Struggle from Within
As I contemplate my situation, I
tend to be blinded by the darkness at
the end of the tunnel
No light, no hope, no future.
The only future I can see is the
life behind bars; under the thumb
of corrupt administrators. One man
against injustices that I see, fit for
no man.Everyone sees it, but doesn’t respond.
Just giving into their own destruction.
Not a fight in them. No struggle, no
sacrifices. Content in their situation.
Do me how you want to do me attitudes.
No progress, no future.
Free education. They don’t get it. Power
in numbers, they don’t use it. Unity, its
non-existent.We can’t let this discourage us. There is
light, there is hope. All it takes is a little
struggle, sacrifice, and unity.
Never underestimate your power.