State of Shock
Here in the state of Tax-us, it’s very sad to say
To stand against the injust-us, you’ll never again see the light of day
Oh comrades, many say, but very few do
Years ago, I was lost like youSeeing what’s wrong, uniting to make it right,
Directing the masses, is a tedious plight
The system is large, it breeds all kinds of hate,
Rewarding the submissive who take the baitThe battle is not of our flesh, you’ll come to see
It’s to control your mind, re-programing who you’ll be
This place creates living dead, stealing your soul,
Defeating the dreams, as we lose sight of our goalsNow in the State of Shock, Tax-us classifies all STG the same
Weak minds are broken, who are we to blame?
Promoting racism, thru incognito ways
leaving us bewildered transfixed in a dazeComrades are betrayed by infiltrators who know our quest
You’ve gotta stay alert, there’s no time to rest
Use the opportunity to teach many, while you’re out there
Cause when you’re snitched out of population, you’ll breath stale Ad-Seg airBuried in concrete boxes, it will be years before you feel warm sunlight
High security isolation is designed to hinder our might.
Uniting now, will give us some kind of chance
So many become hypnotized, controlled in a tranceMen in these cells are hungry, defeated and cold
We have to endure, standing in solidarity ever so bold.
Humans with rights we struggle to be
Our fight is priceless, nothing is freeThis seems to be an outrageous price?
So the system squeezes tighter, we’re prisoners in their vice
Thousands are docile, sheep afraid to get more times
Duped into perceiving such is permitted, cause they’re here for a crime!It’s not too late comrades across Tax-us you need to believe
in unified strength cut the opposition off at the knee
“So they keep us warring on each other,”
But through peace, you’ll find I’m your comrade, not the other.