Sept 9 hunger strike in California wins cleaner unit
For Sept. 9 this year my comrades and I are organizing a
hunger strike to make the pigs start cleaning our unit. We live in a
controlled unit that doesn’t allow porters, leaving the lceaning up to
the pigs or custodians. But they never do it so we are forced to live in
9/10/2015 update:
Update on my Sept. 9 hunger strike. The pigs
conceded and cleaned the unit.
On top of that I had 15 copies made of the grievance campaign petition and had two comrades join me in flooding thelisted offices with them. I provided the postage for them all since they are stingy with the indigent envelopes here. I also led a small group in which we went over the history and importance of September 9 and enlightened a few who were unaware of the struggle. I broke my fast at midnight a few minutes ago so now I’m going to spend some time in contemplation and get some zzz’s.