Studying and struggling in spite of censorship
Just because the study group never got started [because of censorship problems in California prisons] it doesn’t mean that I’m not studying or learning anything. I repeatedly go over MTs and past study group questions and answers, constantly trying to see if there’s something I missed or didn’t quite comprehend the first, second or third time around. Right now I’m going over MT10 for the third time and I must say a lot more knowledge and information is jumping out at me this time around that before. I hope everyone else is doing the same.
Also, I constantly find myself arguing in the dayroom or on the yard, and it’s always about the same stuff. I just can’t stand hearing the bullshit that comes out of a lot of people’s mouths. Like, for example, if I hear someone talking about “our soldiers” over there in Iraq or wherever getting shot at or blow up. Fuck a pig! A pig is a pig is a pig! I quickly point out that they are not our soldiers, but our oppressors, or a fool of the oppressors. Unfortunately it always seems to be an uphill battle.
Also, the MT on the white proletariat certainly came in handy the other day. There’s this guy in here, one of many in here whom I like to argue with on a regular basis. I like blowing holes in his bourgeois theories. Not just that, but more importantly I want to help him understand the evils of capitalism and the science of self-criticism. I think the MT helped a lot.
Anyways, just letting you guys know that the struggle continues.