Snitches, agents of the oppressor
Whether you call it snitchin, rollin over, or throwin rat, there has been a trend take over of brothas and sistas alike cooperating with the oppressor. Now I don’t know why, but it seems to be a subject that many whisper about but few are willing to discuss. It’s nothing new, but due to the over-popularity of its recent trend, many people are falling victim to the reconstruction of its appearance. And something needs to be done.
Since the beginning of history there have been traitors, informers, and infiltrators, so I’m not looking for a magic potion that’ll eliminate the existence of snitching. I’m just looking for my revolutionary comrades to start (or put more effort in) educating each other on the existence of the snitch population, because it seems with so many falling victim to the traps of the oppressing agency, somebody somewhere failed to do so.
Snitchin ain’t cool, solid, or proper, no matter how one chooses to dress it up and define it. It shouldn’t be tolerated under any conditions or circumstances, whether you’re incarcerated, caught up in court on a beef that involved a rad or two with you havin nothing to do with the case, or on the streets under investigation for an involvement, or lies with a certain revolutionary struggle/movement. It is totally unacceptable for one to open up his or her mouth to volunteer his or her cooperation with the oppressor.
As a revolutionary comrade to the USW, I find it my duty to speak on the issue and address it with all my heart.
Here in California there’s been a trend of general population inmates turnin in there flags to the administrators for a life in the world of a P.C (peace of $hit) - Protective Custody. Now excuse the french, because I know there are a few celebs lie ’ol O.J. Simpson who reside in the system and have to be PC’ed up so they can keep the vultures off them. But I’m talking about the pieces of shit’s, the child molesters, rapists and informers for the government. Dudes who used to be part of the criminal lifestyle, but violated the script, and used the PC route for a scape goat.
These individuals are the ones who are the main reasons prisons all over Amerikkka are fucked up the way they are. If it weren’t for this population of individuals, the prison officials wouldn’t know half the things they know about the prisoner organizing tactics and strategies, helping them to better limit us of our much needed resources, cornering our struggle and section of the end to imprisonment movement.
California has what they call the sensitive need yard (SNY) program, and it is under the protective custody program. It seems that convicts (ex-convicts) of all ages are flocking to the wardens to be enrolled. The program is separated from the GP prisoners, but already it is more of them than it is of us. A common joke amongst the GP prisoners is that in a few years we’ll be the prison minority.
I can’t speak on the lifestyle of a PC because I’ve never been on that side of the fence, but I can speak on how the PC lifestyle messes up the lifestyle of the GP.
After a prisoner decides he wants to go rat, he must inform the faculty Sgt officer of his intentions and why. Once this is done the goon squad (institutional security unit or institutional gang investigator) will get at him to receive any information that can be given. Weapons, drugs, names of the politically active, etc. From what I hear, if the information is valid enough they sign him up as a confidential informant and use him to take down individual convicts or whole convict organizing groups.
This snitch then is provided with special needs: a TV or a cell phone, or whatever the guard has to spear with its budget, which makes him want to stay on his job and encourage others to join his Inmate Task Force.
With these individuals existing along with their selfless structure of thinking, the solid revolutionary must truely practice knowing what they deal with, and the ways they deal with them. Back in the mid-sixties the convict element knew of no PC or Sensitive Needs Yards. Dudes got their paperwork checked at the front door, and if he/she had smut on their jacket, it would either be cleaned up or dealt with accordingly.
Now days you ask a dude for his/her ID, and he’s bound to call the pigs. I’m supposed to be surrounded by these group of individuals claiming to be incarcerated for murdering a pig, but really be down for molesting a little girl or something. Something I’m totally against, and believe deserves capital punishment right along with the blooming snitch trend.
Informants are being placed on the main lines nationwide comrades, watch yo self and who you surround yourself with. The oppressor has become more aggressive in his/her campaign to destroy communism in Amerikkka (the U.$. to be exact) by putting eyes on the party’s people even more so.
Those who are educated behind these walls are a threat to the prison officials and their puppeteers, because we can educate those who aren’t. We are the political cadres for the movement to end oppression and imprisonment, and we must conduct ourselves as such. Safe guard yourself for there will always be eyes on you, whether it’s the mailroom or Bush and his telecom eavesdroppers.
The snitcin game isn’t to be played by a true revolutionary, for it’s everything that we as communists are against. It’s the game that destroyed the Gang of Four in China, the Bolsheviks in Russia, and Huey P. Newton and the Panthers here in the U.$. Prison rads must safeguard themselves, watch what you say, where you say it, when you say it, how you say it, and who you say it to.
Power to the People.
MIM(Prisons) responds:
This comrade makes some important points
about security for our comrades behind bars. We do take issue with one
point in his article: MIM(Prisons) does not make a distinction between
prisoners based on the crimes for which they were convicted. We know
that it is easy enough to convict a Black man for rape of a white womyn,
and that coerced sex goes on in marriages, relationships and families,
every day. Because sex under the patriarchy is inherently unequal we
don’t condemn those convicted of rape as somehow inferior to other
prisoners. Instead we struggle with all prisoners to see the error of
committing crimes against the people, and encourage them to take up the
revolutionary struggle.
We also don’t support capital punishment for anyone under imperialism because the capitalists use the death penalty to further their political agenda. We know that it may be necessary under a dictatorship of the proletariat, but we strive to avoid taking lives that could be turned into productive revolutionary citizens.