It’s like they be pissing on a person, on fire
Why do they sterilize the needle? But in the RHU they won’t feed us
“Our society teach revenge killing is okay and our society expect murder to go away?”
I got 28 yrs in, my mind could be a little feeble
Because, I thought about flying needles and ask
myself, “why didn’t Noah just swat the two mosquitoes and save the world. From a lot of diseases!”
Why? When it come to death they sterilize the needle!
But in the RHU they won’t feed us
Another death penalty procedure?