Redefining Violence
If you can’t criticize a country without being hunted down for ten years and shot to death, along with innocent wimmin and children, in your own living room eating shish kabob. If you can’t criticize a pig for putting too much pressure on your neck with his knee, as you lie face down, unarmed on cement, without being shot to death in the back. If you can’t speak up about your countries military terrorism without being exterminated in the process. It’s violence!
If you can’t write essays on the internet without being refused parole for doing so. Even though the families of dead captives, who were killed by solitary violence, are helped by your essays and remembrances. Even if that speaking up lessens further future suicides because the most violent, abusive pigs were removed. To be punished for this. It’s violence for stopping violence.
Yet it’s me being punished for being violent in this damn solitary cage. Even though I’ve never been violent.
I’ve never starved children to death by economic sanctions. I’ve never fired on an unarmed tied individual as he lay on his stomach on cement, or sat lashed fighting to a wooden chair. I’ve never pepper sprayed anyone. Nor have I dragged anyone anywhere and shot them to death. This hand has never injected people with poison, without their consent.
A lot of people call me worthless and crazy but you don’t see me tracking them down and shooting them, and their wives and children, over leftover steaming bowls of kebab.
Did you see the celebrations for Osama Bin Laden’s family’s murder? Have you watched fat, drunken people exit a firing squad execution giving high fives and cheers for witnessing a murder? Have you ever watched 500,000 children starve to death because of your country’s economy sanctions?
What about 15 million children starving to death worldwide annually because Amerikkkan capitalism/imperialism chooses to destroy excess grains and throw out the piles upon piles of MacDonald’s fast food that’s partially overcooked? Destroy food because no one will buy it. Can’t buy it because they don’t even know what money is.
You can’t steal Third World resources and teach those in the Third World economics at the same time. But missionaries do a fine job teaching “the meek shall inherit the earth,” as that very earth is stolen from under the bishops’ students feet.
You can’t destroy millions of captives and teach revolutionary politics and high self-esteem at the same time. Psychiatrists work perfect by teaching “you are inferior beings who lack what these pills provide.” As these pigs turn us inferior.
Let us fear perfect solutions to imaginary problems as this is an age old formula for genocide. And let the oppressed unite as one and intimidate back! After all, it is us in the majority with history on our side.