Still I Rise
Still I Rise… not for myself but for my nation. I’m blinded by justice -n- deaf from oppression. All I hear is freedom, all I see is liberty…
Still I Rise… not for love but for equality. I’m armed for war -n- scarr’d from tragedies. All I feel is pain, all I see is shame…
Still I Rise… not for a reason but for a cause. A tongue sharp as a sword a heart as solid as a rock. I speak the truth -n- love every bit of it…
Still I Rise… no turning back when you motioning forward. Yesterday struggles is in the past but the memories of the pain still flow violently thru my veins.
The heart of Nat Turner, the tears of Corretta Scott King, the blood of every Ethiopian king -n- dreams of my fallen soldiers to let me know it’s never over because… Still I Rise