Punished and unable to appeal
I am writing to let you know about what’s happening up in Salinas Valley State Penitentiary here in sunny Cali.
As you all know, we have a budget problem here. All the police are half staffed and close to minimum wage. And pissed. I have recently had a few run ins with the investigation squad (ISU) and always manage to piss em off.
Since then I have been put on a nothing coming status. I cannot seem to get any mail at all. My house gets tossed on a regular basis and they leave everything such a mess it’s hard to tell just what they took. Sometimes it takes days to figure out that little things are really gone.
I have recently filed a grievance regarding incoming publications and was reimbursed for two magazine issues. I also wrote the company about the missing issues with the response that four would be resent. This was three months ago. How the hell do they lose four magazines twice?
We have some serious issues with the appeal process here. Sometimes they just don’t return our shit so we can’t file a repeat appeal to exhaust the grievance process. I recently filed a medical appeal about Hep C and the lady that did the first level interview told me “hey they have it written here on the informal that you were referred to the clinic but I checked your file and there is no record of it.” I made sure this lady put that down as her findings. I never received the disposition (the 602). I later tried to file a subsequent appeal. They said “it had already been exhausted.” what bullshit!
MIM(Prisons) responds: this story of repression and censorship is all too common in Amerikan prisons. This letter underscores the importance of prisoners who are subscribed to ULK writing to us regularly to tell us what mail you received from us. This helps us to track censorship and then take on coordinated legal battles.