Redirect the Gangster Mentality
A quick thought on the topic in ULK 68, overcoming the gangsta mentality. I’ll say first that like most of U this topic and the well-written articles by all the contributing comrades was very personal and thought-provoking to me. Reason being, I entered imprisonment 8 cycles ago as a 20-years-old die-hard gang-banga. I was ignorant to the brutal truths of the world and basically I was lost in the sauce. In all the ways imaginable I dedicated and sacrificed self for the “turf,” Naybahood,” and my “cuzzins.”
At 21 I blew trial, narrowly missed Texas’s legal murder machine (death row), yet wasn’t so lucky to miss the alphabets (LWOP). Initially while in prison I went on mental auto-pilot. Physically existing yet emotionally dead. I continued to build my reputation by further acts of self-destructive behavior until I was quickly placed in administrative segregation (Ad-Seg).
It was here where I initiated my journey and courses of auto-didactic education. Through constant trial and error, learning, practicing, and relearning I’ve matured and with maturity and education (direction) I’ve learned to redirect the gangster mentality towards more productive revolutionary actions. The education acted as a fan to the fire that had been simmering. Understand, every gangster, or criminal, is a rebel to some extent. However a committed revolutionary is a notch above simple rebellion. This is why juvenile facilities and prisons are breeding grounds for radical revolutionary potential.
Like comrade and beloved ancestor George Jackson said, “That’s the principal contradiction of monopoly capital’s oppressive contract. The system produces outlaws.” The so-called “criminal” is by nature a rebel and an outlaw, yet generally this type of individual lacks the direction and vision that should be provided by a vanguard group. However, this particular type of persyn is highly susceptible to internalizing revolutionary concepts and when/if this persyn ever commits themselves to the cause of the community of the world they will be a productive weapon for revolution.
It is for this exact reason why one should not attempt to “overcome” the “gangster” mentality. Instead redirect that mentality. Remaining disciplined will be a struggle yet the strong will carry on. It is no wonder nor coincidence that during the history of the inner-city survival groups within black colonies each has had a period of political consciousness. This occurred while many damus and rip-ridaz were held kkkaptive by the police state. One may note such consciousness taking form and awakening and more politicized formation(s). Gangster Disciples elevate to Growth and Development and there are many other examples. One must encourage would-be comrades to elevate the formation that is already dear to them by taking the communist road. As the comrade Pili expressed “I realized how my varrio will always be my varrio, my homies always my homies … But to liberate Aztlán it will take more than being a rebel.”(1)
The message to the lumpen should be to mold themselves through political education into the highest functionality of their persyn, and become the guiding light to elevate their org, nationhood, etc. through active revolutionary tactics. This road has worked for me persynally in my own journey as well as during teaching moments. A rev doesn’t have to be a saint nor priest. A rev need only to possess an amount of awareness and conviction accompanied by the knowledge to pursue the most productive means to victory.
Gratitude to all the ancestors, present comrades, politikal prisoners and any and all who’ve ever sacrificed to further the reality of liberation. Peace and respect to u all from I ur comrade in struggle.